Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 9 Chapter 6: Destination: Xia Lin District, Dude (below)

Chapter VI Destination: Xia Lin District, Dude (Part 2)

The entire Xia Lin is divided into two cities: Dude and Duo - both cities are highly developed industries; developed industries not only drive the rapid development of the two cities; but also the lives of the people living there. The speed is unknowingly fast; there is no such habit of taking a leisurely walk or enjoying afternoon tea. Anyone is in a hurry. Reading network)

Ye Qi, who walked out of Dude Station, took a taxi and handed the note with the address in his hand to the driver. He looked out of the window—developed industry and the city’s familiarity. The architectural style, which gave him a feeling of returning to his hometown.

Of course, the face of the pedestrians and the language remind him that this feeling is nothing but a pure illusion - Lorante with a different civilization, even in the most industrially developed Xia Lin District. It also ensures that in the case of industrial development, it avoids the situation of excessive pollution.

The fresh air spilled into the car from the window, and the surge of air caused a breeze, which made Ye Qi sigh unbearably - even if he understood that it was just an illusion, it still smothered the bottom of his heart. The roots are buried in the deepest heartstrings; but this is different from the cleaning air in the hometown, but it reminds him of where he is now and his new identity.

Sure enough, people can’t completely forget the past.

With this kind of sigh that I am no different from ordinary people, Ye Qi shouted at himself; however, it is clear that his self-deprecating movement and the previous sigh caused a misunderstanding of the driver - with Dude The unique enthusiasm of the big city, the driver showed a hearty smile to Ye Qi next to him.

"Are you going to the hotel to find a job?" The driver refers to the address written by Ye Qi in the past, and it is obvious that he used Ye Qi as a job seeker from the field to Dude; While driving the car, the driver explained the situation of the hotel for Ye Qi, trying to alleviate the anxiety of Ye Qi’s “job hunting”: “As far as I know, the hotel is very good, not only in terms of treatment, but also in employee satisfaction. Also the highest in the union, especially..."

Trade unions, the unique existence of Xia Lin District - a department belonging to the highest government specially opened for the benefit of workers; of course, the trade union is not a completely public welfare department; however, after you pay a certain fee, become a coworker inside. After the members, they will get the full help of the trade unions, not only in the absolute role of safeguarding their own interests, but also the workers to seek the next satisfactory job.

Therefore, most of the middle and bottom personnel working in Xia Lin District have joined the trade union department, and even the top executives of some large companies are members of the trade unions; and the large number of people bases the highest government that controls the trade unions into the Xia Lin District. The real masters are like the Shark in the Chunlin District, where the Hunter is headquartered, and the Holy Forest District where the Holy See is located.

Like the Demon Hunter Headquarters, Shack is considered to be imprisoned. The highest government’s control over Dude and Duo Brown is also completely controlled; at the very least, bid farewell to the enthusiastic driver, from the moment the taxi goes down, Ye I’ve noticed that someone is watching him.

Not slow response

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night-killing gods, the gods, the throne, the arrogant world, the nine-day, the strongest, the lesser, the big Zhou royals, at least three lines of sight from all around, Ye Qi smiled a little - there was no anger in his heart, because at the time of Shak, the Hunter's Headquarters did so for anyone with a different reputation from different forces, and in Dode and Brown, If it is not monitored, it is a strange thing, but it will make him more vigilant; after all, Ye Qi understands that his reputation is far from the point where humans and animals are harmless.

And because of this, Chameleon did not walk with him, just let him pick a temporary address; after all, walking with him is too conspicuous; people like chameleons are still hidden in the dark to play All the functions.

For this proposal, Ye Qi has no objection - staying with the chameleon for a long time, whether it is for him or the other party, is not something to be expected, it is better to separate as soon as possible, use the secret number and other means to contact.

As for whether the Supreme Government will find the chameleon through the hotel reservation, Ye Qi will not worry at all - although the choice of several hotels is a chameleon, but the final selection is him, that is, Ye Qiyi In his own name, he passed the hotel set up by the Demon Hunter Branch in Xia Lin; even if the highest government checked, the only thing found in the Xia Lin District was the Demon Hunter Branch.

