Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 3: The claws have to be smashed

Except for the light that concentrated the torch, this open space did not negotiate everything, even the negotiating table itself was replaced by a piece of stone that was temporarily found, and the so-called chair was just a table than before. The stone is slightly smaller than the first one. However, at the moment, the heads of the two underground worlds of the Qiangqu area, and the pretender of the Holy See, no one cares about these; they sit straight to their respective ' After the chair was on, the three men looked at each other and no one wanted to speak first. The whole scene suddenly fell into a silence.


The night wind blew the flames on the torch, and in addition, there were seven or eight people who came here before the 'local' forces in the Chima area, standing in the air. - Those who can be picked up by their respective leaders will not be unreasonable. Apart from trust and reliability, it is more important to have superior skills and hot personality; in fact, these are in the Chima area. Among the forces composed of 'overnight criminals', whether they can become the backbone and core members of a force, apart from the attention of the power leaders, the other is their own 'famousness'; for example: a fraudster is here most of the time It is definitely not as good as a murderer.

After all, in most of the time, the Thousand Marsh area needs fists, knives and bullets instead of mouth.

These people selected by their respective bosses are undoubtedly the confidants of the two underground world leaders in the Qiangqu area; and in the face of their own confidants, these two bosses did not conceal their most fundamental ideas; therefore. These people know what their boss wants at the end; therefore, all the people standing around have their eyes wide open, and their hands are involuntarily touching their own weapons on their waists, and even some It is taken directly in the hands; no doubt, as long as their boss sends a signal, they will directly screen the target in front of them.

Although, according to the rumors, the people in the entire underground world of Lorraine outside the Thousand Marsh area have a reputation for being a small person, and the other party dares to enter the place chosen by them and let their men wait. This is enough to prove the courage and courage of the other side. The reputations outside are not exaggerated at random - unfortunately, here is the Thousand Marsh area, a Thousand Marsh area with other rules. The more courageous people are not familiar with these rules, the more courage If you are courageous, then the more you die, the faster you die.

In this regard, they have been confused with their own bosses in the Qiangqu area for a few years, they are very clear; although such people are a pity to die, but they will not be kindly reminded each other; after all. If they do, they will die; and they will have such a 'righteous heart'. They will not fall to the point where they are wanted and hide in the Thousand Marsh area. What's more, this time it is obviously a big deal. As a confidant of their own bosses, they can undoubtedly get considerable profits in such big deals.

In the face of such profits, anyone who wants to stop them from gaining is their enemy. Therefore, these former wanted criminals look at each other. Looking at the crowds around them all with the same gaze, they immediately turned back and looked at their 'prey'; it was like a group of wolves, besieging their prey, waiting for their leader to give the final order. After that, they will swarm up and tear the prey into pieces and swallow the flesh and blood of each other.

Just like in the past!

"Mr. Beard. Do you really just want to enter the Refuge of the Thousand Marsh area?"

The leader of the killer, who was keenly aware of the killings around him, could not help but break the deadlock in front of him - as someone with other minds, he didn't want to be able to find out before he could find out. It is unclear to kill the other side to obtain a worthless corpse; and even if it is a corpse, he needs a corpse that can be used.

Another leader looked at the Allianceer with a strange look. According to the plan of the two, it was time to make the outsider into a sieve under a gesture; however, although the heart was surprised, However, as the opponent of the other party, I know that the other party's bottom is the leader, but did not ask; even if he is such a violent person, but can live to the present, at least some of the experience is still there.

And his experience is to tell him that it is only necessary to wait and see what is happening now - think of this leader, hands clasped around his chest, watching the conversation between his Alliance and the outsiders in front of him; and the people around him After seeing the appearance of their own boss, they also converge on the killing intentions; however, the weapons held in the hands did not loosen, but they let the body go back and let the torches shine; they stood in the shadows. It is like a poisonous snake that hides its body into the grass and shrubs, hiding its deadly fangs; in the shadows, the faces of these people are flickering; not only does it not relieve the danger, but on the contrary it feels more murderous.

"Well, because of a frustrating accident, I have to give up most of my business and come here!" Beard - the pretender of the Holy See said so calmly; he did not seem to see the surrounding crisis, I don't feel the viciousness of the hidden killings; it is like being in an open-air cafe, meeting your friends, very casual.

“Give up most of your business? So what business are you leaving here to start?”

The leader of the killer, when he heard the 'most of the business', his eyes could not be traced - no doubt, this is exactly the information he needs; most of the other business is definitely finished according to his guess. After all, the counterparts of the other side outside the Thousand Marsh area will never put such fat meat without taking a sip; even the leader of the killer can imagine, how many brothers and sisters, The close-knit 'friends' gave the other party the most deadly blow at that time; just like his agent, what he did to him.

