Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 187: Broken ‘destiny’

Hey, hey!

It was as if the electric saw was pointed at the steel bar. When the long sword in the hands of the old John fell on the ‘fate,’ the whole enchantment made such a sound. Fiction. .

“‘Destiny’ is fearless of anything...”

Just like the punch of a big man before, the sword at the moment once again shuts down ‘destiny’.

A small gap, appeared on the body of ta, and then expanded infinitely -

‘Fate’ is divided into two!

"Oh, it’s not ‘destiny’, it’s just a direct use of the body to block the guy’s blade... oh, it’s really courage!”

In successive sighs, the tone of the profiteers is full of sarcasm.

For the friend's smashing sword, he is really clear.

Even, in those days, in order to crack the curse above, he studied all the curses that could be collected, but it still has no effect.

That ‘breaking sword’ seems to be suddenly appearing on Lorante.

It’s different from any of the plots on the Lord’s curse, even with a hint of clue.

Fortunately, in the ruins, they found the lost scabbard.

Otherwise, even if his good friend John is of a special constitution, he can only be tortured to death.

And for the first time, the face of ‘destiny’ appeared.

Surprised, puzzled.

Then, such a look will become more and more intense.

Because ta's body once again turned into pieces, began to blend into the big man's body.

It seems that it is the real destination.

And ta is just a ‘hosting’!

how is this possible!

The heart of ‘destiny’. Once again raised doubts.

then. Ta once again concealed his figure with [The Silk of Destiny] - in fact. The same disappeared before.

The kind of world that can exist in ta is invisible to other creatures.


"Want to escape?"

Old John sneered, and the sword that was full of ‘failure’ was waved at this level.



A little silence for a moment, then, the explosion suddenly appeared, just concealed 'destiny'. Straight by the world made up of [the silk of destiny].

On the body, there are countless tiny wounds.

From these wounds, more debris began to be used and integrated into the body of the big man.


‘Fate’ stood up and wanted to continue to squat something, but the greet ta was a flash of light and the corpse was separated.

Then, more debris began to emerge from the body and merged into the body of the big man.

but. Old John stood there, staring at him. When his gaze finally came to that point, it was already separated from the plane.

"Do you think you can run off?"

The murderous words were unrecognized from the mouth of the old John, and a fierce illusion behind him was quickly condensing.

Huge golden body, dragon head, sharp dragon scales.

Anyone who knows the existence of Jinlong will be stunned, and the changes that follow will be shocked--

The illusion continues to change.

The first, second, third, and fourth imaginary shadows began to appear slowly around the original dragon head, and the momentum that prevailed in the world was once again elevated.

As if it was a danger, ‘destiny’ was concealed again, and both hands waved.

The sinful black began to smash a layer of shackles in front of the old John, with the will to swallow and smash everything, and rushed to the old John.


The low voice burst out from the throat of old John, but it was a stranger.

It is not a change, but the voice becomes low and tyrannical.


The blackness of silence was instantly shattered.

At the same time, a scabbard appeared in front of the sword of the catastrophe.

The sword of ‘failure’ is once again sheathed.

Old John was shocked, and the murderous disappeared quickly. The slightly lazy familiarity began to appear again--

"Oh... I was back again?"

Old John smiled and looked at his good friend.

"Well, and, more powerful than before - it should be oppressive... The scabbard's suppression of the sword itself makes it suddenly released. It seems that we still can't be numb... It's really trouble!" The face was dignified and nodded. Then I looked at the big man on the side. I couldn’t help but start to simplify and said: "It’s like the tap of the rubber tube. You twisted the tap, but the one end of the rubber tube. And what will happen in the end?"


The big man said hesitantly.

The profiteer on the side nodded.

"If I don't want to explode, I need to give it water from time to time..."

Old John is a bitter smile.

"But it's getting tired?"

The big man's face hesitated, with deep fear, but the next moment he was jumped up by the profiteer, and he knocked on the back of his head. "Do you think that I have studied so many curses for what? Happy, play? ?"

Suddenly, the big man smiled at the back of his head.

"Right, what happened to your previous situation... seems to be consuming the guy?"

The profiteer asked.

"I am a bit unclear, but it seems to be!"

After the big man scratched his head and thought for a moment, he nodded after confirming.

"Is there any change?"

