Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 179: Touch of ‘destiny’

In the sky, because of the existence of the horror whirlpool, the gray days are more and more low and oppressive.

And Abigail seemed to be a long sword to open the sky and unsheathed.

The magical light of the magic was transformed in a very special way. Then, Abigail split into nine, and then separated again, a total of nine hundred and eighty-one figures, stacked in layers, like a phantom, the whole sky They are all covered in their own momentum.

Abigail is best at sputum.

This is well known.

However, the scene in front of us is obviously out of the scope of martial arts.

After all, the nine hundred and eighty-one figure is completely Abigail's own breath, and even the strength has not weakened by one point, all are immortal!

"how is this possible?!"

The fascinating laughter of the ‘light’ that was restored again was not stunned, and it was shocked by the scene.

He widened his eyes, opened his mouth, and his face was unbelievable.

The surrounding emperors were also surprised. The gluttonous emperor scratched his head and whispered: "Sure enough, success!"


The explosion began to appear in the sky.

There is no attack, just the breath that causes space to linger, and then, it has its own phenomenon.

After all, this is the existence of eighty-one immortal levels, and at the same time, the fighting power is fully open.

"Come out! I have waited for you for a long time!"

Abigail, who blocked the entire sky, shouted coldly.

The eighty-one screams of immortality are like thundering and screaming. Going in all directions. The transparent ripples that are brought up. Just like the previous explosion, it began to make a deafening buzzing sound in the sky, and then the gray sky turned black.

The sky under the crystal wall was shattered by hard life.

The appearance of the astral world began to emerge.

At the same time, there is still a figure that is revealed.

This is a figure that can't see the appearance of the appearance, the gender is not clear, and the natural deity of Lorante. The inexplicable light shrouded the whole body of ta.

Moreover, it is different from the light of Lord's own god.

The ray of ta is more profound and cannot be peeped.

The weakest alchemist and potion, the two wizarding emperors, just looked at each other and felt the pain of both eyes.

However, they did not remove their gaze.

Instead, they widened their eyes and stared at them there.

Because they wait for this moment, it is really too long.


Abigail asked coldly.

"It seems that I have underestimated you..."

Can not distinguish between men and women. But the slightly dull sound sounded.

"No, no, how can you underestimate it? We want to determine and find you. But it costs more than you think!"

Abigail laughed and took a strange smile.

It is as if the child has found the ultimate beloved toy.

“How did you discover my existence? I should be 'invisible and indifferent'!”

The figure that could not be seen clearly, such a question.

"Of course, of course, you really should be 'invisible and no phase', if it is not Hull... We will never find your existence after all, the death of your majesty, we can still be an accident, but, Hull’s words ...Do you think these guys can really hurt Hull?"

Abigail’s tone became cold and squatting, and the wizarding emperor’s nickname for the ‘Greater’ Delpa.

And his gaze is filled with the killing of the monks.

However, Abigail did not act immediately, he said word by word.

"It's like a pile of wool, I found the death of the thread, and let us start a new guess. After all, except for the 'sun', the rest of these guys, I don't think they have What can I resist..."


"Get out!"

The humiliation of ‘light’ was so unacceptable, and immediately rushed to Abigail, who apparently wanted to prove himself.

However, with Abigail's anger and anger.


The body of ‘light’ is like a rotten watermelon that has been crushed, and it bursts instantly.

Although, the next moment, in the figure that could not be seen clearly, the other party returned to normal, but the ‘light’ looked at Abigail’s eyes, but it changed.

Fear, no stagnation appeared in his eyes and face.

"You, you... reached that realm?!"

In the alarming voice, ‘light’ has retreated.

Obviously worried about being stared again by Abigail.

However, it is clear that this ‘light’ is a bit too much

At this moment, Abigail has thoroughly focused on the guy who killed his most admired ‘Great Emperor’ Delpa and Yi Shi’s friend.

The layer of blockade, he obviously wants to smash the other side!

