Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 21 Chapter 215: Trace XII

Lordemond accepted the invitation of the moon goddess priest and thanked Ye Qi for that.

"Joe, you are my most sincere friend!"

Before Lodmond was gone, he said, even, he hugged Ye Qi’s shoulders hard. This is an extraordinary affection for the priests of the Temple of Poetry.

Later, Lordemond showed more extraordinary enthusiasm to the priest of the moon goddess.

To be precise, if Lorde has a tail, then it must have swayed at the moment.

"Love is always blind!"

With such a sigh, Ye Qi returned to his side.

Although foreseeing the disasters of Lordemont, Ye Qi removed a sigh and there was no excessive solution.

After all, he hasn't said anything in detail, and Lordemont can't wait.

"Wish you good luck!"

After Ye Qi said this silently, he returned to the room again.

In the days that followed, Ye Qi did not leave his room. The three meals were sent by the deacon of the temple. He has been slowly improving his strength with the 'Echo of the Echo.'

Because, Ye Qi found that changes in his physical strength will affect the body of the second law.

"It should be that my body is the body of the law, and then it will have such an influence..."

After a simple experiment, Ye Qi had such a guess.

On the basis of such speculation, Ye Qi naturally can't wait to increase his own strength.

At least, when the degree of moonlight is reached, the speed of Ye Qi's second law is almost a hundred times faster, and the second law that is about to be completed has been completely completed.

but. Ye Qi’s own strength has not recovered—although he feels the existence of that powerful force within the body of the second law.

"What is missing?"

Ye Qi thought subconsciously, then. Start by analyzing each of these steps.

Under such analysis, time has passed.

When the deacon is responsible for the three meals of Ye Qi. When I told Ye Qi that the moon celebration began, Ye Qi was surprised to find that the time was already five weeks later.

“Everyone will go to the square and you should relax too!”

The deacon said this.

In the eyes of this deacon, Ye Qi is a role that seems to be an ascetic – doing countless things every day with efforts beyond his limits.

At least, some fable stories that have appeared recently have made him feel admired.

That is a story that he could not think of in his life.


There is already a clue to Ye Qi. Straight nodded, and then replaced the priest's robes of the Hall of Poetry with the deacon to walk out of the hall of poetry.

The golden city of God, a little more silver tonight - represents the moon.

In fact, except for the three main gods, only the celebration of the moon goddess can obtain such a privilege, because this is the qualifier of the ‘the sun’.

It is a kind of praise to my wife.

The birthdays of the rest of the gods are only in their own temples. Completed by believers.

"It’s so lively!"

The deacon looked at the crowd of people, so admired, and then. With a cheering expression, I temporarily bid farewell to Ye Qi and ran to a certain gathering place - in fact, Ye Qi can clearly distinguish, the other party will remind him because of this gathering.

Otherwise, serving his deacon can't leave him.

Of course, Ye Qi, who has a clear heart. It is not against such a thing.

After all, the other person is doing well enough in the daily routine.

Ye Qi walked slowly with the people around him. For the first time, I looked at the city of God from an independent perspective.

Abundant, peaceful...

All such descriptions can be placed in the city of God at the moment. Whether it is the smiles of the people around you, the moonlight that begins to fall in the sky, and the looming music, people are so relaxed.

All the food that can be seen on Goethez is also presented at this moment.

Place it on two long tables that are thousands of feet long.

Once some food is gone, there will be a noble waiter who is one level lower than the deacon. Come and remove the plate and carry more food instead.

Ye Qi’s hand holds a string of roast meat like a loofah, and tastes the sweet flesh of it – with honey on it, Ye Qi is so sure.

Then, pick up an empty cup and go to the fountain in front of the three statues, picking up a cup of clear, scented liquid.

It is not a drink, but it is sweet and delicious.

After drinking two more cups, Ye Qi put the cup aside, picked up a piece of white bread and dipped it in another pot filled with broth, and then walked around and ate slowly around the three main statues. Watching.

‘Sun’ ‘The Earth’ ‘The Sea’, the three statues are backed by their backs, leaving a fairly spacious place in the middle.

A small palace is built here.

Usually only the priests of the three main temples can enter here.

However, at the time of the moon celebration, it was also developed outside. After Ye Qi stepped into it, he found that it was a dance hall.

