Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 8 Chapter 8: warm

Chapter VIII Warmth (two in one chapter)

Compared with the cold and humid climate of Randburg, the summer seasons of Shack are warm, but the hot climate is not hot, but Ye Qi feels comfortable; especially when the noon sun shines on the body, Ye Qi is more comfortable. The eyes narrowed up - even if there is a 21-year-old physique, but this does not prevent Ye Qi from enjoying the feeling of a comfortable environment; after a moment of bathing in the sun, Ye Qi’s eyes open and smile. A tight backpack, striding out of Shake’s train station and heading for the city.

Although he informed the headquarters to participate in the apostle's contest, Ye Qi did not expect anyone to come to pick him up; but the only female cavalry officer who would pick him up at Shak did not know that he had returned to Shaq. Thinking of the upcoming meeting with the female cavalry chief, Ye Qi’s heart is also warmer than Shake’s sunshine.

Of course, before going to see the female cavalry chief, Ye Qi still needs to go to a place.


According to the address in memory, Ye Qi, who was in downtown Shak, crossed several streets and quickly found the watch shop in front of him. After all, he had stayed at Shaq because of the apostle’s training. For nearly a year; although I can't guarantee that the entire Shaker is well-known, most of the places are familiar; especially the watch shop in front of it is still in downtown, which is very good for Ye Qi. .


When he heard the wind bells that were exactly the same as the mechanical town, and with the familiar signboard of the refined watch shop, Ye Qi couldn’t help but smile - although he only met with Dikais Colt once, getting along with him. Adding together is less than a week, but this does not prevent Ye Qi from respecting Dikais, even if the other party has always shown him a kind of stubborn and strict attitude.

"Dikes Master..."

As soon as he walked into the store, Ye Qi was ready to call Dikais in the past, but when he saw a figure in the store, he pressed Ye Qi’s greetings deeply back. What followed was a thick alert: a **** windbreaker, a silvery long hair, and a deep and evil appearance, especially the thick **** smell that makes Ye Qi feel depressed. Let Ye Qi subconsciously put his hand on the handle of the knives.

Alcatel looked at Ye Qi, who suddenly appeared in the store, with his unknown eyes shining in the tiny eyes. The **** blood that was originally hidden suddenly spurted out against Ye Qi - thick to the nose and mouth. With a thick **** smell, Ye Qi’s chest was constantly tumbling, without any hesitation, and Longwei, who had been suppressed, came out.


When Longwei appeared, the small watch shop seemed to hang a whirlwind. The original thick and thick **** smell was constantly weakening in this whirlwind. Alcatel, who has been squinting, feels martial arts. The Holy King made the sacred king will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the throne, and the lord of the world, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment of the big princes, the royal family will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the demon, the arrogant world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big empire, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night **** The Inscription of the King of the Kings is the most powerful and abandoning the Great Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty. The Emperor of the Kings will kill the gods and the gods. The throne will be the most powerful and abandon the dragons of the Zhou Dynasty. The surprise in the eyes is undisguised; however, it is almost instantaneous that this surprise becomes an interest, a kind of expectation that looks like a prey.


Very ordinary straight fist straight to the Ye Qi, when Ye Qi Heng knife blocked, this fist cleverly avoided the blocked scabbard and grabbed the throat of Ye Qi - facing this fast If the electric one catches, Ye Qi's upper body is leaning back, the left leg is bent, and the knees are licking on the other's wrist, and the originally curved left leg is like a scorpion's tail, spurting out and pointing at each other. The squat.

Although Ye Qi’s unarmed fighting did not reach proficiency, after learning from bartenders and other people, the unarmed fighting skills changed from the original 13 to the current 20; although it did not achieve qualitative change, its skill is undoubtedly much more powerful; The extremely solid foundation has become quite a rule after getting the guidance of the bartenders, and it has followed the habit of fighting in the battlefield of the bartenders.

However, this fierce foot has failed.

When Ye Qi’s toes were about to hit Alcatel’s squat, Alcatel’s whole person suddenly seemed to be like a moon in the water. The ripples that had swayed and disappeared, and they disappeared in front of Ye Qi.


Ye Qi exclaimed in a heart, but the action did not stop at all - with the actual experience, after a fall, the knives in the hands of Ye Qi suddenly squirted, and the four-foot blade turned into a cold mans.


After a short metal strike, Ye Qi did not jump off by the reaction force on the knives. Instead, his hands crossed the knife and the wrists turned hard; immediately the knives blocked the knives along the other side. The pistol is swept down - the speed of the opponent can leave a shadow in his eyes, which means that his dynamic vision has been unable to keep up with the speed of the other party; in the face of the speed of the other superman, only the speed limit of the other party , will have an extra chance of winning

Even if the joints of the wrists are contused under the reaction force, Ye Qi still chooses this kind of offensive method; after all, if the opponent is allowed to play the speed advantage, waiting for him is definitely defeated; Bloody, presumably the other party will not mind to kill one of the men's defeats - wrist injury, more than one odds of winning and defeating, Ye Qi certainly know which one to choose...