"So, is this a trap?"

The figure that could not be seen clearly, such a question.

"No, not, just want a test. I want to see if my guess is accurate. After all, they..." said Abigail’s figure and glanced at the wizard emperors behind him. Only slowly said: "They still have a little doubt that you are indeed 'invisible and no phase', so that the greatest people of these wizarding dynasties doubt their own guess... and fortunately, I am old The guy has stubbornness beyond imagination... and hatred!"

"Stubbornness, hatred... are vain. Before ‘fate,’ everything is vain!”

The figure that could not be seen clearly said slowly.

"Oh, let's try it!"

Abigail sneered.

Then, suddenly attacked

In the eighty-one figure, the magical aura that has long been ready to go. The entire sky was drowned in an instant. The crystal wall that shivered. It is beginning to break apart.

"Rules, can't change!"

‘Fate’ looked at the broken crystal wall and raised his hand.

Suddenly, this crystal wall became more and more solid.

And ta stood in the same place, let Abigail's attack fall on the body of ta.

However, those attacks seem to be hitting the empty space, straight through the body of ta, disappeared without a trace.

“‘Destiny’ is eternal!”

This figure said faintly.

"It’s just a ghost... If ‘fate’ is eternal, I won’t be here. I should be with you, Hull, and you will be killed!”

Abigail said with a sneer.

"The fish that slips through the net, there is always Delpa, Hugh is, you... too!"

The voice of ‘fate’ has not changed in the slightest, so it’s so faint, as if it’s a factual statement.

"So, your ‘destiny’ will obliterate our fish that slip through the net?”

The sarcasm on Abigail’s face was even stronger.

“‘Destiny’ must be eternal!”

‘Fate’ said, then, raised his own palm.

Suddenly. Abigail’s avatars began to disappear one by one.

Abigail is ignoring the innocence, and he is allowed to do what he wants. In his hands, or ... accurately, in the hands of his body, an inexplicable force is still brewing.

That is a force beyond the scope of magic.

Similar to the law.

But it has a different feeling.

Then Abigail's whole body changed again, and it was even bigger and incalculable.

"This is inspired by you, I changed my form..."

Abigail rips off his wizard's robes, and suddenly, that one-third of the metal, one-third of the crystal, and one-third of the wood, plus the remaining one-half of the meat. It looks like everyone is in sight.

"Abigail really did this?!"

The wizarding emperors were amazed.

Obviously, they are not clear about Abigail’s transformation of himself.

"‘Counter!’ I call my current appearance, I want to reverse ‘destiny’!”

Abigail said meticulously.


‘Fate’ said, once again, raise your hand.

However, this time, nothing happened.

Everything is as usual.

"Is it funny?"

Abigail asked, and then his semi-crystal arm pointed to ‘fate.’


Slightly, it seems to be a general sound of insects, appearing at the fingertips.

Then there is no slightest process.


In the muffled sound, the body of ‘fate’ was shot like this.

boom! boom! boom!

Then, as if it were a squash hit in the air, the whole figure of ‘fate’ began to fly.

Except for the wizarding emperor who blocked the whirlpool, the remaining wizarding emperors looked up.

And the ‘light’ is a dull face.

Obviously, in his current state, he still didn't figure out what happened.

"It's amazing!"

‘Fate’ can’t tell the difference between men and women, and some dull sounds.

Followed by...


When the voice just fell,'s whole body burst like this.

"Do you think you can escape?"

Abigail sneered.

“Escape? ‘Fate’ is unavoidable!”

The body of ‘destiny’ began to condense in another sky, as if it were foggy, and when the figure of ta was still condensed, Abigail’s attack rushed again.


It is such a finger.

However, this time ‘fate’ is unscathed.

Ps went out in the afternoon, and came back late... everyone forgives it~~~

Thanks to the prodigal sons wandering around the sea, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, and the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart.~~~ Decadence again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~To be continued...

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