Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 14: Dragon vein

The bright moonlight is as bright as mercury, enveloped in the central castle, and calmed on six high steps. The night winds, the rains of yesterday and today are so great that the whole Shak is immersed in the water curtain; but only in this way, the warm rooms and comfortable beds will become extraordinarily attractive.

The rooms of the Central Apostles are not spacious, but they are comfortable enough. Ye Qi leaned on the recliner and stared upward through the window. The entire night sky washed by the rain was so transparent and clear; the stars filled the night sky, but unfortunately Ye Qi, who did not study the constellation, could not be identified. Even if the mysterious knowledge reached 26, but the constellation is still fur, there is no help for Ye Qi, who now wants to accurately identify the constellation.

Constellation is also a mysterious knowledge. Is it true that there are spells such as divination and stargazing?

Shaking his head, Ye Qi breathed a sigh of relief, took his eye from the starry sky, and pointed his gaze at the female cavalry chief who had fallen asleep on his bed. Under the quilt, the female cavalry chief was deeply soft. The bed, tired breathing, with the chest and rhythm ups and downs. Ye Qi gently reached out and slowly plucked the other side of the bangs, leaning down a slight kiss.

Today is the second day of returning from Deco Manor. After arranging the affairs in the camp, the female cavalry chief stayed in the central castle to take care of Jacob. Jacob, who made such a powerful attack that day, was not easy. Not only the body is out of force, but the body is also suffering from certain trauma; after dark today, it is clear from the coma. Although still weak, it is more reassuring than the coma.

The female cavalry officer who had not rested for several days finally finally let go of her heart. At the strong request of Ye Qi, she was taken to his room to rest.

"You are always worried?" Ye Qi looked at the sleeping female cavalry chief, staring at the tired look of the other, sighing softly: "Why don't you rely on me? In fact, my shoulders are very strong... ”

Once again licking the quilt for the other party, Ye Qi picked up the windbreaker on the hanger and walked out of the room quietly. Because of the performance of the Deco Manor that day, he has now been chartered and transcribed in the week. All the books on the first floor; even if the price of the transcription is still expensive, but can get in touch with the hidden knowledge, Ye Qi still feels happy, although this is only a small part of it, but it is enough for him to pick up It’s busy in a little time.

Of course, transcripts are a luxury for him who will now be in deficit, so he can only go through the Tower of Knowledge. Fortunately, the Tower of Knowledge is open to him throughout the week, and there is no time limit. This is undoubtedly a lucky for Ye Qi, who has been busy for the last two days.

"Please come with me!"

The transcripts who had already waited outside the Tower of Knowledge respectfully bowed to Ye Qi, and then turned to Ye Qi to open the small door on the side - only Ye Qi will be here at night, there is no need to open the door.

The transcripts are respectful and lead the way for Ye Qi. Although Ye Qi does not need it, the other party still does his duty. Of course, the responsibilities do not allow the other party to be so respectful to Ye Qi, but because Ye Qi faces the strength of the six-armed snake demon in Deco Manor and some changes in his own.

On the same day, shortly after all the demons were cleared, the task completion prompt rang.

"The B-level mission is completed behind the scenes; gaining 20,000 experience..."

“Congratulations, your character level has been upgraded to ten, and the professional level is in line with advanced level. Your injury and energy have been fully restored, you have reached a free attribute point; you get 10 skill proficiency; you have an optional Expertise opportunities, please make a choice!"

“Yes/No Advanced?”


Naturally, you don't have to think about it. Ye Qi chose it right away.

The familiar darkness is coming again. Under the endless starry sky, a black square card descends from the sky again. The quaint and hidden cards in the quaintness draped with dark gold patterns like water waves; the wings that are open in the center, the dragons and dragons The dragon pattern is constantly changing the color and shape: red, blue, green, black and white, interlaced, metal crystal, star, jade, interchange...

