Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 10 Chapter 14: Black market businessman's good luck

Chapter Fourteen Black Market Merchants' Good Luck


Before the wood thorn pierced Rose's throat and cut it, a heavy object flew to the back of Yaki with a windy wind—disdain, full of disdainful eyes appearing in Ye Qi The bottom of his eyes, although his hearing or smell is far less talented than a werewolf, but with the perception of blind fighting, he has a talent for reconnaissance and peeping than any other werewolf, and it is more intuitive.

As early as when he was splitting the thorns on the sand, there were two movements in his perception - one is ordinary, the other is Ross, but it is different from Ross's concealment. It is more direct and ultimately evolved and full of wild violent anger.

And what he has just done is just to force the other party to appear, and to "change" the hostages in the other hand smoothly - yes, although it is not certain who this hostage is, but the identity of the other hostage is not suspicious

It’s not just the movement that is like an ordinary person, but more importantly, he doesn’t believe that the shì who had “released” would not go to the people behind the scenes for help, and since the person behind the scenes appeared, An ordinary person; if this ordinary person does not use it at all, then Ye Qi has to re-evaluate the IQ of the werewolf.

And if an ordinary person can be useful in this situation, and throw away the hostages that can contain him, Ye Qi can't think of another more appropriate possibility - Ye Qi did not turn around and straightened his hand backwards. The other party is firmly in the hands; although I have prepared in my heart, when I see the other person’s face, I still have a slight disappointment. The person in my hand is not the black market businessman he most wants to see, but the other person’s Dear letter to Hampton.

It seems that the preparation is very good.

A little disappointment will not give Ye Qizhen the only appreciation to the other party; however, Ye Qi did not pay too much attention to the werewolf who had already rushed to Ross, but straightened the Hampton and put it on his mouth and eyes. The tape - because of the relationship between Yaki, when Hampton returned to Tallinn in Randenburg, he was immediately promoted by the black market merchants; from the bottom of the head, he became the leader of a district; Now wearing the body, although the clothes have been crumpled because of imprisonment, but from the work style and material of the clothes, Ye Qi can still see that Hampton's recent hún is good.

"Ye... Ye... Lord Ye Qi" looked at Ye Qi, who was standing in front of him, and Hampton shouted: "You really came to the boss and you are right, you must come back, yes, yes. ......"

Hampton’s words are not bored, and when he becomes a hunter, he has seen too many people who have been robbed of the dark creatures for the rest of his life; Hampton is not a shame, at least he No fainting in the faint stunned or directly eventually evolved to be scared to become a madman - and, from the statement of Hampton Ling 1uan, Ye Qi proved his previous guess, the black market businessman is still alive

Sure enough, it is a scourge for thousands of years.

After the black market businessman sighed from his hometown slang, Ye Qi turned around; and Hampton had long been in the direction of Ye Qi, even fleeing to escape the room - these three weeks, It is enough to let him understand how far away from the monsters in these rumors; even if there are firearms that have been unfavourable to ordinary people in the past, there is still no change in the face of these monsters.

However, he did not run far. After leaving the room, he immediately looked into the room. Although his heart was full of fear, he could not hide his curiosity. He wanted to know the Ye Qi in the boss’s mouth who could deal with these monsters. How to deal with these monsters that make them helpless

But soon he was disappointed

A shadow of the room actually wrapped the whole room in it, so that Hampton could not see a little inside the room; but even so, it was enough for Hampton to understand why the boss would say that Ye Qi is an expert - he Oath, the shadow of the surrounding calmness is suddenly boiling, like a living scene, he will never forget

Monsters must be dealt with by experts

Looking back at what the boss said, Hampton turned and left quickly—although he was temporarily out of the prison, his boss was still there; not for the rest, just to enjoy the present life in the future, he must also To save his boss

As for the grasp of successful rescue?

Hampton is full of confidence, as long as the two disturbing monsters are thrown away, those temporary "guest actors" will not be in their hearts; know that their old nest Tallinn is here.

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the movement of Hampton, Ye Qi The smile on the corner of the mouth is a bit brighter - until now, the progress of everything has progressed according to his vision; from the shì who led the deterrent, to the imprisonment of Ross, to the hostage; to the Hampton Going to the black market businessman makes him satisfied.

