Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 15 Chapter 75: Start again. Occasionally

"Take care all the way! I will explain it to him in Stoic!"

With a predecessor, Ye Qi, who left after a short replenishment, did not let the person in charge of the market rush to any accident; even after seeing Ye Qi’s conversation with the businesswoman yesterday, the man has stepped in. The middle-aged market leader has already had such psychological preparations - therefore, after receiving Ye Qi’s farewell, Toka smiled and handed the prepared supplies that had already been prepared to the front of Ye Qi. .

"Thank you, Toka!"

After picking up the bag full of food and fresh water, Ye Qi smiled and carried it to his shoulders - Ye Qi did not refuse to the other party's kindness; although looking for food and water in the Qiangqu area for him Hunting devils are not too difficult, but if there is advance supplies, Ye Qi does not want to spend extra time to find, especially if the other side is carefully prepared; even if his body has already surpassed Ordinary people can not eat for two weeks or even weeks, but the price can be exchanged for a substantial decline in strength, and Ye Qike does not want to experience such an experience under conditions.

Hunger is sometimes more frightening than death!

This sentence is undoubtedly a person who has experienced the suffering of hunger, shouting on the edge of despair - although Ye Qi has a strong perseverance, but absolutely no hobby.

“Do you still want to continue your trip to the Thousand Marsh Zone?”

Toka's door to the progress of the market, Toka slightly curiously asked - as the head of the market in the Thousand Marsh area, Toka has seen countless people; but whether it is a scholar, or a criminal who escapes, he still The first time I saw someone like 'Finger' in front of me; the opponent was more like an adventurer than the adventurer who was sensational, and it was the kind of adventure that really took life; after all, except for this reason Toka is really finding a more appropriate reason to explain everything about 'Finger'.

"It's a wish to complete the boyhood! After all, we are old enough if we are not crazy!"

With such humor as ‘Finger’, Ye Qi shrugged; then. The two looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time - according to the age of the two, obviously belong to the age that can no longer be crazy, but both of them are doing crazy things; one for the construction of the market, throwing At the cost of everything, it is almost the same as the gamblers who are red-eyed in the casino; the other is also doing their own childhood dreams at the expense of life. Both of them can be called crazy.

of course. One is true madness, and the other is helpless cover.

"So, I hope to see you next time!"

"Mr. Finger, all the way!"

Standing at the door of the market. Including Toka, all the guards in the Thousand Marsh area, Limoa, Korsor, and the little Doug, who had already stood there, said goodbye to Ye Qi; while Ye Qi smiled and waved his arm vigorously; then, turned around The big step left; until the market gate behind him has become blurred. Eventually disappeared, and then slowly stopped; Ye Qi looked at the dense jungle on the roadside, could not help but sigh.

"How do you know that I will leave in the morning?"

"A person's not saying goodbye is not once or twice! Don't you know that this is a very gentleman's behavior?"

With her own female bodyguard, the businesswoman came out from behind the tree, and her face was dissatisfied. For the trace of the businesswoman, at the gate of the market, Ye Qi had already seen it through the fluctuation of the blind bucket. Clear two; but after hesitating for a long time. He is still here, following the original planned route; after all, he can hide for a while, but can't hide.

Ye Qi is very sure if he changes the way forward. Then waiting for him will definitely be another endless search for the other side, and with the ability and financial resources of the other party, it will not be difficult to find him this time - after all, compared to the previous one away from the Chimuma area. Entering the unexplored area, this time his goals can be found in the area already explored; even the farthest one still has the remains of faith. According to the coordinates given by the wolf, it is only in the vicinity of the C1 area in the explored area; and the nearest one, as long as the normal person walks for about three days, can be found.

"Ms. Kalia, can't I explain it clearly enough?"

Ye Qi smiled and looked at the businesswoman in front of him, pretending to helplessly spread his hand - he was convinced that he had explained it very clearly before, and according to his prediction, the other party would basically not entangle him again; After all, with the strength and character that the other party usually shows, in that case, no anger is already well-recognized; but the other party appears again in front of him, although it is not a bright situation, but it is not because it is not bright. Only then, Ye Qi is more helpless.

Some exist, always grow strong in the shadows; for example: sin; or guts - obviously, the woman in front of us will never touch the former, or use the resources in their hands to make good use of the former; However, under such circumstances, the other party will obviously consider the latter infinitely.

Therefore, with the approach of the other party, Ye Qi followed back, and carefully observed the other party's next move. If you are not clear, if you have physical contact, you can only make this unclear. It’s even worse, even in the unexpected direction of everyone, and Ye Qi definitely doesn’t want to have such a situation.

