Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 5: chance encounter

-- Remember!

"Yes, it is Gronin!"

Looking at the little man's disappointment, Ye Qi's smile couldn't help but shine again; he nodded at the little man and walked quickly toward the warehouse not far away - although as a mount, Luo Ning only played its due role in Shaq, but this hindered Ye Qi's own love for Gronin; in fact, any normal boy or man would not dislike these running elves; just like, The kind of love for weapons and armor is generally instinct and indelible. Pull cattle cattle m-m/--m/

The black mane was combed abnormally and neatly, moving in the wind, just a short run, the black fur reflected the bright light - Ye Qi gently licking the relatives of his head on his forehead Luo Ning; although it was about four months since he was in Shaq last time, this short period of time obviously did not make Gronin have any strangeness to him, but instead became more and more close.

The war horse should accompany his knight, not the lonely old man in the stable.

This was written in a letter given to him by the female cavalry chief; born in Shaq, the female cavalry chief who grew up in the Ranger camp knew more about the meaning of the war horse than the owner of the Grosvenor More; in this regard, Ye Qi will not deny; therefore, for the female cavalry commander to send Gronin directly to Randinburg, he did not accept any complaints.

"Hey, Groning's bloodline is really good! The guy who is four years old is still a long one!"

Standing next to Groning. A small man who found something. Can't help but pick a brow - height, at some point will always be used by a small person as a measure of subconsciousness; he clearly remembers that when he saw Groning last time, he could clearly see the other's back But now I can only see the abdomen wrapped in muscles with clear lines.

"We are just when the finances are tense! Groning is really good for you. I think the farmers of Fate will be waiting for you after they see you. One hundred Kimpton, you fifty fifty, how about?" Patting Gronin's back, a small smiley proposal - with Ava's existence of communication with animals, obviously makes Ye Qi unable Gronin is only treated as an ordinary mount and a farm animal; and Groning’s own IQ is obviously not allowed to happen.

There is no hesitation. In the face of a smiling little man, Gronin showed his white teeth, and turned his head straight to the small hand and the hand on his back - although the horse's teeth belonged to a very flat existence, not like some Carnivores are generally sharp. But anyone who dares to bite this bite must pay a painful price; a strong bite force with hard teeth, no matter what kind of creature, is a means of attack that cannot be ignored by all beings.

In fact, Groning's attack method is not the only one. As a war horse, it has the advantage that other creatures can't have - the slender and powerful four legs, and the iron horse's horsepower and solid strength. The chest; as a temper, in the ranger's camp, wounded countless horses, how to fight against humans. Gronin clearly has considerable experience.

A small man who stooped and escaped the sniper of Gronin’s kick after his mouth, saw Groning, who was struggling with his chest, weighing more than 800 kilograms, plus the front The power; unless it is a special existence like a big man, anyone who has faced such an impact will have to fly; especially like a small agile, toxin-professor, there is no such impact. The only way to do is to dodge.

Quickly flashing, avoiding a small man who was attacked by Gronin, looked at the Groning who did not stop, and once again picked up and kicked; immediately yelled at Ye Qi: "Ye. The courier calmed Gronin; otherwise, if I shot, we didn’t even have to eat the meat!"

Toxin talent is synonymous with trouble in any case.

The word such as horse meat is obviously particularly irritating to Gronin; the snoring and snoring of the thick nostrils. All show that Groning has been completely angry, ‘唏律! The Groni, who was in the middle of the sky, stood up. Dancing the front hoof is about to step toward the little man.

However, a palm of his hand was dragged straight to the forefoot before the forefoot hoisted; the wrist turned over, causing the frontal Gronin to become a straight direction.


The palm of the hand was crisply photographed on the horse's head, and then the familiar sense of touch and the breath made the original anger of Groninger quiet; after a sniffing, he followed the horse's unique elegance again. Odd behind me; just over the head from time to time, aiming at a small man and then quickly turn back to the head, full of disdain - although the little man knows that the horse's vision is very poor, it is a pair of myopia, to Now that the distance between the two sides is standing, the other party can't see that he is a problem, but I don't know why he still sees contempt from the other's eyes.

how is this possible?

It’s just a grumpy horse!

Shaking his head and throwing this unreliable idea out of his mind; the little man wisely no longer chooses this kind of play mode that only he suffers, but instead shook Huang Qi’s car key in his hand: Do you want to be faster than who?"

Looked at the little man's plan, once again eager to try, and constantly with his forehead squinting on his shoulder Gronin, Ye Qi smiled slightly: "Of course!"

"The losers, and Leyx they cleaned the bar for a month!"

With a cry a small man rushing towards his own car - a simple modified pickup truck used in the bay area; increased engine power and transformation The chassis is completely responsible for the delivery of goods; whether it is magic materials or herbs, these precious materials are based on this pickup into the city of Langburg.

A rollover rides over Gronin's back, and Ye Qizema follows the pickup truck slowly toward the quayside, advancing on the outskirts of Saskatchewan – in the crowded dock area, after a race, as long as It is normal for one of Ye Qi and a small man to be in a normal position, and such a choice will not occur.


Cool but slightly low, obviously the shouting of the changing period, so that Ye Qi, who has already rode to the door, turned subconsciously.

Ps small wind! Everyone should pay more attention to keep warm!

Thanks to zzx_j.j for a monthly ticket~~~ I am sorry to thank all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~ to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (.) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. )

-- Remember!

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