Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 41: Ambition

In the puncture of countless airflow arrows, it becomes a young blood family of flesh and blood. The speed of recombination is not very fast compared to the recovery speed of his single puncture; but the minced meat is still visible to the naked eye. The speed of the change, in the moment of Feren's blasphemy, the other's skeleton has appeared in front of him - a skeleton resembling a human with a red blood-based blood vessel and a little muscle appeared in the Ferrin In the special line of sight, a pale red bloodshot grows rapidly from the young **** bones and muscles. Each of these bloodshots is very thin, like a hair, but the length is more than one foot, like a pile of seaweed. , entangled together. M

With the peristalsis of the joints and muscles, these blood vessels attached to them are not windy automatically, and their appearance is so embarrassing and horrible; it is enough for any normal ordinary person to see, and then feels cold and even falls directly to On the ground - of course, this is just an ordinary person, as the great elder of the temple, Ferent, except for the resilience of the other side, there is no more negative emotions; the expressionless look is covered with red bloodshot The embarrassment, walking toward himself, he lifted his right hand, and the air flow again condensed in his palm.

"How about reunion? It’s just breaking it again!" Ferrent looked coldly at the blood in front of himself, and said with a certainty: "Is this your secretive secret?" It's impossible not to consume! I don't believe you can keep coming back!"

"This is of course a mystery. Of course, I can't always reunite without limit!" The young blood family stunned the face with only a few muscles in front of him, and a horrible smile emerged: "And, why should I do this? I just need to stop you from disturbing the adult's interest for a while!"

"As for the rest? It will be ended by adults! After all, I am only a junior of the month, how can I deal with a strong man of the day?" Faced with the words of the young blood family, Faeren The special face is blue and green, and the arrow formed by the airflow in the hand has become an invisible blade. The head of the young blood family is smashed down, and in the next moment it is like a meat grinder. The head that flies in the air is crushed: "Similar, your nonsense is too much! How can the strength of the high priest be guessed by you?"

As the great elder of the temple, the strength reaches the glory of the day. Nature has an unusually rich combat experience - the other party, who has a rare mystery, although the strength is incomparably small to him, but with that secret technique, he has a short time to block his capital; even if only Very short time. For him, it is also a mistake!

Looking at the high priests who had no movements in the wood chips and stones, Ferent’s heart became more and more anxious, and the attack became more and more sharp – as Ferrent said, the secretary of the young blood family. It is not without cost. On the contrary, it should be paid a very serious price; it becomes a piece of broken meat again and again. The recovery rate of the young blood family became slower and slower, and his face became more and more ugly.

It’s pale, different from the pale luster of the past, the whiteness at the moment is like a pale whiteness completely out of the blood – such a physical state as long as it is a normal person can see the poor health of the young blood family; Compared with this bad physical condition, the smile on his face is completely unconverged; except for Alcatel, who is standing in front of the prayer meditation room and looking up at the sky, the elders of the other five temples are in his class. Under the attack, it is already stretched.

The young blood family is very convinced. As long as he is stuck for a few tens of seconds. Then the whole battle will undergo a decisive change - after destroying all the other elders of the so-called temple, they will use a multitude of people to deal with his enemies; although the other is the existence of the Japanese glory, However, with the secret technique that has been used, this young blood family has reason to believe that under the siege of several of them, the other party will definitely end in disastrous defeat!

Sun Yat-class blood...

Think of what you are about to taste. This young blood family, originally a slightly slow body. Once again, it is getting faster - and compared to the joy of the young blood family, Ferent, who is the elder of the temple, is worried; he can certainly see the situation that the other party can see. Even as a disadvantaged party, he knows better than the other party. If he goes on like this, what will he and the remaining elders face!

Can't be consumed in this way, you have to make a change!

The elders who thought of this temple immediately gnawed their teeth, and the airflow including his body became violent again; countless airflow arrows appeared in the back hall of the shrine cathedral; however, this goal is not a young blood family. Instead of removing Alcatel, all members of the hidden guards -


The arrow formed by the airflow spurred and raged in the field, and it was extremely purposeful to separate the elders and the blood races in the fierce battle. The five elders of the temple, at the moment of separation, reached the elders of the elders. Behind the special one; as the strongest group of people in the temple, although it is in the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area, there is a lack of communication with the outside world, but this does not mean that they lack the experience of actual combat; on the contrary, in the area of ​​the Thousand Marsh The temple personnel in the exploration area have almost countless battles; whether they come from outside or from inside.

