Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 12 Chapter 53: Knife and boxing confrontation (5)

The fifty-third chapter of the knife and the fist of the āo front (five)

Tozan's left-handed airflow vortex is indistinguishable. Not only is the knives, Ye Qi's body is subjected to greater suction; although under the action of the dragging technique, Ye Qi quickly gets rid of the suction of the airflow vortex. But only this moment of work, it was still raging around, like a beast-like roaring airflow vortex, actually formed a perfect sphere.

If it is not because the color is blue, and there are countless airflows that are constantly rotating inside, this perfect sphere formed by the swirl of the airflow is like a crystal ball. Ye Qi certainly does not think that the former Tozan is very powerful. The vortex of the airflow forms such a spherical object and it ends; just like the sharp sword, the sword is cautious, but the sword that hides the sharp edge is horrifying. The complete restraint is not for retreating, but for better. Attack.


Out of the instinctive habit of xìng, Ye Qi jumped backwards and opened a safe distance with Tozan. At the same time, five magic missiles flew out of Ye Qi’s palm as a measure to test each other and block the other’s pursuit. Blazing white sè, with five magical missiles with special electric fire huā, crossed an arc in midair and hit Tozan...


Jacob, Heli Byron, Giffen De, three hunters who once saw Tozan's shots could not help but change their faces at the same time.

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?" Although she was closely watching the situation, she stayed at the side of Giffen and found her friend's situation. She asked very much: " In the face of the unknown danger, chōu retreats and arranges effective blocking means, waiting for the opportunity to attack, this choice is correct!"

"In the face of the same situation, such a choice is undoubtedly correct, but the opponent is Tozan..." Giffen’s tone was obviously helpless, and in the face of Giffen’s pause, Ai Lili was immediately dissatisfied. Look at each other's shoulders: "Hey, there is something to say, you are very upset when you are vomiting, don't forget, you still owe me a gamble!"

"I will not forget the gambling thing! As long as you think about which one of you wants me, I will fulfill my promise immediately!" Although I can't bear the collections, I lost if I lost. Fen said that there is nothing in gambling and gambling. It is a pity that at that time, because of his eagerness, he did not pay close attention to the conditions of Ai Li and his gambling. He still thought that the other party wanted his own coveted by the other party. The collection that has been around for a long time - of course, it will not remind the other party that it takes so long for the idiot man in front of him to get into his own "trap".

Misunderstandings or coincidences are always formed in such intentional or unintentional ways. Although both parties who do not necessarily misunderstand will feel happy, at least one party will – and for their own happiness, Ai Li has decided to keep his mouth shut before the other party fulfills his promise.

"What exactly is Tozan's talent ability? Until now, there is still no accurate conclusion; everyone is classified into the wind system according to the form of his usual strength!" said Giffen pointing to the moment. The blue sè spherical object that appeared in the left hand of Tozan, slightly frowned: "And this air cannon is one of the biggest bases for Tozan's ability to be classified into the wind system, absorbing the surrounding 'wind' After the power, then one time xìng or divided into multiple times shè out..."

"Send shè?!" itself is the sè hunting demon Ai Li Li heard the introduction of the ability of Tozan in Giffen's words, immediately whispered a cry: "can be divided into a single xìng or multiple times If the air gun of shè is pulled away, then it is not just covered by its attack range, and it is directly caught in several consecutive attacks!"

"Well, that's right!" Giffen sè solemnly nodded and said: "And in my memory, Tozan's air cannon can only attack at least one hundred times if it only maintains the attack power of the moon. No need to stop or switch during the period!"

"This...this..." Apparently, Giffen’s description of the air cannon made Ai Li a little overwhelmed. She whispered: "The long-range combat mode with strong endurance is strong and the melee skills are also Extremely superb, then is he not without obvious weakness?"

"Unless you find the strength to stabilize the Tozan, or directly take the siege mode of multiplayer battle, orthodox does not have obvious weaknesses!" Giffen smiled and acknowledged Ai Li's point of view, making nervous stare Ai Li, who was unable to hide the air cannon in midair, worried about it from the bottom of her heart: "What about Ye Qi who is playing against him now?"

To know that as one of the key points for her victory in Giffen's gamble, although the two sides have not had contact, I have only heard of rumors about the other party, and even today it is only the first time to meet, but this does not hinder her. The good feelings of Ye Qi - the nv people themselves are the most difficult creatures to ponder. Any speculations and inferences that have plans or rules are impossible for them.

Therefore, although curious friends have expressed concern for Ye Qi, Giffen did not care about it at all, but said truthfully: "I don't know! Maybe only when Ye Qi can't support it, let's take it together. If there is Jacob, plus we deal with Tozan, there should be no problem!"

Tightly frowning for a long time, Ai Lili finally sighed - after thinking about it, she did not have any better than Giffen's proposal; although this may cause a certain blow to Ye Qi, but Before there is no better way, it is obvious that this method of preserving Ye Qi’s life is the best way; after all, at some point, living is the most important!

boom! boom! boom!

The continuous dull sound rang from the inside of the green sè ball that was held by the left hand of Tozan, and then immediately invisible airflow rushed to the opposite Ye Qi - although the ròu eye could not see the attack trajectory of these airflows, but the expertise was blind The special perception given by the bucket makes Ye Qi's attack trajectory for each airflow 'clearly visible'. With his own extraordinary reaction and speed, Ye Qi has more than enough to dodge.

However, Ye Qi understands that dodging is definitely not the way he wins this matchup. Any matchup does not rely on dodge to win the victory. He needs to attack, suppress the opponent and destroy the opponent's attack...

Ps thank you for the moon moon の 殇 200 coins, the stars of the story 100 coins and the 1 month ticket of the ~ ~~~~~ 颓 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬 鞠躬


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