In particular, Hampton’s reaction was beyond his expectations; originally, in Ye Qi’s opinion, after experiencing things that ordinary people could not imagine, the other party would need a period of time as a buffer even if the mind was good; but did not expect the other party to Recover in an instant, and be able to understand his meaning, to save people.

And the safety of Hampton? Ye Qi did not put too much thought on it. Since Hampton dared to save people, it means that everything can be in his grasp; he would not think that he had just escaped and regained his life and freedom. I will really have the style of the warrior.

At the same time, Hampton’s quick departure also gave him an answer waiting for a long time – the werewolves who kidnapped black market merchants in Tallinn, only two

I got the answer waiting for a long time, Ye Qi turned and looked at the werewolf who rushed in and continued to fight with his avatar and yīn shadows - everything before him was in accordance with his assumptions. Going forward, and now there is still one of the last steps left to fulfill the obligation of the demon hunter to hunt dark creatures.

"You can't do this when you stop the hand." Seeing that it was suddenly shrouded in yīn shadows, Ross felt it was not good; and the long-term combat experience made him feel the martial arts in the first time. India's throne seeks the devil, the world's most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the strongest Abandoning the Great Zhou Dynasty and making the gods will kill the gods and gods, and the throne will seek the demon. The world’s most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty’s murderousness that has overflowed into Ye Qi’s body; immediately shouted: “She is just a nothing. The children who know, never touched the blood of your human beings, let me go, she can do anything for you."

Ross’s roaring did not make Ye Qi’s pace have a pause. When he decided to become a demon hunter, he already had the enlightenment of the demon hunter—to survive in hunting and being hunt. The hunter, and Enron’s live to the end, become the winner

There is no choice about justice and evil, nor an oath with hatred; this consciousness is not the consciousness that the traditional hunters appreciate; but, after he heard his consciousness, John was very surprised. I opened my eyes and laughed and drunk in the bar.

Although alternative, at least some agree

"Now there is no human blood, it does not mean that there will be no future." Ye Qi, who has her own consciousness, said indifferently: "In addition, the hatred in her eyes now makes me feel uneasy. I don't want to be soft because of the moment." The regret of the latter half of life"


Ye Qi’s answer made Ross unwilling to mourn, and then the wolf instinct that rushed in felt in danger, immediately screamed at Ye Qi, who was not coming to her. But the power is worse than Ross; just feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big, the royal family, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the strongest Abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts and martial arts will kill the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, arrogant, the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big, the week, the royal family, the gods, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the young, the royal family, the other With the sound of the wind from the sharp claws, Ye Qi gave a loyal evaluation.

However, giving a loyal evaluation does not mean that Ye Qi will stop here - with a scabbard's knives, at the moment before the other side throws his claws, he squats on the other's nose.

Whether it is a wolf or a dog, the tip of the nose is always their most vulnerable place; even, in the moment when the scabbard scabbard smashes into the other side, Ye Qi clearly sees the teardrops in the other's eyes; while the other side licks the nose. When the pain is awkward, Ye Qi does not hesitate to hesitate, a quick whip tuǐnetbsp;

After the muffled sound, the other party immediately lost his mobility and was trapped inside the wall. He was **** with Ross by the thorns of yīn shadow. Rose's eyes were filled with grief and anger. Intermittently, it was like a weeping sorrow; however, compared with Ross’s grief, the later werewolf seemed calm, even using Microsoft’s wolf howling to comfort Rose.

Because of the Druid's fruit, Ye Qi can clearly understand the meaning of animals and plants; he can even drive some animals and special plants to help him; however, the talk of the two werewolves is obviously not a simple animal language, should It is a language within the wolf family.

However, Ye Qi is only curious; there is not much interest in the conversation between the two werewolves - therefore, after only a slight sigh, the dozens of yīn shadows are stuck with his mind. The two werewolves who can't move in the wall; even if the werewolf's resilience is strong, facing so many thorns of yīn shadow, it will still be the result of death; and even if the vitality is strong enough to pass this, but Ye Qihe I don't mind being more than one.

Of course, some things are better, and there will be changes. When the thorns of the yīn shadow are about to pierce the body of the two werewolves, a sudden move makes Ye Qi frowned.

Ps3k update is finished ah~~~~ decadent weekend has been the code word, but the final code is finished, there is no delay ~~~ Thanks again to the Tianchi ice dust monthly ticket~~~颓 鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~

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