Especially the latter, so that they are very clear when to make what choices, is the most correct - facing these extraordinary blood family, the elders of the other five temples are almost in the moment of seeing each other I understand that I am far from the other side; if, not because they are in the temple, the five elders will choose to leave before they fight; in the face of the unexplored areas of the various marsh areas, there are endless differences. Beasts, they already know how to face unbeatable opponents.

On the other hand, the blood races, at the moment they were forced to retreat, immediately aggregated together and prepared to launch the impact directly again. Like the elders of the temples, after a short fight, they were The strength has been known very clearly. Except for the strong person who has reached the level of the day, you need special attention. The remaining five people belong to the kind of existence that can be solved without any vigilance or even using secret techniques. .

Therefore, these blood races did not intend to have any pauses, they want to quickly solve the current battle, and then. Go with the naturals to solve the trophy that I saw before - but Alcatel raised his right hand and made all members of the hidden guard. Stop and walk.

The hidden guards did not take the initiative to attack. As long as the inferior side of the temple, the elders of the temple would not choose to take the initiative to provoke the battle; suddenly, the back hall of the entire cathedral became the appearance of confrontation at the beginning, except that both sides were slightly embarrassed.

"It's a powerful force! It's a lifeless king. Alcatel!" The sound of the Chinese middle-aged man's admiration came from the cracked wood and rubble: "However, because of this, our cooperation has become even more Expecting it!"

Oh la la...

Even the middle-aged Chinese costumes, even if they pushed open the pieces of wood and rubble that were covered in their own bodies, did not appear as embarrassed or any impatience. They slowly moved with an elegant posture and gently patted the residual wood chips and soil ash on their bodies.

"We have a common enemy. And that enemy is stronger than either of us!" The Chinese middle-aged man was not angry after being shot. He walked up to Alcatel and smiled. Said: "So, our cooperation is the best choice, not only can regain our status and power, but also let the **** Holy See taste the bitter fruit!"

"The false existence of the Holy See is annoying! However, compared with the hypocritical existence, I am more focused on the existence of my own interest! For example: You!" Alcatel's hands are inserted in his trench coat. Inside. Look at each other up and down with a look of gaze. There is no sinister smile on the corner of the mouth. It is more and more intense: "What is the change of yours? Although it was just some speculation, but the punch has already confirmed me! You are really different, I am very curious. What kind of method do you use to get out of the original realm in such a short time!"

"Of course it's some secret way! And I have always faced my allies with my allies! Not to mention the allies who have reached the same realm!" Chinese clothing middle-aged people, as if they had already expected Alcatel Say something. There is no slight meaning on the face, and he has thrown his own other chip: "Just like my other allies, the wizards who live in a deep part of Hailin; I also did not keep my secrets; After all, our opponents are very strong, and any skills that can increase our strength should be shared; because only then can we have more and more capital!"

"is it?"

Alcatel did not agree or agree with it. He just raised his finger and pointed to the prayer meditation room behind him. He said: "It’s just that there is such a kind of existence. I can hardly believe you. Everything said; although, until now, I have not been able to fully understand what such existence is, but several unpleasant experiences are enough to make me understand its danger!"

"It’s a good practice to die because of your curiosity; but it doesn't include deception!"

At the end of the day, Alcatel exuded a dangerous atmosphere from the whole body. From the Chinese costumes, the middle-aged people appeared again and stood up to the elders of the temple behind their high priests. When they felt the dangerous moment, they suddenly tightened. The sweat almost immediately wiped out the clothes of the whole body; even one or two strengths were just the elders of the high-end temple of the moon, and the whole person shook with such a dangerous atmosphere.

Even if there was a time to face the Ferent, at this moment, it is not much better - because, until now, he discovered that the other party had not used all the power before, just a casual look; now, this state is only It is the prelude of the true strength of the other party!

No, no, this is not the strength of the other side!

The subconscious glanced at the other's Ferent. When he saw the expression of the afternoon tea, he immediately overthrew the guess he had just made - is this the true face of the legendary inanimate king? Just a breath of excitement can make me unable to move.