They are surrounded by people who are dressed up.

Ye Qi even saw Lourdes and the priestess of the Moon Temple. However, the two did not see Ye Qi. They were surrounded by a bunch of men and women, talking and laughing.

Among them are priests and nobles.

I looked around and looked at myself again, especially with a loaf of broth in my hand. Ye Qi was quite self-aware and turned away from the hall.

And after just stepping down the hall, Ye Qi, who is going to continue to walk outside, heard some screams that are out of place with today’s atmosphere.

"You guy! Do you know how much this coat is? I just customized it for the dance of the Luna celebration..."

A sharp voice screamed again and again.

"Yes, sorry..."

Another voice, weak and inaudible.

"You slave, do you think that you can insult me ​​like this in the temple? I am looking for your priest theory!"

That sharp voice is not unreasonable.

Wrinkled his brow, Ye Qi instinctively walked there - here is the direction to the nobility area, a lot of gorgeous people, is here. Enter the temple area.

However, there are also many people who have stopped. Look at the good show in front of you.

After Ye Qi just glanced at it, he saw the situation in front of him -

A plainly dressed girl. Just touching his eyes, he was obviously scared to cry.

In front of her, it is a woman with a heavy makeup, the thick makeup, except for white, only the red of the mouth...

Ye Qi did not see a trace of beauty.

And next to this woman, Ye Qi saw a familiar person.

工具的西哥哥哥 business

This time his arm. Was held by the woman, her expression was indifferent, and her eyes were full of disdain.

"Do you know who this gentleman is by me? It is the Tos family..."

"What is the Tos family?"

Ye Qi smiled and walked slowly into the crowd, asking for a clear voice.

"Who are you, actually...the priests?"

The woman subconsciously looked for someone who interrupted her words, but when she saw Ye Qi, especially the priest suit, the woman immediately changed her words.

On the side of Tiger's is a change in his face.

"Priest priest!"

Tiger Toth salutes greetings, the expression on his face with a touch of hardship and embarrassment.

"Your female companion is really ugly. And is the Tos family famous? Need our temple to express our incompetence, or... surrender?"

Ye Qi asked with a smile.

"Don't dare! Never dare! I have no relationship with this woman!"

Said while. Tiger Toss quickly pulled out his arm and shouted his relationship loudly. He knew what he would face if he spoke.

In fact, because of his brother and the things in front of Ye Qi, several temples are already full of him.

If it wasn't for his own ground and Ye Qi in front of him, he had already been expelled.

but. Even so.

At the moon celebration, he could not find a suitable partner. The gods and aristocrats are more than one who knows how to protect themselves, and they are far away from him.

And in this case. He had to find a partner outside the city of God -

The eldest daughter of a nobleman in a place.

Good looks, bloodlines are also decent, and most importantly, this will allow him to lose face.

However, he is now, but he hates his decision.

"What do you tell me about these things?"

Ye Qi shrugged her shoulders and walked toward the plain-dressed girl. The other side’s cloaked side had the symbol of the ‘the sun’ temple—but it was not a deacon, not even a priest.

It's just the lowest-level slave, a little stronger than the slave.

"Is it okay?"

Ye Qi asked the other person like this. The girl looked up, her eyes were red, and there was obvious bruising on her cheeks. Ye Qi’s brow wrinkled and then quickly spread out. He said softly: “I have encountered this. Kind of thing, you don't need to blame yourself, just apologize... But if you apologize, you need to be separated - some people don't have to!

The girl seems to understand Ye Qi.

"You are now returning to the Temple of the Sun, telling the truth here to the priest on duty, and letting him see the scars on your face... everything will be over!"

Ye Qi said with a smile.


The girl asked with a sly feeling Really, I can help you testify when necessary! ”

Ye Qi definitely nodded.

Suddenly, the next person Taige Tos was shaking like a sieve, and the woman on the side obviously found something wrong.

One is the servant of the temple, and the other is the priest of the temple.

If the two are pursued, it is definitely not a result!

Ps afternoon drink two pounds of yogurt... I feel cool in my stomach...

The outside is shaving four or five levels of north wind, then, covering the quilt, saying nothing wants to start...

Thanks to the prodigal sons floating in the sea, the starting price of turtle0920200, the starting point of the rewards~~~ decadent again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~To be continued

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