Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 12 Chapter 22: Search for traces (9)

"This is the ruins we searched for before!" By the light of the bonfire, Ye Qi's index finger drew a circle along the above markings on the map: "Although the incident was delayed due to the incident of the Holy See, But the ruins we searched for and the ruins we searched for this detour, we have already completed about a third!"

"However, in the face of one-third of what was not obtained before, the remaining two-thirds is the key!" The small man added the key points for Ye Qi and detailedly went to the other two companions next to him. Explain: "However, in the face of this great action of the Holy See, the Hunter Devils Headquarters will never be indifferent; and in the Qiangqu District, one of the least number of hunting devils, we will have more than one hundred in the next days. The possibility of ninety is called by the headquarters or awarded the task!"

After a pause, after taking a bite of the soup that Ava handed over, the little man continued:

"If we want to continue to enjoy the convenience provided by the Devil's Headquarters, then we can't refuse the request or mission of the headquarters; therefore, I propose that I and the Dallan group accept the headquarters as a representative of Ye!"

"With Orr lead, plus Ava's animal partners as an aid, the speed of our search will not drop!" Ye Qi, who added several firewood to the campfire, made the final decision: "I There will be clues at every temporary location; after completing the mission at the headquarters, you will rush to the meeting according to the clues I left!"



Jacob sitting on a boulder frowned fragilely, and the flame in the pipe flashed with a rhythm that exudes the radiance of the flame; when the flame in the pipe is completely extinguished, a sigh is light It rang.

"It's just an ambiguous news! Not necessarily a war!" Looking at his friend's appearance, Tate couldn't help but persuade: "And the headquarters is just for us to cooperate with the action!"

"Cooperating with action is only temporary. Over time, things are definitely going to develop in a direction we absolutely don't want to see! You know, the signer of this urgent document has the guy who is Ye Qi!"

Standing up from the boulder, he raised his head and looked up at the starry sky. Jacob said with a hoarse voice; the sound of hoarseness was originally caused by the vocal cord injury. At this moment, Jacob’s low mood was even more sad. .

Those who have not experienced war will never understand the horror of war; the memories of the dispute reappear in his mind, and even the vocal cords that he has already treated the pain become painful again - that is a The sharp sword, with a dazzling but cold radiant sword, swiftly passed his throat. If it wasn't because he was pulled back by his comrades, he had already lost his life.

The memories that appeared in my mind made Jacob unconsciously touch the throat blocked by the tall collar. Although he survived in the last war, he lost his loud voice; even after passing The treatment of the moon tower, the main tower of Hessell, is only to be able to speak; to want to sing as usual, running on the grass in the suburbs of Shaq is an illusion that can only exist in the mind. .

However, Jacob has no self-pity! After all, he is so lucky compared to his dead comrades; he will never forget the situation in which his comrades who have just pulled him out of the abyss of death are worn by a flying arrow. The feeling of sorrow and mixed despair slowly climbed out from the bottom of my heart, filling his whole body; whenever this time, he always wanted to scream and vent his emotions, just like when he was happy before. In general, but the hoarse voice is like a barrier, so that he can only make a few low-pitched dogs like a funeral dog.

"Let's relax! If you don't want to lose your voice in the next few days, don't torture your throat!"

Tate slaps his friend's shoulders hard and tries to wake up his friends. For more than a decade, his friends have lost their voices because of their emotional excitement. They have already made him understand how he should do it; although he interrupted his friends' memories. It’s not good, but he doesn’t want to see his friends screaming for a few days because of the emotional excitement. He only uses sign language and writing communication; especially when Hessell has warned that if he doesn’t want to lose his voice forever, Don't be over-excited, Tate naturally knows what is right, even if it's not good.

"Ye Qi is only signed, and there is no clear suggestion that it will start!" Tate tried to change a topic, expecting to draw the attention of his friends: "And that guy is just a rising star, not worthy of you. So value it?"

The big cockroach that was about to blurt out was suppressed to the chest, so Jacob had to do a few deep breaths quickly to calm the anger of hatred in the chest; after hearing Tate’s words, he could not help but shook his head and said "You who haven't lived with Ye Qi, don't know what kind of person Ye Qi is! For the sake of Els, I have watched Ye Qi for quite a long time!"

"Although it is indifferent, but it has a strong perseverance that cannot be ignored. You can't imagine a teenager who is out of the elders' restraint can do as a clock, as accurate as a clock, to train, read, and even to meet friends. There is absolutely no delay at all!"

"And compared with the perseverance of perseverance, it is his cautiousness! If it is not confirmed that Ye Qi is the disciple of that, and it is not exclusive to any positive energy, I really think it is a dark wizard. With weight is born!"

"Of course The one that makes me feel relieved is his only kindness; there is no cold blood to ignore the life and death of anyone, and people who care about themselves do not affect themselves and are within the scope of their abilities. Will help those in need; perhaps he will not be a hero who will admire and admire future generations, but will definitely be a good husband and a good father!"

Jacob's analysis of Ye Qi, let Tate slap the forehead with force:

"Oh, I should have thought of it! When you ignore Elsie's **** and Ye Qi, you should notice that Ye Qi, this little guy has passed your test! Otherwise your character is absolutely not Maybe two people are together!"

"Of course, the father of Els died for me, and I have the responsibility to shoulder the responsibility of my father for my comrades!" Jacob's voice is full of enthusiasm without any doubt: "any immaturity, ambition, right Els has a fantasy existence, it should be disposed of, just like garbage disposal, buried or burned!"

PS and friends talk about some things, made late, everyone forgives...

Thanks to the 100 starting point of the sn~~~ decadent again, thank you all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~

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