Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 80: Dissipate

"Curiosity will kill the cat!"

Ye Qi looked at the old wizard who said that he was harmless in front of him, and said slowly; but the knives in his hand did not let go, but instead they got closer and closer to each other - although the other party was not as luxurious as before. Middle-aged men generally change, but when the other party appears here, it means that the other party is not as harmless as it is now. Www.)

The number of wizards who reached the level of the Sun Yat-sen in the depths of Hailin, Ye Qi did not know, even the young witches from there did not know - a standard wizard, most of the energy was put In endless magic or experiment, except for their own assistants, most of them have not seen the wizard himself for several years, and some even have not had their own laboratory door for more than ten years.

Therefore, apart from the crisis of their own survival, the wizards simply ignore it. In their opinion, instead of paying attention to it, it is far better to use these time to calculate and practice their own magic or experiment; of course, not all The sorcerers are like this - the Dark Wizard, the existence that has left people with tragic memories, is an exception.

Although all the dark wizards focus on magic and experimentation, their focus on magic and experiment is to increase their strength and gain more powerful attack power; instead of exploring the knowledge like a general wizard. Unknown proof - although in some respects, Ye Qi does not think that there is anything wrong with the practice of the Dark Wizard; after all, after paying hard and countless years of experimentation, gain more powerful magic and strength, this is in Ye Qi seems to be a fair acquisition. It should not be as disgusting as an ordinary wizard. It is considered to be a paralysis of knowledge; but this does not mean that Ye Qi can accept other aspects of the Dark Wizard; for example: greed, haze And cruel.

In fact, the rise of the Dark Wizard, the period when the magic was popular, was called the Dark Ages, and it was inseparable from the nature of the Dark Wizards who were fascinated by the pursuit of power—the greed of the Dark Wizards at the time. It is like a beggar, and it is desperate to plunder any useful resource; any existence that dares to stop will be calculated by their haze. Cruel treatment.

Although I don’t know that the current dark wizard still retains the style of the dark age, it has never changed the pursuit of a strong nature. From the mouth of the young witch, Ye Qi clearly knows that the sea sorcerer The root of the contradiction that arises is the identification and identification of power; one side maintains the traditional wizard. It is believed that the exploration of knowledge is to seek the essence of power; while the other party believes that power must be thoroughly mastered, which is the essence of its existence; undoubtedly, the differences between the two sides eventually lead to guilt, and even can be said to be civil strife.

Every day, familiar faces disappear. Even during lunch, I had a pleasant conversation with you. After the afternoon tea, I received the death of the other party. Or I showed you a smile at the moment, and I pulled out the knife at the moment you turned around. Ye Qi is very Clearly remember that when the young witch said this again, her face was pale and her eyes were helpless; in this case, Ye Qi loved to help, but only sighed and comforted; however, through this passage, Ye Qi had the essence of the dark wizard. Have a better understanding.

Power is fundamental!

In order to pursue a powerful force, I will not hesitate. Absolutely a favorite group of his companion companions - the existence of power as the ultimate goal. I will never mind the way of blood sacrifices; although it may be the instinctive wisdom of the wizard and the resistance to selling the soul, Ye Qi is very convinced that with the means of his contract companion, as long as the other party agrees to the first step, then everything will be after It is a matter of course, even if it is the soul of the other party, it can't escape the palm of his contract partner.

in case. Not as a hunter, he couldn’t get close to the depths of Hailin because of the peace treaty. He didn’t mind taking his contract companion to go deep into Hailin to see the greatness of the wizards; Although he did not see it with his own eyes, it did not hinder Ye Qi’s classification of the deep-rooted wizards in Hailin – the one that maintained the tradition. Undoubtedly, most of the time it is harmless, even good, and the emerging faction is obviously quite dangerous and aggressive.

And the old wizards who seem to be kind and have a considerable possibility belong to the latter. After all, the traditional wizards will never appear because of a day-to-day duel away from their labs; only those who fall backwards The emerging factions of the Dark Wizards will be interested in this.

