Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 175: Parting. Reunion

There is no real beginning in the gambling of big men and profiteers.

Because, in the next moment, the old John was shot and flew out, and after hitting the enchantment wall, he slowly slipped down.


The big man, the profiteer, looked at Ye Qi, who had not received the boxing, and they could see that Ye Qi’s appearance was also somewhat overwhelmed.

\"Cough, cough, licking this punch, my heart is much more comfortable!\"

With a light cough, Old John groaned at his swollen gang and gave a burst of laughter.

\"The sick guy!\"

The profiteer squinted at the face, and the pair did not dare to agree. The big man scratched his head with a thick voice and followed a smirk.

\"Teacher, are you okay?\"

Ye Qi walked with a bitter smile and helped his teacher.

Before the two sides touched each other, Ye Qi suddenly found his teacher, attacking him with his bare hands.

In fact, this kind of battle is not the first time.

When Ye Qi just finished the training of the demon hunter, almost every other day or two, I have to come here once.

Therefore, Ye Qi did not care.

Almost subconscious counterattack.

As for dodge and not attack?

In the memory situation, I told Ye Qi very clearly. He can only hide more than two punches. Although there is no real harm, it will definitely hurt.

However, just after Ye Qi’s punch, Old John suddenly stopped.

Then, Ye Qi’s fist hit her old face without any stagnation.

Although Ye Qi did not use all his strength, but what is certain is that it must be very painful - in fact, anyone who sees the old John's swollen face can feel such pain.

However, Old John himself is as if he is unconscious, sitting there and laughing.

\"Jian Sheng adults. Will there be anything?\"

Even the honest big man, at this time, there was something wrong with it - because, in the eyes of the old John who laughed, there was a flash of water, and the big man would never be wrong.

\"The rest of the things, give them! We still avoid it better!\"

When the profiteer said, he went to the edge of the enchantment. Without any movement, he passed through like this, as if the enchantment did not exist.

The big man is closely following, leaving the scope of the enchantment.


After the friend and the profiteer left, Ye Qi looked at the old John, who was laughing in tears in front of him, and whispered again.

And this time, Old John raised his head.

Love, sadness, memories, relatives...

Complex to the ultimate expression, appeared on the face of old John, looking at Ye Qi through that slightly heavy eyes.

Ye Qi stood still in silence, no sound.

Blood, mentoring.

The two have already been closely linked.

Even if you don't want to admit it, I am afraid it will be done -

Ye Qi recalled that when he opened his eyes, he saw the intimacy of the middle-aged man in front of him.

Old John feels that the moment has not yet calmed the blood, the mutual inheritance.

As the Juggernaut of Lorante, the most unruly dragon of Long Island, the old John who has no fear in the face of Shenshan, has some retreat and tension at this time.

Known as the Shack's Dragon, the Dragon Emperor of the Wizarding Dynasties, facing the gods, can slash the blade of Ye Qi. The same is a little nervous, and more is 尴尬.

Until now, Ye Qi did not think clearly, whether he frankly told.

Silence, continuing between the two.

In the end, Ye Qi bites his teeth -

\"Your mother. Are you remembering?\"

Old John spoke before Ye Qi, and he asked hard in a steady tone.

However, the whistling sound of the crying is enough to show the sadness of old John at this time.

\"Hmm...very clear!\"

Ye Qi looked at the teacher's face, the grief in his eyes, and finally. He took a deep breath, and he nodded slightly, acknowledging his identity.

Sometimes, frankness is more terrible.

Although, it has a noble name.

However, Ye Qi needs to take advantage of the other side - even if it seems naive.

However, Ye Qi still did this.

He stood there, telling everything in the first person by the angle of memory.

Old John sat there, listening quietly, the grief on his face became more and more intense, and finally, the tears could no longer stop flowing.

Silently crying.

After Ye Qi hesitated, he finally put his palm on the shoulder of his teacher -

\"It's passed!\"

Ye Qi is so comforting.

In fact, such words, in most of the time, are pale and powerless, but placed on the old John's body, but it is abnormally useful.

Because Ye Qi is now speaking as the other son.

\"I will resurrect her!\"

After the slight tremor of the body, Old John said this.

\"I am willing to do my part - the land of the dead, now my ‘land”!\"

.[,! Ye Qi nodded.

