Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 44: start

At this moment, the businesswoman has long had no warmth of the girl's playfulness, but the eyebrows are upside down. The eyes of the man who are not lost are like copper bells, and the eyes are even more Since the heart of anger - as a leader in a top business association, subordinate countless firms, known as the richest of Lorante, the businesswoman is absolutely high-ranking; perhaps it is usually hidden by his own smile and etiquette But this did not change her essence. When she was really angry, it was undoubtedly heart-rending.

Fortunately, I am facing two outstanding demon hunters at this moment. If they are ordinary people, at this moment, they have already been sweating and overwhelmed.

"Ms. Kelly, please don't misunderstand! None of us wants Finger to have something! This is just an objective analysis..." Stoic immediately went to the front of the businesswoman to explain - even as a hunter The president of the Devil's Club, Stoic is also a headache for the woman in front of him; therefore, on the first day of the search, after seeing that the other party has no omen or application, it has directly joined the search team. He widened his eyes.

And when the friend Toka told the businesswoman and the new 'huntings' of the new hunter, telling him, Stofei’s eyes that were so big would be a big circle; if not With the blindness of the eyelids, everyone who sees Stoic’s big eyes will fall out, and the two eyeballs will definitely fall out – as a cousin who is the president of the Devils Club in Xia Lin, for the summer. Some secrets of the forest area, even if only his cousin casually showed off to him, but some of them remembered very clearly; for example: the identity of the businesswoman in front of the businessman, and her Reasonable father.

Therefore, after learning the businesswoman’s 'good feelings' about Finger, Stofei was surprised at the time he was at the same time - also as a hunter, especially in some respects, he can still count In the case of Finger's lead, Stowe definitely didn't want Finger and the businesswoman to have any contact except for the official business; after all, it would only hurt Finger, even if it had the Hunter Guild as the backing, Finger At most, it is to save a small life; and for emotional damage, it is enough to make him look good this seed is destroyed!

Stowe does not want this to happen - the existence of every demon hunter is precious to the demon lord's headquarters, and is invaluable to the chapters of each region; especially This is not the area where the sinister and sinister environment is bad; the entire Thousand Marsh area is able to perform tasks in the area with less than 40 demon hunters, and it also includes four apostles; therefore, it is very good for Finger. It is not absolutely undesirable for Finger and the businesswoman to have something outside of business.

So, after getting the correct 'reaction' of Finger, Stofei was very relaxed and relaxed; however, the action of the next businesswoman made him a little unprepared - after he decided to leave the market. At the next moment of Finge, the other party appeared in front of him; and every day after that, the other side worked hard to deploy the power in his hands; even in some respects, Stoic had to admit that if there was no With the help of the other party, their search speed will never be so fast.

However, it is precisely because of the behavior of the other party that Sto Fe feels helpless more and more - because, no matter from which aspect, the businesswoman is not like the rumor 'playing', but serious This is definitely not good news for Stoic; a woman who takes a man seriously is absolutely more horrible than a businesswoman who is playing with a mentality; after all, although the other party is strong, but in some At that time, it is the other's father who can really control everything.

The other person’s temper, even the embarrassing father is absolutely impossible to make the daughter and a demon hunter; Stofei has even thought of it, if Finge stays with the seriously treated businesswoman Unless two people stay in Shaq, they don't go anywhere; otherwise, as long as they leave Shaq, they will face the overwhelming pursuit - Stoic is very clear, the daughter who faces, the father even regenerates It will only be a big slap or straightforward to put the daughter under house arrest; but to treat Finger, the father will never be soft; even if the head of the demon hunter is backed up, Finger will have to peel off the skin; even, such as If the father's temper comes up, Finger's life will not be guaranteed.

Therefore, Stoic believes that it is purely because of Finger, and in any case, remind the businesswoman in front of him -

"Ms. Kelly, Finger will give us the things to do! The next place to go, your people can't help with this; the rash advancement will only increase the casualties!" Continue searching The story of Finger's Stoic, paused, changed the subject and Ms. Kalia; you have to understand that you are the real source of danger for Finger! More terrible than any dark creature or enemy..."

