Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 21: Variety



Walter, who touched the wine on his face, whispered and screamed, and walked out of the living room of the small building very embarrassedly; then, for a long time, because of the pain, the long-sucking eyes of the eyes were swollen. The corner of his mouth, a **** bruise with his mouth open and bursts of pain irritating his nerves; however, this pain did not stop him from cursing, but the speed of speech The rush is getting louder and louder.

The curse stopped until it was far enough away from the small building, but the bitterness in Wall's eyes was the more intense the waste! waste! Why didn't you kill this **** guy? up to date""


Before, when the small Doug returned to the banquet scene safely, Wall’s heart immediately became unsatisfactory. He did not doubt his command to enforce his subordinates. He was also very aware of his bodyguard’s ability and his The bodyguard's heart is very hot; in the case of having enough Kimpton as a support, he does not think that his bodyguard will violate himself.

Since his bodyguard does not violate himself, and the small Doug reappears safely; then, using his toes to think about it, Wall also understands that his plan failed, and Wall is undoubtedly angry. For the failure of his perfect plan, he has no mental preparation for failure; of course, in the face of this unexpected failure, Wall does not think that it is because of his own fault and failed. The plan is perfect, but the people who selected the implementation plan have problems! up to date""

That's right, it's the question of picking the planner!

Such grievances even exceeded Wall’s original accident for failure at a time; until Little Doug approached him, Wall returned to God’s goal of murder, and Wal-Mart did not have any The murderer, but was exposed after the panic; instead, he still maintained his usual smile, watching the little Doug that is getting closer and closer.

For the small Doug, Wal is too much to understand the bad heart, goodness to cowardice; even if it hurts its own interests, it will also think for the other side; such a stupid, even after leaving the parents, it is difficult to live What is the reason for his existence?

Even Wal-Mart has already had several sets of arguments against each other, and Wall is also confident that under his own rhetoric, the other person will be speechless and be bitten by him; use the surrounding people as he once did. Look at his Kimpton decorations, spread some rumors about each other, and then he puts on a helpless look; even if some people are well-informed, but facing him directly with each other, these hearts Those who know the truth will also have a clear choice.

After all, compared to the Doug family who uses antiques as a family business, he has a lot of favors for his own factories and companies, especially the performance of Xiao Dao Ge, which makes this favor once again aggravated. Most of the young people who have scored a few degrees of Dude think that the small Doug is a strange person who is incompatible with them. Although there is a lot of family life, except for the etiquette, everything else is so eye-catching; The clothes of the upper class, the etiquette of the upper class, but there is no 'behavior' of the upper class; this seems to these young people as a country wild child broke into their gatherings.

Therefore, the kind-hearted little Doug is not welcomed by all young people in Dude, and even most people regard it as a freak; of course, this is naturally the result of Wal-Mart’s contribution, if not because of China. Many times the filth has caused the small Doug to be misunderstood. Xiao Dao Ge will definitely have quite a few peers as friends. After all, no one will refuse to be a friend who is kind and considerate to others. . ...,

In this regard, Wall knows clearly, but only with a sardonic, victorious smile to see all the stupidity of the scornful little dove, to celebrate his victory; even, in Dude for quite a long time, he It’s all about spending time in this way!

Perhaps this is another unforgettable and relishing moment!

Wall looked at the little Doug that was getting closer and closer, and the smile on his lips became more and more splendid; he was ready to make the stupid guy in front of him ugly again. Since the plan was made a mess by the guy, let me plan this. The setter, bring this back to the original track!

With such a confident and proud idea, Wall stood in a glass of wine standing in the same place, waiting for the excitement, but the facts are always unexpected; when the smiling Walter is ready to face this in front of him, stupid. When people say hello and pretend to care about two sentences, they will say their own words; the other party’s actions are bigger than he expected.

a punch!

A solid boxing hits Wall's eyes!


The sound of the fist and the cheeks was so harsh in the dinner that everyone stopped the movements in their hands, looking at the little Doug and Wall in a silly way, people’s eyes were unbelievable. The contrast is really too big. In the eyes of everyone, the small Dougs who have always been weak will actually play Wall? If it is the opposite, Wall swings the box to play the small Doug, all the people will be surprised, but it will never be unbelievable like this; after all, the feeling of the small Doug is too kind, giving people the feeling even The goodness is that even the ants will not step on the death.

