Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 10: Accidental dispersal

Black is permeated in Ye Qi's eyes, and the eyes completely lose their proper role in this darkness. If it is not possible to feel the body, Ye Qi almost thinks that he is the state of the soul - a week ago, After handing over a two-week training plan to Ye Qi, he left the remains of the witch with the five hunters who followed.

The disappearance of his friend Fendi has always been a thing that Stowe couldn’t let go, especially after Ye Qi’s self-training, which made Stowe unable to wait for all the followers who could be called for the time being. Start with a temporary position of the other party that I found before, and do a search for the other person's possible traces. For the search, Ye Qi will, though not, be good at it, and it is only common among all the hunters. The level of the above; therefore, he did not arbitrarily incorporate it.

After all, at some point, search is not a lot of people; especially in a group of hunters, a common technical existence will definitely interfere with other people, even affecting the progress of the original search - therefore Ye Qi did not venture into it, but in the time that Stoic agreed to meet again.

Of course, Ye Qi, who has more questions about the enemy's news, especially the sudden change of the other side, will naturally not be silent; however, after Ye Qi has been covered up, Stofei does not know too much; Even Stofei believed that the other party was an apostle from beginning to end. In this regard, Ye Qi stopped the inquiry with decisiveness and kept the recognition of the other side's point of view on the surface; obviously, continue to say it. His identity will be exposed.

No one can escape the perception of the Shack Dragon, and will only tremble in Longwei!

This is another frowning rumor about him after the Battle of Northstead Family Estate - although there was such a rumor as before, but there is no recognition; even if there are many example. But before there is no absolute strength, the obvious words with shocks behind it are unacceptable; until the Japanese-level opponents who are slashed by Ye Qi have surpassed people's imagination.

However, it is clear that Ye Qi’s frown is enough to show his attitude towards this rumor – although keeping a low profile, he is a luxury after he becomes a Japanese-level powerhouse, but it does not mean that Ye Qi will like him all kinds of things. The rumors of the characteristics are widely circulated; because. This is undoubtedly a special kind of label for him who needs to hide his identity.

And this kind of markup will undoubtedly bring all kinds of difficulties to cover up your identity!

At the very least, when he faced something. I can only choose to conceal it - although I can't confirm whether such rumors have been passed to the Thousand Marsh area, but in the near future, the demon hunters in the Thousand Marsh area will relish this; no one is better than the leaf of the demon hunter. The odds are even clearer, the attitude of the demon hunter to the Holy See.

Anything that the Holy See has made is very popular with the demon hunters. On the contrary, the Holy See is for the demon hunters. It is also the same attitude; and because of this, any incident between the two sides will basically not be concealed; it is not unwilling, but in a state of being impossible!

Even if one wants to block. It is also difficult to cover up under the strong influence of the other side; just like. That year the one who killed the holy mountain area, although the Holy See made various remedies afterwards. However, in the face of getting news, it has already been a feverish hunter from the bottom of my heart, but it does not help.

And Ye Qi’s actions at the North’s family estate are undoubtedly the same as his own teacher – and that rumor, and more rumors, will surely follow the taverns and cafes where the hunters gather. Go to more places.

As for the highest government?

In the face of everything between the demon hunter and the Holy See, unless it is about their own interests; otherwise, the supreme government will only be wise to remain neutral, just as it has been in the past.

Of course, this is not the most important thing; for Ye Qi, who hides his strength and retains his cards, any of his characteristics are summed up and rumors are made. It is not good news for him. Because this will only alert his enemies, and even arrange corresponding measures according to his characteristics to target him; although Ye Qi thinks that this is not very useful in the face of the card he strongly retains, but It does not mean that Ye Qile has noticed such a thing.

After all, as the level of the character increases, the increase in each upgrade experience is doomed to the attribute points, skill points, and even expertise that he retains. The existence of these cards will only be used less and less - therefore, If you can not use it, Ye Qi will never use it; and this is why Ye Qi discovered that the power of faith can raise the skill level, and that the endless joy rises from the bottom of his heart; Then, I quickly rushed to the Qiangyu District to find the power of faith remaining in each of the remains.

This kind of search, after a short farewell with Stofei, naturally became the most important thing for Ye Qi in front of him - after returning the written message back to the secret room of the witch's relic, Ye Qi quickly left the witch. The ruins continue to explore the nearby ruins in their original plan.

As for the safety of the witch's remains?

There is such a secret room with the power of faith as an enchantment, unless it is a wolf-like existence; otherwise, after his deliberate cover-up, Ye Qi's self-confidence will not make anyone discover it!

Although this search has more plans and preparations than the previous accidents! However, no doubt such a plan and preparation, there is still a lack of something very important: luck!