The profiteer asked in a hurry.

Although the situation at the time did not seem to put the so-called 'destiny' in the eye, Ward was well aware that if there were no old friends around him and this was a stupid big man, encounter such a The opponent, he is definitely how far away, how to fight. He is not an opponent at all.

therefore. He definitely doesn't mind that his companions are a little stronger.

"It seems... like..."

"What seems like?"

The profiteers have been urging.

"Like. Let me be a little... hungry, hungry!"

Speaking of this answer, the big man is a little shy and bowed his head, but this is definitely his most real feeling - he is really a little hungry, even after less than three hours ago, he ate twenty The same is true for a person's dinner.

"Barrel! Meal!"

A profiteer, then. Shouting again and again, never looking back at the big man, straight to the enchantment built by ‘fate.’

After reaching out for a slight touch, suddenly, a small door was opened on the enchantment.

That's right, it's ‘open’!

The overall structure of the enchantment was not destroyed, and it still existed as it was, but a door appeared on it, as if it were a room: the door opened, but the room still existed.

Of course. People are naturally free to come and go.

However, when the three left the enchantment. Everything that appeared in front of me, but the three of them -

The killing has already begun.

However, it is supposed to fall into the breeze, retreat from the knot, and even have a snow-covered grand prince who is in danger of destroying it. At this moment, it has taken advantage.


Old John said softly, the profiteers and big men on the side were stunned.

"So, didn't we have anything? Go, have a drink, how?"

The profiteers are lazy.

"hold on!"

Old John was quite interested in seeing his old friends. However, only the remaining exercises in his heart made him choose to stay in the same place. After all, the relationship between Xueye Dagong and Ye Qi’s unclear is that he is needed. Take care of.

"So, stupid big..."

The profiteer turned his head and just wanted to say something to the big man.

However, he did not say a word when he saw the big man staring at the image on the battlefield.

"Cut, two guys, it seems like how lazy I am!"

The profiteer raised his hand and made a snap, the table, the chair, the red wine, the snack, and suddenly appeared in front of him, sitting in the chair, and he did not say good at the wine glass.


The enemy forces in the mountains and plains are enough to make the Snowy Nights understand that under such circumstances, it is impossible for the two thousand people she led to win.

In terms of quantity, the gap is more than ten times, and there is not much difference in quality, which is enough to make people desperate.

The emergence of the witch square also dispelled her thoughts of returning to the snow night fortress.

After all, even if there is, there is no way to avoid extinction. Even, only the civilians of Snow Night Fort will be dragged into this battle.

"Da Gong, you go first... go to the floating city and go to the dragons!"

The chief of the guards squatted on one knee and asked for the road.

"Here is returned to us!"

The militia leader who has been slightly silent has been decisive.

"I can not……"

Snowy night, the public refused subconsciously, she could never abandon her subordinates to escape; but the words were only half, she suddenly remembered the scene when she was separated from Ye Qi -

‘Blow it when it’s dangerous! ’

Instinctive, the Snowy Night Grandmaster [war horn] took it out.

"This is calling, you will come to save me, right?"

On the snowy night, Dagong touched the horn in his hand and whispered to himself, with a gentle face on his face.

And not far away, the young aristocratic wizard came out -

"The decaying dynasty must be reborn in the flames. If you are willing to swear to serve me, I can give you this opportunity..."

Through the power of spells, such sounds spread throughout the battlefield.

Suddenly, the people on the side of the snowy night, they all drunk.

The word 'serving' is definitely not as simple as it seems.

"Hey ants, don't you listen to your master's words?"

The young wizards and aristocrats did not care about those who drank, but on the contrary some were proud, and what seemed to appear in his mind.

So that his face began to flush, shortness of breath ~ After all, the beauty of the snowy night, in the wizarding dynasty is well-known.

"Remember, there is only one chance, I can give you a quarter of an hour to test..."

However, the words of the young aristocratic sorcerer have not been finished yet, and the heavy, long horn sounded suddenly and interrupted the other’s words.


Hey, hey!

Hey, hey, hey!

Ps body is like a cow's decadence, and the resurrection is still a little weak, but it feels far away from the bridge.

Hey, celebrate ~ celebrate ~ beef pot ~ beef pot ~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, and the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart~~~ Decadence again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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