Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 2: John and profiteer

Spiderweb's large-scale control system spells, although unable to effectively kill the enemy, but the enemy stuck by the spider web is definitely a dish. Fireball, whether in terms of power or area, has increased several levels than the burning hand. Although it can only be used twice, Ye Qi believes that a fireball is definitely more than the ten burning hands. If he would fireball before he met the demon servant, then there is no need to fight so hard. Just pull John up and then throw a fireball into the big pit to completely solve the battle.

And if you can throw out ten fireballs at once, you must be able to escape smoothly even if you encounter military encirclement! As long as I have a system, then this day will never be far away! Ye Qi turned off its own property bar, and the corner of his mouth evoked a confident smile.

"Hey, Ye, how do you laugh so strangely? Is it..." John, who was driving a sudden, surprised Ye Qi and thought that John had seen something; but following the words behind, he let Ye Qi I can't wait to give John a punch: "Do you like the blond chick at the secret service? Hey, I didn't expect you to like this powerful woman! Hey, you won't be a queen with a tendency to abuse?"


"Is it really guessed by me? Hey, I didn't see it, Ye, you actually..."

"Roll! John, you are not old! You are the Queen, your family is the Queen!"

Originally holding silence is gold, Ye Qi, who did not intend to pick up John’s words, eventually could not hold back and roar.

"My family is the Queen's control? My family is not my one, not one of you! Really, the Queen is controlled by the Queen! Don't be embarrassed to admit it... Now men, women and women are free, let alone your queen control... Ye, I tell you, in fact, the Queen has three good, Trojans, candles, and leather whip..."


"Parking, I have to get off..."


After experiencing what John called "teaching," Ye Qi returned to Tallinn in the night after two days. When I entered the old bar that was so noisy in the past, I finally got rid of John's Ye Qi but it created a feeling of quietness here.

Behind John, step on the second floor and pass through the familiar two door gods. Ye Qi returned to the branch of the Hunter in Tallinn.

"Hey, old man, I am back! Why have you been holding this old face? I have not owed you money?" John slammed the shoulders of two profiteers and then ignored the face of the profiteer. Go straight to pick up the beer keg behind the bar, and shut it up with a big mouth: "Hey, it’s your beer!"

"John, you are a jerk! This is the beer I used when I was preparing for the party..."

Taking advantage of the profiteers, it is undoubtedly cutting meat from his body, seeing John licking the mouth of the wine barrel, the corner of the profiteer's eyes is a convulsion, can no longer hold an old face, jumped up and took the wine Bucket: "People who yell at me on the phone, absolutely don't touch my wine!"

"Hey! Ode!" John grinned disdainfully, using only the voice he could hear: "Isn't that innocent you?" As for the roots!

"What? What are you talking about?"

Looking at the broken John, the profiteer shouted.

"Oh, nothing, nothing..." In the face of the profiteer who jumped, John was busy with a smirk and began to shift the topic: "This mission..."

Ye Qi, who was watching the movie, saw John talking about the task. He couldn’t help but regain his gaze and began to take a detailed look at the Eye of Mao Mo. To be honest, in comparison, Ye Qi still likes to watch the two old guys squatting on each other - lively, vivid and more interesting than the hard-to-understand spell book. But knowing that more strength is more than one guarantee, he has to hurry to learn the knowledge that can effectively enhance his strength.

After seeing Ye Qi bowing his head and studying "The Eyes of Mao Mo", John glanced at the profiteer, and immediately the profiteers who did not have the traces twisted the ring on the little finger. Suddenly, a gray mist shrouded him and John. However, Ye Qi, who was sitting there studying, did not find anything wrong. Even in his eyes, John was still telling the profiteers about the whole process of boasting the task at this moment.

In the gray fog that Ye Qi could not see through, John and the profiteers were talking.

"What's wrong? The treacherous business of the merchants is not maintained for a long time, and the long story is short!"

"While a rookie, why is there a **** family in the mission? And it happens that I am asking for help, not when he is around?" John’s face was not so long before he was laughing, and the chill is just like killing. The wild Shura.

"I am checking this, but the other party is very clean. I haven't found anything yet... Hey, old man, you said that we are too quiet for too long, some people think that we are old, not used. "A profiteer who is greedy and arrogant, and his eyes are slightly stunned at the moment.

"I don't use it? Oh, yes, it's not used! But Ye is my apprentice, and it's my loved one! Who dares to move him... Hey..." In the cold, a **** spill of John The body, followed by the rich **** smell is even more chilling.

"Know it! Know! All Tallinn knows that you see Ye as your son, but if you don't restrain yourself, then the kid should find out! Anyway, there is still some time left for him to go to the headquarters. I will check which one. The **** is uncomfortable! However, is this price?" The profiteer has restored the appearance of the original market. The smirk of John licked the index finger and thumb.

"Death to money! Waiting for you to find out, I will give you a satisfactory price!" John, who also returned to the original, scorned the swindler and set the middle finger.

"Hey, in business!" The profiteer shrugged in disapproval.


Time is like running water. In Ye Qi’s constant training, Tallinn sent it to Jinqiu, welcoming the annual winter. Although it is not comparable to the winter forest area, the winter in Tallinn is extremely cold. Coupled with a heavy snow in the past few days, the people of Tallin are wrapped in thick cotton coats.

In a week, the test time of the apostles was taken every year. The demon hunters who packed up the ceremonies, and the trains of John and the profiteers, embarked on a train to Shaq.

"Ye, Shaq is not like Tallinn. In the Hunter's Headquarters, I have to be careful! Remember to call me!" John was on the move. The hunter who was about to advance to the apostle waved his hand to John and the profiteer through the window.


"Let's go! You can take care of yourself too! Yes, those people are sure!"

"Well, are you sure you are the ghost of those people?"

"of course!"

"Very good!"

John once again glanced at the train that was about to leave the field of vision and turned and left.

"Wait! My reward!"

"...first credit!"

"...John, you bastard!"


PS Well, today's second, there is still a chapter at ten o'clock~~~嘿嘿, decadent thanks to Bat Dragon 1, Fassis, colorful watermelons, three brothers' rewards~~~ The support of the brothers is decadent Power ~~~ Let's ten o'clock, the third one~~~

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