“I am terrible? Why do we call the adventurer’s Mr. Finge so timid?”

The businesswoman faced Ye Qi’s retreat, and there was a sense of enthusiasm in her expression; however, she did not have excessive 'oppression' in front of the man, just stopped when the other side retreated, no doubt The other person’s preferences or dislikes, the businesswoman has been 'mastered'; the information of the other party or the comments of some other friends of the other party indicates that the other party is a person who hates oppression and wants freedom; even, according to the businesswoman himself It is inferred that the reason why the other party is separated from the other ex-wife is that the most important reason is because of 'freedom'.

The other side is like an eagle flying in the sky, and the other's ex-wife is like a cage that binds the eagle, so that it can't even open its wings; and she can't do such stupid things, she wants to 'build' A small chain squats on the opponent's ankle, no matter how high the opponent flies, farther away and the other one in her hand; even, as long as she pulls a zip, the other party will return to her side.

and so. The businesswoman will not over-force the 'Finger' - after yesterday's conversation, the businesswoman who has encountered unprecedented setbacks, not only is not depressed, but also has no trace of sadness; instead, she is eager to read the man in front of him again. Everything; especially a few short conversations, is even more powerful in the memory of a businesswoman. It’s like a movie. It’s been shown over and over again in mind; this is a way for a businesswoman to self-examine, and she always does this every time she encounters difficulties, and in fact, this is the case. But it is a great harvest for business women.

This time is no exception!

‘The relationship between me and her is not what you think! ’

Such an ordinary sentence, after several times of 'playback', was listed by the businesswoman as the focus; then connected with the 'Finger', what a feeling called '愧疚' mixed with 'struggling' appeared in the The other person's body. It fell into the eyes of a businesswoman; after many times of reading, this feeling was even affirmed by the businesswoman.

Of course, this is only a unilateral aspect that she found from 'Finger' and is not enough to confirm her guess; in order to make up for this speculation and confirm everything, she still needs to see the other side - 'Finge's ex-wife '!

However, this is undoubtedly the latter thing, there have been previous examples. The businesswoman is very clear that the man she is looking at is definitely not a person who is dragging the water. Since there is a previous explanation, then in the other party’s cognition, it is already clear with her that there is absolutely no more Any contact; therefore. If you say goodbye, it will not exist.

Therefore, it is really clear that you don’t say goodbye to each other; even the businesswoman’s mind has appeared. After the other party had thrown a big trouble, the kind of easy-going appearance - this. The businesswoman can't make the other person's wish; although she already has more plans to 'catch' the other's 'heart', and there are some behaviors in the plan that she needs to be 'pitiful', but definitely not including this one!

She must make the other person more worried about her existence before she can!

Impressed, it will always be more appropriate than forgetting her next plan - perhaps, this deep impression will be disgusting, but the businesswoman has a reversing confidence.

Strong people are full of confidence at any time!

"Yesterday, I thought about it for a long time. Now I am here to give you a reply!"

“Answer?” Ye Qi slightly stunned.

"Of course! Don't you need a specific answer?"

Facing such a natural statement, Ye Qi smiled helplessly again, and made a gesture of asking - Ye Qi is very clear, whether he agrees or refuses, this time will be a trouble; after all, The other person appears here, and the kind of smile like a winner is enough to explain too many things; in fact, just like Ye Qi’s speculation; in the pause, the businesswoman said nothing. Ye Qi expected the answer.

"I refuse everything you said! What you said is your business, but what about me!" The businesswoman gave her own answer, but in Ye Qi's eyes it is more like a victory declaration: "So, I still do my thing in my way!"

"Ignoring one of the parties and only taking care of myself is indeed like the practice of Ms. Kalia! At the very least, in the rumors I have heard, you have always been like this!" Obviously, Ye Qi does not want to be strong again. The woman is entangled - the other party has already shown, I said that it is unreasonable, how can you be that attitude; if he is still entangled with the other party, then he will only doubt his own IQ. At this moment, it is the most correct choice to obviously continue on the road to find what you want.

Therefore, Ye Qi, who finished, did not wait for the other party's answer, bypassed the other party, and continued to move forward with his bag.

"The matter here has come to an end, I will return to Dude! At that time, I will go see your ex-wife! I am now very curious about this lady!"

