Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 8 Chapter 38: 4 strong (below)

Chapter 38—The Fourth Strong (Part 2)

Compared to the relaxed face of Job, the knife but the face was disappointing - Ye Qi draws a lot of Fendi, and Job has drawn an unknown astrologer; although there is still Three people, but the apostles at the star-level level really made him uninterested; even if he wore a star-lit trench coat. (Reading novels)

The disappointing knifeman obviously did not have the interest of drawing lots, but he randomly took out the paper sign and handed it to the giant Han. After hearing the giant Han announced his opponent, he walked back to the original position - Ye Qi, Job After the swordsmen confirmed their opponents, the remaining two star-level apostles, lucky and unfortunately met together.

Fortunately: they have been spared the bad luck of being defeated by powerful opponents; unfortunately, the two of them will experience a lasting battle before they can decide the top four places, even in the In the four strong wars, they could not recover completely; of course, the two men who faced such three powerful opponents in the front also had the heart to attack the top three. However, in the fourth place, they are still inevitable, and they are facing each other. The two star-level apostles, the war in their eyes burned unconsciously


"Everyone, the duel of the top four is about to begin." The temporary guest host's giant is unprofessional, not only unable to mobilize the enthusiasm of the audience, but even the words are a bit embarrassing; but Ye Qi has been attracted to the show All the attention of the demon hunters, for the unprofessional of the giant Han, is very tolerant to give understanding; so that the giant Han can continue to use that sly tone to say: "In the end is the Shack's dragon flying into the sky, or the marsh The black bats in the area remain legendary, let us wait and see."

Who is the slogan who prepared me for the damn?

After finishing the opening speech, the red-faced giant ran back into the crowd as soon as he smoked a cigarette, and at the same time began to cursively cursing someone who gave him a line - aunt

Ferribe suddenly sneezed and licked his nose and licked his eyes and wrapped up with the mummified Zaka and Teddy. The heart secretly said: "Is it that Kaqiu swears at me in secret?"


Along the steps, Ye Qi walked slowly into the ring, and the crisp bells were swaying and loud under the breath of the hunting hunters. From the quarter-finals to the semi-finals, the rules of the game did not change, but the form appeared. Some minor changes, the most obvious is the simultaneous comparison from the eight battles of the battlefield to the temporary build of the moon-night tower; this is of course to allow more hunters to observe carefully. Appreciate every game that can already be regarded as a strong player; after all, there are still a few people who can observe eight rivals at the same time; and from the expression of the joy of the demon hunters, the move of the Hunter’s Headquarters Still very popular

Ye Qi, who stood on the ring, didn't look at his opponent for the first time, but swept to the bottom of the ring--when the armored female cavalry chief appeared in Ye Qi's eyes, he The smile of the corner of the mouth can’t stop spreading...

Come on

After touching Ye Qi’s gaze, the female cavalry commander immediately made a fist and directed at Ye Qi’s powerful stroke. The smiling Ye Qi nodded gently and cast a reassuring look at the female cavalry chief. Finally turned around and looked at Fendi; at this time Fendi not only did not have the slightest dissatisfaction, but the helplessness on his face was more than one.

Sure enough, it’s annoying.

Originally thinking about whether Ye Qi would not be merciful, he saw the female cavalry chief following Ye Qi’s gaze, and he knew that he was finished. Men, at some point, will explode with amazing strength. And because of the woman's sake, it definitely accounts for the majority.

"Let's get started?" Fendi, who is full of helplessness, still maintains the grace of seeing Ye Qichu at the beginning - the first two steps, looked up and asked Ye Qi; slightly nod, Ye Qi will be sheathed with a knives In the hands: "Come on"

Even if he has absolute confidence in his own strength, Ye Qi will certainly not despise any opponent. He will be fully committed to every battle. After all, the ship will be overturned in the gutter, and the strong will be defeated by the weak. People are relishing, but Ye Qi absolutely does not want to be the protagonist who is being discussed.

Fendi didn't take the prudent treatment of Ye Qiqi. Fendi, who had been completely released before the Shangtai stage, had no psychological burden, but did not have any psychological burden. After Ye Qi indicated that the test began, he immediately fell. I was rushed up; and Fendi, who had been fighting empty-handedly, finally showed his weapon at the moment: a machete

The bright blade has a dazzling curvature, and the whole knife is almost rounded; the short knife is obviously prepared for people with a certain special foundation - the moment of seeing this machete, the presence is large Some people know that without a certain amount of training, when the scimitar is waving, the first one will definitely not be your opponent.


The whole machete was quickly rotated in Fendi's hand, and the sharp edge of the machete was revealed at this moment. Even the wind pressure leaked by the rotating machete made some of the devils closest to the platform. Feeling stinging; but this is not the most attractive thing for Ye Qi - the other's body shape is the thing that really attracts Ye Qi.

Not very fast, but it has absolute dexterity, the feeling of always making an incredible turning under the rush, giving Ye Qi the feeling that the bats flying in the night are exactly the same when they encounter obstacles - Ye Qi Slightly sideways The sharply rotating machete rubbed his nose and passed; the empty right hand followed the side with the momentum, holding the fist hammer to Fendi's chest.

But before Ye Qi’s fist was hit, Fendi’s whole person turned to the side flexibly, and the scimitar in his hand was even cut off. Because of the punch, the whole figure paused, Ye Qi – although Ye Qi Just a twist on the body, I escaped the other side's blow; but Fendi's clever attack still immediately caused the screams of the demon hunters, of course, seeing the danger of the extreme Ye Qi, a lot of relationship with Ye Qi A nice person is exclaimed


"What kind of ghost is that guy doing?" Mila looked at Ye Qi on the ring, and she was extremely dissatisfied: "It’s not a good idea to finally pull out the knife and win as you did last time."

"This time the opponent is much stronger than the last opponent." Jesse dissatisfied and glanced at the friend who made a sound in such a wonderful game, but had to explain it to his friends - she is not like a friend. Wandering and missing the game she was most concerned about tonight; Jesse pointed to the platform: "And, that guy is obviously in the temptation stage, not only the apostle's talent, but even melee is just a sham attack, not at all The momentum seems to be very interested in his opponent."

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