Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

: : Fireworks are brilliant

There is still a day in the midsummer night, and Landingburg has already fallen into the early carnival. [顶][点]小说.3w.m

A float of a car has already appeared on the streets of Langburg.

The crowds who lived in the trip filled the remaining streets.

The laughter and the laughter are endless.

The same is true of the ‘Devil’s Not Cry’ bar near the center of Langburg, and the ‘Devil’ head shot by neon appears on the signboard of the bar.

Red red teeth, sharp corners.

Some are different from the traditional understanding of the devils of the Lord, but people do not care too much, picking up.

Excluding the joy of the festival has attracted most of the attention of the people, more because of the bar owner, Mr. Ye’s family is highly respected here.

The mayor and city councillors of Landingburg are the guests here.

Especially after seeing the high-ranking big men, after the respectful appearance here, even the guy who can't control his mouth knows to shut up.

"Hurry up! Dante, hurry!"

In the crisp female voice, a little girl of seven or eight years old ran out of the bar in a white dress, and she ran back and shouted loudly as the ropes in her hand began to pull hard.

In that vigorous pull, in the bar door, a smaller, only four or five-year-old boy, reluctantly walked out.

The black brow is locked, and the tender face has a strong refusal. If it is not the rope on the waist that makes him involuntarily, he will never come out.

"Dante, you are slow!"

The little girl squeezed the little boy's cheek hard. This is said.

"Yebei. Don't pinch my face! And my name is Ye Long. Not called Dante!"

The little boy retorted loudly.

However, in the face of absolute force, his resistance was obviously useless, and he was easily subdued by the little girl.

"Dante, I am your sister, you dare to start with your sister, I am really, really... too happy! Come, let's play a game. Have a good fight!",

The little girl trembled all over, and then suddenly burst into a cheer.


Known as Dante, the boy who wrote Ye Long licked his mouth and stopped talking.

If he can play, he will never be so silent. From the age of one, he was slammed three times by his sister one day. It is clear that the strength of the two sides is wide.

at least. In adulthood, he didn't want to win his sister.

Half dragon and half god. There is also a trace of mortal blood, although he was superb at birth, but his sister is the same, and the blood of the witch, the remarkable effect on women, made him feel helpless.

The ability to see all the attacks made Ye Long not know how many times he could not resist.

Nearly the same blood, ability, one side blinks, one side seems to predict the future.

Such a battle can only be called slinging.

It’s not a description, but a real hang--the ropes made by Yuehua are **** and dropped on the beam of the house. Then, the whip formed by the fire of the sun is whipped.

Although it won't hurt, it will definitely hurt.

Of course, more is that Ye Long feels that his self-esteem has been seriously hurt. After all, every time his sister does this, it is in front of parents, uncles, and uncles.

However, those unscrupulous elders just watched and laughed, and no one stopped.

Especially his mother, even always cheering his sister.

If it is not the memory of inheritance, confirm that he is the other's own, Ye Long absolutely believes that he was brought back.

"Maniac? You dare to call your sister like this!"

Ye Bei said loudly, the young, white hands were caught by Ye Long.

Suddenly, there was a trace of embarrassment around the two.

Time, the sun and the moon, almost instantaneously will touch the entire Brandenburg from the map of Lorante.

At this moment, a pair of powerful hands were placed on the two children.


Looking at the familiar face, the two children shouted with joy.

"Come, let Grandpa hold!"

The old John carrying the sword smiled and hugged the two children. He kissed the left side and kissed the right side. The profiteer on the side looked at the scene with a twitching look.

He obviously does not want to pay attention to his friends in this state.

However, when Ye Bei extended his hands and asked him to hug.

The profiteer immediately took over Ye Bei, and at the same time, took out the gift that had already been prepared.

A tiny, glassy ball.

Inside the bead, a castle-like building is as looming as a mist.

"Oh, this is the gift that Grand Ward promised you - the castle of the deepest lord of the abyss!"

The profit of the profiteers, especially when I saw Ye Bei’s surprise eyes, was even more smug.

"You are just a deep edge, not the deepest!"

Old John unwittingly debunked his good friend, and then a huge angle like a goat's horn appeared in his hand, and the treasure was placed in the arms of his grandson. "This is the king of a hell." The corner, I was pulled down, how about we build a long sword?"

"it is good!"

Ye Long nodded and smiled like that.

For Ye Long, books and weapons are always the favorite.

"Yebei, Ye Long, don't you forget what you are going to do?"

A soft female voice rang, and the more dignified and elegant chameleon Yu Ting walked out of the bar.


The two children also called, and then picked up their gifts and quickly ran towards the other side of the street.


Old John and the profiteer watched the two children disappear into the street completely, and then turned to look at the chameleon.

"Ye Qi and everyone are waiting for you to come back!"

The chameleon said with a chuckle.

"Kuch and Pedernange are also?"

Old John's face has changed.

