Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 9 Chapter 65: Concussion (3)

The sixty-fifth chapter shock dang (three)

Although the sudden noises proved that there was something to be said outside, Ye Qi did not hesitate at all - the whole person, along with the appearance of the thorns of the yīn shadow, went straight to the opposite duke, and had already clenched the knives. The right hand is waving forward


It’s like a peerless beast that opened his eyes and swallowed food. A cold, bitter chill came to the heart of someone at the place—even, even if it’s been lightly faced, even if the thorns of the yīn shadow did not appear. The Duke of the sè, the face of the moment is also a dignified.

From left to right, a very simple cross, but the knives in the hands of Ye Qi burst into a different glory - standing in the distance, such as the singer and other light, it seems to feel the entire channel in front of the eyes Disappeared, Ye Qi and the Duke disappeared, and they themselves disappeared.

It’s completely black, leaving only a round of blue and sleek moonlight...


It was easy, the flame shield in front of the Duke was shredded by the slashing knife, and even the effect of blocking it was not, and then the knives were directly and finally evolved past the other's body - the Duke's body did not It was divided into two by the sharp knife, and it was not shredded by the yīn shadow of the raid, but it was turned into a pool of blood, and the blood of a beach would move.


Ye Qiyan stared at the blood and quickly infiltrated into the ground, and then the shadow of the Duke appeared again about ten feet away from him. The brow could not help but pick one—the apostle’s talent ability was strange, even though the demon hunters Some exist and are roughly classified; however, no one simply believes that this classification encompasses all the abilities of the apostles; at the very least, there is no such ability to control the blood in front of the Duke.

"Is this why you are called the Duke?" Ye Qi lightly swayed the knives, as if the blood that did not exist above was taken out, and the expression was cold: "Using the power of blood, really and the vampire Same, but don't know if your vitality is as strong as a vampire?"


When Ye Qi’s voice had just fallen, the lights in the entire passage exploded, and the surrounding area suddenly fell into a darkness. Only the blood on the Duke’s body was faintly lit – the blood s The original dark passage was caught in a strange and oppressive atmosphere, and the singer that had not experienced the real killing under the real power of the Duke was such a strong, even unconsciously shrinking the neck.

"Enviable talent"

Slightly magnetic xìng but yīn cold incomparable voice from the mouth of the Duke - his lifeless eyes, at this moment watching Ye Qi, finally got a little bit 澜; but, in the handsome but pale face Under the sè, more is to give people a feeling of resurrection of the dead; of course, compared to the resurrection of the dead, the Duke is even more dangerous.

“Strong strength, need to have the most suitable position to set off.” The Duke’s words are very slow, just like singing a long poem – although it is gentle and weak, it is very attractive: “Want to get more? ?"

Although the momentum released by the Duke at this moment is not inferior to him, but it is very obvious, but it still makes Ye Qi’s mouth come up with a disdainful smile. The thought of breaking is really powerful, but it needs to see that the contrast is Who, compared with his own, is indeed a giant; but compared with the hunter, it is not at a level at all.

As long as Ye Qi is not a broken brain, he knows how to choose; as for the disdainful smile? It was given to the Duke who said this; Ye Qi was ridiculed in the uncle's unwise act of the Duke who had a high status in the break.

"Don't misunderstand that the price is not payable." The Duke shook his head slightly and explained: "But there is a place where you can let go of all your concerns and get everything you want." of"

There is a place...

Holy See? The highest government? Still the dark world...

Ye Qi’s brow wrinkled, and the Duke’s words reminded him of some very bad information—there was not much strength in Lorante’s ability to compete with the hunters, but it’s absolutely impossible to leave behind because of faith. After the Holy See and the highest government with the opposite position, an obvious answer appeared in front of him.

Broken thoughts are associated with one side of the dark world.

The blood tribe clan, the dark wizard league, the werewolf...

All kinds of dark forces have emerged in Ye Qi’s heart, but no matter which one of them, Ye Qi is happy to see it – he is already hostile to the swearing, and he will not be happy to see the original powerful opponent. Once again, a strong backup is coming.

As for the Duke's draw?

Ye Qi didn't even think about it at all - although he was likely to get the wealth, power, or power that he didn't even think about when he was involved in the darkness; he never doubted the resources that the dark races had accumulated in the dark ages; The difference in philosophy has made him already have a choice. The invisible embarrassment formed by his teachers, lover, partners, and friends has already made Ye Qi have his own choice.

“Do you know how my parents died? How is the whole town destroyed? Know why I became a hunter?”

After three consecutive questions, spit out from Ye Qi’s mouth, and Ye Qi’s face had an emotion called “hate” – everything that Ye Qi said now has nothing to do with himself; It's just to avoid the troubles of the future, and the necessary acting.

No organization will like traitors, and rumors sometimes have more power than Japanese tyrants. It can méng people's intellectual minds—especially when there is a presence of enemies or friends, even if it is crisp and neat. The refusal, after the failure of the other party, will not mind spreading some remarks that are beneficial to them; after all, is the truth, will soon be supplemented by some people through imagination Come in

Although Ye Qi is not afraid of these troubles, but in order to solve these troubles, ua spends a lot of energy, but it is not what he wants; therefore, Ye Qi decided to sever all of this from the root; and, coincidentally, he has a reasonable rhetoric - - even his own memory of the "life"

"My parents were killed by a vampire, and the whole town was all in flames. In the whole town, only I was rescued by my teacher." Ye Qi waited for the other party to answer and said, "I became a hunting hunter." The reason for people is simple..."

"Before the age of seventeen, I also had family members and dreams."

"I want to be a doctor and save the wounded."

"But the nightmare is coming, the weak me, nothing."

"Since the age of seventeen, I picked up my weapons and gave up my original dreams to meet the challenges of today..."

Ps thanks to the Holy Devil. Promise, [Anonymous] ~~~~~ 颓 鞠躬 鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~~~

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