Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 21 Chapter 206: Trace III

"I am sorry!"

The young man sincerely apologized to Ye Qi, his face has helplessness. "Because I am the eldest son, my father is very strict with me. As an eldest son, you must inherit the surname and territory of the emerald. You still need to learn." All of these things - and this time, after the adult ceremony, the only time to get a holiday..."

It was almost a bitter water, and Schitznick sat on the deck like this and said Ye Qi. . uS.

The guards originally wanted to stop such unruly movements; however, when the ship was started again, they thought that they could return to the jade collar and save more effort, and they would no longer stop.

Even the look and feel of Ye Qi is better.

Of course, limited to ordinary guards, the head of the guard is still dissatisfied with Ye Qi.

Ye Qi clearly felt this kind of gaze, but he did not pay much attention to it - a star-level existence, not worthy of Ye Qi's excessive attention.

Even if the current body does not have 'attack power', he can crush this level of opponents at will.

After all, countless experiences have allowed Ye Qi to know what to do.

Therefore, in the next half hour, Ye Qi listened to the young people’s confession in silence. For a person who thinks about other things in his mind, becoming a confidant is obviously a breeze. of.

However, Schietz Nick, who didn’t know these at all, had some good feelings for Ye Qi again.

"Joe, where are you going?"

Since talking to himself, young people have saved their respect.

"A city built entirely of huge stones. Prosperous, solemn!"

Ye Qi describes what he saw. Simultaneously. The situation in memory was drawn on the deck.

"This is a **** city!"

The young man just looked at the sketch and said straight.

"Shencheng? Can you tell me?"

Ye Qi said this.

"of course!"

The young man immediately spoke up incessantly -

The **** city is the abbreviation of the city of gods. It has been in Gothic for two hundred years. Two hundred years ago, the gods defeated the demons and expelled the gods and built the city of God overnight.

It is made up of countless temples. Was worshipped by countless believers.

"If you want to enter the city of the gods, you must be the most devout believer, or have the status of a nobleman?"

Ye Qi asked with a frown.

"Well, this is the rule of the **** city, two hundred years ago, that is the case; although... in a sense, the aristocracy itself is a believer - such as my surname: emerald; it is from the **** of gems, honored as the sculptor The Il Spirit is one of the gods of the **** of the earth!"

The young man explained.

Suddenly, Ye Qi was silent.

In his current state, it is obviously not suitable for the new gods of Gothicz to teach and rise. At the same time, a horror is also from the heart of Ye Qi -

"A 'weak and deceivable' outsider is absolutely popular...and according to Amon. It should have just completed the alternation of the new **** and the natural deity - two hundred years, definitely not available The word 'just' is described, and, I don’t seem to feel the oppression of different crystal walls..."

Almost subconscious, he wants to contact Amon.

However, the other party has become unvoiced - the power of the contract has not disappeared, Ye Qi can clearly perceive, but can not contact each other.

Even a familiar wave is being 'spreading' on the contract.

“This is ‘time’?!”

Ye Qi frowned.

He found that he seemed to be in big trouble.

"From Lorante to Goethez, although it takes time, it is impossible to use it for two hundred years, or even two days....Where is the problem? Is it the blood of my own time dragon? Or because of life. The seed of the tree? Or is it..."

Countless questions have appeared in Ye Qi’s mind.

However, in the midst of chaos, none of them can be recognized by him.

The clue is too little.

Less, even he himself is not sure what the reason is.

The only thing that is certain is that he once again crossed the time.

"Joe, what's wrong with you? Your face is hard to see!"

The young man looked at Ye Qi, who was not in the right face, and asked again and again.

"Nothing, I just didn't think it would be such a trouble to enter the city..."

Ye Qi found such a reason.

"You want to go to the city of God? Give it to me!"

After the young man got a glimpse, he was excited. He said again: "I have not used up this holiday yet. If I go to the city, my father will not say anything. After all, there is more safety than the sea! ”

The voice of the young people has nothing to hide, almost shouting out.

The same young people around you can hear clearly.

Those guards are also.

Suddenly, in the cheers of young people, all the guards looked at Ye Qi’s eyes and became more and more unwell – at least, the good feelings that had just risen before were gone.

