Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 8 Chapter 27: Episode

The twenty-seventh chapter of the episode

The end of the battle of the Apostles in the 16th, did not reduce the atmosphere of the entire battlefield, but it became more and more enthusiastic - because then they could appreciate the battle of the quarterfinals; of course, in order to be able to participate in the ten The six strong apostles had a full rest, and the time was set after half an hour; although half an hour was not much, it was enough for the special apostles.

However, before the break, there is one more thing that needs to be done by the apostles of the quarter-finals - draw lots and decide the draw of their opponents in the quarter-finals. Read the novel [\'\'] free text update! (read novel)

Looking at the eight people who went up to the draw, Job, Knife, Fendi, etc., Ye Qi’s eyes unconsciously brought expectations - the draw candidates in the quarter-finals were in the order of the top 16 That is to say, the top eight talents are qualified to choose their opponents.

As for Ye Qi?

As the lucky one who successfully advanced without a fight in the last round, he still has the qualification to draw lots, but he refused; he is not worried that Hesser’s gang will cause dissatisfaction, but he does not want to accept the other person’s feelings. - People's debts mixed with interests, Ye Qike does not want to go back and draw lots. This kind of thing is entirely determined by luck. If you can arbitrarily specify your opponent, you may be forced to fight in the chest because of Fendi's rumors. Yi Qi will also consider it; of course, it is only a simple consideration, accepting or not accepting is still subject to the circumstances.

Looking at the apostles and waiting apostles with expressions of expectation, excitement, jealousy, etc., when they saw an unimpressed star-level apostle who took out the number plate marked with his 329 number, Ye Qi, who was leaning against the ring. Slowly closed his eyes - he will definitely win in the coming battle, so even if the opponent is likely to be a general star-level apostle, he needs to adjust his state to meet the next battle in the best condition. .

There are not a few people who have the same ideas as Ye Qi. After learning about their opponents, Job, Swordsman and Fendi also studied Ye Qi’s look and closed their eyes – and watched the top eight. The audience of the game also closed their mouths very well at this time. Even if they needed to talk, they lowered their voices. After all, they didn't want to have a fabulous game that would eventually become uninteresting because of some off-site factors.

Of course, at some point, off-site factors are inevitable - on the streets of Shaq, Zhu En, the captain of the disciplinary knight, led the two disciplinary knights to be indifferent, tidy and straight. Zhu En is like a soldier who executes orders. Even the most prosperous and most desirable Shaker, he can't let his heart be a noisy crowd, so he has a dignified face on his face.

I definitely can't let that guy live anymore, otherwise...

Recalling the content recorded on the information from the presiding judge Constance, Zhu En is a shudder in the whole body - a country with more than three million people was actually slaughtered by one person, originally rich and beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter coat m country, overnight became a veritable dead city; even if only looked at the old extreme photo, Zhu En still able to get from black and white lines I feel the bloody, dead, and tyrannical

I will never allow such a thing to happen again.

The vows of guardianship rose from the heart, and the horror that was uploaded from the data was crushed. Zhun stepped forward firmly to the hand and asked for the place to go.

"Hey? The people of the Holy See?"

Wearing a tight-fitting cuff and showing the enchanting figure, Kaqiu saw the disciplinary knights who came across from each other, and immediately frowned. The Holy See and the Demon Hunter had the same enemy, but this is not Representing the harmony of the relationship between the two parties; the friction between the two is constant, even if the ordinary hunters have heard of it, not to mention the apostles like Kaqiu and the tower of the moon and night.

"Explain your intentions" on the outskirts of the desert, so that Kaqiu eventually evolved a long whip and stopped in front of the three Zhu En: "otherwise..."

The crispness between the long whip and the air strike clearly expresses the meaning of the words that Kaqiu has not finished. Zhu En condenses the indifferent brow, and the wrinkle is invisible, but when he thinks about the person to be dealt with, The dissatisfaction in his heart was immediately suppressed by him; Zhun owed a little, and tried to say in a kind tone: "We are coming to hunt down the evil Alcatel..."

"Alcatel?" After hearing the words of Zhu En, Kaqiu immediately changed his face and immediately turned and shouted: "Everyone is fast..."


The sound of Kaqiu has not yet fallen. A thick and disgusting **** smell rises from behind, and the blood is full of the space. Even the sky and the earth are completely blocked into blood.

"It’s a headache."

In the blood of the people who felt extremely suppressed, there was a soft whisper, and the long silver hair was very dazzling in the blood; the inanimate king - Alcatel smirked out a hand gently The Teddy's fist was blocked, while the other hand's wolf was on the Zaka's knife.

