Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 9 Chapter 38: Meet (below)

Who knows who you know best?

People who fall in love will say that they are lovers, sons will say that they are parents, friends will say that they are friends, but these are the answers that appear under certain preconditions; if you abandon all subjective will, you really know yourself. The enemy - Ye Qi, who has always regarded the chameleon as the potential greatest threat, has carefully studied the other party's information. Although it only draws a moody mood, it only evaluates by self-likeness, but this does not prevent Ye Qi from seeing it. The chameleon is cautious, careful in doing things, and the savvy fox

Looking at Zarst with a smile and a smug, Ye Qi’s heart is more ridiculous – obviously this is a fool who is self-righteous, but actually nothing, but still a fool. Real conspirators playing with fools

What do you want to do?

With doubts about the chameleon, I have never spoken. Ye Qi finally spoke up. However, Ye Qi’s tone is not very polite, not only with a strong disgust, but also his expression is against each other. Disdain: "Do you have only these last words? Do you still need to add? Don't worry, I can give you another chance."

Zarst glimpsed, and in his anticipation the other party might threaten or compromise, but there is absolutely no such scene - after a sigh of relief, Zast, who quickly reacted, reiterated again: "Mr. Ye Qi may You didn't hear clearly, your girlfriend..."

"I heard very clearly," Ye Qijing said, "The woman wants to kill you."

"Ha ha ha..." Zast, who was interrupted, looked at Ye Qi’s serious expression and couldn’t help but laugh: “Is the hunter-hunting demon people like the cold-blooded ruthlessness of you?”

"Come on, your last words are over." Ye Qi dismissed his lips and said: "I can't wait to kneel down your head."


"Familiar atmosphere" re-entered a small breath of three small people in the Bay Area, smelling the smell of sea water, could not help but shouted: "We are back"

The three people who shouted, ignoring the strange eyes around them, went straight to their former base, the bar, and the devil did not cry. Reading network)

The three people who came to the devil and didn't cry quickly got the latest news about Ye Qi from the agent. The inspection of the champion headquarters of the Apostle Competition won these three good news. But then I got Ye Qi. After the contact between Spedo, the president of the Xia Lin District, and the head of the Xia Lin District Hunting Mania Club, disappeared, the brows of the three people could not help but wrinkle.

“What?” The big man and Ava pointed their attention to the temporary spokesperson of Ye Qi’s absence. The little man shrugged and shook his shoulders: “What can I do? Buy the next train ticket and go to Dude. Do you want to continue to walk on your feet? You must know that you have been running out of the sea forest, and my legs are not yet restored."

"It is obvious that only you are relying on your feet, but you are riding a wolf called by Ava." The complaint of the little man immediately made the big man dissatisfied: "And all the salutes are still my back."

"Whoever makes your block too big, Ava's animal companion can't drag you at all. Maybe you can let Ava help you train a wild bear."

The small three people who learned the latest news of Ye Qi let go of their hearts, and the friends couldn’t help but make a joke when they talked. Although Ye Qi still has nowhere to go, it is better than when he knew nothing in Hailin. That kind of suffering really doesn’t know how many times better; not to mention the fact that Ye Qi’s whereabouts have narrowed to a city in Dude.

However, the good mood of the small three did not last long. When the wheelchair appeared in front of them and brought them to the witch, the three men stopped together.


"Can you give me a detailed explanation?" The little man looked at the witch in front of his abdomen, and he only felt that his head was not enough. The big man and Ava on the side were already stupid, and could not tell his mouth. The words - the little man patted his cheek gently, as if to wake himself up; the crisp sound rang in the room, forced the little man to calm down, pointed to the raised belly, asked : "Ye Qi?"

Without a voice, the witch just gently clicked on it, with a gentle touch on her face, gently stroking her abdomen - and the little man on the side then stepped into the same situation as the two companions. ,stunned

After a long time, the little man grew a sigh of relief and looked at his two companions. He said with dignity: "This matter must be kept secret, do you know?"