The departure of the other person is not an accident for the businesswoman - in her prediction, there is something more than this; leaving is only one of the most insignificant; however, seeing For the choice of 'Finger', the businesswoman was very satisfied and even happy; even the female bodyguard next to her could detect the smile of her boss.

However, the next move of the other party. It was a surprise to the businesswoman - because according to her estimation, if she proposed the other's ex-wife; with 'Finger' for the other party's embarrassment, she would turn back and argue with her; even, in order to be able to Let the man in front of him fall back, the businesswoman has already prepared a few sets of rhetoric; but the other party is not at all moved. Keep moving forward.

Am I guessing wrong?

This idea has just risen. It is left behind by the businesswoman - based on countless wealth and success, except for the ability, is the confidence of the self; the businesswoman will not easily doubt herself.

"Finger, is this what you said about your relationship with your ex-wife? Very cold! You are not afraid of what I am doing too much?" Unbearable. The businesswoman shouted again; however, it was only a raised arm that responded to her, and a waving full of farewell.

So confident in your ex-wife?

Or do you think that I will not do anything excessive?

When thinking of the former, the businesswoman was slightly gnashing her teeth; and when she thought of the latter, the mouth that had just appeared a little embarrassed showed a smile.

The boss is not saved!

The female bodyguard standing next to the businesswoman looked at her boss's unpredictable expression. I couldn't help but sigh in my heart—although she didn't talk about love, but love made people stupid, blind, and even fools. She still heard it. Before, she still didn't believe it, but now she sees it. After the original savvy and capable, the top ten incomparable boss became this appearance, the female bodyguard chose to believe this sentence.

"Go, go back to the market! Then. Pack things back to Dude!"

After a long time, the businesswoman who returned to God said straight.

"Yes, but the boss, our plan..."

For the decision of the businesswoman, the female bodyguard who had not responded for a while could not help but widen her eyes.

"The plan has my plan! If my decision-making, assistant team. With my plan to screw things up, then I don't mind changing a group of people!" Without stopping, the businesswoman said simply and neatly, The female bodyguard knows that her boss has the final decision – and faces the final decision. The female bodyguard should be in the body.

"Know, boss!"


My ‘ex-wife’?

Ye Qi, who is on the way, can't help but laugh. - Tell the truth. He is very much looking forward to the meeting of the businesswoman with his 'ex-wife'; although he can't witness it, but as long as he thinks about it, Ye Qi can't help but feel interesting; like his current status, his 'ex-wife' Identity is also 'forged' by the chameleon; although it has a 'real identity', its essence has not changed.

Therefore, it is still fake!

Therefore, Ye Qi dare to say that in the face of a 'big man' like a businesswoman, the other actors must not be able to reassure the chameleon; it will definitely be the 'solving' trouble in person; compared to the strength of the businesswoman The chameleon is equally difficult, and to some extent, the chameleon is even more crazy; at the very least, the businesswoman does not leave the best fantasy for her age.

The two women who are both troublesome in Ye Qi have encountered everything and will undoubtedly have a wonderful showdown; although he can't watch the process, no matter what the outcome, he has nothing to do with him - a 'fen If you are exposed, the temper of a businesswoman will definitely expose more 'Finger'; otherwise, the temperament of the other person being teased may not be so easy to disappear; therefore, just for himself, he believes that the chameleon will be his Solve the trouble thoroughly.

Of course he will definitely compensate for the chameleon afterwards - the help between the allies is not free for most of the time, especially when the trouble itself comes from him; however, compared In the face of business women, he is more adept at facing the chameleon; after all, in front of the other side, he is Ye Qi, not the 'Finger'.

Ye Qi, who solved his troubles in the heart, was very easy. After he was sure to stay away from people's sights, he was immediately ready to change direction. The most recent relic, although it only takes three days, is not on the 'big road'. According to the map in my mind, it is a zone surrounded by swamps; Ye Qi has reason to believe that it is because of this swamp that it is possible to have faith in this ruin.

But at the moment when Ye Qi was about to leave, there was a familiar volatility in the blind bucket perception, but it made Ye Qi a glimpse; but this 愣, so Ye Qi can no longer escape, can only look in the line of sight A black dot, and quickly expanded, revealing the true face of the other side - Shake's fist: Enid.

PS is not busy today, so the early chapter came out~~~~ decadent and try again, before you go to sleep, catch up with a chapter~~~~Today also strive to do doubles~~~ ~ So, everyone, you are crying and shouting for protection.~~~~ If you have something, don’t hide it, take it out~~~狠狠 decadent, decadent and sincere, as long as there is, Just fine! ! !

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