Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 75: Stationed

The beginning and end of each era are accompanied by blood and corpses. The victorious side is called the pioneer and the pioneer. The losing party is generally full of derogatory terms such as conservatives and decayers; however, although the name is different But the color of the blood that flows is the same, the bright red waters the earth and the river, opening the curtain for a new era - the sacred age is no exception!

From the end of the decay of the bishops in various regions, the riots were frequent, although there were repression of the disciplinary knights and black priests, but when a drought that swept through Lorante came, it was like the last one of the dead camel. Roots of straw, the whole of Lorante was caught in a piece of chaos - the victims of hunger and anger filled their chests turned their attention to the magnificently dressed, lavish church; when the first church was broken by the victims After burning, and finding a lot of food, it was immediately like a fuse. The churches around the country quickly became the targets of all the victims.

Survival and faith, the former is the foundation, the latter is sublimation - the true devout can use the latter to overcome everything, but the vast majority of people still belong to the former.

The Vatican countries affiliated with the Holy See, joined together with the only remaining forces, and began to search for the demon hunters who had already been buried in the past. - Undoubtedly, such a move is a big rebellion in the Holy See and must be eliminated, but the Holy See It was not until this moment that they found that there was no mobilization outside of the Holy Knights and the very few priests and priests.

The archbishops and presiding judges who were regarded as the pillars of the entire Holy See have already been divided into the districts of Lorante. Even the annual Fathers' Ceremony is held in their respective parishes. It has not returned to the Holy Forest for nearly ten years. The disciplinary knights who are subordinate to the elite have long been cleaned up in various names. The rest are only in the name of the Holy See, but in reality they are for their own interests; of course, those red archbishops The same as the presiding judges, but the level is different - when a report appeared on the table, the old pope who had been immersed in glory discovered that the Holy See had decayed from the roots.

As for the director of the Inquisition?

After the return of the last referee to the embrace of the Father, this position has been pending; it has been vacant for nearly 50 years, and it is seen from the current state. This position will continue to be vacant until there is a presence that can deter the presence of the people.

Order the high-level members of the parishes in each parish. They were fighting each other, but they soon discovered that they were really small. They usually only existed as 'mortal' in their view; there were not too many sophisticated weapons, equipment, and even war horses. Just a long sword and a long gun will treat them as elite disciplinary knights; then. Things that even more frighten the high-level leaders of the Holy See have emerged - more unarmed, but the physically strong people will swarm up, pick up the weapons that disciplining the knights, wear armor, and erase the badges belonging to the Holy See. Turning over the horse and launching the charge.

The assaulted person fell, and more people will pick up their weapons and armor and continue to charge; tireless, fearless, fearless death; and compared to such existence, although there are more sophisticated weapons, there are usually The disciplined knights and guardian knights who are strictly trained are full of fears—especially the latter, they simply cannot understand why they are usually like lambs, and the existence of arbitrary bullying and stifling. Will become a grassland hungry wolf, down the mountain tiger is even more terrible!

failure! failure! Continuous failure!

The big man of the Holy See who made the past high. I have to unite everything; but even if they are united, they still can’t resist the team that has gathered to everything, holding up new flags and shouting free, especially when a group seems to have disappeared in their eyes, wearing After the presence of the black trench coat appeared. Suddenly, the great people of the Holy See and their troops were temporarily united. A thousand miles, they directly fled back to the place where they first came out and grew up, but they were selectively forgotten after leaving - Shenglin District!

The land that was baked in flames and stained with blood was filled with white and gold. The Holy Land, which is dominated by the holiness; the corpse is almost covered with the entire Holy Forest, one after another, and both the assaulter and the adherent are on these bodies until they include the head of the Holy Knights. The deputy head, the 12 red archbishops, and the presiding judge all died in battle. After the old pope was seriously injured, the war stopped.

It is not the subsidiary church of the Holy See that wants to stop, but has to stop - twenty of the subsidiary church states, there are less than six left, and half of them are wounded soldiers; The enemies who came in were only less than one-fifth left; in fact, after the high-level forces of the Holy See chose the United, the high-end combat power was sent out, and the resistance to these high-end forces was Hunting demon; even after entering the Shenglin District, facing the famous leader of the Holy Knights, deputy heads, twelve red archbishops, and presiding judges, all of them are famous for the heroes. Life.

And those are the elites of the Demon Hunter who have accumulated through centuries!

"This is the path of the wizard!"

It seems to recall that there is a history about this forest area, and the look of the captain of the sea **** who pushes the Northder family patriarch, there is a glimpse of unclear yearning; Gael, who is in a wheelchair. Norther looked at the woodland in front of him and couldn’t help but see a glimpse of it.

When all the forces are ruined, and the strength is greatly damaged, the final truce agreement is signed!

The Shenglin District was still planned to give the remnants of the Holy See. The Shaqin in the Chunlin District became the foothold of the Demon Hunter, while the remaining places became the site of the only six dependents of the Holy See, and were elected by the civilians. The six representatives managed together and gave up the constitutional monarchy and changed to the electoral system: the highest government.