"Understand" Ava and the big man looked at each other with a smile, and shook their heads helplessly, sighing: "The witch is a child... oh..."

Witches, they are between humans and demons. They have so-called magic, which means using supernatural power to explore knowledge and wisdom; but a large part of them are incomprehensible to ordinary humans, so they are misunderstood as Evil to expel and kill, give fire

Of course, this is not to say that the witch is completely innocent, and there are many witches in order to get eternal youth and beauty, and other powerful abilities to kill humans. Sacrifice to help the devil

After the dark ages, the era of absolute nightmares for ordinary humans, the evils created by some witches were recorded by humans in text books, and this caused almost all of them in the **** age. The witches have been hunted and killed.

In modern times, the witches are rare and rare. They are almost a kind of legend. Even a demon hunter who has been working for a lifetime does not necessarily have the luck to meet a witch. As for the witch, it has a leak. Sparks are legendary legends...

And this is not the point, the point is that the witch is pregnant.

One thing that seems to be very ordinary in humans, but in the dark world is enough to trigger a 12-magnitude earthquake. The witch is divided into five levels from low to high, and is managed by one of the highest witches. Assistant, the next level is the witch aristocrat, then the magic wizard, the lowest is the witch messenger

The level of the witch is naturally divided by its own strength, and the way the witch enhances the strength, in addition to the accumulation of time, also needs to go through a test - true love

A seemingly simple but hard-to-reach vocabulary - and only experienced true love, the successful witch who passed the test can become the highest witch in charge; otherwise even if it takes more time to accumulate and learn, it can only reach First-level second-high witch assisted

True love, there is no fixed standard, so you want to determine whether a witch has successfully passed the final test is from other conditions, and the most important point is pregnancy and childbirth - because of the history of witches The only one of the highest witches in charge, Jude, became the real king of the witch world after experiencing pregnancy.

There is a good example of Jude, although there are many witches and male humans after the relationship, but none of them are pregnant; and not only did not gain, but also added a yin and chaos to the witch.

At this moment, Besika is pregnant, becoming a witch of the witch, and a pregnant witch. Although they are still young, they are not sure whether Besika can become the king of the next witch, but they know that if the news is transmitted. , then it will definitely cause confusion in the entire dark world - the Holy See, the hunter-manufacturing society, the highest government will certainly not allow and can break the existing balance of existence; then the most elite personnel will be discharged, and the witch will be killed; Even the dark creatures themselves will kill the witches.

After all, the devil's world that has already fallen will let it continue to fall. Why should there be another king who leads it to regain its strength and grab its own living space?



Ye Qi and Zast’s first confrontation were no fancy, and the knives and the strangely shaped knives slammed together. Mars splattered, and the stranger’s knife became more and more strange—bending The blade is like a poisonous But the sword is a pair of angel wings; the two represent the opposite things combined together, and suddenly there is a dangerous atmosphere filled with strange beauty. Put the sword on the surface.

"You have to be careful. This blade is not only shaped like a viper, but its blade is evenly coated with a deadly snake venom. Even if it is an apostle, it is fatal if it is cut through the skin." Zast borrows a force to jump backwards. , opened the distance from Ye Qi, and shook the blade in the direction of Ye Qi: "Although you promised that your girlfriend will not hurt you, but since you are so ruthless, presumably I will kill you, she will definitely Very happy"

"I don't know if anyone has told you about it? Your nonsense is really too much." Ye Qi glanced at the distance between the two sides and raised his brow. He said: "There is another reason why you will not be embarrassed after killing you." ”

When the voice just fell, a spider web that was slightly crystal clear in the sun came out, covering the 20-foot radius of Zest’s front, and the one followed by a hot ball filled with explosive energy


Covered by a spider's web, Zarst, who was tightly bound, let the fireball hit a positive, huge sound, rolling flames, and immediately spread toward the surrounding area.

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