Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 62: Unexpected income (blessing for Ya'an)

"With you, my luck has always been good!"

After hearing Ye Qi’s words, Lehman shrugged and walked toward the back hall of the cathedral. Ye Qi’s vague answer was enough to make Lehman understand that there was something Ye Qi didn’t want to know for outsiders; What is it, but Lehmann can't be irrational because of the roots and the break with the allies in front of him.

This time, I agreed to Ye Qi’s invitation and came to the Qiangyu District. For Lehman, it has the intention to deepen the relationship between the two parties. After seeing the full strength of Ye Qi before, Lehman strengthened this. An idea - the high-end of the Japanese-level, but enough to rival the peak of the Japanese-level peak, even more than a lot, this is for Lehman who wants to overthrow the Holy See, but must be closely tied to the necessary allies around.

After all, according to the information he now has, there are at least three peaks of the Japanese invaders in the Holy See – the head of the Inquisition that everyone fears; the unrestrained, head of the Holy Knights who are loved by all the knights. And the pope who has already faded out of sight of everyone.

Especially the last one, according to the guess of some information obtained, the other party is likely to have the strength above the Japanese level!

Looking for someone to test it once?

No, the risk is too big...

The idea of ​​rising in the heart was immediately brought to the mind by Lehman - to find out the true details of the Pope, no doubt had to be guarded by the head of the Holy Knights; and in the event of an accident, in the Pope and the Holy Knight Under the attack of the head of the regiment, even he or Ye Qi did not know how to escape. Not to mention the people he has cultivated over the years; although overall, it is still far from the Japanese level.

Still need to speed up the pace!

Whether it is your own strength or the cultivation of the forces must be accelerated again!

Reminiscent of the news of the sacred miracle in the Shenglin District, Lehman, who had just experienced a big battle, was able to easily get down again and became heavy again.


Standing in front of the statue, Ye Qi looked at Lehman, who disappeared behind the door. He couldn’t help but shook his head. For the idea that Lehman had just risen, Ye Qi had already guessed it. In this regard, Ye Qihe Not surprised; after all, for Lehman who wants to overthrow the Holy See. Think about any opportunity, and seriously consider its feasibility.

Stubborn people are terrible!

Thinking of Lehman's talent, Ye Qi could not help but feel sorry for the high level of the Holy See. Ye Qi is very clear and different from his own system of support, Lehman is a genius in the traditional sense, with each other's age and current strength. The title of this genius is undisputed; if the other high-level officials can truly treat everything as they say, then at the moment they have an extra sword in their hands instead of a Hidden in the shadows and bow to your own daggers.

And Ye Qi is equally sure. The horrible thing about this dagger - in Lehman's acting style, would never mind using some 'despicable means' to achieve his purpose; whether it is one of the former presiding judges. Or the captain of the disciplinary knight or the deputy director of the Inquisition is a strong proof; and this is only what he knows; Ye Qi believes that in places he can’t see and don’t know, similar to Lehman’s manipulation. Things must have happened countless times and will continue to happen.

Fortunately, our goals are not in conflict!

With such a sigh of rejoicing, Ye Qi’s eyes looked at the statue in front of him—the fluctuation of the power of faith that can be felt with a little use of the nameless technique, which made Ye Qi feel a joy; no doubt, the whole In the canyon, within the temple organization. The power of faith in this statue in front of him is the best spoils except for his previous harvest.

After greeted the strange wolf, Ye Qi jumped to the top of the statue and couldn’t wait to enter the state of unknown skills. The perception spread toward the statue—golden, endless gold, almost instantaneous Let Ye Qi couldn't help but squint his eyes; although according to the style of existence. Ye Qi had some preparations in the bottom of his heart, but when he really saw the situation in front of him, he still couldn't help but be shocked.

The walls of the palace buildings are undulating, completely gold-built walls. There are countless different gems in it; and there is a statue of the existence in the center of every palace. Despite its different postures, the feeling of being full of majesty and adoring and admiring is the same.

It’s really the existence of ‘ignorance’!

Looking at the face that is almost entirely self-centered and self-indulgent, Ye Qi immediately had a deeper understanding of the evaluation of the existence of the wolf before; the other party is not only blind, it is almost ' The embodiment of ignorance--the cohesion of every power of faith is almost the ultimate manifestation of these existences like the wolf after reaching the height of the wolf; whether it exists or disappears, this fundamental The manifestation is not changed at all.

