Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 51: Intervention

The flat scroll was held in the hands of Lutil, and the low prayers followed the description of the unique gods on the scrolls, and the ups and downs of the praises from the heart - the original ordinary words, gradually It emits a white light that is quite different from Lutil's body. Www.)

This white light is so bright in the darkness, even if the fire burning in front of Lutil can not cover up any brilliance, even as the light continues to expand, the burning fire will lose its original belonging. The flames are shining, only the white radiance is left - when the last syllable of Lutil’s prayer appears, there is a normal adult height, and a faint golden rune appears in the night sky of the Northder family estate. Underneath, the golden runes in a diamond arrangement, suspended at a height of about thirty feet, flash like a star in the sky.

And with the flashing of these pale gold runes, the black priests who are charging have a white light - not only bright, but also dazzling like a beating flame of white light, appearing quickly In the body of these black priests, they were connected.

Suddenly, because of the damage suffered during the charge, the white light immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the bullets that were originally threatening were attached to the black priests. After that, it also became powerful, but this did not cause the Northder family to give up or be discouraged - the bullets ejected from the machine guns, more than any time, must be full of anger; before, The sudden explosion, the family's elite death is enough to make these people of the Northder family re-feel the unforgettable hatred between the family and the other.

After the main house of the Northstead family, there are countless portraits and materials in the small halls developed for their own people. These are the final destinations of the people who sacrificed for the family; and through the detailed information recorded, Anyone from the Northder family can clearly know that more than 50% of these sacrificial people are from confrontation with the Holy See!

New hatred, old hate!

Make all the North Germans. I have my own wisest choice. The bullets that contain hatred and anger are shot from the muzzle and harvest the life of the enemy in front of me - even under the white light, the original power of the bullet is greatly reduced, but a bullet No. Just two, two can't, just three!

None of the people of the Northed family will give up!

"Give me a gun!"

Standing at the top of the family. Norther shouted loudly on the intercom: "Target the **** rune!"

boom! boom! boom!

The artillery at the top of the tower was once again volleyed, and more than a dozen shells hit the golden rune at the same time. But this is enough to make a group of elite soldiers burst into a bone, just to make a slight sway on the surface of the golden rune, and then, the next moment, it will flash again as before - look at the bombarded golden runes, Lu Tyre’s face could not help but reveal a thick disdain.

As two reels compensated for his inability to resonate with the sacred. Among them are the high-level magic that can only be performed only by the Archbishop's level - and the runes created with the true high-level magical spirit of the Holy Spirit are inherently unimaginable by ordinary people; After the shield is merged, the force of the moonlight-level powerhouse can break the force field protection; the golden rune in front of it, unless it is a strong day, it is impossible to be broken, only in time When it is over, it will disappear automatically!

no effect? !

Keeg. Northd clearly saw the power of the shell after the bombing of the mouth, and immediately slammed on the wall with a fist; the dust splashed. Blood ran down the base of Keeg. But he didn't seem to notice it at all, just staring at the golden rune floating in the midst of the Northstead family estate - after using the family relationship and seeing the teachings of the Holy See, Keeger. In addition to the magical and powerful shocks of the gods, Norther wants to find ways to suppress the magic of his family.

Although his family has similar magical and special abilities, the owner is called the apostle, but Keeger understands that such talent is very rare. Even if his family has been using the methods passed down by the family to increase its chances of birth, it can be compared with the chances of the gods of the Holy See. It is still too much – a huge population base that provides the Church with an unimaginable advantage; the total population reaches one million in the Holy Forest. From the screening and cultivation of every child's birth, almost five hundred people can be born a user who can progress smoothly and become a god. In the entire Holy See, there are many conditions that are favored by various favorable conditions. The existence of the apostles, according to some records its number will not be less than a thousand! In addition, the number of users of special abilities that have been cultivated within the Holy See has reached 3,000!

And the total population of the entire Northder family is only about 3,000! Among them, there are only about one hundred people with a gift of apostles, and there are fewer people who can actually use them on the battlefield. Only fifty people are not there. The apostle’s ability can be recognized as a prelude to the astrology if he wakes up. The identity; but only if it reaches the middle of the star, it can be recognized as combative; and some of them have a very special awakening that becomes the apostle's existence, because it is not natural awakening, but is restricted to develop to a higher level.

