Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 29: Night attack

"Thorn Tower, what do you say, I don't understand!" Looking at Ye Qi as if looking at the clown's gaze, Wei Wen's brain, which was blinded by shackles, was finally a little awake, and immediately said to the female cavalry chief: "Love You have to believe me..."

The female cavalry chief looked suspiciously at Wei Wen. Although she believed in his words because of Wei Wen’s injury, the tower of the thorns that Ye Qi had just moved made the female cavalry chief have to suspect that Wei Wen was really false.

Although the tower of thorns is ridiculous, its fairness is also legendary—at least for those who have not been exposed to secret information blocked by high-level officials. Ye Qi, who had been told by the profiteers, naturally knows, but he will not say it for Wei Wen.


The crisp hooves sounded, and instantly broke the dull atmosphere. With the appearance of the cold-faced man with the headquarters guards, everything has been conclusively determined - Wei Wen’s five-sensory control against the cold-faced man has no rebellion at all. The original thing was said.

"Just sorry..."

The female cavalry chief looked at Ye Qi with apologetic eyes and his face was slightly reddish - just now Wei Wen could not only say out the several Rangers who had participated in him, but also stumbled over a lot of female cavalry. The long words of love; coupled with the misunderstanding of Ye Qi’s shame, it is not natural for her to face Ye Qilian’s speech now.

"It doesn't matter! You are only being used by Weiwen for your friendship!" Looking at the female cavalry chief, he was browed again because of the word "utilization" he said. Ye Qi smiled and staggered the topic: "Where is my tent? I have to know that when I was young, I always dreamed of going to sleep in a tent when camping!"


In the newly-tied tent, the female cavalry chief who refused to invite the pillow was sent away. Ye Qi smiled and raised the oil lamp. Although it was an oil lamp, it was enough for him to read "The Eye of Mao Mo" - in the midwinter At the festival, Ye Qi, who has been reading for half a year, has already studied the "Eye of Mao Mo". However, with the understanding, Ye Qi also knows that he wants to use the spells in it but it is impossible! Because the spells on "The Eyes of Mamo" are basically prepared for the demon service, Ye Qi is naturally incompetent for human beings!

Instead of using the spells, Ye Qi is still reading "The Eyes of Mao Mo" in the months after the Midwinter, naturally there is a reason - when Ye Qi decided to stop reading "The Eyes of Mao Mo", The wolf appeared again, and told him a mixed message - because Ye Qi signed a shared contract with it, even if its strength is now sealed, it can not obliterate the fact that it was originally a high-level demon. So even if Ye Qi does not contribute to the soul, he can use the spells in "The Eye of Mao Mo"! However, because it is a shared contract, not a soul contract, the spells in Ye Qi's exhibition "The Eyes of Mao Mo" will be reduced, even if the spell fails. And because he signed a contract with the wolf, Ye Qi will not be able to enjoy the treatment of the sacrificial offerings in the Holy See. Even a simple holy water will be ineffective against Ye Qi.

After thinking about it, Ye Qi frowned and opened his brows - the relationship between the demon hunter and the Holy See was not harmonious, and even if it was related, the expensive treatment fee was not the one who could afford it. . Although he was a small family member, he was knocked out by the blacksmith when he recasted the knives. The remaining money on the card was not enough to contribute to the Holy See's follow-up. What's more, isn't it better to use the money to buy some better equipment? Why go to the Holy See, which is more blood-sucking than a vampire, and it is a hypocrite of eating people without spitting bones!

After seeing Ye Qi’s unimagined anger, the wolf began to take the opportunity to seduce Ye Qi and re-sign the soul contract by fully exploiting and even surpassing the power of the spell on the Eye of Mao Mo! Of course, Ye Qi, who has a systematic existence, is naturally impossible to be tempted! Not to mention "The Eyes of Mao Mo", even if he is given a sun-level sacred instrument, let him sacrifice his soul, it is not necessary!

Deeply took a breath, Ye Qi closed the "Eyes of Mao Mo" - the basic spell shadow warrior and warrior warrior is no problem, but the shadow warrior is easy to use, but the flaw is also obvious; and the warrior's fighting ability is It is really a problem; as for the high-order zombies, the situation of his half-hanger cannot be summoned.

However, the methods are all come out. When Ye Qi saw the list of spells in the system property bar, he couldn’t help but shine.

Darkness: Cast spells to make a piece of the envelope around. Effect: The item emits a supernatural darkness with a radius of 20 ft. The creatures in the range are concealed and cannot be illuminated, and the dark vision is invalid; duration: 5 minutes/level.

When he saw this spell summary, Ye Qi jumped directly; because in the past he always focused on his own powerful attacks or defenses, assisted spells, and the spells of these partial doors were mostly swept away. note. But this unintentional discovery made him have another understanding of his spells!

The supernatural darkness that blocks the light, the shadow warrior who fears the This spell is a perfect match with the shadow warrior! Coupled with the restraint of the spider web, it is simply the choice to kill the enemy!

Excited Ye Qi turned around his tent for two laps. If it weren't for no spells, he couldn't wait to add Dark Arts to his spell list right away, and then collect hundreds of shadow warriors!

At that time, the first dark surgery, then the spider web, and finally released hundreds of shadow warriors besieged - although Ye Qi has not seen the moon-level apostles, even the instructors who teach them cold-faced men and giants are just stars The top apostles, but in the visual capture, the body is bound, and then face the siege of hundreds of shadow warriors, Ye Qi affirmed that the other party even the moon-level apostle will let him drink on the spot!



Just as Ye Qi was still pondering the spellwork, a shrill alarm sounded. Immediately, I received the "Eye of Mao Mo" and picked up the knives. Ye Qi walked out of the tent.

Looking at the chaos of the camp, Ye Qi is a glimpse. I saw five monsters with a height of more than 12 feet, a huge body, a bald head, and a pale gray skin, holding a giant wood mace that is thicker than the adult waist. Waving!

Big monster!

Looking at each other's special appearance, and so far away from the smell of smelling socks mixed with the public toilet, Ye Qi immediately knew the identity of the other party. But then, Ye Qi’s brow wrinkled.

PS is coming to the weekend again~~~嘿嘿, thank you again for Fascist, bloody, aristocratic KING, ojidlsgda, writing books, don’t exaggerate the rewards of several brothers~~~ The support of the brothers can make the decadent in loneliness The weekend is full of motivation~~~ Don’t pick up the ticket in your hand~~ If you have the ability, you can reward a few~~~

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