Whether it’s the huge waves seen in the bottom of the sea **** shop or the towering dead trees not long ago, even the endless darkness in Ye Qi’s eyes is more than the endless palace and all kinds of statues. It’s going to be many times better – at the very least, the first few did not make him feel like vomiting in this thick and arrogant atmosphere.

How to do?

Did you remove all the palaces in front of you?

After experiencing the power of the endless dark faith, Ye Qi understands that not every unit of the power of faith can be relied on by force. Some special places still need other things to complete his absorption. The purpose of the power of faith - However, in the face of the cohesion of the power of belief in this existence, Ye Qi only thought a little, and immediately raised his hand and took it forward.

In that performance, Ye Qi does not think that the other party will have such a 'connotation'; in fact, as Ye Qi conjects -


Like a half-moon with a height of ten yards, the knives in a flash of lightning, straight through a palace in front of them; and the countless statues in countless palaces in the next moment are all 'live'. Sent to him for the charge!

Sure enough!

Looking at the huge statue that had already rushed to himself, Ye Qi snorted and grinned. Then, raising his hand was a knife - another knife and a flash of light; immediately, within the width of ten yards, All seemingly huge and indestructible statues in the direction of Knife Mang have been cut off.

The same illusory!

With such an evaluation, Ye Qi, who is more and more disdainful in the corner of his mouth, immediately took the knife and knives in his hand; Numerous giant statues with golden textures were kneaded like a dough, and eventually turned into a decaying mud of a beach and fell to the ground.


“Just just out of the C3 area, how can there be so many poison bees?!”

Ted’s fist quickly waved a boxing style, and each of the poisonous bees, which were full of baby’s fists, was smashed; he couldn’t help but wave the javelin in his hand. The airtight Stowe asked.

"It should have been in the past few days before the migration! Bastard, next time I must bring a flamethrower!"

After Stofei explained something to Ted, he couldn’t help but whispered a whisper—obviously. As a hunting hunter with a set of holy javelin as a weapon, this is a group of poisonous bees. Except for passive defense, there is no good way; in fact, if there are three Ted, Kaqiu and Zaka from the head of the Demon Hunter, the powerful demon hunter is a helper. Most of them were swallowed up when the poisonous bee swarmed from the cracks in the ground, the gaps in the trees, and even a bush.

"I have never seen such a poison bee! I will actually take a nest in the land!" As a woman, Kay’s vision of things is obviously different from Ted and Stoic: "It is for design capture. The trap of prey, or because of habit?"

"It should be both! I have seen this poisonous bee in the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area. But as it is now, and so close to the C3 area, it is the first time I saw it!" For Ted, who had once entered the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area, he began to explain to Kaqiu: "The queen bee of this poison bee will produce eggs in the moist soil for the child to fly. The poison bee can get more food sources!"

“Is there no worker bee feeding?”

"No, this poisonous bee seems to remove the bee after being the leader. The rest are just some common poison bees; and, after they lay eggs, they choose to leave and find a suitable place. A new round of birth!” Stofei is the head of the Demon Hunter in the Thousand Marsh Area. Although it has not penetrated the unexplored area of ​​the Chima area, it is undoubtedly a good thing for some creatures in the area. Experts; immediately, the proposal: "The poison bees are very violent during the bee laying, and will attack any creature that enters their territory; and it is the kind that does not fear life and death. I think we are still detoured. Fortunately!"

The last sentence of Stoic is, of course, to remind Zaka, who is a temporary leader of the group. - Stoic, who had worked with Zaka, is very clear about what kind of character and temper the other person is; therefore Stoic chose to be as euphemistic as possible, and only reminded from the side.

"You go around the road! I can't wait! The strong breath there has disappeared two, and there are two left! With that style, it will never stay there for a long time!"

After that, Zhaka’s whole person turned into a blast and rushed toward the bee colony—a long knife that wielded, and he wrapped his body to make up the first class, and a special special sharpness made Zaka like. With the arrow of the string, rushing toward the front; any obstacles that block the Zaka along the way, whether it is trees, bushes or poisonous bees, are smashed into a powder; just like this, Zaka is almost in a straight line, facing The target in the distance ran.

"It’s a madman. After so many years, there is no change at all!"

Looking at the back of Zaka's far away, Stowe couldn't help but twitch his mouth. Looking at Zaka at the moment, he couldn't help but think of the first time when he met with the other side at Shake's Hunter Headquarters. The appearance of reticence, until the instructor of the year, exposed that fanaticism, as if going crazy in battle, the previous period and the same period of the demon hunters were all shocked.

