Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 26: Squat

"Mr. Finger!"

The little Doug, who had just walked out of the room, saw the end of the corridor at the beginning of the corridor, and Finge outside the small building; immediately trotting to the front of Ye Qi, slightly stunned, respectfully said - whether it is out of itself The worship, or Ye Qi’s life-saving grace, is enough to respect the other side of the heart; especially the latter, the kind of luck after the escape, makes the small Doug feel awkward, and soft Both legs tell him the goodness of life; and for the existence of hope that gives birth to him, the good-hearted little Doug will naturally give the greatest respect.

"Thank you, Mr. Finger!"

Compared with the respect of the little Doug, the old Doug is the same, even more than the respect of the little Doug, the old Doug is a deeper gratitude - there is no more cherish the existence of their children than the parents, even the Holy See The existence of the preaching in "God's Saying" is nothing more than the use of the words "like the father as a mother"; not the people who wrote "God said" do not want to use more lyrical words, but they simply can't think of it. It is more likely to be touched and accepted than the love of parents.

It will infuse the crystallization of the love of the parents - if the child takes it away, it will undoubtedly be painful for the parents; even for the parents who have devoted all their efforts to the child, the child is lost. Their lives are even more difficult for them to accept; after all, they have lost their children, and their hearts have been lost, leaving only a walking dead body.

Obviously, the little Doug’s body is devoted to the whole heart of the old Doug, even if his son is unbearable. I can't inherit the family's industry. It's just a slap in the face. Lao Doug never wants his son to have any danger in life. What's more, Xiao Dao Ge is physically and mentally kind. For the antique appreciation of the family's main business, there is a different talent; therefore, for Finge who saved the little Doug's life, the old Doug's heart is grateful with his heartfelt gratitude, that is, using all his family property. To change, he is also willing - if it is not the cultivation that has been cultivated for a long time, the old Doug still maintains a gentleman's calm, he will definitely rejoice in the tears.

Of course, I am grateful to Finger, and to Waller who wants his son to die. The old Doug is endless hate; especially when he thinks that the other party will perfuse his words before the banquet begins, even if he is cultivated by the old Doug, he can't suppress his inner anger - he wants to give each other a lesson, an unforgettable The lesson; however, the old Doug is angry with his heart. But reason is not angered by the anger; he is very clear that the resources in his hands are simply unable to achieve his purpose; as a father, the old Doug may not be qualified, but as a businessman, the old Doug is undoubtedly qualified!

just. With a little thought, I found out how to make Wal-Mart pay a painful price, even the way that I can never turn over in the future - a joint businesswoman; for how to talk about a businesswoman, Lao Doug has a certain degree of confidence; not to mention the price he pays for half of the family. And the profits that emerged after the bankruptcy of Wall's Chamber of Commerce. Just the business woman's own xìng grid is enough to make the old Doug have a certain degree of certainty.

However, the old Doug apparently did not expect to just leave the room. I met my son's savior--after another whispered thanks, Lao Doug looked at the man in front of him with a puzzled look. Can't help but ask: "Mr. Finger, are you looking for Ms. Julia?"

"I came to see Mr. Toka!"

"Mr. Toka?!"

Old Doug heard such an answer, could not help but a glimpse - although not deliberately inquiring, but as the nearest neighbor in the market, the old Doug is still very clear about some things; for example: that Julia Ms. spent a lot of effort to find the man in front of him; almost every time before three meals, he could hear Ms. Kalia venting her voice.

Therefore, after hearing that his son told him that Finger had saved him, Lao Doug subconsciously thought that Finger was found by the lady of Kalia and brought 'back' - for the lady's supernatural powers, Lao Doug is the most outstanding group of people in the upper class of Dude. Naturally, it is very clear to know. If it is before, for this kind of thing, Lao Doug will still be like the one who ordered his son not to intervene. On the wall; however, when Finger saved the small Doug, whether it was out of gratitude to the other party or his own code of conduct, the old Doge could not stand by.

He decided to help Finge - although Ms. Kalia's glamor and wealth attracted countless pursuers, but the pursuit of these pursuers will not make people feel envious, especially if they do not have a deep background. The pursuer is even more tragic; in addition to the face of Ms. Kalia, the change of xìng is exceptional, the other's family, has already made most of the pursuers out.

As soon as he thought of the other person's means, the old Doug had a feeling of chilling.

Letting a person disappear is not difficult for them, but letting a person disappear silently, as if there is no such thing as the world, but they are beyond the reach of it - although the old Doug knows that he is There is a certain prestige in the German high society, but it is far too far from this existence; and this is why the old Doug prevented his son from participating in it; therefore, before seeing Finger, In the heart of the old Doug, the plan to stop the Finge moth from fighting fire was raised.