"Bastard! Are you qualified to comment on me? Comment on my feelings for any one person? Do you have a position? Just because you and Finge belong to the demon hunter's position?" The businesswoman seems to be an irritated female leopard. Stoic, standing in front of her, grabbed the other's collar, eyes staring at each other's eyes, and said evilly, if it wasn't for you, I had already arranged everything; just wait When Finger appeared, I could use the channels I arranged to complete what I always wanted to do! ”

"But now, Finger has become the **** hunter! The **** hunter! It's a **** hunter!"

The involuntary businesswoman aggravated the tone and repeated it again; and this behavior caused the hunting devils sitting around to have their eyes closed at the same time, and a dangerous atmosphere appeared in the field - if not in front of one In the words of a lady, these demon hunters do not mind to teach each other, so that the other party understands the consequences of respect and disrespect.

"Don't I say it? A group of self-righteous guys!" The businesswoman faced a lot of breath like a cold breeze, and did not have any retreat. Instead, she stepped forward and said with a sneer, from the beginning, you are This is self-righteous and proud! But I am different. If I have had a lesson, I will never make the same mistake again! So, don't stop me for any reason this time! otherwise……"

After a pause, the coldness on the face of the businesswoman became more and more intense.

"Otherwise, I will let you understand a terrible! Especially when you are desperate!"

After that, the businesswoman did not wait for the reply from Stoic, and she turned to the tent and left the tent. She looked at the tent curtain because the businesswoman was over-excited and the ear did not listen to the swing. The demon people in the tent could not help but face each other. They all cast on the face of Stoic - although in general, the demon hunters are accustomed to accepting new feelings, but this does not mean that the demon people are slow to the feelings; on the contrary, because of the lack of To these long-awaited feelings, most of the demon hunters are acutely sensitive to feelings; therefore, the expressions expressed by the businesswoman and the words shouted immediately made the demon hunters present not easy.

And from the silence of Stofei, just the appearance of a bitter smile, all the demon hunters present immediately took the pussy, immediately turned their attention to their branch president, looking for the final answer of the matter -

"The accidents caused by some misunderstandings and accidents! I guess you will never think about the end of the story!" Stoic ignored the many eyes of seeking knowledge and curiosity, and the people who went straight to the topic headquarters should be near the market. Two of you who joined the headquarters helped Toka begin to transfer the people to the market! If our opponents are really those guys, they will not stop the ordinary people! The rest of the people continue to look for Finger, we need to complete more than half of the search progress in the C2 area before sunset! ”

"Oh, the club president!"

Although I was still curious in my heart, after hearing the words of Stoic, all the demon hunters in the tent immediately began to act - every qualified demon hunter would understand the priorities of the matter, compared to the good gossip. Undoubtedly continue to look for Finger and face the cult that has not appeared for many years is the most important.

Looking at the re-starting demon hunter, Stofei, who is the president of the branch, did not stay in the tent for a long time. After carefully studying the map on the table, he turned and walked out; however, he walked out of the tent. When I saw the woman who was commanding the subordinates in the distance and began to re-plan the search plan, he gave a slight glimpse, then shook his head with a smile, and turned to continue to the planned area.

Some things can be reached out without enthusiasm. The blind consequences will only be more and more help!

With a sigh of regret, Stowe disappeared into the forest with a leap.


"I thought you would arrive when the sun came out!"

Looking at Lehman in front of his cap with a cloak, Ye Qi said as if he was smiling like a face--for this first enemy, then the ally, Ye Qi is difficult to locate the other side; after all, he knows After the biggest weakness of the other party's heart: the female leader of the bloodline honor, their relationship is difficult to maintain a pure alliance of interests only for the benefit.

In particular, the cooperation between the two parties was a pleasant one, and the relationship between Ye Qi and the other party was slightly changed. Together with the calm and cautious work of the other party, Ye Qi did not mind encountering certain situations. When looking for the help of the other side; just like the last time the opponent faced the strike against Lions, find him.

"If it is not an accident, I will arrive at noon today!"

The hoarse, slightly dry voice masked Lehman’s original low but magnetic sound—obviously, Lehmann did not relax his vigilance when facing Ye Qi alone; and this kind of caution made Ye Qi most appreciate each other. Place; an ally, but savvy ally, although it will be appreciated by all the people who are allied with it, but this kind of appreciation is definitely based on the opponent’s charge and the abandonment. It will definitely not start from the decision point. of.