Whether it is magic equipment, or holy devices, or a wounded Sun Yat-sen powerhouse itself, it is the reason that can make them appear - after all, even if it is magic equipment, it is absolutely It belongs to the top class; and the holy device has a very likely emergence; the eagerness of the sun stalwart for the holy device, even if it can not find the holy device that can resonate, will definitely be allowed if conditions permit. Collect one or two pieces of saints as a bargaining chip for your future.

Of course, the former two are nothing compared to the one who lost the free body of a free-spirited body; especially for the Dark Wizard, what is better than a Japanese-level What do the strong people use as experimental materials to excite them?

What's more, through the transformation of some mysteries, it is absolutely cost-effective to control a wounded Japanese-level powerhouse. It is only a matter of cost-effectiveness, even if the saga of the sorcerer's transformation is only in the 'new' or even lost. After the gods, even those Poseidon guards were inferior. In the dark ages, there was more than one such wizard attendant; although Ye Qi did not know whether the secret wizard such as the Dark Wizard still exists or not, this does not prevent him from facing the front. The vigilance of the dark wizard.

With the dignity and pride of the strong people of the Japanese glory, they have been transformed into shackles without the wisdom of God. It is definitely a matter of making the glory of the Japanese glory insulting themselves - and once they think of those who are strong in the day, they are finally miserable. In the end, Ye Qi's knives couldn't help but approached another point.

"Hello, I am just pure curiosity, absolutely no offense!"

Under the pressure of the knives, the old sorcerer could not help but take a step back, raising his hands and raising it higher; the old wizard with a smile on his face, holding the palm of his head and pointing at the former man who left the luxury. The direction, explained: "I just came out to send the guests away, and then curious, just followed over!"

"Your friend. The injury is very heavy. I have the refining medicine I have here... and"

Once again, the side of the side, the other side of the old wizard's waist reveals a gray length less than ten inches. A long strip of bag less than five inches wide - the knives in the hand moved, preventing the old wizard from taking the medicine on his own, and Ye Qi ran straight to the other side and shouted: "Remos, help me with this." The sorcerer's pharmacy bag was taken over; then, Lord Dizio asked you to help detect the pharmacy!"

Although most of the wizards are not good at melee, except for some special wizards, this is not the weakness of the wizards, using some special means; these wizards are enough to make up for the weaknesses that they are not good at melee; for example: Pharmacy - as The sorcerer's lab occupies more than 60% of the existence, and the pharmacy's help for the sorcerer is not that great. And the kind of magic that is no less than magic, so that the enemy of the wizard is remembered; and Ye Qi, who is a hunter, will naturally not forget the existence of these remedies, and finally the chilling end.

The captain of the sea god, who pushed the patriarch of his family and the former presiding judge of the Holy See, heard the cry of Ye Qi, and did not stand in the jungle again. He walked straight to Ye Qi - in the relationship between the two sides, if not because The previous decision was worried about causing unnecessary misunderstandings. They would not stand in the jungle at all; now there is Ye Qi’s opening. Nature does not have to be obscured.

There is no hesitation in the slightest. The captain of the sea gods took off the old wizard's pharmacy bag and watched the old wizard feel distressed but did not dare to move. He just looked straight at the look of his pharmacy bag and took the drug pack of Dizzio. An apologetic smile appeared, but the white light that detected toxicity was lit up in the hands - like the demon, even the Holy See, the main opponent of the Dark Wizard. Dizzo was more detailed and serious in his examination; even though there were several kinds of medicines that he was very familiar with and understandd, Dizzi still carefully checked it several times before he took out two of them. I walked to the front of Lehman lying down on the ground.

As for the Lions on the side?

Dizzi is turning a blind eye – not because he is wanted by the Holy See, Dizzi will let the dark creatures; if that is the case. He will not send a vow of three hundred years to guard the wizard's road with his friends; but the relationship between the other party's identity and Ye Qi, Dicuo can not be shot.