Although Finge showed a respectful attitude towards the lady, but as an elder with sufficient experience, Lao Doug is very clear, and the charm of Ms. Kalia, especially in the day and night. Underneath, this charm will undoubtedly be more infinitely magnified - for what the businesswoman wants to do, the old Doug is well aware, and has done so much work, once Finger is found, it is absolutely impossible to think of it. A generally easy 'escape' is definitely tied to the woman's death.

As for how long will it be?

It depends on how long the interest of the businesswoman can last - of course, as a bystander, Doug is very clear about how to weaken and speed up the disappearance of the businesswoman's interest; and this is what he is prepared to say and Finge Ming; Looking at the Finge, who stood still in front of him but his eyes were very bright, when he reached his mouth, the old Douger swallowed back.

Not in the slightest fall in love or confusion, the bright eyes are only firm and confident - the old Doug has seen countless people have such eyes. Each of them is almost a successful person of Dude or a profession of various professions; such a person not only has a tenacious xìng grid, but also has good self-control; some ordinary people are difficult to extricate themselves, for them it is just a passing sight Or icing on the cake, yes, no, no, they can; they will only advance on the road they deserve.

It’s really troublesome!

This existence is undoubtedly jīng Ying, but met a businesswoman - the old Doug who thought of this could not help but shook his head.


In the moment when the old Doug shook his head. A shout of surprise came from the corridor behind him - the woman who had just showered and her hair was still wearing a black and red home service, quickly rushed down the stairs and ran towards Ye Qi; When I ran to the corridor and saw the father and son of Doug, the businesswoman violently reacted from the surprise of seeing Ye Qi again, and now it slowed down; when it came to Ye Qi, it even converges before Surprise. A pair of indifferent appearances: "I don't say goodbye to someone who has provided food and shelter for you. Mr. Finger discovered his rudeness and came back to apologize to me?"

"Ms. Kelly, I am sorry. I have something to look for Mr. Toka; other things, wait a minute!"

Ye Qi’s last remaining patience has basically disappeared with the passage of time and the appearance of Toka; facing the slightly questionable tone of the businesswoman. He smiled apologetically; then, made a gesture to Tokaby. I walked to the big tree not far from the small building; and the Toka who saw this gesture immediately glimpsed and then gestured to the surrounding people, immediately followed behind Ye Qi, and went to Not far from the tree.

"It’s Stowe who says there is something to help you!"

"Please say!"

After Ye Qi reached out and took out the "Hunter's Handbook", which represented the identity of the demon hunter, put it in front of Toka, Toka immediately said - the previous gestures and the "Hunter's Handbook" in the hands are When Stoic was parting, he handed over to Ye Qi for proof of help in the Thousand Marsh area. Obviously, looking at Toka's attitude, these two things have undoubtedly have extraordinary significance in the area.

"The nighting sound that was issued before, the movement is too big; can you let everyone lift jǐng惕!"

"That is your prey?"

Toka looked at the stranger in front of him. He was very impressed with the existence of the team that was once in the team full of Duderich, especially the other night did not listen to dissuasion and left overnight. The market has made him even more impressed; only, Toka did not think that the other party was actually the same as Stodo.

For the existence of Stodo, Toka has experienced a long period of time from the initial strangeness, jǐng惕, to the present familiarity and welcome; it is this time that makes him feel good about such existence. - Although there is some indifference in these existences, people feel that people are not allowed to enter, but when faced with danger, these characters are at the forefront; despite the indifference, the inner heat is enough to make the marsh The district person becomes the friend of the other party.

"Well, I will guarantee the safety of the market in the name of the demon hunter!"

"Do not worry, no problem!"

In the face of Ye Qi's answer, Toka immediately nodded. For the existence of Stoic, in addition to the natural arrogance, the powerful strength is another important factor recognized by the people in the area. It needs to be respected, and this is a rule that is remembered everywhere.

"Thank you for your cooperation!"

With a smile from the heart, Ye Qi extended his right hand, and Toka also smiled and extended his right hand. At the same time as shaking hands, Ye Qi said without a trace: "I can't say something about it. Please explain to me and Ms. Kelly, Doug & Son!"

"I know you very well about your rules, give it to me!"

With a smile, Toka nodded again.

"Uncle Toka!"

Kosor’s sudden whispering made Toka turn his head. Looking at the solsol from the bushes, Toka smiled and waved.

"Uncle Toka, is he?"

"It turned out that you are guarding the door, no wonder you can find such a special existence!" Facing the sudden emergence of Korsor. Toka pointed out to him that Ye Qi said: "This is Mr. Finger..."

"Mr. Finger?! The lady named by Julia!"

Only when I heard Toka say the beginning, Korsor exclaimed - and this exclamation made Ye Qilu, who stood in front of this boy, smile awkwardly; although he did not know the Chu Jiali Ms. Ya is looking for him, but she can only know her name from a teenager in the market. Undoubtedly, Ms. Kalia is absolutely using the forces he can't ignore; at the very least, the entire market is in front of him. The power is obviously mobilized by the other party.

