Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 9 Chapter 56: Staging

Chapter 56—Debut

"Look at yourself?" Ye Qi’s words, Moretti did not refute, but admitted with a smile: "Yes, I am really too high to see myself."

"A man who suffered from internal injuries and could not heal, but he did not know how to blame the high-ranking sins, so he had to ask for help from other forces." Moretti’s expression was calm, but his eyes were struggling: "This time I Reliable news, Miss Bernard. Taylor's bodyguards mixed into the members of the dark mercenary community; although I don't know the other's purpose, but with my understanding of the dark mercenaries, they are definitely not doing charity. business……"

Listening to Moretti's narrative, the singer almost surprised and exclaimed, but fortunately, the long-term ceremonial course made him have enough cultivation to suppress the heart, but the eyes of the sorcerer still looked unconsciously. Ye Qi, who did not speak, although some places were beyond the expectation of Ye Qi, most of them were still in accordance with the "script" he envisioned; Moretti’s situation seemed to be more than he had imagined. It’s even worse; of course, it’s regardless of his business. He’s just following the “screenplay” of this one-handed director’s play.

"I am just a hunter who deals with dark creatures." In order to stimulate Moretti, Ye Qi deliberately emphasized his identity: "Protect the people should be your highest government."

"Those high-rises are a group of shit." Obviously, Ye Qi wants the effect to be achieved. Moretti is swearing and screaming loudly - looking at Moretti at the moment, Ye Qi put down the last one to crush the camel. Straw: "Your proposal has been rejected? Maybe you should try to listen to the high-level suggestions."

"Their advice? This group of dogs will only worry about their status and power; everything else seems to them to be a tool, commodity to gain and consolidate status and power..."

The continuous curse finally made Moretti find a vent; however, Moretti, who had been vented, quickly took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down; because he knew that the curse was useless - Moretti Raised his head and looked at Ye Qi, who was calm and opposite.

"You know, I am coming to the concert. If the protagonist of the show has an accident, I can't care?" The left hand held his chin, and Ye Qi's eyes stared at each other: "So, I am very curious; what do you need me?" s help"

"The real mob will make ordinary people tremble, but the rogue mob will make people ruin." Morriet: "What we need is the members who performed the mission in Dude, all captured, but this time and me. I came from my subordinates. We have limited information, no support, and limited power; therefore, I ask for your help."

"Are you a slap in the face of the fans who are ready to slap?" For Moretti's statement, Ye Qi nodded and nodded: "The idea worthy of appreciation, but these are not enough."

"I still have a considerable deposit in the bank." Moretti said very much: "Of course, my personal feelings will be remembered."


In the end, Ye Qi agreed - of course, Ye Qi is not for the other party's deposit in the bank, as for the human condition? This kind of imaginary thing is more than what Ye Qi needs.

Promise the other party and deal with the members of the organization in Dude, which is the plan that Ye Qi has already drawn up. No matter how the process is, as long as Moretti or other members of the highest government find it, he will After bargaining, agree to the other party's request.

Of course, it is also indispensable to fight for some benefits for yourself. Ye Qi, who is swayed by the profiteers and the wolves, does not lack such means of extortion, and usually enjoys it.

"Teacher, how should we respond?"

After Mollie lifted his body and left, he looked at Ye Qi, who was sitting in the sand, and he couldn’t help himself. The name of the sorrowful sorrow, even if he didn’t go out often, he heard about it. Although I don't know if the other party has rumored strength, it is difficult to conceal the tension when he first faced this level of enemy.

"Looking at the change" looked at the slightly embarrassed disciple, Ye Qi tone affirmed the definition of the next task for the other party: "This level of fighting is prone to casualties; therefore, you have to follow me By the end, until the end of the battle, this is the first time we teach in the field."

Although the grammar now loses the identity of the Northder family heir, it does not prevent him from being the second son of the Northder family. If there is him there, there is something regrettable in the grammar; then It is bound to affect his current good alliance with the Northder family and even become hostile.

Ye Qike does not want this

Therefore, he must prevent such things from happening - and to understand the rebelliousness of young people, he will not make a decision to let the other party stay in the room waiting for him to come back; because Ye Qi has a 70% grasp, the grammar will be in him After leaving, leave the private room alone.

"Yes, teacher"

Although the grammar is still ignorant of the first field lecture, it does not prevent him from misunderstanding his meaning. Hearing Ye Qi is ready to take him to participate in this sudden event, the song is excited. The sound has a tremor.


The bright spotlights were extinguished instantly, and the stage was dark. People who had been waiting for a long time immediately held their breath and waited quietly—clear but like a larkish sound, melodiously appeared on the stage.

Under the slowly lit lights, a sly figure gradually appeared in front of the public - a black dress with a long skirt, Bernard, Taylor, slightly closed eyes, charming appearance ~ ~ Against the backdrop of the beautiful voice, it is like a white **** rose under a shadow, proudly blooming, unconsciously intoxicating it...


Bsp near the limit; I am always alone in Mercedes

If you feel that you are in the way

It’s not too late to turn back now.

I have been used to parting until the encounter of the day.

"I want to protect you," the first words I heard.

Always feel that I have been waiting for the desire to believe


Ps one afternoon of the cloudy day, decadent originally also counted on the next rain, cool and cool, and the result was thunder, a drop of rain did not...

Thanks again to Warcraft Yang Lan, and how to do two monthly tickets ~~~~颓 鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~~~

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