The ancient families who played various roles in the war, the winners also returned to their respective sites to gain benefits, and the losers also entered the back road that had long been left - Qiulin District; The Northall family, a supporter of the Holy See, retained his family's traditional territory, Langenburg, Saskatchewan, and even as a reward. The only remaining six royal families at that time also assigned Fate to North. The German family, collectively known as the Gulf District.

All the forces after the war began a long period of rest and recuperation - the reconstruction of the city, the arrangement of people's livelihood, and the delivery of fresh blood between the organizations, all of which made the forces busy, especially the war killed a large number of elites, making all organizations There has been a phenomenon of 'breaking generation'. The new generation has not grown up, and the original generation has grown old, especially the family forces involved. As the ‘ mercenary’ backbone, it’s almost lost, no equivalent!

Compared with the three forces that have already improved, even after a long period of nearly 50 years of cultivation, these ancient families are just a few well-known figures - starlight, moonlight level. As long as there is sufficient supplies to rely on the abundant resources, coupled with the skills and secret techniques handed down by the respective families, the Japanese glory is based on personal qualifications!

Anyone understands that only the Japanese glory is the basis for calculating one's power!

Although the Holy See has some hidden magic, this restriction has been greatly reduced. However, the Holy See after the war is obviously still in the state of rats crossing the street, and it is impossible to collect more resources to implement such a costly magic.

As for the highest government and the devil's headquarters?

Although the two have sufficient resources to allocate, especially the former occupies the advantage of the vast land and resources, the collection of resources is very fast; but the lack of both of the magic, can only cultivate their own daily glory in the most traditional way. The strongest people - the pain after the war has not yet laid the foundation for cooperation between the two sides, especially the highest government that has just mastered a little power, and will not give up their right to exchange for their lives for the immediate benefit; therefore,. In order to be able to balance the high-level combat power. Ten years after the establishment of the Supreme Government, the ‘Cruise’ program began.

The three parties in this state are absolutely not optimistic in the face of the 12 unbelievable Sun Yat-sens.

The biggest possibility is that both lose, and this is just unbearable for the three-party alliance that has just passed through rest and recuperation; not to mention the family of the three major forces - it takes only ten days to destroy a city. Fifteen days. Even shorter time; but building a city takes ten years, a hundred years, or even longer; and the establishment of an organization. The same is true.

Another peace agreement was signed, and a peace agreement with the wizard was signed under the witness of the tripartite alliance and hundreds of powerful wizards - the deep gathering place of the sea forest as the last gathering place of the wizard. It is not allowed to touch the fingers of other forces, and this forest area intertwined with the outside world has become the passage for the wizards to enter and exit the sea forest and the outside world - the road of wizards!

Other dark creatures in the Hailin area, the wizards will be constrained and cleared, just like in the middle and late days of the wilderness. The application of human magic first appeared in the middle of the wilder age. The first people who used magic were All people call them wizards and are respected because they help ordinary people resist the invasion and construction of dark creatures; but when the wild ages go, humans become the protagonists of Lorraine, the arrival of witchcraft Later, the wizards who had the highest status were taken to the road, and the people who had hoped for happiness ushered in the dark age that opened the tragic and war history of the entire Lott.

"The sorcerer's faith is wisdom, and it is magic! Since it has been missed once, then it will never be wrong again! We are witches here, keeping the traditional wizards in the middle and late days of the wild, rather than the dark wizards who have lost!"

This is what the wizarding leader said when he signed the peace agreement and left the trip to the tripartite coalition. It turns out that the other party did not lie. In the two hundred years since then, the agreement has been observed; the wizards did not appear. In front of ordinary people, it also binds most of the dark creatures in the Hailin area, but even the wizards will have omissions. Some dark creatures that have been drilled in the sea forest area still exist, especially on the Wizarding Road. Dark creatures attracted by the outside 'fragrance'.

As for exploring the Hailin District?

Every force allows such behavior, even encouragement—anything that the wizard is doing in the depths of the sea, any force wants to know; especially after about thirty years ago, the stable wizard organization split and the group continued to comply. The agreement, the other faction gradually approached the direction of the dark wizard, and after a small and no small movement, each force increased the exploration and warning of Hailin.

But for the sea forest, which is almost half the size of the entire Lott, the dense forests and the dark creatures in it are greatly increasing the difficulty of exploration, especially considering the attitude of the original wizards - although the division makes it The strength is greatly reduced, but this does not mean that any party can openly tear the agreement; after all. The other party has been obeying.

The inability to probe and search on a large scale has made the difficulty of the entire exploration task increase again; until now, most of the organizational forces have only preserved maps around the sea forest area. A little deeper map, except for the highest government, the Holy See, and the Hunting Mania, other organizations basically do not exist.

"Witches, people are heart-warming!"

