Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 10 Chapter 25: Turbulent (on)

The twenty-fifth chapter starts dang (on)

In addition to the regular correspondence between the regular correspondence and the current situation, when he participated in the apostle's contest in the winter, Ye Qi also described some of his people to the female cavalry chief in detail; and as one of his disciples The girl, of course, will let Ye Qi focus on the female cavalry chief - although the female cavalry chief did not get in touch at first, but when the girl accidentally said Ye Qi's name, she has already confirmed the identity of the other.

Your disciple, as you said,

The side ear listened to the girl’s stubborn voice, and the female cavalry’s long-shouldered smile could not help but earn a strong three-point--from the time she grew up in the Ranger camp, she had already heard enough women’s speech, and decided to become an official tour. Since the cavalry, she has already fulfilled the will of the father and proved the power of the woman to everyone else.

Of course, she did not intend to get married. It was a surprise for her to meet Ye Qi; however, she did not give up her persistence and dreams; especially when Ye Qi fully agreed and fully supported it - therefore, After seeing the girl who was forced to be stubborn, the female cavalry chief did not have any dissatisfaction, but she liked it very much.

"Captain Captain"

Lancelot’s voice came far away, interrupting the conversation between the girl and the young witch, and at the same time attracted the attention of the two – a team of twelve cavalry, flying fast towards it. The sturdy armor shines brightly under the sunlight; of course, the most attractive to them is the shape of these knights; even with the cover of the armor, the thin and weak figure is still so conspicuous. Plus the slightly innocent voice in the previous shouts; the two immediately came to an astonishing conclusion that the knights are the same age, or

"Lancelot, Gao Wen"

The female cavalry chief looked at the subordinates who were getting closer and closer, and could not help but smile. As the pilot of this trial, she had the obligation to protect the trial team, not to mention her and Lance. Lott's unusual relationship, if not suddenly, she will never let Lancelot leave first; therefore, after solving the sudden incident, she can't wait to take the girl and the young witch. Go after the team that left first.

"How come you are here?" Looking at the twelve trainee cavalrymen, such as Lancelot, who appeared in front of him, the female cavalry chief suddenly remembered something, and the original mouth with a smile suddenly slammed together: "Other follow protection What about your Rangers?"

"We are just worried about your older sister..." When there were no other people in the camp, Lancelot had always used such an intimate name for the female cavalry chief; only after she noticed that the female cavalry chief was getting more and more severe Lancelot immediately put away the spoiled look - slightly lowered her head, she whispered: "They refused to stop and wait for the older sister, I...had stunned them all Up..."


The female cavalry chief stared at Lancelot and frowned. Although she always knew the other's spleen, she never thought that the other party could be bold enough to be so.

Can't be indulged

Even if she knows that the other person is worried about herself, the female cavalry chief knows more about the consequences of indulgence of such behavior without taking care of it; therefore, her face is expression, the more harsh the tone is: "Now give me back to the camp and give them Loose and you want to give me the best sincerity to apologize for punishment, return to the Ranger Camp, I will personally release it."

"Yes, older sister"

Twelve trainee cavalry, including Lancelot, replied in unison at the same time; then, immediately turned around and turned back to the road.


Looking at the twelve people who had returned to the scene, the female cavalry chief could not help but sigh slightly - she knew that after the trial was over, she had to give these "guys" an unforgettable punishment; otherwise, if they were in the battlefield in the future If something like this happens, what the consequences are, she really can't imagine it.

“It seems that you are very respected.”

The girl took two steps and came to the front of the female cavalry chief, looking up at the female cavalry chief - the skin of the wheat, the neat and short ears, the straight body with strong armor, let the female cavalry look It’s so cool.

Even the girl who had been unwilling to admit that the other side is stronger than herself, at this moment, had to admit that the temperament of the other party was so impressive; of course, the girl who came to the female cavalry’s body did not come to admire the female cavalry chief. Temperament and grace.

She studied with Ye Qi, although she has never been to Shakespeare's headquarters, but from the teacher's usual chat, she has heard about the headquarters of the demon hunter; The cavalry; and the lover of the teacher in the ranger.

Although the girl felt helpless when she heard the teacher's lover in the Ranger, she did not show any difference in front of Ye Qi; out of respect for the teacher, it is impossible for the girl to show in front of the teacher. Any dissatisfaction of the teacher's lover; however, her heart is full of enthusiasm - the witch's sudden incident made her understand the deepest desire in her heart; therefore, she definitely does not want to share it with others...

As for the first come and then?

In the girl's heart, aside from the undisputed accident of the witch, she should have been the first.

"You mentioned the Ranger before." Although the other party may be the demon hunter, the girl is still used to the cautious question: "Is it a hunting hunter's headquarters cavalry?"

The "Rheinx" female cavalry officer spoke the girl's name and looked at the girl who was surprised. She smiled and said: "I am Els, have you heard me mentioning Ye?"


Charitable donations are more boring than Ye Qi’s imagination.

One person who hangs and squats, but who seems to be a hypocritical smile in Ye Qi; rushes to the and keeps on the stage of the temporary construction, expressing his inner grief and sorrow. .

Of course, if there is a tear in their eyes, Ye Qi thinks it is even more perfect.

"Actually, I think that if they enter the black market, they will be better businessmen than me." A black market businessman who has just donated a thousand Kimpton. In the eyes, there are hidden people who are staring at the well-dressed people on the stage. They can't help but face the leaves behind them. For the black market businessman, Ye Qi immediately nodded and gave a positive reply: "Yes, but Mori, don't you think that they stay here and not grab your business is the best choice. ?"

"Although the lack of a competitor is a happy thing, but now I think more about these guys entering the black market, so that I have a bright and brilliant shot." The black market businessman with a sad face on his face, whispering : "Damn my one thousand Kimpton..."

Ps呃, 捂 啊 ...... 3k did not do ah sacred. Promise, decadence, sorry for your expectations, you despise today, despise it...

Also, thank you for the unknown creatures; hey, I wish you a happy birthday~~~~Decadence again thank you for your support~~~~~

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