Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 1: set off

Chapter 25 begins

"How? Not so good!" Morrie smiled and pointed to the joint that was still oozing blood with a bandage: "But, fortunately, if you come in time, you can't die!"

"Who is this?"

Feller's expression is a little dignified - whether it is from the special identity of Moretti or the special existence that can harm Moretti, this person must be listed as a dangerous person; And in the face of such a dangerous person, you must prepare early, otherwise the object of his headache will definitely not only the director, but the mayor will definitely join the ranks!

"Do not worry! People like the other party are not dangerous people in a certain sense!" Seeing to follow the ambulance, a heavy-looking Feller, Moretti waved his hand: "I am just like this." It’s because of the moment’s heartbeat and it’s self-picked!”

"Heart?!" Feller's eyes were full of some surprises. Apparently he had completely misunderstood; and feeling Feile's gaze, Moretti did not explain too much of the reasons, just moved. Look at the body, look at the ambulance's ceiling, and whisper in his mouth: "Any organization needs fresh blood, and the special team needs it!"


Drink it!

Deep in the Hailin District, suddenly there was a low, powerful and high-spirited drink. Countless birds were shocked by this high-sounding, with panic-stricken tweets, hovering in the air, around the foreign object that suddenly appeared in mid-air— - A round rock with a diameter of about five meters!


The rock fell in accordance with the usual temperament, and the big man standing underneath was firmly attached to the back - the muscles from the waist, like the two dragons around the back of the big man, even if so violently collided The body of the big man is not under the protection of the muscles that are not inferior to the armor, and there is no harm!


The heavy breathing sounds from the mouth and nose of the big man, even if it is standing a few meters away, it is clearly audible; and with this heavy breathing, the muscles of the big man’s body are swollen again, and the two ankles are Because of the whole body, it was directly immersed in the turned soil. (Please keep in mind free novels)

Drink it!


It was a high-spirited, rounded rock that was carried by a big man on his shoulders and gathered by his arms. As the squeeze gradually gave off a crisp sound, a small crack like a spider web appeared on the surface of the rock. And constantly expanding, eventually, when countless tiny cracks come together to form a larger and wider crack, the whole round giant rock crashes!


The small stone with a strong force "shoot" to the surrounding, playing around the flowers and trees straight sound; and the big man who did all this did not stop, but the body was short, the whole person rushed like crazy A tree with three or four adults in front of it.


The rapid breathing has become a piece, just like a roaring engine, and the big man is turned into an ancient beast composed of steel and galloping in the depths of Hailin District!


On the route of the big man, the big trees were broken, and the big man seemed to be insatiable and still madly charged. A road completely driven by barbaric power appeared in Hailin...

"It's so strong!" Standing in the distance, the squatting legs looked at the road that had been trampled by the maddening rhinoceros. I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and my eyes were full of incredulity: "He How did it do it!"

"Training! Never sleep, for the belief in the heart, abandon life and death, keep training!" The bartender looked at the big man who was swaying from the ground and shook his eyes, his eyes flashed a touch of appreciation: "Dallan now has Enough strength to follow the boss's footsteps, just don't know how the other two are!"

"Of course, no problem!"

The voice of the bartender has just fallen, and there is a reply in the sky. A goshawk with wings spread more than three meters **** its wings and winds down. During the landing, the feathers of the body quickly disappear. "Show" out of the original: Ava!

Appease a bit of the purple carat that was uncomfortable for the first time away from the ground. Ava smirked at the bartender and lame, and then quickly walked toward the big man who had already run quickly because he saw him.

"How are you ready?" Ava smiled and looked at the more sturdy partner; scratching his head, the big man nodded as always, then turned around and looked around and asked, "What about Datong?"

"At this!"

The answer of the little man rang behind the two people, and with the answer, it was originally a mess because of the collision of the big man, and the corner of the woodland covered with fallen leaves suddenly appeared a creep, followed by a thin figure. Drilled out from it and waved at the two people: "Are we going now?"

"of course!"


"Rheinx, you should stay here and continue training! Instead of leaving with us!"

The small three people standing at the entrance of the **** glory camp made a final farewell to the high blood and glory of the moderate youth; but the sudden insertion of the girl, but this smooth farewell will have an unexpected wave of waves - Ye Qi When not in the room, the small spokesman is trying to resolve the accident peacefully.

"Listen, your strength has not yet reached the point where you can help the leaves!" It is obvious that the little girl is very familiar with the mind of the girl; therefore, the words are directed at the soft underbelly of the girl: "And you don't want to be the burden of the leaves? ”

"I..." The girl understood that the little man was telling the truth, but the thoughts raised in her heart made her reluctantly raise her head and looked at the little man without retreat: "My strength is strong! I can definitely Help the teacher!"

Said as if to prove her own words, the girl appeared a whole blue and blue "color" current - a line of hair thick like a snake snake can not live around the girl's body The upstream and downstream are moving; although small, the power of the Thunder has already begun to appear, and the small man standing opposite can even estimate that the current of these hairs is enough for the name of an adult!

However, this is still not enough!

The little man made an eye to the big man, and the big man immediately went to the girl's front. The little man standing still in the field looked at the big man and reached out, ignoring the power of the current. The girl caught her hand, and after a stun, she apologized to the girl.

Rucks, I am sorry!

The side of the leaf is too dangerous. If you don’t have enough strength, it will only bring trouble to the leaves!

When the big man handed the girl to the side of the nine-night innocent hand, the little man grabbed the bag next to him and waved goodbye to the people behind him. Then he looked at Ava and the big man next to him and shouted: "Let's go!"

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