Not only does the first goal have no power of faith, but the remaining few are slightly smaller in advance, and there is no one that has faith!

It was not until four days later that Ye Qi entered, and in the original plan, he needed to put in a relic of the last few search targets, Ye Qicai re-discovered the existence of the power of faith - although not in the suburbs of Langburg The underwater temple of the lake is comparable, but it is much stronger than the remains of two beliefs that he had not previously discovered.

but. This intensity, after careful comparison, remains an acceptable range.

Although it was only the third time to face the power of different beliefs, but there is a comparison between the bottom of the sea temple and the unexpected discovery of the power of two beliefs. Although it is slightly ambiguous, it has already appeared a contrast of outlines - like the power of faith in the Tanah Lot, unless there is a presence that requires the power of faith to maintain, or it is a poison that is terrible, and it cannot be touched at all; It is acceptable to include the remains of the previous two accidental discoveries and to raise both levels upwards.

In front of this contrast, it is just at the edge of the peak of two levels, but it has not exceeded. It is an acceptable scope; however, Ye Qi’s instinctive cautiousness has made him not immediately use the nameless technique to absorb the power of the existence of this belief, but to continue to remain on the original plan. All the relics of the center of the witch’s relics were investigated. After the Holy See had apparently abandoned the Qianmuma District, Ye Qi believed that the rest of the people would never again have the power to see these invisible and intangible beliefs. Any interest.

However, the next search, but Ye Qi's heart can not help but sink - because. Except for the power of faith found in the previous place, there is no remnant of any remaining relics; even those that seem to be well preserved and have great hopes by Ye Qi. There is also no.

Although, before coming to the Thousand Marsh area. Ye Qi has already had considerable psychological preparations - but he still underestimated the extent of the Holy See's ‘searching’ for the Qiangqu area; although this is only some of the remains of the witch's remains. Compared to the area of ​​the entire Thousand Marsh area, it is not worth mentioning!

However, such a ratio also makes Ye Qi have a clear concept for the continued search in the Qiangqu area. According to the situation near the ruins of the witch, the entire Qianma has been within the scope of the exploration area, and the power of faith remains. The ruins of the museum will never be too much; and this will undoubtedly become difficult for Ye Qi, who originally wanted to raise the master class cold weapon again.

On the outskirts of Langburg, the power of faith in the statue of the sea **** at the bottom of the lake made Ye Qi experience the speed of a master cold weapon, but with the improvement of the skill level of the master cold weapon, the power of faith The cost will increase accordingly; especially from the current situation, it is very likely that all the remaining beliefs of the entire Thousand Marsh Discovery Zone add up to the number of the sea gods on the lake bottom sea temple - and this is for experts From the level to the master level, there are a total of 80 levels of cold weapon skills. It is difficult or even impossible to upgrade from the existing 55 to 80.

Unless Ye Qi enters the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area!

The reason why the Thousand Marsh area can be combined with the Hailin District and the Huangsha District is called the three dangerous places; it is simply impossible to carry out the harsh environment of the swamps and the danger of fugitives. The most frightening is those in the Qianmao District. Unexplored areas - unlike the wizards in the Hailin area, in the Holy Ages, the entire Holy Land of the Holy Land, in the Holy Land, will not give up on the location of the Thousand Marsh area, which is clearly the word 'treasure'; However, after spending the entire two hundred years of the Holy See and sacrificing the number of strong people who did not know, they only explored the area of ​​the current Jinuma District.

Each ruin represents a treasure, but more is dangerous – danger and interest coexist, but ultimately it takes luck.

This is after entering the era of freedom, each entering the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area, and the people who came back alive have a description of it - compared to the strength of the Holy See in the sacred age, the highest government in the free age naturally does not have that The strength and power cannot limit anyone's exploration of the Qiangqu area; however, such publicity undoubtedly has other functions; for example, the reputation of the unexplored area in the Qianguma area is far-reaching.

Even the most passionate and adventurous, and then choose the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area, will be cautious - this is not about courage, but respect for life!

As for the locals in the Chima area?

Even the best guides don't go to places that have long been confirmed by their ancestors to be the nearest neighbor to death – and the ruins discovered by Jacob are also about a day's walk from those unexplored areas. The journey, which is called by the locals of the Qianguma District as 'the breath of the abyss'; undoubtedly, it is warning the children and grandchildren that if they move forward, they will enter the endless abyss.

For the experience of taking life for. Ye Qi will never ignore!

Therefore, if possible, he will never move toward unexplored areas before he has the perfect grasp; however. The situation he is facing now is undoubtedly the time when he needs to change the original plan again!