For the origin of Lions, Dizzio, who is the presiding judge of the Holy See, is of course very clear. The other person who is a disciplinary knight is straightforward and kind, obeying all the knights' creeds. If it is not prematurely dying, it will definitely be the Holy See. One of the key training targets; of course, Dizion also knows very well that the other party appears as an undead creature and starts attacking the church in the parish church; even the other party’s arrest and destruction orders are signed by him.

However, at the moment, the relationship between the other party and Ye Qi and Lehman has made Dizzo doubtful and embarrassed, especially the latter. Although it has been wanted by the Holy See, it is only a matter of three days. Lehman, who showed the strength of the sun in front of him, did not seem to be promoted within three days; the holy fire that had shrouded the whole body, plus a cross sword that was completely composed of holy fire, apparently found himself. The daily glory of the road exists; and such existence, even in the Holy See, is an object of absolute concern, and it is impossible to be as obscure as Lehman.

Am I really not suitable for a high-level idiot?

Lehman, who looked at the drink and smeared the pharmacy, and treated himself with the magical technique, the former presiding judge of the Holy See turned his head and turned to the friend behind him to reveal a helpless smile. Lehman suddenly burst into the real strength. Dzizio, who had a little regret, had completely let go of the regrets in his heart; after all, he did not know the true strength of his subordinates. What is the most appropriate description of the word idiot? ?

“Can I return my pharmacy to me?”

The old wizard looked at the two potions that Lehman had drunk and smeared—even in his entire pack, the two potions were the most precious first-order; and quickly returned to normal, and regained Lyman, who stood up easily, undoubtedly proved the validity of these precious remedies; however, seeing Lehman, who was still looking at his pharmacy, frowning, the old wizard who was afraid that other pharmacy was taken away, could not help but ignore the blade in front of him. Shouted.

"You still!"


The pharmacy was thrown at the old wizard, and at the same time there was a one-handed cross sword made entirely of holy fire.

"Bastard, guys who don't grateful for the pictorial!"

At the moment when the pharmacy was wrapped in the hand, the old sorcerer turned into a smog and quickly drifted away, and then with a burst of cursing, disappeared into the jungle - Ye Qi did not catch the smog. Instead, he swayed the magic knife far away from his side; immediately, a crescent-shaped knife that had split the air, rushed there.

"Hey! How did you find out?"

The old wizard who had disappeared. Once again, there was a side-by-side escape from the knives that passed by, with a hint of curiosity and nervousness on the face, staring at Ye Qi; and the stick that had been inserted in the waist had already appeared in the In the hands. At the same time, two test tubes with green-violet pharmacy appeared in the other hand; obviously, the old wizard who failed an illusion wisely chose the most correct approach.

Of course, the old wizard who went all out to pose an attack gesture no longer cares about the curse that just fell. Appeared again -

"The guys from the Holy See are so hypocritical? You guys like this should be nailed to the wall of unbelievers!" After shouting, the old wizard’s head turned to Ye Qi’s side, loudly saying: “And you This guy, is there no trace of morality? It will only help you to abuse it?"

"Ethics? If I don't have a trace of morality, I will not listen to your explanation just now, and directly smash you under the knife! What's more, we are obviously the same camp. When facing an outsider like you. Do you help each other? What shouldn't it be?" Ye Qi said slowly - obviously, he is not disgusted with Lehman's sudden sword; for the unclear bias toward the existence of darkness, any means are not excessive, is every A demon hunter understands the truth, and this is why the demon hunter can never become a knight.

but. In this case, the old wizard immediately raised his eyes.