In fact, many large families have similar methods of raising the apostolic awakening rate or simply forcing awakening to become an apostle, but the reason why they have not been shackled by the hunters or other forces is because of the apostles created by this method. It is really a finite reason; in history, there is no one that has used this method to reach the level of the moon, the highest is only the high star of the star; and the more is the level of the first awakening - the star According to the first steps!

Therefore, except for the major families with special structure, they also use this way to gain an effective combat power. Basically, the highest government including the apostles has long tried a very short period of time and gave up this. The way - after all, compared to the ordinary people to look up to the apostles of talent, an apostle who can never be promoted, has been nailed to the early stage of the star is undoubtedly the object of ridicule.

Ordinary people's ridicule, the true apostle's disdain, even if it is a determined soldier, has long been out of this situation. There is no doubt that there is only a crash.

And after learning that the apostles who are not naturally awakened have such drawbacks, Keeger. Norther immediately chose to give up the idea of ​​going down this road - he could not do it with his own people. This is a cruel way for any normal person.

But Keeger. Norther did not give up. Instead, I was more eager to find ways to fight against the gods. Even, for this reason, he had been exposed to the dark wizards for quite a long time, and wanted to find something useful; but the result. Undoubtedly disappointing - the dark wizard's magic also has a magical, powerful place, but the same seeks certain qualifications, and in the context of the Free Age, the true inheritance of the Dark Wizard has long been secretive to his ability. Outside the scope of the exploration; to get the ability to compete with the Holy See, it is necessary to go to the sparsely populated or some kind of secret to find the true inheritors of the Dark Wizard!

And this is true. Keeg. For Norther, it simply doesn't work!

The search for repeated, repeated failures, even if it is tough as a base. People like Northder can't help but feel disheartened; however, the occasional opportunity has made him see a new path - a dark wizard who can be used to use toxins and flames, in the spell before. He was shot dead; watched that fell to the ground. The dark wizard who has fallen into a pool of blood, through the past deeds of the other side, he can be sure that the strength of the other side is definitely no worse than any priest who has used the gods he has ever seen, and even more powerful; after all, the magic of the dark wizard is destroying The prestige of the aspect is far beyond the priest who uses the magic.

But this is the existence. It was actually shot by him!

Suddenly, Keeger. Norther saw a new path – unlike the apostle. Perhaps these magical, magical users have powerful capabilities, but compared to their powerful capabilities. Their bodies are undoubtedly fragile; a well-trained gunman can shoot a powerful dark wizard or priest with a shot!

As long as the right person in a correct time reaches three months, the power of the gun can be used to achieve the results of countless people. Under the support of this concept, Keeger. Norther proposed a plan to his patriarch to start the crazy update of the Norther family, which was originally only in the low-end weaponry; and, with the convenience of the Port of Saskatchewan, began to work with artillery through various special channels. Construct!

That's right, it's a gun!

The power is far more than the firearms of the firearms, and even in the frontal confrontation, the users of the magic and magic are directly blown into crushed artillery!

However, what made Keeg feel helpless was that the special artillery used in the real chariot, even if he spent countless Kimpton, established several intelligence networks, did not get one - the highest government battle The protection of the car far exceeded his expectations; in those ordinary times, under the brilliance of Kimpton, he became a pitiful existence. Once he mentioned the topic of chariots, he would immediately become full of solemnity. Keep your mouth shut; or take care of him!

The only official who accepted his Kimpton and promised to help was also found dead in his own office the next day; at the same time he was also warned by the patriarch to let him give up all information about the chariot. The collection - for the patriarch's severe warning, Kim has no complaints; he is very clear, if not his family, he is likely to have committed suicide like the official!

If, if I have a real chariot artillery...

Looking at the golden runes suspended in it, Keeger. Norther clenched his hands, and the feeling of powerlessness in his body seemed to become a poisonous snake constantly consuming in his heart!

and many more!

The base that buried his head between his arms suddenly raised his head. He quickly rushed to the room where the ammunition was stored, and then dragged the ammunition box containing the grenade from the corner - since it could not break through the magic The power, then just destroy the person who performed the magic! Just like the dark wizard who was shot by him before!

"give it to you!"

