Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 11 Chapter 101: Exploration (4)

Even if it is just a simple dictation of the wolf, Ye Qi also imagines the brilliance of the times and the glory of the gods from this simple word--a simple summary, the glory of the gods played to the extreme in that era. It can be said that it is invincible.

Because, you can hardly imagine that in a time when you can only use tools simply and the biggest means of transportation is just a four-wheeled carriage, there will be a temple made entirely of marble, up to four hundred feet. The time spent, or the manpower spent, in Ye Qi’s view, is unimaginable.

"It's really something I can't imagine!" Ye Qi sneered with a sneer, saying: "The palace in the cloud is decorated with rainbows, the rain curtain is a fountain, the sun is a mirror... The radiance of the gods shines on the world, by humans All the creatures in the mainland, elves, dwarves, gnomes, etc. admire..."

The ridiculous meaning of speech, because in the whisper of the wolf, he unconsciously thought of the Holy See - although the Holy See is more monopolistic, but can not deny that the two sides are essentially the same concept.

"It's different from the Holy See! The doctrine of the **** has deteriorated during this time of our fall!" Obviously, the wolf knows what his contract companion thinks, and said in a more disdainful tone than Ye Qi: "In At that time, apart from us, there were a lot of powers that were as strong as us, but they were totally different from ours..." The wolf explained to Ye Qi with a mouthful of words; eventually, I found a frowning Ye Qi. At the same time, it also understood the mistakes in the way he spoke, so he answered Ye Qi in another simpler way: "The same place is our strength. The difference is that we know how to control and know how to reuse. It’s a complete destruction, it’s just succumbing to the heart...”

"Adding to the bad environment, the shortage of food; without experiencing you in that era, it is difficult to understand how important a spiritual sustenance is for humans of that era!"

"And in order to make up for the believers who provide you with enjoyment and to make them work better, those so-called miracles appear one by one; aren't they?"

"If there is a question, there is a reply; we just need it! After all, you can't deny that we have taught humans and other creatures how to survive on this continent better!"

The strange wolf still has a slightly sarcasm tone, and he does not care about his own point of view, and this view makes Ye Qi unable to refute - fairness is not absolute, only relative; when you take it, your contribution and Whether your gains are fair or not is only between your thoughts.

I know very well that this is different from my own trading with the wolf. The two sides are at the 'fairer' starting point and doing a 'more fair' transaction. The situation at the time was itself a bet with a life, and there was no fairness at all. Unfairness can be said; you choose to believe in obtaining a spiritual sustenance, to make yourself happy, to long for the country of God after death; you choose not to believe, not only can not get the sustenance of the soul, but also in the crowd surrounded by faith, How different is a non-believers? Even if you guess alone, you can know about it.

Although this is in Ye Qi's view, one is being deceived and paying for everything, then the other is to stick to his own bottom line. In the endless doubt and scolding, the depression may end up facing death, but the leaves I don't think that is the majority, and some of them are only a small part of the quality of death, so that Ye Qi has nothing to say.

He can't say, if I am there, what kind of grand vows will be; because he knows that he can't do it, he doesn't have the problem of incompetence; it's the question of strength - under the eyes of the gods, suddenly There was a little guy who just touched the 'Sun Yat-class', clamoring to change everything now, leading the mainland's creatures out of the control of the gods and building a new world.

This will lead to two results: 1, directly by the so-called gods and deaths; 2, by the number of countless believers playing the devil's label, sent to the firearms, burned to death.

Whether he was killed or burned, Ye Qi did not want to experience it; therefore, he kept his silence reasonably and continued to listen to the wolf's narrative.


Among the many advantages, this is the most fascinating wolf to appreciate - the bluestone slab crawling in the seal land, under the shining of the fire pillar of the sky, the strange wolf squints and continues: "In that era, almost every one People are praying piously, countless willingness to condense and condense; eventually a force that we can't ignore..."

"The power of faith?!"

Unexpectedly, as the time passed, the wolf consciously or unintentionally revealed it, and added Ye Qi’s own collection of hearts; he also had a preliminary understanding of the power of faith; although there may be some discrepancies, Ye Qi’s own understanding, the power of faith is fuel, and the wolves, they have the role of fuel, the machine can operate.

"Yes, it's the power of faith!" The wolf affirmed Ye Qi's words, but then denied his long-suffering conjecture: "But the power of faith is not fuel, and we don't! After all, you have to remember to produce Before the power of faith, we are already above the sentient beings! There is no need for the blessing of the power of faith! The power of faith... at most, it is Jin Tianhua!"

After a long pause, the wolf thought about it for a long time and gave a more appropriate definition. However, Ye Qi was frowning and asked inexplicably: "Although those records of history are mixed, some places Even ridiculous, but the record of the power of faith is the existence that you must compete for, and you have said that for the power of faith, there has been more than one jihad between you; just a icing, you should not need it. in this way?"

"How do you understand us?" The wolf did not immediately answer but instead asked Ye Qi, who had no hesitation, and had a definition of the existence of a strange wolf. Zhang mouth said: "A group of powerful existence!"

"Yes, it is a group of powerful existences!" The wolf is sure to repeat Ye Qi’s words. Without any rebuttal, he admits: "We have our own preferences, have our own dislikes, and are gods of mortals." It’s not because the other person is just and kind, just because it suits his or her preferences...”

“What does this have to do with the power of faith?”

"Of course it matters! Just want to know the detailed information, your trading chips are not enough!"

Facing the increasingly difficult to understand the meaning of Ye Qi, the wolf opened his mouth and could not help but yawn.

Thank you for the reward of the 100th starting point of the Starry Sky, the snail of the Flying Scorpion 100, the starting point of the coin, and the reward of the Moon Moon の 100 starting point. Thank you again for all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters.

Just right, no more than zero, a decade of suffocation

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