Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 9 Chapter 8: Patrol inspection

Chapter VIII inspection

When Ye Qi stepped back to the hotel again, the previous thunderstorm had completely stopped, and the moon was faint, and the cool summer breeze made him comfortable with his eyes. At this moment, Ye Qi suddenly liked it. It is a place where the weather is unpredictable in Dude; although there is always an unpredictable thunderstorm, but there is no baptism of thunderstorms, how can there be such a comfortable breeze?

At about two blocks from the hotel, Ye Qi stopped. He refused the Oprah dinner proposal. He now has a sense of hunger in his abdomen; of course, with his 21 physique, this hunger can be Ignore, even if I don’t eat food for three or four days, it’s okay; however, it’s not necessary for him to make such a “ready-for-all” move. He can enjoy the food in Xia Lin District, but he’s going to make his own stomach, but not Ye Qi's style

Of course, there is also a food supply in the hotel; but since he started to be a hunter, he has a deep understanding of the unchanging truth - delicious food in any region will never be sold by high-end hotels. They are only found in the unremarkable small streets in this area. (Reading novels)

Now, Ye Qi, who wants to enjoy the Xialin cuisine, naturally came to these remote lanes. With his previous experience and the guidance of Oprah when he left, Ye Qi easily found one. A clean and highly rated snack bar.

The highly rated snack bar did not disappoint Ye Qi – the passionate boss and the delicious food were enough to make Ye Qi feel worthwhile.

Crispy potato pancakes, cool fruit soup and a special dish of smoked sausages make Ye Qi fully appreciate the delicious food of Xia Lin District - compared to other diners who havetily left after eating, Ye Qi More like a taster, not an ordinary diners who want to fill their stomachs; of course, as John has been to many places, even though there is an insurmountable gap between real foodies, it is enough to rely on food between different places. The taste comes to make a more loyal evaluation of the food in front of you.

Convenient and fast, yet delicious

Looking at the sweaty, busy chef, and the food that quickly put on the table, Ye Qi fully realized the fast pace of Dude, even if it was even when eating - of course, regardless of other people, Ye Qi is still Chew slowly and enjoy a different flavor of food.

However, when a person appeared in front of him, this feeling of being alone was instantly broken - a slightly worn out old-fashioned denim trench coat, so that the other party sitting in front of Ye Qi, attracted all the entire store. Eyes; but the other side is unaware of Ye Qi revealing a fairly good smile.

"Hello, Lord Ye Qi; I am Spedo, the president of the Xia Lin District Hunting Devils Branch" Spedo made a self-introduction, letting Ye Qi, who thought it was a chameleon, a slight glimpse; but soon Ye Qi, who had reacted, did not show any surprise on his face. He just nodded gently according to the etiquette: "Hello."

"There was just an order from the headquarters of Heather," said a pair of eyes that was awake in a dream, with a hint of inexplicable light in his eyes - he took it out of the dilapidated trench coat. A collection of sheepskin reels that were used only when the important order was issued by the Devil's Headquarters was placed in front of Ye Qi; pointing to the sheepskin roll that had not been opened yet: "The order issued above must be opened by you personally."

With doubts, Ye Qi took over the reels handed over by the other party; after opening, when Ye Qi saw the contents on the reel, even with his strength, he could not reveal a strange expression - the content on the reel, probably meaning Yes: Because of his outstanding performance in recent years, he specializes in patrols, patrols the trade unions of the demon hunters, and has the right to mobilize the apostles under the moonlight level in each branch to deal with emergencies.

Inspection inspection? What is this position?

Ye Qi did not see his specific duties on the sheepskin roll for this position that never appeared in memory. But this does not hinder his judgment on the importance of the ability of this position.

Inspecting the Quartet, you can mobilize the apostles under the Moonlight level in each club - even if the demon hunters are not ruthless, but with this appointment, coupled with his own powerful strength, no accident, a few Within a few hours, you can organize a powerful apostolic team.

This is almost like letting him become the absolute high-level of the head of the demon hunter in an instant; although there is still a distance from the position of the Lord of the Six Pagodas, it is higher than the ordinary guardians, and even some The guardians who are in the position of the guards are hard to match; after all, they simply cannot mobilize the apostles of the local chapters, even the lowest-level ordinary hunters.

What kind of ghost is the headquarters going to do? Is Hessl really just to compensate me?

Handing the scroll of the sheepskin into the hands of Spedo, Ye Qi secretly thought about it, but he quickly denied his thoughts - after all, this appointment book has gone far beyond the scope of simple compensation.

Hesel is the acting president of the Hunting Maniac Association. He wants to compensate him. There are many ways to compensate him. There is no need to use this extremely dangerous way of putting his rights out in his opinion; let alone During the apostle's competition, the other party has done enough; even if it is not enough to compensate him, it is enough to make up for and ease their previous rigid relationship.

Now, this kind of practice seems to him to be more than one thing, even a bit puzzling, so that he has to wonder what purpose Hesel did for this purpose - but no matter how doubtful he is, the appointment book has appeared. In his hands, and if this is not Hesell and he is joking, then in a day in all areas of Llorante with a hunting magical artificial will receive this message what will cause As a result, Ye Qi can only predict two points by guessing alone - it will definitely make a large number of apostles have uncontrollable curiosity about his sudden inspection; of course, there will be no lack of like Irene. A combat mad like De, especially with the title he just won the apostle contest, which is enough for some people like Zaka to give him a try.

Is this the intention of Hesel?

Thinking of the trouble that will come afterwards, Ye Qi’s guessing direction can’t help but shift; even if he knows that Hesel’s existence will certainly not use this naive means to deal with him, but there is no evidence to prove the other’s Before other intentions, he can only use the only clues to infer the ridiculous conclusion that he himself feels.

"I have seen the inspections to make adults" to see the appointment on the sheepskin roll, even if Spedo is still sleepy, but in the title, but still have to make a change: "Xiaolin District Hunting Mania Club Chang Spedo is always waiting for your instructions."

PS Thanks to the 100th of the Starry Story, the 100th of Bihai Shenglongquan, the 100 and the monthly ticket of the aristocratic NG, and the registration of a name such a difficult monthly ticket~~~颓颓 Thank you for your support~~~

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