After hanging more than twenty grenade on the belt and shoulder strap, Keeger yelled at his deputy and immediately ran towards the bottom of the tower. Before the war, the entrance and exit at the bottom of the tower was completely blocked. Dead; launched a secret road connected to the hall under combat.

Through the underground secret passage, Kim, who appeared in the hall, immediately heard the painful snoring, just a little sweep, and Keeger saw countless familiar faces, and many of them wore blue. The sea **** of armor - every sea **** here is broken armor. There are serious internal injuries and burns on the body; although every ambulanceman is doing his best to alleviate the pain for all the injuries, but for some already overburdened existence is only in vain!

The buzzing sounds are constantly ringing, but more are indeed disappearing!

Kig is clutching his lips tightly - before. The sudden explosion of the scene, he stood on the tower to see clearly; except for these lucky people who survived, more people in the huge explosion, turned into ashes; now. After the tribes suffered, they left the world!

Holy See!

The hate in Kim’s heart never thought of the current intensity. He looked down at the grenade and walked towards the back of the hall—there was a secret road leading to the manor outside! A secret passage that keeps a hope for the Northder family at the last minute!


Souter was in front of Keeger - a gem with a grenade dress was undoubtedly prominent in this group of patients. As a friend, Sotel is instinctively paying attention to his friends.

"I still have something..."

Kig looked at Sutter, who wrapped his bandages in nearly half of his body, and did not stop. He bypassed the other side and continued to move forward.

"Count me in!"

Soltel interrupted Keeger’s words and followed Kim’s behind him, gently pointing at the grenade on his waist and shoulder strap: “The Lutil Inquisition is born, if you are alone, even if It’s not enough to have these things!”


"You are not good at concealing your own thoughts since childhood. The murderous presence is here. Going to the secret road outside the manor; as long as there are people with certain thinking, you will understand what you are doing!"

Looking at the surprised look of Keeg, Sauter, who was wrapped in a bandage, wanted to make a shrug, but this action undoubtedly touched his wounds, so that he had to make a relaxed look. At the next moment, Tel took a sigh of relief. The pain even made his face pale and pale; looking at his own giraffe with concern, Souter revealed an ugly smile: "Do not worry! I have no problem! Before, there is Missy. Reminder. The key points have been escaped! Hey, let's go, as the sea **** of the Northed family, if you look at an ordinary family member to take risks for the whole family, then I think my glory is only worthy. Was thrown into the mud!"

"Ordinary people? I am the captain of the artillery team at the Hong Kong Guard!"

Keg’s mouth was slightly upturned, and when he dropped a sentence, he walked straight toward the secret road; Sotel chuckled and followed behind each other – and after the two disappeared for a while, they lay down. Several sea gods on the stretcher suddenly opened their eyes. After a few glances of the sea gods, they smiled and smiled silently toward the secret passage of the family. The sea **** is still the same as the previous serious injury.

As the card of the Northder family, they certainly have a special place compared with the ordinary family elite; and some secrets that can completely suppress the injury, even burst out of stronger combat power is one of them - only However, this is not without cost; afterwards, the overloaded use of the body will directly cause the injury to completely break out, causing them to lose the life they still hope to retain!

The sea gods are the guardians of the family. When the family stands on the edge of the cliff and is covered by danger, their blue armor will be our most powerful guardian. The trident in their hands will be hard for us. A way out of life - this is the story of every family of the Northstead family that has been heard since childhood, the legend of the sea gods, and the vows of the sea gods themselves!

Undoubtedly, compared to their own lives, every sea **** is more concerned about their own vows!


Lutil’s face had a glimpse of a triumphant smile—looking at the black priests who were blessed by the Holy Spirit to push the North’s family to step back~www He suddenly felt that the humiliation he had received before was about to be washed away!

Use the blood of the entire Northder family!

Of course, Lutil was not stunned by the impending victory. His eyes looked at the door of the Northder family hall through the ground and the heavy crowd with only a few remnants of flames - there, Standing, Gail. Northd.

I personally left the other's head, this is the goal that Lutil set when entering the Bay Area, and no doubt now is the time!

PS is another weekend... I can’t afford to eat with people...

Thanks to the June Snow IV200 starting point reward, the 100 starting point of the reward, the evil evil Xia Yu 100 starting point of the reward and Feng San, 91193 each one monthly ticket rewards deprecated here thank you all support the decadent brother sisters

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