Of course, from the implementation of this plan, it is necessary to go through the ruins that he has explored throughout the Thousand Marsh area - and the place where he is now is the only one he found near the ruins of the witch. The remains of the reaction of faith.

The darkness around the eyes that cannot be seen through the eyes is naturally the illusion of the power of faith - but it is different from the illusion of the power of faith in the past several times; here, the engrossed Ye Qi did not encounter anything. Call it the existence of the enemy!

Just endless darkness!

At the beginning. Ye Qi thought that he would encounter an enemy who was good at hiding his whereabouts and using the dark to attack. However, after waiting for nearly twenty minutes, he has confirmed that there is no enemy nearby; of course. If you seriously say that this exists in the darkness around him, it is his enemy!

However, it is more abstract than the enemy he encountered before!

Although this darkness does not attack. Ye Qi’s nerves are also tough enough to not collapse in this darkness, but it does not mean that Ye Qi is safe – the illusion of the power of faith affects only the spirit. Rather than; this is the fact that Ye Qi was verified at the bottom of the temple; that is to say. His body is still in the remains!

Although with his current physical fitness, he will not collapse because of the lack of food and water in a short time. But this does not mean that Ye Qi can sit back and relax during this time--although the Chima area is sparsely populated, and in absorbing the power of faith, Ye Qi has chosen a hidden location; but for those who exist in the Qiangqu area Animals or one of the three major characteristics of the Thousand Marsh area, which is more dangerous than animals, are not difficult to find here, especially after the time is longer, the possibility will be infinitely improved. !

In the absence of resistance, Ye Qi does not think that his throat can withstand sharp teeth or daggers! And for such a highly likely 'death law', Ye Qi is unacceptable anyway - compared to this, quietly, even slightly grievous death; he would rather learn his teacher and rush into it. Shenglin District; even if it is dead, it must be vigorous!

Of course, if you can save your life, he will never choose to die - therefore, Ye Qi has been looking for ways to break away from the darkness!

The natural enemies of the dark are naturally bright!

However, Ye Qi, who has tried countless times, can't create a glimmer of light in this dark illusion—whether it is a natural flame, a magical flame, or even the brilliance that occurs when magic occurs. The darkness is swallowed up; even if these flames and magic still have their own role, it is nothing to do with Ye Qi.

What exactly is needed to dispel the darkness in front of you?

The frowning Ye Qi stood in the dark illusion, his fingers gently tapping the handle of the knives, and silently talking to himself.


and many more!

A thought suddenly rushed into Ye Qi's mind, and then the subconscious Ye Qi called out in the bottom of his heart that the existence that changed his life - the system!

Immediately, the screen with a hint of blue light instantly appeared in front of his eyes!

Darkness is not just unable to stop the light on the screen, even the color of the font on which everything is recorded now cannot be blocked -

Name: Ye Qi

Title: Apostle (Devil's Blood, Devil's Son, Desperate's Conspirators, Witch's Lover, Shak's Dragon)

Position: The president of the Bay Area Hunting Mania Club, the inspection of the Devil's Headquarters

Rating: 18

Occupation: Dragon Warlock 9

Attribute: Strength: 21 (+1)

Agile: 21

Constitution: 22 (+2) (+1 **** baptism)

Perception: 18 (+2)

Charm: 16

Unassigned attribute point: 2

Expertise: Beast Instinct; Vampire Touch, Battle Casting, Robust, Blind, Tough, Charm creature, tenacious, secondary avatar, primary extraction darkness.

Blood specialty: Longwei (adult), dragon scales (larvae), dragon power (adult), dragon interest (adult), dragon physique (larva);

Special expertise: natural consciousness, natural aid, lightning damage, lightning enhancement

Number of specialties not selected: 1

Skills: Valuation 5, scam 5, focus 10, trap production 4, medical 2, hiding 18, listening 15, rumor 2, unlocking 10, plagiarism 2, search 10, gunpowder weapon mastery 20, cold weapon master ~ www.mtlnovel. Com~ spell recognition 10, mysterious knowledge proficient 11, freehand fighting proficient 15, climbing 8, riding 4, mechanical transformation proficiency 2, alchemy 25

Unassigned skill points: 53

Zero-level unallocated spell bit: 0

Level 1 unallocated spell bit: 0

Secondary unallocated spells: 0

Level 3 unallocated spells: 0


The next moment, the infinite darkness suddenly collapsed.

Ps 颓 回来 回来 回来 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯 卯

Thanks to the wdwzh1688 starting point of the reward, the wave of the prodigal son of the four seas, the starting point of the 200 coins, the reward of the starting point of the 100-day currency, the reward of the starting currency of the sn100, the reward of the 100-starting currency of the silent forest and the two-month ticket of the hurricane knight I am grateful to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence (to be continued.)

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