In the face of the knife coming from the head, Alcatel did not panic. Instead, there was a smile on his face. The left hand was still empty and there was a pistol again. The gunpoint pointed to Ye Qi’s eyebrow...


The sharp blade, the finger of the trigger, stopped in a sudden loud drink.

"Here is my site, without my permission, no one can do it here." Dikais glared at his principles, while wielding his fists hard, pointing to Alcatel and Ye Qi, shouted: "Bastard If you two **** don’t stop, don’t want to step into my shop again.”

Looking at Ye Qi, who had no slight movement, holding the knives, Alcatel took the lead in picking up the double guns and twisted his head and shrugged at Dikais: "In fact, I don't mind if you go to my castle."

"The devil will go to your castle." Dikais rushed to Alcatel's disdainful glimpse, and then waved his hand at Ye Qi, who was still on alert: "Okay, the kid is here, this guy won't do it again. Although this guy is a neuropathy, it is a principled neuropathy."

"It’s not a good habit to be a good person, it will make the insulted person angry..." Alcatel smiled and explained his feelings. The martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, and the sacred world. Abandoning the Little Zhou Emperor will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, arrogant, the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the gods, the gods, the throne, the enchanting world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the gods will Night killing the **** of the gods, the throne of the gods, and the arrogance of the world, the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty; and until then, Ye Qicai felt that the breath of his opponent has disappeared, and immediately returned to the front of the body and said hello: "Dikes Master, I haven't seen you for a long time."


Perhaps the drawings of several firearms reforms sent by Ye Qi have played a role. It can be seen that Di Kesi is very happy to see Ye Qi again, even if he has been squinting, but his mouth is looming when he nods. A smile.

"The gun has been fixed, you can leave." Dikesi put the two super large pistols that he had been holding in his hand on the counter and pushed it to Alcatel: "There is still 20% increase in the remaining reward. Warning If you start working in my store next time, I will never help you to repair any weapons."

In the face of Dikai's whispering roar, Alcatel turned his head and looked at Ye Qi: "very fierce knife"

After saying this sentence is like a compliment, Alcatel threw a purse on the counter and walked slowly and slowly. However, when he walked to the door of the shop, he suddenly turned his head and asked: " What is your name?"

"Ye Qi"

In the face of a powerful opponent, Ye Qi did not hesitate, and his voice clearly spoke out his name.

"Ye Qi? I look forward to seeing you next time."

Alcatel waved his hand at the store and walked out of the store.

"The madman" heard Alcatel's words, Dikais was a cold voice; then turned to look at Ye Qi, said: "I will see this madman immediately away from the distance, know?"

"Is he? The Secret Guard..."

Did not answer Di Kesi's Ye Qi, after Alcatel left, he whispered to himself - in the Hailin District, except for the three unfortunate members of the hidden guards who became his swords, others The members of the Guards, he was only a distant glimpse, and did not see the appearance of all the members of the other side, but Alcatel's red trench coat gave him a very familiar feeling, especially the heavy **** taste of the other party...

"It’s all the madman who knows only the battle." Looking at Ye Qi’s look, Dikai’s anxious mouth screamed loudly about Alcatel’s danger: “The guy is a big man of blood, and he’s murderous; In the dark ages, a country of Lorante was completely slaughtered by him alone. No one in the whole country could escape...."

Looking at the impetuous Dikais, Ye Qi did not have the slightest resentment, smiled and said: "Thank you."

“Thank you for your gratitude?” Dikais stunned and immediately turned his head: “I tell you, I am not specifically reminding you and telling you about Alcatel’s information. I’m just angry, I’m talking about it...”

"Of course, you just rushed to say goodbye..."

Ye Qi’s mouth was smiling and he repeated the words of Dikais.

"Bad boy, don't you laugh? Don't laugh"



If Shake’s downtown Ye Qi is still incomprehensible, then after entering the suburbs of Shaker, near the headquarters of the Demon Hunter, Ye Qi immediately became familiar with the road, especially the one that led to the Ranger’s camp. On the road, Ye Qi can walk to the destination with his eyes closed.

Ye Qi stood on a small hill overlooking the distance - in the green bushes, the blue-and-white horse's four-party battle flag fluttered high, and the 100-meter-wide camp was surrounded by a fence of solid wood and steel, more than three The hundred tents are distributed in an orderly manner throughout the camp.

Everything has not changed

Ye Qi looked at the busy look of the cavalry camp in the distance, and could not help but smile. From the communication with the female cavalry for half a month, he could feel the martial arts and the sacred king to make the night **** The throne seeks the devil, the world is the most powerful, the abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the royal family will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the most powerful The young Zhou Dynasty made the gods to kill the gods and the gods to seek the magic. The world’s most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty to the female cavalry commander injects a lot of effort into the front of the ranger’s camp, even reaching even his embarrassment. degree.

However, after seeing the prosperity of the entire Ranger Camp, Ye Qi’s heart was left with pride and pride – proud and proud of the efforts of the female cavalry chief.