You are really like the good character of the little Doug. This is a slightly ridiculous discourse that is circulated in the upper class of Dud, but this kind of ridicule is only for the object of the speaker's mockery, the kindness of the description in the statement is all Everyone admits; even if all people think that this kind person has some quirks that ordinary people can't understand, it does not prevent them from admitting the goodness of the other person's nature.

On the contrary, although Wall is accepted by many people, many people are accompanied by a kind of cautious defense mentality when they get along with each other. They must report it; compared with the small Doug, this is the first impression everyone has on Wall. And with the small Doug look through Waller's nature, these people are shocked by the fierce means of Walsh's revenge, so even some elderly people are not willing to spend too much with Wall; but also because In this way, a group of young people who are not plagued by livelihoods, with their natural rebelliousness, are gathered around Wall, so that the existence of Wall can form a small circle. ~

Although this small circle excludes Wal-Mart, it does not make the high-level people in the upper class of the real Dude seem to have an eye for existence, but for the existence of the level of Waldorf and even the first level, it is encountered again. After Wal-Mart, it is something that people need to think about again; and, compared to the kind-hearted little Doug, Wal-Mart used a fist to teach a guest who he couldn’t see at a certain time in a banquet, but once It has been circulating in Dude for a long time. Of course, the existence of most real high society is dismissive. However, for some younger generations who have not yet reached that level, or are younger, they are relished. Road.

However, neither the former nor the latter were prepared. Seeing that Wall was beaten, although Wall was not without a lesson, at the time, Wall faced the existence of his difficulty to fight back; instead of the small Doug, This kindness can reach the small Doug that is passed down by people!


Feeling the fist of his fist, he hit the other's eyes, and looked at the whole person who walked back and walked back two steps. The small Doug that played the effect was shaking his head. The goal is a transverse section of the other person's jaw to the base of the ear, where there is a meeting point of the human nerves mentioned by Mr. Finger, even if an adult is hit by a teenager, it will directly stun to the ground. Rather than just like Wall, it just took two steps back. ...,

However, after the fist was thrown out, the small Doug found that his fist involuntarily deviated from the original goal; although the other side had an instinctive dodge action during the period, the small Doug could be sure that he would deviate from the target if he did not punch himself. If the other side has an instinctive dodge action, he can't hide himself. Even if his own boxing speed is not fast, he will not reach the level of Mr. Finger far away, but the other party is obviously just to accompany some women happy, and pretend to be the same. Those trainings obviously do not make the other person's body become faster; even, Dougger believes that the training of the pretense is far less than the reaction of the human instinct!

However, although this fist deviates from the original nerve junction, the eye that is one of the most vulnerable points of the human body and suddenly is attacked. It is enough to make a person temporarily lose the ability to resist and watch the body shake. Wal-Mart, who wants to make his eyes clear again, did not leave enough time for the other side, and another fist was swung again.

Although Doug does not think that the so-called fighting training of the other side is useful, especially after hearing some of Mr. Finger’s explanations, Xiao Doug thinks more and more that the so-called fighting training of the other party is attractive. Outside the child's gaze, there is nothing at all; but there is a little little Grid that is clear that the other person's body is better than him, and the power is stronger than him!

The clarity of the small Doug is a way of reading through all kinds of ancient books as most of the day's activities. The sport is only from the room to the restaurant, and the farthest is only the people in the courtyard. The difference between this and the existence of the so-called "sports star in the aristocracy" even if the other party has a considerable amount of water, for the small Doug, it is also irresistible; also because of this, then re-enter the path in the banquet hall Ge did not choose to directly erupt the anger of his heart, but slowly approached each other before they raided each other.

Sometimes a fist is no better than a brain, it can only make things worse, but most of the time, the brain is much better than a fist. This is a long sentence that his father advised him. Although Xiao Doug could not fully understand the views of his father's first sentence, he would remember this view; a walk between life and death is enough to make Xiao Dao understand his father's good intentions!

As for the second half?

The current physical practice of the small Doug is enough to explain everything!


The fist squatting is on the corner of Wall's mouth. Obviously, the small squad that is aiming at the cross section of the nerve intersection is once again biased. For no fighting training, I just heard a few words from Ye Qiyan. For the small Doug, the two punches have definitely done quite well; especially the second punch, which is close to his original goal, and the hit at this distance, although not able to get a complete hit on the nerve meet The effect is good enough, but it is enough for Wall, who has a fist in his eyes, to feel good.