Eventually, when the change finally stopped, the dragon pattern on the black card was already different from the original - the dragon was still a dragon, but the scales clinging to the body of the dragon became charcoal, and there was no obvious The skeleton of the back gives a smooth impression. The hourglass-shaped black scale covers its eyes like a mask, and the circular black scales with uneven distribution of twelve positions are radiated from the back to the front, like the annual rings.

A spur that resembles a Japanese-like pointer stretches out from the back of its skull and seems to double its head length. Its pair of triangular wings extend out of the narrow point behind it and expand to make it look like an hourglass. At the end of the tail, two protrusions of different lengths give it two tail tips.

“Time is in line with the dragon, is it a yes/no awakening?”


With the experience of the last transfer, this time Ye Qi was a lot smarter, and then returned to the castle room before he started this advanced.

The pain is more intense than the last time. The pain is from the deepest part of the body - the soul bursts out, and the sweat soaks the body of Ye Qi in a flash...

In the severe pain, Ye Qi felt that his own thoughts seemed to have produced a glimpse. He had an illusion - two parallel lines that did not intersect each other, and "he" climbed in the middle of the parallel line, but slept. ......

"Dragon Vessels advanced!"

For a long time, the system prompts Ye Qi to liberate himself from the pain, and immediately opens the property bar to look at the new advanced profession.

Dragon Vessels: There are rumors that the magical power of warlocks and bards is related to the inheritance of the dragon's blood. Some of the Dragon Warlocks were warlocks, and some were bards. They used their magic power to activate the dragon blood they inherited and explore its maximum potential. The lifestyle they choose includes both expeditions and seclusion. Because of their familiarity with spells, many of them like to pursue adventures, especially those that allow them to further advance their research on their own dragon bloodline. They are often attracted to areas where the dragons live.

Occupation characteristics:

Skill points per level: +3

Get a feat every three levels

Get one attribute point every three levels

Level of occupation level: Longwei (larvae): If the other party's mind is unsuccessful, it will fall into fear, panic, and coma; Dragon's scales (larva): natural armor +1, dragon power (larva): power +1

Class 2: Get a level 6 spell, increase the level 5 spells.

Occupational Level 3: Dragon's Breath (Large): Needs physical contact, releases the line of dragons of predatory time and the cone of dragons of exile time

Class 4: Get a level 7 spell level, increase the level 6 spell level,

Occupational level five: Dragon's physique (larvae): Physique +1; various elemental damage reduction level six: Longwei (adult): the opponent's mentally determined difficulty doubled, Long interest (adult) : can be spit, distance depends on the level; dragon power (adult): power +2.

Class 7 of the Occupation Level: gains a level of eight spells, increases the level of the seven spells, and inherits the dragon: the adult dragon reaches the battle memory of the family through the blood;

Occupational level 8: Dragon's scales (adult): Natural armor +2; Dragon's physique (adult): physique +2; 40% reduction of various elemental damage.

Class 9: Less than 8 spells plus one; Dragon Wing: Adult dragons can fly; Agility +3,

Occupational level 10: Get a 9th-level spell position, increase the level 8 spell position, human form dragon: dark vision, immune sleep paralysis; all attributes increase 200%; full energy and physical strength; 1 time / 10 days;

“The C-level task is advanced in level; gaining experience of three thousand...”

"B-level mission: professional legend is open; character level reaches 20, professional level reaches 10, open this professional legendary advance!"

Ye Qi, who was staring at the introduction of the professional attributes of the Dragon Warlock, was shocked that he did not hear the system prompts...

PS on the strong push ~ ~ ~ 嘿嘿 ~ ~ ~ excited ~ ~ ~ brothers remember to leave the bottom of the monthly ticket to the decadent ah ~ ~ ~ 嘿嘿 ~ ~ ~ Thanks to the dance miracle, Fascist, book friends 080228221003485 The reward of the ~~~ brothers, please continue to support decadence, the body is good and decadent will continue to work hard to update ~~~ Finally recommend a friend's book:

[bookid=1721417,bookname="Future Arms Expert"]

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