After all, starting from the jade collar and going to the city of God, it is definitely not a short journey.

Even with the help of the Temple of Gems, it takes two weeks, or even longer.

In the meantime, these guards naturally need labor and labor – and no one is willing to do the “work” that was not their own!

Undoubtedly, for these guards, Ye Qi’s ‘God City’ is an extra ‘live’.

Therefore, every guard's face is not good.

Contrary to these guards, the young people cheered loudly -

"Shencheng, I haven’t been there for two years, and I don’t know if there is any change!”

"There will definitely be changes, and the city of God is changing all the time!"

"I only visited once when I was baptized when I was a child... I really look forward to it!"


The voices of young people ringed one after another.

Ye Qi, who sat on the side, learned more about the city from such a conversation.

First of all. The city of God follows the ownership of the temple. Can be roughly divided into three major forces. With the ‘the sun’ ‘the land’ and the ‘the sea’, the three are led by the gods who are called the Lord God, and then the branches are all from God.

For example: 'Sun', here not only represents 'light', 'sky', but even controls the night outside the day, the 'moon' is also subject to the sun, the 'wind' should have reached the level of the main **** Obeying the 'sun'; therefore. Among the three main gods, the power of the 'sun' is the greatest.

Therefore, in Gothic and Lorante.

The ‘the sun’ has the title of the king of gods.

Secondly, the power of the new **** here has been developed in an extraordinary way - every moment human beings are born, they will carry out the 'baptism' of identifying talents.

A gifted baby will be picked up by the family and the family's worship temple for the next step.

If you have the talent to become a priest, you will become a devout priest.

If the talent is not enough, he will return home at the age of ten.

not enough. Although it is a knockout, it has received considerable education and training. It will still be a rare talent - most of the nobility will make such a child a heir.

As for becoming a clergyman?

That would be better, just pick another heir, and the family will be as stable as the mountains in a few decades.

Just like the Schitz Nick family.

His uncle, a priest of the Temple of Gems, will therefore be renamed the Jade Collar. In addition to the grateful name of the gods, more is to announce his own extraordinaryness to the surrounding.

This is definitely a very honorable thing.

Therefore, after Schitznick’s father inherited the title, the entire territory was thriving.

Of course, it was also the childhood of the tragedy of Schitznick.

Without any talent, he relied on his uncle's relationship, and he was forced into the temple, and the recipient was educated and trained. When he was about ten years old, he returned to the family and began to accept the teachings of his father.

For six years, there was no rest at all.

This time, the adult ceremony is also the only holiday for Schitznick.

"Compared with the high spirit of one's own gods, the new gods are more close to the mortal, and, more importantly, to cultivate believers - the kind of talented people, from the time of birth to adulthood, stay in the temple, their faith, loyalty, It is almost imaginable; even those who are eliminated will have a very strong belief, because their identity and status are derived from this... plus some noble practices, it will make the status of the temple change. It’s very different, almost everyone wants to enter it – using the inferiority of human beings to gain the power of faith... Is it a new **** of human beings?

Ye Qi, who knows the truth, shrugged a little.

He knows the practices of these new gods, but this does not mean that he is going to intervene.

After all, he is just an outsider.

Moreover, it is still a 'power reduction', facing more troubled outsiders.

Now, he only needs to find the whereabouts of the female cavalry chief and the snowy night, and then find a solution to the immediate situation.

Of course, I want to do this.

He must restore his strength, and from the situation in front of him -

This still takes a long time.

"I want to solve the immediate I need to restore my strength, and it takes a long time to restore strength, but I don't have more time now..."

Almost inexplicable, Ye Qi fell into a misunderstanding.

When the ps was decadent and full, he took his own dog to go swaying, and then, the rate of returning along the way was quite high -

‘I’m going, what a dog is! ’

‘Look at the guy who is fat, the dog is also! ’


Such words along the way are endless!

Saying, you want to say quietly, just lower the sound, I can hear it clearly! ! !

Angry, squatting table...

Thanks to the prodigal sons floating in the sea, the reward of the starting price of the turtle0920200~~~ Decadence again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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