Just as Ye Qihuai sighed with joy and walked quickly to the camp in the distance, a spoiled drink came suddenly. A team of twelve people wearing leather armor came out from the bushes on the roadside and appeared in the In front of him; Ye Qi immediately identified the team of the reserve cavalry. This is a group of reserve cavalry. In particular, Ye Qi is astonished by the 12-member reserve cavalry. All are girls who are about the same age as his disciples and may even be slightly smaller.

"Returning to here should not be a place for tourists."

The twelve girls are headed by a blond girl. The long blond hair is tied behind her head. It should have been a cute face. At this moment, she tries to show maturity and a sternness. However, this sternness appears in such a tender face. On the top, it looked extremely uncomfortable, so that Ye Qi, who looked at each other, couldn’t help but laugh.

"Laughter laughs" It is obvious that Ye Qi’s laughter has caused dissatisfaction with the blonde girl. After a slight burst of shackles, the blonde girl immediately said with a harsher tone than before: "Hurry to leave or we are polite"

Said, the blonde girl in order to show that she is not scaring Ye Qi, a short sword pulled out of the waist, the body sinks slightly, the tip of the sword slightly pointed to Ye Qi's chest - although the other party's expression has been extremely strict And the long sword in the hand is very sharp, and the tip of the sword is even sharper after being illuminated by the sun, but of course this will not scare Ye Qi.

In Ye Qi's view, although the posture of the other holding the sword is very accurate, but because of the age, the power is obviously insufficient, so that the other party can not accurately make the special posture of the spurs, can only make a slight change; And this change, let Ye Qi immediately look at the blond girl in front of her eyes - talent is not only expressed in ability, but also in his own understanding; like his disciple is showing enough talent in his ability, In the future, there is the potential to become a powerful apostle; the blond girl in front is obviously the latter one, with the savvy that ordinary people can hardly achieve, and any knowledge learned will become the most suitable skills for each other as the other side understands.

If there is no accident, she should be able to become a strong

After an evaluation of the blond girl in front of her heart, Ye Qi smiled and stepped back, posing for the twelve girls on alert.

"I don't have any hostility. I just came to see a good friend of mine." Ye Qi pointed to the windbreaker that represented the apostle of the Stars: "And don't you see the windbreaker I wear?"

"What windbreaker?" The blonde girl and the eleven girls behind her, after hearing Ye Qi’s words, immediately turned their attention to Ye Qi’s trench coat; and when twelve people saw the style of Ye Qi’s trench coat, they couldn’t help it. All the people gave a cry of surprise; the blonde girl who led the head immediately became cheeky, and picked up the short sword. I was embarrassed to look at Ye Qi: "You are an apostle... Who are you looking for?" ?"

"I am looking for Els". After Ye Qi reported the name of the female cavalry chief, the twelve people in front of him gave a low cry again; looking at the slightly incomprehensible reserve cavalry, Ye Qi could not help but ask Road: "You will not be the first time to patrol?"

Although the other party did not answer, but the expression on the other side's face has given the answer; immediately, Ye Qi could not help but sigh his "good luck" - the cavalry are trained from an early age, not only to learn martial arts, various Common sense, after becoming a reserve cavalry, complete some tasks and prepare to become a formal ranger.

Of course, the tasks completed by these reserve cavalry are naturally impossible to go anywhere; usually starting from the simplest training, until the team fights, which will also be mixed with wild survival and hunting; Ye Qi is also clear I remember that when the female cavalry officer mentioned to him that he completed the reserve cavalry mission with all the first results at the age of twelve, he even captured the appearance of a wild wolf in the hunting.

Now that he knew that the other party was the first time to leave the mission, Ye Qi immediately showed a generous attitude, forgive and assured the twelve people that they would never say their rash behavior; and Ye Qi’s move was immediately included. Twelve girls, including the blonde girl, had their names in Ye Qi.

"Lancelot?" After secretly recited the name of the blonde girl, Ye Qi waved goodbye to the twelve people: "Lancelot, Gao Wen, and everyone, I am very glad to meet you..."

The Ranger Camp is already in sight, and Ye Qi certainly does not need 12 people to guide him, and the 12 people who have not completed the task still need to continue their patrol mission; Ye Qike does not want to let twelve people for his sake. What became more bumpy on the way to become a formal cavalry in the future.

Compared with the reckless Lancelot and his party, the official rangers who guarded the camps are undoubtedly calm and sophisticated. After seeing the windbreaker covered by Ye Qi, they did not make any improper actions; especially When some people recognized who Ye Qi was, the entire Ranger camp was even more exclaimed.

In the eyes of the Rangers mixed with respect and fear, Ye Qi went straight to the familiar tent - looking at the tent in front of him, his mouth could not help but smile, and when he saw the familiar in the tent After the figure, this smile is even more brilliant.

"Els I am back"

In the sun, Ye Qi shouted softly.

PS is still going to the big chapter ~~~ decadent again thanks to the rewards of the nobles NG and the ghost soldiers' monthly tickets~~~颓 鞠躬 Thank you for your support and encouragement~~~



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