Some things have come to a successful conclusion, but some things are still tangled.

For example: Old John, Kutcher and Pedernange.

Even Ye Qi is helping out. There is no satisfactory solution.

Emotional things. It's always so complicated. No?


Knowing the situation, the chameleon nodded with a smile.

The face changed again and again. Old John didn't have the calmness before. He bit his teeth and turned and wanted to go, but he was blocked by his friends.

"Hey, are you going to escape?"

The profiteer looked at Old John with a smirk.

"I just forgot to bring something!"

Old John took a lame excuse.

"Ye, everything is here... even if it doesn't. It can be found soon!"

The profiteer usually pulls the friend's arm and drags it to the bar, while the chameleon on the side is smiling.

Older people always need some steps.

Even if I really want to think about it, I can’t say it.

At this time, someone needs to push one - the chameleon is naturally inappropriate, but as a good friend of old John, it is naturally appropriate.

Old John was pulled closer to the bar.

The demon-hunters who sat on the ground floor rose up and greeted the legend.

The second floor of the wizard emperor, the six towers. Then sent a smile.

Obviously, they are waiting for a good show - in fact. This has become a fixed program over the years.

Of course, you need to do something right after you finish it.


Ye Qilang, who sat in the main position, said.

The years did not leave a trace on his body, as did the wives around him, but the female cavalry chief still had a hint of anger, and from time to time, he looked at him.

Until now, she has no children.

In this regard, privately, Ye Qiqi loses laughter and asks for mercy.

At this time, nature is turning a blind eye – it can be foreseen, and then it needs to be doubled.

"The guy in 'order', what happened to be happy - ta and the 'order' of another mother tree war... We can relax for a while, then, quietly watching this battle... I am looking forward to Ta, what is the only remaining seed, what can it look like!"

Ye Qi said like this.

Some examples will report on the appearance.

And in essence, it is the same - every year before midsummer night, there will be such a regular meeting.

Not only Ye Qi, the wizards, the goddess, the gods of Lorante, and all the people who traveled in the void, will speak their own income.

"There are several mother trees around, the 'order' are kept calm, and they are not willing to participate in everything. Even if the enemy outside the domain appears, as long as there is no invasion of the site, they will always sit still. !"

The shallow singer is a god, but he speaks in the form of a servant.

"Hey, those guys should have died!"

Abigail was cold.

“The ‘order’ is not all useless... but we should focus on the enemy outside the domain!”

‘Great Emperor’ Delpa laughed.

"The enemies I have had a clue, they came for this!"

Ye Qiyi waved, and the slate fragments appeared in his hands.

Suddenly, the people around him were quiet, and they waited quietly for Ye Qi’s next words.

As for this slate?

They have already known the specific functions.

It was Ye Qi who told him calmly, just like the origin of Ye Qi himself.

In this regard, people are surprised and relieved.

However, everything is not important, isn't it?

Because Ye Qi is Ye Qi.

"These slate pieces are from outside the domain. They came here to find these slate - at least, I now know the whereabouts of the remaining holders!"

Ye Qi said with a smile.

"Are you ready to unite them?"

Old John looked at his disciple.

"No, no, I am going to give them, I can take a break for a while, I will not waste my holiday!"

Ye Qi waved his hand and said with a smile.

The people around me nodded in understanding.

It is not easy to deal with the seeds of 'order'. Although it is only less than ten years in the past, according to the point of Ye Qi’s own shuttle time, it lasts for tens of thousands of years.

In such a long time, Ye Qi did not have a moment to rest.

"Have you contacted them?"

Old John continued to ask.

"Not yet! However, I will help them as much as possible!"

Ye Qi said frankly, then, shrugging his shoulders: "But their growth is very fast, maybe soon, they will contact me actively. Maybe, this time, will this be the case?" What about our food and drinks? After eating enough grassy food, I miss the food of Lorante!"

Suddenly, it was another burst of laughter.

The banquet began, from morning to afternoon, to night.



In the loud air whistle, a red fireworks bloomed in the night sky.

Then there is gold, silver, green...

Colorful fireworks adorned the night sky.

Ye Bei and Ye Long looked at the fireworks in the sky and made a burst of cheers.

Ye Qi walked over and picked up the two children, and the wives behind them quietly followed them -

Their family stood on the three-story terrace did not pay attention to the following banquet.

Just look at the fireworks bloom like this.

Except for the hilarity of the two children, the adults did not speak.

However, it is a smile.

Feel the feelings of each other, touch the faint body temperature, make the smile even more embarrassing!

This is the most desirable life!

(End of the book)

Ps is over... It’s a little uncomfortable when you’re relieved...

In the evening, decadence should write a final testimony, and tell everyone that there is no marginal word.

Thanks to the madman big bag 1888x2 starting point of the reward, ◤ ghostwalker ◢ 1000 starting point of the reward, the sea of ​​wandering prodigal son, turtle0920200 starting point of the reward, the starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brother Sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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