"This is not a deception, just a little self-protection! After all, in the face of your existence, before you can be sure that you will become my ally, I can't take it lightly!" Chinese clothing middle-aged people did not reveal the cards. The panic or embarrassment, but also used this as a bargaining chip, throwing it out to Alcatel: "If you are interested in such a presence, after you become my ally, I will explain to you one by one!"

"How, Lord Alcatel? I will be allied with you! You will not only get everything you want to know. The ones I promised will be delivered one by one!"

As said, the middle-aged Chinese costumes waved at the six elders behind them—immediately, except for the great elder Ferrent. The remaining five elders of the temple thought about the praying meditation room behind the door and the completely damaged door frame; and just one minute, the five departed temple elders appeared again in front of the back hall, and in them In the hands of everyone, each person has a box.

Gently put the box, which is about a foot long, in front of Alcatel and a group of members of the hidden guard. After the five elders opened the lids, they returned to their own high priests; and when the five boxes opened, they immediately shone in the light of the few remaining lamps in the back hall— -

Gems, red, green, blue, even purple, and so on. A variety of gemstones are neatly placed in the first three boxes; these gemstones can not help but be bright and translucent as if they can shine alone, each one is far beyond the imagination of the average person; the smallest of them have adult thumbs The size of the fingernail, and the largest is the size of the pigeon egg; especially the necklace which is completely divided by the size of the pigeon eggs, which is divided into seven colors, even if the members of the hidden guard are composed entirely of elite members of the blood family. Can not help but see a slight glimpse.

Pigeon-sized gems are not uncommon in their respective family collections, and even a few of them have such gems in their own collections; but seven are exactly the same size. And necklaces made of gems of different colors are rare. Even the body is only seen.

Of course, compared to the things in the back two boxes, the gemstones in the first three boxes are not what they are, even if it is the size of the seven identical pigeon eggs, and the necklaces of different colors are also Not on the countertop - a black velvet woven windbreaker quietly placed in the box, at the moment of opening the lid. The black velvet trench coat is like a black hole in the light of the light and the gemstones. All the light sources were absorbed; then, the whole black velvet windbreaker disappeared in the eyes of everyone; however. Anyone present can clearly feel the presence of that black velvet.

In the last box, a quaint only Kimpton size, but a pure silver coin is placed on a red silk cloth in a slightly larger box; the box cover is opened compared to the black velvet windbreaker. After the changes, this silver coin is a bit inconspicuous - just like the collection in the hands of some collectors, in the late dark ages because of the war and briefly popped a period of time.

However, any presence in the field will not be underestimated as a silver-like object, the faint peculiar fluctuations that have told all the presence of the presence, what kind of existence is this - the holy device!

Not only is this silver-like object a sacrimon, the black velvet trench coat is also a sacristy - and these two saints are not the sacrificial sacred devices, all of which exudes the moonlight. The breath of the level; especially the smell of the sacred instrument like the silver sling, even in the moonlight class is top!

Feel the breath of these two sacred devices, not just the vampires of the hidden guards, even the eyes of the elders of the temple itself radiating the blazing light - the holy devices, no more special existence than themselves. The understanding of these artifacts is clearer; a proper use of a sacred device can definitely perform beyond the imagination of ordinary people; and even if you can't use it, you can use it as a corresponding chip in a special black market or In exchange for the things you want from the treasure house of each Compared to Kimpton, in some special black market, the holy device is undoubtedly hard currency - and in these members of the hidden guard In the family, the holy device is also worthy of the vast majority of things that are crazy.

"How? Whatever you want to know, or what you want in front of you, even if it is what you want; as long as we join hands, everything is not a problem!" Standing in the original Chinese costume, the middle-aged man looked at the same Alcatel, without any change, opened his mouth again, but the tone was a little different: "After all, we will become the masters of the whole earth! During the day, I will rule, and the night will be in your hands!"

PS 颓 刚 just got off the plane, said that when I got home... Guangzhou heavy rain, it’s hard to smash for ten hours at Baiyun Airport... all kinds of madness, land ah...

I would like to thank the prodigal sons of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, the reward of the 100th starting currency of the Sensen, the reward of the starting currency of the sn100, the reward of the starting currency of the Agn100, and the reward of the two-month ticket of the storm Api, gradually drifting away. Freny's two-month ticket reward, snsr two-month ticket reward, no words, tears, one month's ticket reward, hereby thank you all for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters. . )


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