Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 9 Chapter 12: Plan (below)

Chapter 12 Plan (below)

In the late night of Dude, I didn’t say goodbye to the busy day. The people who worked overtime at night made the whole city bright and bright. This kind of environment would make people who are new to Dudget not used to it, so each hotel is even just on the street. The hotel will prepare eye masks, earplugs and other items for these guests; of course, the thick curtains in the room are absolutely essential; after all, the eye mask and earplugs are not acceptable to everyone, and at this time, the role of the curtains Unusually big

Ye Qi, carrying a long bag, is still the appearance of Sos, looking up at Dud, who looks very busy all day and night. He first thought of the machine; yes, Dude, the whole city, watching him It seems to be a sophisticated machine, tireless, working day and night. Ad-free ~Reading Network)

He has always believed in the combination of work and rest, even if his current constitution is as high as 21, he can easily do it for three or five days. He will take one or two hours at any time of the day and take a nap to ensure the completeness of the mind. Sober - therefore, this feeling is very natural, so that Ye Qi slightly wrinkled his brow.

Of course, this feeling is not turned into annoyance, because Ye Qi understands that the birth and operation of each city must have a great relationship with its survival. Although the sudden change may trigger new life and vitality, it is even more Big is extinct

Moreover, in the face of this busy city, he must be just a passer-by, why bother to spend that mind?

Self-deprecating smile, Ye Qi looked down at the chameleon before handing it to him, recording the note with the street address of the broken mind, and then quickly followed the map of the memory in his mind, quickly went - as a qualified Hunting demon, after coming to any strange place, the first time is familiar with the local map; Ye Qi is no exception.

However, in addition to the maps that have been kept in mind, his greater gain is what he got after bargaining with the chameleon - although the news of the Japanese sacred sacred device is dead and biting, but the benefits are still a lot; of course, rare items like holy things can no longer appear in the scope of the transaction.

After all, even a person like a chameleon can't hand over two pieces of the moon-level sacred device, and then take the sacred device to trade as Ye Qi? Of course, he is even more unlikely to ask such an "excessive" request - the lion's big mouth and the dog jumped into the wall, although the meaning is different, but Ye Qi confirmed that there is a necessary connection; he will not be the open-mouthed lion, but The chameleon forced to jump to the wall; after all, he was also sincere in dealing with the broken thoughts.

Therefore, after agreeing to the bait plan proposed by the other party, Ye Qi was only “very simple” to present the yearning for the “magic of the dark wizard” – so now, the long bag carrying Ye Qi’s bag is removed. In addition to the knives of the knives and Samikina, as well as some scattered personal belongings, there are two books from the chameleon about the dark wizard magic.

These two magic books may not be as immortal as the sacred objects in terms of pure value, but the value of their role is not inferior to a sacristy in Ye Qi's view - because, in his hands The special sacred device of Samikina’s drive is to interpret the magical words to unlock the seal; and this requires his skills to be improved again.

After the mysterious knowledge reaches the level of proficiency and extends the alchemy, although the alchemy test or the alchemy magical array is carried out, the level of mysterious knowledge will increase, but this increase is that Ye Qi himself feels ashamed - from the beginning Mysterious knowledge proficient 1 has grown to 3, and it took almost a year to make Ye Qi, who wants to completely unblock the drive of Samikina, can't wait.

He doesn't want to wait until seventy and eighty to fully use this sacred instrument; therefore, it is important to go back to reading to improve the level of mysterious knowledge - but this is not a simple matter.

The magic of the dark wizards is the foundation of their existence in the world, so they are secretive; unless you pass the test and join them; for this, as long as the brain is not broken, Ye Qi will not consider it at all; he does not want to After the nickname of the "traitor", he still interacts with various corpses or various **** internal organs every day - although he has not systematically studied the magic of the dark wizard, but the knowledge learned from "The Eye of Mao Mo" , enough for him to be grateful to him.

And after the sacred era, which was almost completely ruled by the Holy See, most of the books scattered about folks with magical or magical things were burned, and the fines were collected by the Holy See - so, When I first faced the chameleon's "request" magic book, Ye Qi was just thinking about saving it. Even he had already had other backup exchange conditions; but he did not expect that the other party really took out the vast majority. Two books about magic.

Although it is only a book that records things about magic, it has fully met his requirements; after all, he is only to improve the level of skill mystery, not to learn the magic of dark wizards.

"You are really more and more treacherous." The wolf suddenly came out in the bottom of his heart, smirked and said; I have been used to dealing with the strange wolf's Ye Qi, and naturally responded: "To each other, thanks to your influence."

"How, who is the contract with him, do you know?"

Ye Qi asked - when he was in contact with the chameleon, not only was he and the other side trying to test each other, but the wolf in his body was also testing who was hidden in the other side; the same, the other side was the same; However, this kind of mutual temptation is more concealed, careful, and unknown than Ye Qi and Chameleon.

"The other party is very embarrassed..." It is clear that from the strange wolf is in the usual tone, we can know that this temptation still has no real progress; it seems to feel the inner thoughts of Ye Qi, the strange wolf Immediately stressed: "I have a preliminary clue now..."

For the character and habits of the wolf, Ye Qi is really understanding - he knows that this time the wolf is absolutely ineffective and has returned to the other side to say that there is a preliminary progress? Ghosts will believe

Perhaps Ye Qi's cold reaction made the wolf feel very faceless. After a little disguise, he immediately said: "However, I have other discoveries."

"What did you find?" I felt the smugness of the wolf, and out of curiosity, Ye Qi asked with a question; Ye Qi’s questioning made the wolf feel that he had recovered the lost face and immediately scorned one. Channel: "Just now, I found a contractor of the devil"

PS hot ah ~ ~ ~ hot death personal ah ~ ~ ~ thirty-five degrees of weather, decadent feeling that they are fast into * people do, cold just right, this will face the crisis of heat stroke, really sad life ah ~~~ ~

Thanks again to the six nights of the 100~~~ 颓 鞠躬 鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~

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