Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 12 Chapter 3: Blade to cold (3)

:Fiction 罓∷

Chapter III Blade to Cold (3)


With a broken voice, the sharp one-handed sword once again waved toward Thomas. A standard sweep that could be loaded into the standard textbook with a sword brought a beautiful but full of murderous semicircle; however, this time Thomas Without any dodge, the sniper rifle in the hand was erected straight, as if the shield was generally blocked by the opponent's attack route. 1



After a crisp crash, it was a soothing rub; the sharp one-handed sword was stuck in the narrow self after being cut into the sniper gun body about half a centimeter. In the gap - the disciplinary knight of the whole body armor has indeed protected most of the whole body, but in order to enable the people in the knight's body to be free to move, there are still gaps in the joints of these armor.

Although the chained lining provides a certain amount of defensiveness for these gaps, it is dwarfed by the knights of the outer cover; even if they are engraved with magical arrays or alchemy runes, after all, these magical arrays and alchemy The rune only strengthens the blessing on the original basis, and it is still on the blessing itself. If the blessing is a very general item, then even if the magical array and the alchemy rune are good, it will be half the result; not to mention the result. It is like the Holy See, and there is no luxury to turn a lined chain into magic gear.

Therefore, it is definitely an effective means to find opportunities to attack the gap between the Cavaliers and the Cavaliers. This means is also one of the most effective means of being recognized by the enemy of the Holy See. However, it is clear that Thomas does not intend to use This method is recognized by countless people; after all, attacking these gaps can indeed cause harm to the disciplinary knight in front of him. Even Thomas has confidence that after his ability to bless, his bullets can definitely run through the 'fragile' chain. Directly hurt to the other side, puncture the other's joints, causing the opponent's action and attack power to be greatly reduced, and regret the joint injury for life. ~~

However, the current situation does not allow him to use such a safe method. What he wants is to kill the enemy in front of him - a disciplinary knight and a disciplinary knight captain are completely different concepts, except between the two In addition to the strength gap, the latter's overall command is even more valued by Thomas at the moment.

The reason why Thomas looked for a black ritual from the beginning of the black suit is to make the bottom of the other party into a situation where the dragons are headless. The low-level obedience to high-level human rules has never changed, even if there is a firm belief. The Holy See of the pillars, although in the "God said" to depict the life of the people, God loves the idea of ​​the world, but in fact the interior of the Holy See is also divided into hierarchical levels, even because of the inclusion of those religious ideas, so that its internal The architecture is far more strict than other forces.

If you encounter a higher level with the highest level of political affairs, you can vent your dissatisfaction in some ways. The high-level "only this is God's will" can completely obliterate all kinds of dissatisfaction and resentment; if you continue to maintain dissatisfaction and resentment, then The torture apparatus inside the Inquisition will make you understand what is called "the true will of God"

Therefore, similarly, when a captain of the disciplinary knight is killed, it will definitely cause a whole team of disciplinary knights to temporarily fall into a panic; although this time will not last too long, but at this time even if only for his captain In a second, Thomas will not hesitate to do it -


The right handcuffs of the M1911A were placed in the edge of the shield that was in front of the opponent. In the sound of the wrist colliding with the metal, the other’s shield moved slightly to the left; although the amplitude was small, it was for Thomas. It is enough to say - tolerate the pain from the wrist, the M1911A changed the muzzle over the shield's defense, straight on the other's left eye

The face of the knight's body armor has a clear breath and clear vision. The gap between the eyes and the nose is like a capital letter "T"; however, this gap is very obvious, but under the shield of a strong shield. It is far less easy than those joints; after all, the most sturdy of the equipment that the disciplinary knights carry with them is the long shield that bears the badge of the glory of the Holy See.

However, the strongest place also represents the weakest point - people always have their own habits, and the captain of the disciplinary knight in front of him is no exception. He has long been accustomed to using shields to resist the frontal attack. He did not think of the edge of the shield. Will be attacked; therefore, when such a thing happens, and Thomas's muzzle is already in his left eye, he is still in horror.

As for Thomas?

Naturally, the other party will not wait for the return of the other person. With a shot of "砰", the captain of the disciplinary knight who had already taken advantage of it, with the blood of his left eye splashed, fell to the ground; even the sun The strong brain of the class is pierced by bullets, and there is no chance of survival. Therefore, the captain of the disciplinary knight who has always taken advantage of the situation and is prepared to punish the heresy has shaken the body nerves twice. Without any sound, the dead can no longer die.

And Thomas also fell to the ground with the captain of the disciplinary knight, the whole person sat down on the ground, watching the swollen right hand wrist and the sniper rifle with serious gunshots, could not help but laugh a bit - before to achieve a surprise The effect of killing, using the sniper rifle as a shield and blocking the opponent's shield with the right hand, Thomas is doing his best; the role of force is mutual, collision with metal, throwing away some special existence, losing forever All.

Thomas can be sure that his right wrist has been fractured. If he is not treated in time, he will probably have a lifelong disability; however, Thomas is more concerned about his sniper rifle than his right hand. After all, ~www. At this time, the weapon is the first important, and the body is already secondary.

However, unfortunately, the world is often counterproductive. After a simple inspection, if he does not want to be injured or even killed by bullets, then he should never use the weapon that has been with him for nearly ten years. Lightly caressed the sniper rifle in his hand and slowly placed it in the same place. Thomas took the M1911A with his good left hand and lifted his foot toward the battlefield where the voice had gradually disappeared.

Ten minutes, it’s coming soon; at this last time, his two players will use the fire of life to burst out of the most radiant, and of course he can’t fall behind – we’re dead with the so-called “God” spokesperson. Maybe it will really go to hell...


In the heart of Thomas's heart, a burst of crisp bells suddenly spread into the ears.

PS is so helpless.... It’s not too fast to catch up with the update before zero...

Thank you, haha, for the reward of 588 coins and the reward of the magic moon の 殇 100 coins, and once again, thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~

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