"Even if it is nailed to the wall of the unbelievers, I will collapse it, and then nail me to the existence of the wall. Destroy!" Compared to Ye Qi, Lehman's words are undoubtedly more surprising to the old wizard. Originally, it was just a pair of eyes. At this moment, I couldn’t help but get a big lap. The smile of Dzi’s mouth standing behind Lehman’s mouth became more and more helpless. If he didn’t see it, he wouldn’t believe it was a claim. Lehman, the model of the disciplining knight, said that even though he is not part of the Holy See at the moment, in the face of such remarks, he is still enough to shock his heart and a little helplessness.

Because, he believes that if he still holds the title of the presiding judge at this time, then he will never hear such direct remarks.

"One knows only the sword and the sorcerer!"

"A mad man does not know the so-called disciplinary knight!"

"There is also an undead creature that is not a dead creature!"

After the old wizard glanced at the existence that deserved his attention in front of him, he snorted and summed up: "The only guys like you can get together with a duel! I want to continue my research, but I don't want to return to knowledge early. Temple, I hope we will never see you again!"

As a result, the old wizard crushed the two test tubes in his hand, and immediately a thick smog shrouded the surrounding area. Even with the strength of the Japanese glory, he could not see the things in the fog. All the people entered the state of alert at the moment when the thick fog appeared. The words of the old wizard seem to leave, but no one except Ye Qi can be sure that the other party is telling the truth.

In the blind bucket perception, the fluctuations belonging to the old wizards, at the moment when the dense fog appeared, quickly left a large section at a speed beyond the expectation of Ye Qi, almost no less than the formerly dressed middle-aged man secret. The speed of the continuous flicker, a few breaths beyond the farthest perception of the blind bucket perception - although if chasing, Ye Qi still has the confidence to catch up with each other, but in the case of Lehman, he can not Peace of mind to chase the old wizard; after all, he did not want to come back, saw several people including the patriarch of the Northed family, all lying in a pool of blood.

As for Lions?

The Green Knight, who was comforted by the Cavaliers, for Lehman, there were many ways to be delayed in such a special environment as the duel; and then faced with the injured former presiding judge, the Northder family leader and the Sea God captain, Lehman, who has recovered under the potion and the gods, is obviously hand-to-hand.

This is not an unfounded conjecture. Ye Qi believes that in the character of Lehmann, in order to hide his secrets, such things can definitely be done - in fact, after the smoke has dispersed, any one sees Lai Man looking to Gail, Remus and Dizzo's poor eyes, understand the implications.

"Innocent damage, never allowed!"

On the breastplate, there was a pair of slowly recovering swords, and Lees was in front of the three, facing Lehman with a calmer face than before.

"One day, you will be dragged down by innocence!"

"Death to protect innocent people, die without regrets!"

After gazing at Lions for a moment, Lehman's cold glimpse, pointing to Ye Qi's slight dagger, slowly walked toward the jungle.

"Remember our next appointment!"

"As long as you haven't died yet, I must go to the appointment!"

When Lehman’s figure was about to disappear, Lanes shouted loudly; and it was still Lehman’s slightly cold answer.

" will meet again; thank you again, Lord Ye Qi!"

After Lehmann disappeared, Lanes nodded at the three people on the side, and then thanked Ye Qi, and then entered the jungle with his own attendants. Ye Qi, who was the witness of the two, disappeared in the two. After that, there was no reason for the natural left. After the same gesture was given to the Gaelic three, the whole person jumped into the jungle of Hailin.

Looking at the empty space where only three of them were left in the moment, Gail Northd looked at each other with a glance, and smiled and turned to walk towards the road - after all, compared to almost as an uninvited guest, abrupt When I came here, the place I was waiting for was where they should stay, especially for Gail North and Dizio.

PS Ok... After the noisy past, you not only have a stomachache, but you are also empty...

Thanks for always being late L588 starting currency, June Snow IV200 starting currency, the prodigal wave starting point of the four seas, 200 starting currency, sn100 starting currency, turtle0920100 starting coin, seven swordsling 100 starting currency, wife coming, 100 starting currency and one monthly ticket The New Year's red envelope with a one-month ticket for the dripper is abolished here. Thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence. . )


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