Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 15: Monkey play

"Oh, the good Ludi Ti!"

In a slightly ridiculous tone, the little man looked at the smirk and looked at everything he had seen through the eyes of the animal, and relayed it to himself, Ava, a small jump, and got into the chair, so he didn’t have the slightest image to kneel down. - When no outsider sees it, the little man will always be unfettered; in fact, in the eyes of outsiders, his image is not much; from those teenagers who always like to play with him. Can see one or two. (.


"The guy who is pretending!"

Ava gave his own evaluation. Through the eyes of the animal partners, he was able to see everything more clearly and intuitively. Naturally, the high priest from the mad believer had a more accurate evaluation - whether it was the meditation of prayer. Say, or the indifferent look after the end of prayer, in Ava’s view, there is a feeling of contrived; especially after the high priest is more guilty of the 'no need' will think that the black priest is directly When I was executed, the feeling of this kind of work was really like a face.

Establish a prestige.

Or killing chickens to see the monkeys, this is Ava’s evaluation of the high priest. For the origin of the high priest, the little man and Ava have been investigated in detail after receiving the news of Ye Qi. After this year's Green Grass Festival, it was transferred from the Inquisition to replace the original Constance; in the face of such a new environment, the new high priest, the original fanatic, obviously has his own ideas. In which, the first position is undoubtedly the transformation of the Bay Area into another Holy Forest.

unfortunately. With the blockade of the Northder family and the hunters of the hunters, they are clearly hidden. There is also a formal beginning that has ended; however, the obvious high priest will certainly not give up such an idea, or it will not become a so-called madman, a madman in the eyes of people.

And this time, the high priest apparently learned the original lesson and made new preparations.

In fact, since that failure, the high priest disappeared in front of the people for two weeks; for such a long time, the high priest was definitely not looking for a corner where no one was crying, mourning his own Failure - although many people are curious. But this curiosity was well concealed, waiting for the high priest to be a blockbuster or a time to become a laughing stock again.

This is definitely the idea of ​​most people, and there are not a few people in the Bay of the Holy See who have such an idea - airborne, for anyone. Except for himself, it is extremely annoying; even the mad believer is no exception; or, it is because of the mad believer that this irritability has deepened a lot.

According to the small man learned from various channels, since the mad believer took office, the church in the Bay Area has disappeared four times without a **** and two acolytes, as well as a believer who prayed on Sunday.

Of course, for these, the little man is not interested in Ava, but only by the way; what they are really interested in is when the high priest will act again - before the other party moves. It is what they want to calm everything down.

It’s definitely two different concepts to reinforce and prevent problems before they happen!

"What are we doing now?"

I looked at the two companions beside me, and the big man scratched his head and asked.

"Of course, waiting for the next scene, our High Priest is just opening a head, and the rest is still not there!"

After the little man and Ava glanced at each other, the little man who was there was said.

"At the very least, there are two days to prepare; I can remember that he contacted a lot of people this time!"

"A group of clowns who have been blinded by their interests!"

Avage said in a definitive way.


Guild, a unique product of Xia Lin. But with the advancement of the highest government, trade unions in various regions have sprung up.

As a wharf city like Saskatchewan, it naturally has its own union - Rute, a medium-sized, ordinary middle-aged man. The president of the Saskatchewan Trade Union, which was elected by most merchants in the port of Saskatchewan; of course, it must have abandoned the Northder family.

For the existence of trade unions. The Northder family itself is completely dismissive – as free from the highest government and the Holy See, even the nominally demon-destroyed headquarters, these families have shown their pride and dignity; The nature that supports these is the foundation and strength accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years.

In fact, without these embarrassing strengths, whether it is the highest government or the Holy See, it has long been said that the unsightly family has been eradicated, especially the wealth that has accumulated for hundreds of years, which is enough for others. Eyes, heartbeat.

As a successful, well-known big businessman in the Bay Area, Lut showed a coveted normal person facing these wealth; the Northder family who controlled the entire port of Saskatchewan, in him It seems like an active gold mine; unfortunately, there are guards that deterred him from these gold mines - for so many years, the redness of the North’s family wealth is not just him, he has many before him. The same minded people; unfortunately, these people were all ruthlessly 'milled'.

Yes, it is the crushing in the traditional sense, and finally, including their families, they have become fish-like existence.

For that kind of **** scene, Rutter would feel chilling even if he thought about it.

However, this time, he also has his backing!

Although the person asked him to pay his faith; but This is for merchants, as long as there is Kimpton, there is no problem; don't say it is faith, even if it is life, as long as there is enough gold Putton, Rute also dared to fight; just like, he is doing now.

"President, Gecha has a few bosses coming!"

"Let them come to my office!"

The secretary’s report made Rute quickly sort out the clothes, then sat in the chair and waited for the arrival of those who had made his appointments – in the face of danger and interests, several people to share the risk, Is the best way.

As for the benefits?

Of course, it is best to be alone.

Ps cold in the cold! Sitting on this foot is frozen!

Desire for all kinds of protection, warm hands, warm heart! ! !

In other words, today's decadent winds, it seems that the network cables are blown off, sometimes there is no, the manuscripts are all taking chances; from eight o'clock to ten o'clock, it is considered a stable point; hey, the old people, Can't afford to hurt!

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