Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 11 Chapter 103: Exploration (6)

Chapter 103, Exploring Six

The more difficult the problem, the more often the simple answer is beyond imagination - just like the troubles that Ye Qi faced, after getting the help of the wolf, everything is solved; although the uncoordinated state is still Tenacity exists, but it is still far less dramatic than before; Ye Qi, as long as three to five days, he can 'healing' to accept the last dragon inheritance.

However, compared to the smooth resolution of the physical problem, and then looking for a witch, Ye Qi did not make any progress - once again at a mark on the map, painted a small fork; looked at the four-day search of six places At the labeling place, and the remaining more than twenty points, Ye Qi gently took a breath and his eyes remained firm.

As a demon hunter, what is never lacking is the patience of finding and waiting.

Besika, I will definitely find you.


Once again, I identified the next target, Ye Qi, and handed the map in hand to the guide. Ouer carefully looked at the next target of Ye Qi’s finger, took out the map with him, and carefully compared it. .

Unlike the maps provided by Ye Qi and his entourage, the maps in the hands of Orr are very scribbled, and many places are obviously recorded by their special characters. The maps of the people in the area are all fathers. Grandfather's hard work, scribbled lines, graffiti-like pictures are all guidelines that combine sweat and blood.

In the Qianguma District, every guide has a similar map, which is regarded as the blessing of the ancestors, and the treasure of the family is carried with you - this is not the first time that Ye Qi has seen the map that Orr took with him. However, every time he will pay tribute to the ancestors of the Qiangqu area who invented the map in the form of a reminder for the younger generation.

There is no such thing as a map that will make future generations remember the difficulty of survival. It needs to be cherished. In the same day, Orr is still adding some labels to the map. Obviously he is also obeying the rules of his ancestors. It is necessary to pass on the treasure of this family biography and bring his own blessing to future generations.

"It's very safe. Just take a break and we can go straight." Ouer, who took the portable map, said with a certainty to Ye Qi, and pointed out that the map of Ye Qi was very close to the two places. And the two relics after that are not far from there, I think we can overdo the task today."

"Of course, we have the second-best guide in the Chima area, and we are overfulfilling the task every day."

The little man smiled and handed the cooked fish in his hand to Ye Qi and Ouer. With the locals of Oul as a guide, Ye Qi and his party did not have to worry about replenishment; the other party would always find it edible anywhere. The ingredients; moreover, the taste is quite different.

"Oul, can you tell me if this is a fish?" The big man who ate his mouth was sitting next to Orr’s side. The praise was not too good, it was better than the fish I had before.”

"This is a unique kind of fish in the Chima area. It is not only delicious, but also can be used as medicine." The tall, strong and strong-looking big man obviously has quite a common language with the handsome man of the Okuma area. When you hear the big man’s question, Orma is stunned. Although some places in the Thousand Marsh area are deadly, more are beautiful; there are countless rich herbs, ingredients, and some places. There is a good deposit..."


Ye Qi’s next goal in a row is halfway up the mountain, and the steep slopes are enough to make people walk on foot; even after a thousand years, the stones in the corner of the original ruins scattered around and the beams that are obviously the main pillars of the building The diameter of the imaginary can be imagined how magnificent this ruin was - and the facts are the same. From the introduction of Orr, Ye Qi and his party were originally the temple of the goddess of spring water, before the Holy See 'unification' faith Here, the belief in the people of the Thousand Marsh area.

"There was still the emerald green emblem represented by the goddess, but it was taken away by the Holy See's 'black dog' 30 years ago." Standing at the door of the ruins, Orr pointed to a semi-collapse The dome, the indignation of a face and the temple was still a temple at that time, and those 'black dogs' came into the relics after they came."

Black dog, another name for the black deacon in the Holy See; where the specific source comes from, has long been forgotten, but the specific title of the image is remembered by people; especially like the Qiangyu District, Hailin District, and Huangsha District. This is especially true in areas where the Holy See’s forces cannot be resident. Of course, for this name, the most called is still the Devils.

In the ear, Ouer’s dissatisfaction with the Holy See and the words of the big man’s words in favor, Ye Qi went straight into the ruins, and these days and Ye Qi’s already well-fired Ava did not need Ye Qi to remind him to let straight out. His animal companion - unlike the remains of most of the previous underground, the ruins are on the surface, and the venue is very wide; Ye Qi and his party all walked into the ruins, each facing one Direction, start helping to search.

Of course, for reasons of confidentiality, Orr was left outside, and the big men were also left outside to accompany their tour guides; after all, the meticulous work of searching for secret rooms is really difficult for the big man. .


I also chose a direction. Ye Qi, who checked step by step, heard the shout of a small man; immediately, the surprise turned over; but when I saw the frown expression of the little man, I immediately understood that it was not what he imagined. That way.

"Well" quickly walked to the front of the little man, learning the other side's squatting Ye Qi followed the other's eyes ~ immediately wrong? This is? ”

Still a smooth slate floor, half a black mud printed shoe, appeared in Ye Qi's line of sight - although the black mud that has been printed with the shoe print has dried up, the shoe print is blurred; but Ye Qi still Can be sure that this is a half of the shoe print left by a shoe, and according to the size of the shoe print, it should be a woman's shoe print.

Will it be Besika?

After Ye Qi and the little man looked at each other, the horse had a decision.

“Inquire from our tour guide to see if anyone has hired someone else to come here recently”

It’s late for a decadent, and once it’s coded, the result is still late...

Thanks to the 100 points of the "Sadhearted Sword" and the 2 moon tickets for the wolf that pulled the ear, the 1 month ticket for the moonlight and the shadow, and the 10 complimentary chapters for the quirks. Once again, thank you for all the support for the decadence.

Chapter 103, Exploring Six

Chapter 103, Exploring Six

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