Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 8: Annihilation

On the track off Shack, a carriage suddenly stopped there, and a group of black shadows around it had quickly surrounded it.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With Jacob's order, countless heavy weapons fired at the same time, and the huge impact instantly took the entire car out of the track and rolled down the slope. The carriages made of pure iron were beaten and broken by countless bullets in less than two minutes.

Through the moonlight, the demon hunters can clearly see the blood flowing along the broken carriage along the arc, including animals and enemies.

The fierce attack has been maintained for ten minutes. If the previous car is still fragmented, then it can only be called a residue. From that pile of waste, no one can recognize that it was a car.

"Is it over?" On the hillside next to the track, Ava looked at the ground soaked with blood. Even though he knew that it was the best choice, his expression still had a trace of sadness; of course, this sadness was not given to the enemy. It is the animals that are buried with the enemy; Ava stands silently and prays: "May your soul return to nature..."

"End? It's still very early!" Ye Qi, who had been closing his eyes, opened his eyes, smiled and shook his head, and said to the little man on the side: "Datong, the team is handed over to you for the time being!"

When Ye Qi finished, he carried the magic knife and slammed toward the open space. A bright knife flashed, and immediately a tall man flew up, and the body fell from the stealth state. Although the siege was successful, Most of the enemies were wiped out in the compartment, but Ye Qi was still able to perceive the volatility of some people who escaped with the ability of the apostate killer in advance.

As Ye Qi decapitated an enemy, it seemed like a signal that everyone else immediately launched an attack, and obviously they all held the mentality of death with the enemy and began the final counterattack.

The battle of the beastly beast is especially terrible, giving up the attack of his own life and immediately causing great trouble to the demon hunters. In addition to Ye Qi's side, because of Ye Qi's care and advance mention, the other hunting demon people around have suffered casualties. Especially the demon hunters armed with heavy weapons were caught off guard by the other side.



The screams and the sound of blood spray immediately became the main melody. Even if it was the moment after the other party appeared, it would be shredded by several times of attack, but there was a moment of time enough for the other to take away the life of a hunter! Even if you can't do it all, it will cause the demon hunter to fall to the ground.

Within half a minute after stopping the attack, no less than ten hunters lost their lives, and seven or eight were seriously injured. This is a casualty that can't be ignored by the high-level demon hunters who have already forced the other side into desperation. The only lucky thing is that the new apostles who served as auxiliary forces did not hold heavy weapons and avoided the opponent's counterattack.

"Hey! Hey!"

The appearance of one's own casualties, let Jacob finally shot - the black gun appeared in his left hand, the muzzle swayed, the bullet brought a beautiful arc, and immediately the two stealth enemies were accurately hit In the middle of the eyebrows, and the powerful impact of the bullets suddenly flew their heads, leaving only two headless bodies falling to the ground.


Following the black gun, the white gun also broke out at the next moment, causing the submachine gun to be ashamed, and the several enemies who had just rushed to him were screened.

Is this the ability of a gun? Sure enough, it is a holy device!

In the distance, Ye Qi left a little attention on Jacob's body after the battle began. Immediately after seeing the shooting of black and white double guns, the black and white double guns were tagged with holy instruments. Because the arc bullets fired by black guns or the dense bullets of white guns are far beyond the concept of ordinary guns. Especially after the shooting, the black and white double guns did not have a shell to land, and there was no need to change bullets. This is not the normal gun.

"Would you like his double shot?" The wolf came out again, and when he came out, he confuses Ye Qi: "Kill him, the gun is yours! Know that they are in the history of the sacristy. It’s famous! The kid is just half the power of them! As long as you can get them, I am absolutely sure that you can play their true power!”

"Yes? After that killing the other party?" Although the wolf is erudite and has the wisdom that Ye Qi does not have, it can't change the identity of the other demon; especially the obvious and poor temptation, Ye Qi is even more Disdain: "In the face of hunting and hunting, there will be endless pursuits, you can get more from me, even my soul?"

"Oh..." The strange laughter of the wolf has not been exposed in the slightest laughter. Instead, he said with enthusiasm: "If I don't want to trade with you, I can let you avoid all the killings of the Hunting Maniac." What?"

"You will have such a good heart?" Ye Qi, who has been repeatedly fooled, not only did not have a heartbeat when he heard this tempting proposal, but was wary of it - from the past, even if there is even a strange wolf Sweet head, but bitter fruit will also come one after another; therefore, even if Ye Qi will be heart-warming, but still categorically refused: "I refuse!"

"It’s a stupid boy who doesn’t know what to do..."

The strange wolf disappeared in the decisive refusal of Ye At this time the battle in the field entered the last moment - the apostle killer faced Jacob finally appeared, black The dagger was assassinated toward Jacob.

Although the dagger is still sharp, but the other party who gave up its greatest advantage, facing the barrage under Jacob's white gun cloth, is a failure, and although it has escaped the key, most of the body has been hanging. The senior demon hunters, with the seriously injured companions and the bodies of their companions, left the two people and left the last moment to the leaders of both sides.

The night wind is mixed with blood and blood, and the looming moon in the dark clouds seems to be inlaid with a red edge, which is extremely magical. In this moonlight with a slight red light, the other person's silhouette has become blurred, just blurred, and has not disappeared, as if it is covered by fog, it is invisible.

Block the line of sight?

Standing on the side of Ye Qi's brow wrinkled, he felt a bit wrong - in the last fight with the other party, the other side's cautious, one hit and instantly overlooked are all fresh in his memory. But why do you want to die today? With the strength of the other party, you can escape smoothly when you are dead! In this way, even if he returned to his organization, there is an excuse. Why should he choose the most powerful Jacob among them?

The eyes were slightly stunned, and Ye Qi’s hand was involuntarily placed on the knives.

The decade of PS fever is more than twice as long as usual... Sitting in front of the computer is dizzy, it is really unable to hold it, but finally finished the code~~~ Finally, especially thanks to the **** fight Reward ~~~ decadent to go to rest first... I hope to be sick tomorrow...

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