"Ksor! This is Mr. Finger, the same existence as Lord Stoic; do you understand?"

To hear the exhalation of Kosor, Toka was also very embarrassed; although he immediately began to teach Kosol. But from his hard-working, hard-pressed mouth, he could see the true thoughts of Toka at the moment. At that time, the businesswomen's bodyguards found him and asked him to help find the front of Finge. Although he did not understand the cause of the incident, he did not hesitate to accept the Toka in the whole area of ​​the marsh area, and immediately agreed to it. According to the news from the bodyguard who was familiar with him, he knew that it was Ms. Jia Liya. The 'story' between the Mr. Finger, who was sought.

In this regard, Toka in addition to the appreciation of Ms. Kalia's bold behavior. And the incomprehensible blame called Finger, did not have any excessive thoughts; just when the identity of Finger changed suddenly, with a layer of the demon hunter, such a thing. In Toka's view, it seems strange - long time to get along with Stofei, so Toka very understands the existence of Stodo. Although they are bold and can be a life-and-death relationship, they are more or less resistant to component families; they choose to avoid talking or looking for other ways to vent their physiology. The serious ones are directly related to the monks who have cut off the seven emotions and six yù.

Although it is not clear which type of Finger is in front of him, but in connection with some news gathered from his bodyguard friends in the past few days, Toka has a great grasp that Finger is the latter, and once he associates with Jia Lia, the courageous, even the lady who is doing things in a resolute manner, went to 'chasing a monk-like existence, and it was awkward and the feeling of laughter rose from the heart of Toka.

However, looking at the stunned Finge, Toka took a deep breath and tried to hold this smile down.

"The existence of Sir Stowe? Isn't that..."

"It's nice to meet you, Kosor!" Looking at the surprised young man in front of him, Ye Qi extended his right hand in the way of treating chéngrén, and then did not hesitate to praise: "I can find those guys only by perception." It is enough to prove that you are now a hunter, and if you keep your current efforts, you will definitely become a great hunter in the future!"

"It should be a pair of hunting talents, Mr. Finger is wrong!"

Apparently, Korsor showed great joy to Ye Qi’s attitude and praise as a confession. Therefore, even if there was a mistake in the name of Ye Qi’s mouth, Ksor did not have any anger, but rather a happy correction. With.

"I can't be wrong with this! Just Ksor, you still don't know it! Soon, you will understand it soon!" Looking at the obvious puzzled Kesol, Ye Qi turned his head and held his head. Kardao: "Then I will hand it over to you, Mr. Toka!"

"Give it to me!"

After hearing the guarantee from Toka, Ye Qi waved his hand at the Doug father and son and the businesswoman not far away, and immediately sneaked into the bushes and galloped toward the tree house of Wall--in his In the blind bucket perception, the three goals he waited for for a long time have already appeared under the other's tree house.


damn it! **** it!

waste! waste!

The mutter that cursed the curse in the mouth did not find a lady to spend a good night like rì, but in his tree house, stepping back and forth in front of his window; whether it is back and forth, or cursing It can be seen that Wall’s bad mood at the moment – ​​not killing the small Doug, is a planned failure for him; but if Xiao Doug says the fact that he was almost murdered, then it is once for him. A major crisis is even about life!

After all, unlike the weak little Doug, the old Doug's means, Wall still knows one or two - and once he thinks of the revenge that may occur in Old Doug, Wall can't help but get more and more anxious; if not with the partnership When people agreed to meet here, Wall definitely took his own bodyguard and left the market to say it!

And the bodyguard who had slapped a dozen slaps before, and his cheeks were high and swollen, standing at the door of the room, bowing his head, silently - although Wal-Mart had its watch, but the cheeks were not a strong place for the human body, the continuous ten A few slaps, even if it is far beyond the presence of ordinary people, will be a swollen face, not to mention a bodyguard who came from a mercenary; not only the cheeks swollen, but even the teeth fell a few.

Feeling the burning pain on the cheeks and the falling teeth in the The bodyguard looks into his boss's eyes and unconsciously has a different kind of hatred and complaints; however, The bodyguard was not very interested in showing it. After the eyes flashed, he listened to the curse of his boss as always; and as always, he made a dedication.


Who? !

Therefore, when the door knocked, the bodyguard immediately pretended to be in front of his employer and whispered; while Wall, who was still cursing, had a horror on his face.

PS Everyone really gives strength to ruin the protection. Everyone immediately supports the tears of tears and can only be more careful.

Thanks to the big alcohol 疵 1300 starting point of the reward of the prodigal wave of the four seas wrestling 200 starting point of the reward of June snow IV200 starting point of the reward of sn100 starting point of the money and hope 200, fire month 321 , waste s, always late L, and so on (some refreshed can't see, everyone who hasn't been mentioned, I'm sorry for it, everyone forgives it!) A monthly pass for everyone is decadent. Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence. . )


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