"Come on, then! This is something I just wrote, I hope you can remember it completely in the morning; if there is doubt, I can explain it after you read it!" Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders. Throw some of the things that have just been written into Lehman's hands. Of course, these are just basic, you still need a lot of familiarity! However, fortunately, we are very versatile, at least for two days to let you learn and become familiar with such a existence! ”

"You let me imitate another person?"

Lehman bowed his head and glanced at the small head of the fly on the dense paper, and the eyebrows picked it up - no doubt, Ye Qi’s behavior was beyond his expectation; after receiving the letter from Ye Qi, although Not much to say, but some of the content revealed is enough to make Lehman pay attention; therefore, Lehman has already prepared for a fierce battle before coming; for this reason, he also put some of the cards that can be used on his body; Even, deliberately shifting the rhythm of the road, in order to maintain a peak state that can be battled at any time.

Therefore, without encountering the imaginary battle, but after a precaution, Lehmann immediately did not understand, he was waiting for Ye Qi’s explanation - he would never think that this was the malicious of his ally. Joke, or a product of boring; like his own calmness and caution, Lehman is very clear about the character of this ally; since the other party has given him a secret letter, then there must be no Reasons.

"No! Because, I really can't think of a better way to cover up!" Said, Ye Qi gestured to the face of 'Finge', and then helplessly shrugged me 'the whole person' in the Holy See Under the 'monitoring', any action will be reported; and there are some things that I don't want to let the Holy See anyway; therefore, I have to find you; because only you can be better This cover-up aid! ”

"Although I don't appreciate the battle for no reason, but what can be lost to the Holy See is what I hope to see! Therefore, I am very happy to help you! Whether it is from personal emotions or us The position between the allies!” Lehman’s very impressive position, then tell me to do it! ”

"It's not a battle for no reason! The existence of the canyon is the head of a cult organization! If we don't, we will suffer big losses!" Ye Qi smiled and pointed to the distant canyon to Lehman. To signal, of course, our current situation helps you to familiarize yourself with your new identity and my new identity! ”

"Your new identity?"

"Of course, don't you think that I will follow you to defeat the evil cultists?"

Ye Qi shrugged and spread his hands and gestured; for this, after Lehman stunned, he went straight.

"Everything is with you; since I accepted your invitation, then I will listen to you!"


About a day from the Grand Canyon, somewhere in the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area.

In front and behind, the two figures walked quickly in the bushes of thorns. If not both of them have the ability that ordinary people can't imagine, then just these sharp thorns are enough for two people to drink a pot; The flesh and blood is tumbling, a bit exaggerated, but the ragged and bloodshot strips can't run.

"Roben, do you bring me here?" Decat, who was walking behind him, looked around and had already deviated from the road back to the temple. His face was still calm, and his tone was still the same. You had already deviated from it three hours ago. Going back to the path of the temple; and, as a high priest, you have no responsibility or obligation to serve as a welcoming person; let alone you will also leave Manchur! ”

"Oh, that's a very proud guy!"

Walking in front of Robben, he turned and looked at the man in front of his face. If he could, he even wanted to smash the other with a knife until it became meat. Because it was the other side. The guy who didn't care, took away the glory that belonged to him completely in the temple.

"I am the whole elder of the temple! And you are a despicable slave! If it is not my father, you are still giving people the tools to play!" With the words, Robben's eyes are already unstoppable. There is a feeling of cruelty and fury on the smear, but for you, a guy of such a birth will be recognized by everyone! Including my father, he thinks that you are more suitable than me and become the third generation leader of the temple! for? ”

"Because I have no competition!"

Decate stood in the same place listening to the other party's insults. Without any change of expression, it was still a light appearance. After the other party's roar, he replied slowly; of course, the tone was still the same as plain. Like a lake.

"Bastard! This is not your disguise!" And this attitude obviously spurred the big elder, he roared today I am going to break your disguise! ”

After that, Robben had a wide sword in his hand, and he straightened to Decat in front of him.

PS is not used for water... pit...

Thanks to the four seas drifting prodigal son 200 coins reward ~ ~ ~ rain rain stunned 200 yuan reward ~ ~ ~ no の denied 200 coins reward ~ ~ ~ quiet forest 100 coins reward ~ ~ ~ sn100 coins Appreciation ~~~ (props rewards suddenly can not be queried, decadence can only rely on memory; if there is, everyone forgives it! 颓 拱 apologize!!) decadent thank you all Support for decadent ~~~ (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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