Although. In the end, Zaka’s challenge failed, but the reputation of Zachana’s 'combat' was remembered by everyone; especially when it was first announced at the Hunter’s Headquarters The apostles of ability need to go to the regulations of Shaq’s training; the reputation of Zaka’s 'infighting' is spread in the mouths of the apostles who have been summoned from various places to Shak, in almost a few weeks. The entire Lorante hunting devil's circle - has been wounded countless times, injure others many times; in Zaka's eyes there is no such thing as identity, only the strong or worthy of the shot!

It is precisely because of this style that many people who even surpass Zarka have chosen to give in. In particular, some elites who came out of the Demon Hunter family have made Zaka a madman--but you may not think that the madman of that year has become a strong person that you will never be able to reach. You can only look up to this. Crazy!

Thinking of the recent strength of Zaka from Ted, Stoic was one of Zaka’s friends at the same time. Immediately, there was a smile on his face that only he understood. Ordinary hunting People and affiliates are under the head of the Demon Hunter. The families borrowed from the name of the Demon Hunter are always different; this is not changed by the passage of time. Because, their difference is in the bones!

"Stofei. I think we should temporarily retreat! Otherwise, wait until those poisonous bees chasing Zaka turn back, we can't eat and go!" Looking at Stoic, who was obviously caught in memories, Ted had no choice but to help. Shrugging his shoulders; then, turning his head to Kaqiu: "For a road, you have no opinion?"

"of course!"

Although Kaqiu is an excellent female hunter, but women's natural aversion to worms and snakes, she agreed to this ‘very appropriate’ idea in the first place.


[Specialization promotion: secondary gravity sanctions - gravity sanctions]

[Gravity Sanction: Any or all of the creatures within 30 yards of their own center. Self-quality increased by 10%-500%. Duration 1 hour/2 character level; cooled for 12 hours. 】

[Get special expertise: secondary illusion control]

[Second phantom control: You can create a corresponding illusion according to your own imagination. The illusion must have been seen by myself, personally contacted, and able to understand the existence of the constituent materials; phantom duration 1 minute / 1 character level; no attack, no defense, cooling time 1 hour.]

Ye Qi, who was separated from the illusion, immediately received a reminder from the system; looking at the introduction on the light blue screen, Ye Qi jumped straight off the statue - the promotion of [sub-gravity sanctions]. For Ye Qi, it is not an accident. On the contrary, it is expected. After all, the emergence of special expertise [secondary gravity sanctions] is the transaction that stems from the killing of the existence, and now absorbs the residual. The power of faith; then as a homologous [sub-gravity sanction] gains. There is nothing so strange.

After all, the previous Ye Qi has experienced a promotion similar to [Secondary Extraction Darkness]; it is similar to the last one; this time the homology comes out, everything is naturally reasonable; however, suddenly appears [Secondary phantom control] is what Ye Qi did not expect.

In the illusion of faith, isn’t it just the power of faith? Can I also get special expertise?

Ye Qi looked at the words on the blue screen, and could not help but squat up slightly - although it is inevitable to use the power of faith to upgrade his master cold weapon, but this does not mean that Ye Qi will give up other means; It is the spell given by the system, other skills or expertise is his goal of promotion; especially the latter, every three levels can have a choice, obviously the same precious existence as the attribute point .

Even now, from the illusion of faith, the acquisition is unknown and uncertain, but it is also sufficient for Ye Qi; after all, the ability to gain strength in vain should be contentment for anyone; let alone The combination of [secondary phantom control] and [secondary avatar] is obviously enough to improve the overall strength of Ye Qi - even if the illusion is produced without any attack and defense, but as long as it is cleverly arranged At a glance, you can definitely play unexpected results.

"We seem to get good things this time!"

Lehmann’s footsteps sounded behind the statue, and the sound that followed was a little bit of joy. The turned Ye Qi saw the two bags in Lehman’s hands and the familiar eyes. It was the first two boxes of the holy sac.

Didn't even be taken away by Alcatel? !

Ye Qi did not hide his surprise, looking up at Lehmann.

"Not only the saints you mentioned, even the box of gems are in! In the lobby of the prayer meditation room!" Seeing Ye Qi’s surprised expression, Lehman shrugged his shoulders with Smiled: "So, I said, with you, luck is always good!"

PS Sichuan has another earthquake! ! It’s really heart-wrenching... Decadence prays for the compatriots of Ya’an...

Thanks to the reward of 508 coins of Zihuang Tianying, the reward of 200 yuan for the prodigal son floating around the sea, the reward of June 200 IV for the snow, the reward of the 100 yuan for the quiet, the reward for the sn100, and the one for the vewar. Reward ~~~ decadence, thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~

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