Under the gaze of several lines of sight behind him, Ye Qi followed the waiter to the room that had been booked before. At the moment when the door was closed, Ye Qi noticed that several lines of sight that had been following him were isolated and disappeared. not see

After closing the eyes and using the perception given by the blind bucket, and carefully examining the surrounding fluctuations, Ye Qi disdainfully licked his mouth - although there was no one outside his door, but in the room diagonally opposite his room However, there are two non-weak fluctuations; obviously, the other party has just changed the way of surveillance, and even some hidden places in his room have been put on gadgets such as monitors.

Throwing the carry-on backpack on the bedside table, Ye Qi lay down straight on it and closed his eyes; since someone is watching the door, why not take a break before taking action?


"Captain, what is he doing?"

In the room opposite the Ye Qi diagonally, the two members of the Secret Service Combat Team wearing casual clothes are seriously staring at the picture on the display - Ye Qi suddenly fell asleep; apparently for an adult, there is no special good man In fact, it is not a pleasure to watch another man fall asleep; therefore, after the minute hand has been turned a half circle, the younger members of the special team members have been unable to hold their temper, whispering to the side. The captain asked.

"Of course it is sleeping."

The team leader of the secret service department responsible for monitoring Ye Qi is different from his team members. After reviewing the information about Ye Qi sent by the intelligence department before departure, he has regarded this ordinary surveillance task as the highest level. The battle mission is seen - the devil's blood, the devil's son, the sorcerer's sorcerer, the witch's lover, the sacred dragon and so on, all of which record the origins of these titles...

In particular, the battle with the inanimate king mentioned in the Shack's Dragon is even more shocking to the squad leader of the highest level of the Secret Service. The inanimate king has done something for him. Level people already have the right to read.

A country with more than three million people was actually slaughtered by one of them. The country that was originally rich and beautiful, became a veritable dead city overnight, and able to become a veritable dead city. What kind of existence is there against Ye Qi, who exists like this?

Unknown is fear, but sometimes knowing too much is also not a good thing.

Moretti looked at the ignorant team members, and could not help but sigh in the bottom of his heart; then continued to focus on the display; the team members on the side looked at Moretti and opened his mouth. In the end, nothing was said - even if his captain showed his kindness since he entered the squad, there was never a serious expression on his face; but he was selected from countless people, and he had an elite title, of course not. I think his captain is really like a good man, just like a good gentleman.

After all, he has never heard of the presence of a good husband in any of the secret squad leaders in the Secret Service, which represents the highest government power; even if the performance is friendly, it is only private, they are performing In the mission, it is always more chilling than the tiger's fangs.

Therefore, after the team members asked again and did not get an answer, it was wise to choose silence.


"Is the kid to go to Xia Lin?" Blanc, who took the jug, stopped the action of drinking, and looked at Heather very strangely; until Hesser nodded again, he confirmed He didn't get it wrong before; immediately laughed: "Haha, this kid always likes to do these unexpected things."

"Old man, now is not a happy time." Hesel looked at his friend and laughed. He couldn’t help but look at his forehead and sighed helplessly: "There is the highest government site, if the leaves are out." If things are wrong, it is very difficult for us to intervene! It’s damn. If I knew this, I should send someone to follow him 24 hours a day."

"It's hard not to be able to do it. In fact, we should be thankful. After all, Ye Qia, the kid just ran to Xia Lin and didn't go to Shenglin. What's more, you think you send someone to stare for twenty-four hours. Will the kid be okay?” Blanc touched the wine stain on the edge of his mouth, slammed his friend’s shoulder hard and persuaded his friend in his own way: “It’s absolutely impossible to use his personality. Anan is stable. When your puppets will make bigger things in the morning and evening, it’s better to throw them out and harm others to the highest government. As long as you say hello in the name of the head of the demon hunter, I think those things are mainly 'peace'. Guy, definitely not going to be awkward"

"It can only be so"

Hether nodded and immediately reached for a piece of parchment and waved it over it quickly - Hesser twisted his head when the guard of the parchment with the written parchment left. Looking at Blanc, who kept pouring alcohol, asked another question that made him feel a headache: "Pedernanga woke up; what should we do?"

PS Thanks to Fassis's 588 and monthly pass, the 100th of Bihai Shenglongquan, the 100 of the wind and the moon, the tears of no words, the dragon of mythology, the soul of the soul, the monthly ticket of 1-8-3~~~ Shenma does not know the seven 3000 green environmental renewal tickets for children's shoes~~~颓 鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~

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