"I just came to the holiday break." Alcatel, who was hit by Zaka and Teddy, was not nervous. The whole person relaxed like afternoon tea: "I didn't want to provoke anyone, but why are there so many annoying flies? ?"

"Teddy, Zaka is careful, he is Alcatel"

The reminder that was interrupted by Alcatel's own momentum, after the repressed momentum was alleviated, Kaqiu immediately loudly reminded his companions.

The words of Kaqiu clearly caught the attention of Alcatel - a slight turn of the head, Alcatel with a smile looked at Kaqiu, but there was no coldness in the eyes...


The friction between the long knife and the wolf's muzzle brought a piece of Mars, and it also sounded the sour and harsh sound.

"Hey, when I am fighting, I can't distract myself." Zaka, who pressed the handle with both hands, said: "But it will be dead."

"You are going, let me go here..." Teddy shook his head and shouted around; but he was interrupted by Zaka before he finished: "Teddy, don't get in the way. This is my battle. I have to be serious. Have a good time, one-on-one"

After hesitated, Teddy jumped back and jumped with Kaqiu, knocking out three disciplinary knights, including Zhu En, and quickly retreating; not wanting to help, but they obeying their companions. Tacit understanding - trust

Since Zaka said that he should seriously play a game, and it is one-on-one; then they believe that Zaka, even if it is hidden in the side of Feribe is no exception; of course, as a partner, some things still have to Helping you to do things – for example, by the way, you have been clamoring for the evil sect of the Holy See...

"One-on-one?" The surprise in the heart made Alcatel look at Zaka for the first time, but the tone was already careless: "Although I don't want to ask, when you face me, don't you think you are too arrogant?" ”

"Of course, I don't just want to make a good fight." Zaka, with a smile on his face, greeted Alcatel and pressed the knife again: "No matter who is the opponent that makes me happy."


The wolf and the long knife intersected and sounded a crisp sound. Zaka borrowed a force to retreat backwards, his hands extended, and the long knife pointed to the distant Alcatel - the wolf with the wolf king, the head of a lone wolf Together, they formed a discolored wolf...

"Yes? Are you all good friends?" Alcatel nodded slightly, and the wolf twirled a gun and waved at Zaka: "So you let me have a good fight. Come on." ”


"Dead moon"



The knives steadily held the mace that the other party had smashed down - although it was only a star-level apostle, but the other's weapon surprised Ye Qi; the mace, this heavyweight weapon in the hunting The probability of using it is not high, although the power is large, but the bulky volume has become its fatal weakness; in order to more effectively kill dark creatures, most of the demon hunters like to use more powerful and do not affect themselves. A weapon of flexibility; such as a one-handed sword, a dagger, and the like; Ye Qi, like a mace, is only seen for the first time.

However, the surprise that the other party brought to Ye Qi because of the weapon did not last long; once again, the opponent’s attack was easily carried out, and Ye Qi’s heart began to be intolerant – the apostle contested by many viewers. It is a feeling that he has a monkey-like appearance; if it is not for the statue of the wolf and the female cavalry commander, he will not come at all; of course, now, one more need to win the championship to complete the task smoothly upgrade .

Is it just a simple explosive force?

Ye Qi looked at the opponent who had already started to breathe slightly. He couldn’t help but shook his head. Even if the other person came up, he waved his mace to launch a fierce attack, but he still found the other’s guilty conscience. As soon as the other party came up, he couldn’t wait to launch the explosive apostolic talent, and wanted to force him to collapse.

But unfortunately, the ability of the other party seems to be unsustainable. It is only after a short five seconds that the other party has already felt exhausted. Ye Qi’s body has turned around and cleverly avoided the other side’s top-down Hit, then lift the leg and gently lie on the other's lap...

“Is it so simple to win?”

"It's really a true That guy is even worse than us."


Ye Qi’s easy victory led to a good voice on the audience’s stage; of course, the embarrassment of the apprentices of this trainee – although it’s awkward, but it’s not suppressing the voice, but also deliberately increased the voice of the voice, naturally it’s not enough. Ye Qi's ears. In this regard, Ye Qi shrugged slightly, screaming at the giant Han who was giving him a loud applause, and slowly walked down the ring...

At this moment, a heavy and **** suffocation was outside the battlefield, and it flashed past

"this is?"

Ye Qi, who was originally indifferent, immediately widened his eyes and looked at the place where the momentum flashed past.

PS* funeral was finished, but then a lot of things came one after another. Decadence really wants to manage and can't do anything... Hey... Thanks again to Aijie's 300, Fengshou's 100, [Anonymous] 100, claud_ 100 and night feathers flying, 91193, Lai, ◇ _ 々 、, the desolation of the dragon's monthly ticket ~~~ 颓 鞠躬 鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~

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