Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 12 Chapter 8: Blade to cold (8)


Chapter VIII Blade to Cold (8)

"It’s just a matter of hand"

In the face of another little thankful blonde, nv, Ye Qi rarely found no ridicule - crushing a strong nv to maintain his dignity, but not a gentleman; although Ye Qi thinks it is not a gentleman, but also It is definitely not boring to do such a thing.

"For the time being, there is no danger next. What are your plans?" Ye Qi said to the little blonde, and at the same time, he glanced at his eyes because he had been patiently hurting and sweating. He raised his hand and put it on the lining. The green leaves in the green, suddenly a green sè light shrouded the sniper's wrist - for this good-looking special service team member, Ye Qi does not mind giving the other side some help without harming himself; looking at one Face surprise sniper, Ye Qi reminded: "Although the pain will not exist, but this does not mean that it will be cured immediately, but most of the injuries will be treated; if you do not want to leave sequelae, it is best not to overdo it in a week. Use your right hand"

"Thank you for your help." The sniper is very suitable for his own posture, and after the appreciation, he once again retreated to the back of the blonde, and gave the rest of the conversation time to two people - no any Concealed, the little blonde nv told Ye Qi about his next step: "We need to leave here as soon as possible, then reach the highest political area, the nearest jurisdiction, and report our affairs truthfully."

"This time the Holy See suddenly dispatched the strongest of the Japanese glory, there is absolutely something we can't imagine." Thanks to Ye Qi, after the previous topic, the little blonde nv kindly reminded: "In case , I think the Hunting Mania will also need to be prepared."

At the same time, a map similar to Ye Qi’s hand appeared in the hands of the blonde, and she reached out and painted a circle in two places on the map.

"This is where we encountered a sudden attack when we changed our defenses after performing the resident mission; I hope this will help you, then..." Speaking of this, the blonde is less able to remember, his face hesitates. I passed by, but I finally thanked Ye Qi again and made a farewell: "Although this bō black dog was disposed of by you, the next bō will definitely come soon, I think I should be in the next bō When the black dog arrives, hurry to leave."

"Reassure that the Holy See is not as fast as you think." Ye Qi smiled and looked at the blond in front of the little nv, nodded and said: "So, bon voyage"

As if to engrave the appearance in the heart, once again deeply forgot Ye Qi, the little blonde nv gestured to the sniper around him, and then quickly disappeared into the dense bushes of the Qiangqu area, during which time there was no Looking back or any pause - watching the back of the blonde less nv, until the other party disappeared into the line of sight, even after the blind sense can not be detected, Ye Qi regained his gaze. Book mí group 2

"I think you should catch up." The wolf slammed out and once again expressed his opinion: "Like the poems described in the poems, hold each other tightly..."

"Poetry is just poetry." Ye Qi interrupted the apparently unreasonable troubles of the wolf: "And I have not forgotten my purpose of coming to the Qiangqu District", and Ye Qi continued: "However, you are about to wake up in your opponent." When don't you think that you are too leisurely?"

"It's not about coming, it's a long time for you humans; according to my estimation, the fastest estimate also takes ten years." I yawned, and the wolf corrected the mistake in Ye Qi's discourse: "And Now, even if I want to do anything, I can’t do it. Everything needs to bother you, partner."

ten years?

Hearing this specific time, Ye Qi was relieved by himself - although the wolf had said that this time was a long time for them, but before the specific time was determined, Ye Qi’s heart It is with a trace of uneasiness caused by the unknown; moreover, the long time that the wolf said in Ye Qi’s vision is only about a year, so his plan is limited to one year; When I knew that the specific time was ten times the original time, Ye Qi couldn’t help but have one more.

"Do you have any suggestions during this time?" After discerning the direction of the agreed place, Ye Qi asked quickly to the strange wolf: "Or you have any advice?"

"Recommendation? Do you need this?" The wolf said with a quick-sleeping nightmare. "Even if I provide effective advice, you will sneer at it with a sneer?"

"I am just purely cautious. After all, in the face of your existence, any carelessness will make me regret my life." Ye Qi, who is advancing fast, half-squinted in the bottom of his heart to answer the other party's sarcasm; then, suddenly serious Asked: "If you find all your statues and let you get rid of the seal, are you sure to defeat that guy?"

This sudden problem has caused the strange wolf who has always had a lot of mouths to suddenly fall into silence, and Ye Qi did not rush as usual, but waited quietly for the other party's answer; after all, this answer is crucial for Ye Qi. An important one will directly affect his future backup plan.

"I had half the chance to play against him during the heyday." The wolf said very cautiously: "But now, I just broke through the seal, and he fell into a sleep for some reason, and the uncertainty is too More, I can't guarantee"

Half of half of the heyday?


Ye Qi once again seriously thought about the initial and backup plans that emerged in his mind for a Try to explain the two plans to the strange wolf in simple terms - whether it is the first use or backup The plan is inseparable from the cooperation of the other party, not to mention the strange wolf itself. At this moment, he faces the existence that is about to wake up, and the strange wolf is simply a grasshopper on a rope who can’t run.

The two of them, apart from the cooperation of jīng, killed the other person, there is no other possibility at all - from the usual wolf of the wolf, he can clearly know that the relationship between the wolf and the other party is endless, and signed with the strange wolf. He, the companion contract, naturally continues this hostile relationship, and even more than it is.

After all, it’s hard to kill them like a wolf, and it’s hard to kill them completely, otherwise the wolves are not so simple to seal; but they want to kill a contractor’s existence for them. Said, but it is very simple.

Therefore, Ye Qi suddenly found himself in a more dangerous situation than the wolf.

PS suddenly got hot again... decadent sweat again...

Thank you for the reward of 2088 coins, the reward of 100 coins for the stars, and the reward for 1000 yuan for Xuanyuan Yuhe~~~ Desire again Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~

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