With a hint of memory. The captain of the sea gods finally sighed; however, the tone of the captain of the sea **** became less good in the next moment: "However, why did your friend come here to meet? Is it that the Holy See is going to destroy the Northder family? The next plan is to destroy the path of the wizard. It is really the Holy See of the talented people. It depends on the strength of the Japanese glory. It has just damaged the existence of five Japanese-level glory. Now I can’t wait to throw another dozen. A strong day of the glory came out to test the limits of the wizards!"

Undisguised ridicule. It is only a bitter smile to make Gail Northd - he knows very well that his cousin, from the very beginning, disagreed with his friend Dizzi to pass the two to promote the alliance of the two forces; After the attack of the entire Northstead family, the original resentment was more directly upgraded to disgust; if the strength allowed, he believed that his cousin would surely rush into the holy forest area as the same year. ,!

"This is just a personal invitation from Dizzo, and he has left the Holy See!"

"Is it out? Should it be wanted? Just like a defeated dog, it was expelled everywhere!" The captain of the sea **** captain did not mean to calm down, but the meaning of sarcasm became more and more intense: "Hey. He should not It will be to save your life. Come here to go to the depths of Hailin and seek the shelter of the wizards? This is definitely a good note!"


In the face of this cousin who is also known for his temper in the family, Gail Northd can only shake his head and smile; however, he knows that his cousin has a bad temper and a mouthful, but But people can be trusted; otherwise. He will not give up the more appropriate candidate for his son, daughter and wife, but his cousin will accompany him to see his good friend.

"Lord Remus!"


Dizio, an ordinary taupe robes, appeared slowly in front of the two. After a smile with his friend, Dizzi rushed to the captain of the sea **** captain. However, Ramos returned with a cold voice: "Let's talk! I am going there!"

Watching his cousin walk towards the car, Gail Northd cast a grateful look - he understood that this was the space his cousin deliberately left for him to talk to his friends; although the way of expression was slightly Intense.


After a long silence, Dizzi, the former presiding judge, spoke first; he included an apology to look at his good friend: "Sure enough, as Lord Fletcher said, you and my fool will work together, and ultimately only Can be an idiot!"


With a long sigh, Gail Northd lifted his hand and swayed.

"The loss caused by the two idiots, the two idiots will naturally make up!" The patriarch of the Northed family slowly said: "However, the premise is to save your life!"

"While the grown-up has made an all-nighter, there is still room for it!" Looking at the friend who clearly showed his unbelief, Dizzi smiled and explained: "I can stand here and talk to you. Is the best proof! And, how is your body compared to me?"

"Fortunately, what about you?"

"The most outstanding point of the Japanese glory is the body! Although the injury was very heavy at the time, it is now okay!"

"Uncle, I have decided that my daughter will take over the position of the Northder patriarch!" When it comes to this, Gail Northd can't help but smile again: "However, the girl is far from the uncle's request." what!"

"Lord Fletcher, who has always been known for being strict!" Dizzi thought of the scene when he first saw this lord, and he could not help but smile with it; after a long while, both of them laughed. After stopping, Dizzi looked at his friend again and asked, "So, what about you?"

"Probably will be sent to Randenberg for retirement! After all, the loss of this family was caused by me!"

"It seems that our two are not destined to be too far away!"

"What do you mean?"

Gail Northd looked curiously at his good friend, and Dizzi pointed his finger around with a rare, hearty smile.

"I will stay here, stationed on the road of wizards! Make up for the mistakes of our two idiots!"

"How can a person make up for the mistakes of two people?" After a slight glimpse, Gail Northd said with a light smile: "After the body is fully recovered, I will apply to my uncle and transfer here to stay with you on the road to the wizard! ”

"Every year, the people of the Northstead family will probably lose five to ten people and the number of hunters, plus the people who died in the Saskatchewan this time because of piracy. We are probably stationed for two hundred years. That's it,!"

"There are also the Holy See. Although I have left, I still need to complete the final atonement for them!"

"So, it takes about three hundred years!"

Gail Northd lowered his head and calculated a number.

"Three hundred years, a long time! I should have no problem, what about you?"

"Almost, but it should be no problem!"

"So let's make another appointment again?"

Dizzi suddenly proposed and immediately got the approval of Gail Northd.

"This agreement will be reached!"

"of course!"

"The road to the wizard, three hundred years!"


The two men’s hands collided again and issued a crisp sound that represented the vows, just like twenty years ago.

Ps唔... New Year’s, the decadent stomach can’t stand it... I’ll continue at night...

Thanks to the prodigal wandering 200 starting currency, turtle0920200 starting currency, x100 starting currency, sn100 starting currency, ゙戮※angご100 starting currency, quiet forest 100 starting currency, seven swordsmanship 100 starting currency and Yun Ruofeng Feiyi Zhang Yuetui’s New Year’s Red Packets are rewarded. I am grateful to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence (to be continued.)

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