\"The land of the dead? No, no, she is not there!\"

Old John looked at Ye Qi with amazement, then shook his head and his face appeared again.

\"That is?\"

Ye Qi looked at himself and always worried about his face, could not help but ask.

In fact, he has seen his teacher's appearance more than once, and every time he looks like this, his teacher will always get drunk.

Once, he wanted to ask.

However, every time I will exchange for it.

And obviously, the opportunity is ripe now.

\"Do you know the mother tree?\"

Old John looked at Ye Qi and asked without hesitation.

\"Well, know...where is the mother?\"

Ye Qi nodded and asked with a touch of anger.

\"Yes, at the root of the mother tree, waiting for the next reincarnation - I tried to go there, but the entrance to the mother tree world was at the bottom, the ground behind the spider... the one I entered In an instant, she did not hesitate to ruin the entrance, so I could not start!"

Old John said desolately.

\"The root of the mother tree?\"

Compared with other. Ye Qi is obviously more concerned about this problem.

\"Your mother is from other planes, not a local resident of Lorante. After her death, she will definitely go to the final mother tree roots..."

Old John explained.

\"What are you going to do now?\"

Ye Qi asked again.

\"Complete the mission of the 'Seven Heroes'. Then, go to the underground world!\"

Old John said categorically.

\"Female tree?\"

Ye Qi whispered, then, smiled slightly: "I think we can go together... I also have something to solve - after completing our mission!"


The enchantment was eliminated after about half an hour.

Looking at Ye Qi and Lao John who came out, the profiteers smiled and greeted them -

\"The father and son have reunited? Hey, John, don't tell me, you are crying!!\"

The profiteer seems to have found something unreasonable, and shouted loudly.

\"go away!\"

Old John unknowingly lifted his foot and slammed into the **** of the profiteer. The latter, shouting ‘killing the dead, killing the man’, hurriedly ran toward Ye Qi.

Such a scene has been staged more than once in the 'Lao Bar'.

And each time, Ye Qi appeared as a scapegoat.

However, this time...


Relaxed, Ye Qi firmly grasped the shoulders of the profiteer, and then, the old John's sole, kicked on the **** of the profiteer.

\"How can I do this? Ye Qi, how can you do this to me? Do you forget who cares for you in the middle?"

The profiteer who stole a foot, as if he had not felt it. He looked at Ye Qi so slyly, then pulled out a square squash and wiped the tears that did not exist in the corner of his eye.

\"When we first met, I had reached the height of your chest... So, please don’t fool me with such words--and. 163 gold that you cheated from me before. Putton, I want to give it back to me; no, I have to follow your interest... You need to give me 66,215 Kimpton, and see what you have taken care of for me. I will touch you to the last fraction - now. You need to give me 66,210 Kimpton!\"

Ye Qixian made a wink at the big man, and then said very seriously.

\"Ye, are you kidding?\"

The profiteer sneaked, then, he asked.

\"What do you think?\"

Ye Qi reveals a cold face that resembles a stranger.

The profiteer turned around without hesitation, and then slammed into the chest of the big man -


In the dull sound, the profiteers retreated several steps.

When he wants to run again, he has been stopped by Ye Qi from behind.

Subconscious, the profiteer looked at his friends, but when he saw the old John shrugged his shoulders and turned around, he did not expect his friends to shoot.

Running, under the front and back folder, can't run at all.

As for 'resistance'?

Let's not say that the big man behind him is like a monster. Just the strength of the front leaf is slightly displayed, let him know that he is definitely not an opponent.

\"Ye, I used to care for you?\"

The profiteers who can't run, but can't beat, started to play emotional cards.

\"Of course, my first time, the second time, the third time... until I left the Tallinn area, the tasks I received from you, you deducted one-third of my reward, and then, A quarter of the price higher than the market price, give me weapons, equipment supplies - how can I look at such things?"

Ye Qi said with a smile, and the hands that were facing each other gave a sound of ‘咔咔’.

In the next moment, the screams of the profiteers became one after another.

Ps 颓 绝对 will never tell you, eat maltose today~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the sea, tur.[,! ]tle0920200 starting point of the reward, the loss of the heart of the 100 heart of the starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~

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