Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 24: processing

Chapter 24

Facing the facts, the wolf is speechless; in the end, it can only be smashed two times and returned to the hateful seal land. However, Ye Qi was quickly disappointed because of the victory of facing the wolf. Diluted; as the next auction came to an end, even if Ye Qi didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that he had to return empty-handed tonight.

As for the strange wolf, etc., obviously it is not for Ye Qi to wait for one night, but to have long-term thinking preparations. In this regard, Ye Qi shrugged indifferently; the matter of broken thoughts ended early. Let him have more time to complete his own affairs, not to mention the task assigned by the system is extremely difficult, but there is no time limit; therefore, Ye Qi is not in a hurry

Two or three years, enough

Ye Qi, who once again set a deadline for himself, stood behind the black market businessman. Compared with Ye Qi, who had nothing to gain, the black market businessman’s harvest tonight was quite rich; except for the one at the beginning. In addition to the auction of the Nv Emperor's court paintings, a set of silver tea sets and a ring matching the necklaces were included in the bag.

And as long as the black market merchants take the shot, his other peers will voluntarily give up the bidding; Ye Qi can see that not only because the price of the black market businessman is basically the same as the value of this item, more is a It comes from the "commendation" of the black market merchants.

Politeness, this word can appear at any time; but it is absolutely abnormal in the profession of black market traders, especially when the auction is almost competing.

Sure enough, everyone has a secret.

A glance at the black market businessman sitting in front, Ye Qi’s expression returned to calm again – anyone has his own secrets, and he did not intend to explore those things that are unspeakable; after all, he is not a strange The wolf is extremely gossip.

After a stone sculpture was taken away, watching the champagne appeared again in ng

Spans of yāng, everyone in the room understands that the party of people held by Spa tonight is over. For Champagne, no one in the room will be interested; the people who are harvested are already satisfied and ready to wait. Going back to appreciate the harvest, but not harvesting, there is no need to stay for a long time; however, everyone still raised the glass in front of Spas.


People walked out of the villa's living room one after another. Ye Qi held the antiques photographed by the black market merchants. He also slowly walked out of the living room with the black market businessman behind him. At the footsteps of Ye Qi, he took the moment of the villa living room. A figure suddenly appeared beside him; in an instant, Ye Qi instinctively tightened his body; however, when he saw the invitation in the other hand, he immediately put away the momentum that was about to emerge.

The other party placed the invitation on the box that Ye Qi was holding, and then the whole person took a step back and gestured to Ye Qi - any time, the strength is good; at the very least, just the instinct of Ye Qi instinctive This former Spasian bodyguard has a little more respect in the cold.

In this regard, Ye Qi just nodded, and once again behind the black market businessman - as a black market businessman's bodyguard, he is not a big force to this point; after all, Morley this black market businessman in Tallinn It also has a pivotal position.

However, Ye Qi, who is moving forward, is keenly aware that not every person who has made mén has received this invitation. As long as the person who successfully took the item tonight will have this invitation.


“How? What did you find?” Just after getting on the bus, the black market businessman asked Ye Qi to put the antiques, and he couldn’t wait to ask: “Is there really a problem with the old guy in Spas?”

"Although there is no real ng discovery, but the old guy in Spas really has a problem," Ye Qibian said, putting the previous invitation in the other's hands: "When leaving, Spas's bodyguard gave me of"

"Hey, it’s the old huā-like". Open the invitation, and the black market businessman who glanced at it laughed: "The old guy asked us who are generously shot today, and will go to a charitable donation tomorrow afternoon."

"What's the name?" Looking at the inexplicable smile of the black market businessman, Ye Qi guessed that there was something he didn't know; and Mori did not lead Ye Qijiu, etc., immediately explained: "Of course, this is the guy today. They rushed through what they wanted."

"A bleaching of his identity, access to the so-called high-class admission ticket." The black market merchant's face appeared a disdainful expression, the invitation was thrown aside by him - Ye Qi can feel the other side Disdain is entirely from the heart; in this regard, Ye Qi fully agrees with the other's choice; however, he still picked up the invitation in the arms of the black market businessman: "Although it is hypocritical, but for some things, but for some things, Have to be patient"

"Patience? It's so hard." I glanced at Ye Qi and looked at the invitation in the arms. Finally, the black market businessman sighed: "But if you are willing to give me another rune before sending me. If I have a gun, I will try my best to do it."

"No problem," Ye Qi thought and agreed. "Of course, the material is still out of you."


"Hey, Merlin, where are we going?" nv child glanced at the nv cavalry chief walking in front, and quietly pulled the sleeve of nv witch: "Are you sure she was the one who saved us before?"

"Well," nv witch nodded slightly confirmed: "Although not clearly seen, but the breath will not be wrong" Then, subconsciously added: "Just did not think She is so young, we are still too far away."

"Young?" The words behind the nv witch immediately called the nv child like a cat who stepped on the tail: "She must be an age enough to be our nǎinǎi level; it is only because of its strength and looks younger; My teacher once said that if the strength reaches a certain level, the face will not be old."

"Yes, that's right." The nv child who carried out Ye Qi was like a patron. He insisted on his own statement: "So, we don't have to mind, and my teacher is the strongest."

Although the conversation between nv child and nv witch has tried to lower the voice as much as possible, but sitting on the horse and then vows with the help of the sword of victory, the nv cavalry chief still hears clearly - at this moment, her mouth A smile appeared.

Ye, is this the disciple you mentioned?

Today's power outage, the notice is written from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, the result is more than 10 o'clock, and the call is still late. ~~~~ I hope everyone will forgive me~~~~~

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