Already in the first punch of the small Doug, the glass of wine was sprinkled, out of control of Wall, fell on a thick carpet, with a thick carpet as a cushion, the wine glass was not broken, But Wall, who followed the glass and fell to the ground, fell straight on the glass and crushed the wine glass. It must be said that the work of the wall coat is superior, and the glass **** is only the outermost layer. The weaving thread was scratched and did not pierce the skin of Wall; however, it was not of concern to these Wal-Marts. He glared at the head with some dizziness, and tried to open his swollen eyes and wanted to see it. Know who is standing opposite! ...,

Little Doug!

That's right, it's a small Doug!

The little Doug that was played by him in the applause, several times in the face of countless people, sardonic, ridiculous!

How dare he? !

Wall managed to control the body to stand up, but after a few times, he sat down on the carpet again; he had to say that the accuracy of the evaluation of his doom is small, both physically and physically. It’s all like this; it seems to be strong, but under the fist of the young Daoge, it is still very fragile.

"Do you know why I am doing this to you? A lot of words"

The little Doug stood in front of Wall and looked down at the other side. His eyes did not belong to the pride of the winner. Only the anger, the endless anger, the kindness of the little Doug, except for the nature, and the old Doug’s dedicated father. Protection, so that he did not recognize the sinister world; until this time the old Doug's negligence, the small Doug instantly had a chance to grow up and mature; but this growing, mature opportunity for the small Doug It is obviously not so beautiful.

In a moment, I saw the ugliness of reality, and made Xiao Dao’s heart remove the happiness of escape from life and death. It is more about the anger of the people who let him see the ugly reality, the anger that wants to tear people into pieces! If it wasn’t for the goodness that still exists in the bottom of my heart, the small Doug’s sudden attack was not a fist, but a dagger or a knife that can be seen everywhere at a dinner party!

"Between me and you, I only think it is a misunderstanding or a trivial little holiday!"

Xiao Doug picked up the champagne next to the table and took a sip of it in the freezer. The cold liquor entered the chest with his tongue, so that the little Doug that felt like he was burning was instantly awake; It was this awake that made the small squad that was originally prepared to lift his feet and use his sole to make intimate contact with the other's face, giving up the next move.

Of course, giving up the small Doug of this action did not end the way of revenge for this 'deliberately'; he put the glass on the head of Wall, and then slowly tilted the cup; immediately, the golden liquid followed the cup Bottom down, straight poured over the top of Wall

"But, the encounter tonight made me discover how simple I was before, how ridiculous it is for you!" The champagne in the cup was poured on the top of Wall by the little Doug, and he picked up another cup again. Champagne, looking down at the other side's unbelievable eyes, said in a low voice: "Goodness is not weak, not weak! Unfortunately, I have always chosen the wrong goal of giving my goodness!"

"So, I am prepared to change my mistake!"


The wine in the cup was splashed on the face of Wall by the little squad. The little squad looked at the other side and said one word at a time: "So, we can start again now! But this time I will 狠Oh, fight back!"

After the small Doug turned and walked toward the father standing in the crowd, all the way, the guests in the banquet scattered involuntarily, while looking into the eyes of Xiao Doug with a hint of uncertainty and their own No respect found, a respect that should be given to a qualified man.

The same face, but the behavior just now...

Old Doug looked at the man who was getting closer and closer, and subconsciously wiped his eyes. Everything happened in a few minutes. Even he didn’t react. The whole thing was higher than the passage; but facing the whole thing. One of the two protagonists, the old Doug is a dull Lao Doug never thought that his son would punch and beat people and drink!

This, this is really, yes...

Looking at the son who has already stood before him, Lao Doug still did not think of an accurate vocabulary to describe everything that is being sent now.

"Father, sorry! I am willful again!"

With a sincere tone that has never been seen before, looking at the two old people who have already been white, Xiao Dao slowly bowed his head.

Ps, okay, eating seafood, running the toilet again, the legs are soft.

I would like to thank the prodigal 2 coins of the four seas, the reward of the turtle0920, the reward of the sdicsn, the reward of the silent money, and the monthly ticket of the slow-flying stupid bird~~~ decadent here Thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~ to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation. ..., m^-^ no bomb! Read ^_^

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