And from the hands of the other party, it is enough to prove this - less than ten people, only about seven people who are connected to each other; although everyone has the best weapons and equipment. And the sigh of breath on the body reveals their own extraordinary, but even if they have been disguised from their faces, they still have a lot of tiredness; just like the beard in front of him.

Even with those **** beards as cover, the head of the killer is still affirming the other's beard, except for the scars that are caused by the layers of the stack, the rest is tired and temporarily escaped. - For the experience of Mr. Beard, although he is not as good as it is, he knows quite well; the other party starts from a worker in a normal factory until after a big explosion in the factory. As a qualified worker who could not get the compensation, he used his own means to get his compensation: robbed his boss's safe.

After that, it was sold for two years. Two years later, a man with a scar on his face, but with a beard, appeared in the underground world. He started from a modified gun and went through ten years. The time left and right eventually became the arsenal of the underground world - for this Mr. Beard, all the people in the underground world are curious, though. Except that only knowing the other side's technology for transforming firearms is good, the other is completely ignorant; until the other party attends a ‘friend’ party. The former boss of the other party called the identity, and the experience of the other party was known to everyone.

Of course, this well-known price is that the former boss of the other party has become a pig feed – but all of them don’t care about it; on the contrary, they are amazed at Mr. Beard’s experience; especially the two years that disappeared; As people who are rolling in the underground world, they will not believe that an ordinary worker would have a good set of modified firearms technology in two years. Even if this person has talent, there is no teacher.

For the secret of who taught Mr. Beard to transform the firearms, at that time it was a topic that was very popular among the entire underground world; however, as time went by, almost all of the people were forgotten except for occasional advances; most People are staring at the increasingly powerful forces of the other side and the incalculable Kimpton-marginal business profits, even if the most qualified people in the underground world are blinded; however. The problem of the channel has made everyone helpless; the highest government can close one eye on certain things, but in some cases it is absolutely fierce and unrelenting like a thunder.

Therefore, several people who grasp this unique channel have their own special status in the underground world; especially the Mr. Beard is the most special - unlike the other few, there are hundreds of years behind. Even hundreds of years of family as the 'support' of the 'channel', they are only the identity of agents; all the people in the underground world understand that the channel of Mr. Beard is entirely his own; different from the former is just a proxy People, each other's wealth is their own.

Even the holding of the agent has made the majority of the underground world unpredictable, not to mention that Mr. Beard is completely his own – so, in the later days, Most people's interest in Mr. Beard has shifted to his wealth and channels.

The head of the killer who knows the other side's 'bottom' is no exception - for his own intention, the head of the killer is still slightly concealed; he simply asked, the other party's business; Concealing, in any smart person, you can hear what the head of the killer wants to ask; obviously, the leader of the killer is not a qualified negotiator.

After all, Mr. Beard wants to reopen his business in the Thousand Marsh area, so it will inevitably need a start-up capital, and that eye-catching 'channel': once counted by countless people as the existence of a underground arsenal - although the killer The head of the birth lacks the qualities that a negotiator should have, but under his explicit question, no matter how Mr. Beard answers, the head of the killer will know the answer he wants to know.

“Ms. Kelly, who was famous, came to the Chima area and was very interested in the time in the Chima area!” Mr. Beard did not choose to answer the other’s question, but turned a corner and said nothing. : "I am going to seek opportunities for my redevelopment!"

Apparently, such an ambiguous answer made the leader of the killer somewhat unable to grasp the other's mind; he frowned slightly, touching the Allianceer with his face without a trace—some words. He couldn't ask, but the Allianceer beside him was the most suitable candidate; in fact, the leader of the killer chose the one who was next to him and gave up several others. Most of the leaders of the district are trying to solve this situation.

As for the force that the other party is proud of?

In his opinion, it is just a kind of existence that can be crushed at hand - of course, this is another important reason for choosing the other party to become an alliance.


Did not disappoint his own Alliance, the leader took a forceful shot of the stone in front of him, his face looked gloomy and looked at the outsiders in front of him, full of anger and sighed: "Do you think you are still before you? Here is Thousands, not the rest of Lorante! Say. What do you want to do? Don't say anything about Julia and the market, those we are more clear than your outsiders! Even before, there is a fool. Contact us to kidnap the big guys inside! As a result, the people who were contacted were buried with the idiot!"

Although he didn't know what his own alliance was, he was willing to follow what his allianceist said; because he had already heard the 'beneficial interest', even Kimpton from the purse, The creaking sound has already appeared in the ear – so the leader doesn't mind cooperating with his own alliance. Even he did not hesitate to say a secret that only he knew; no doubt this secret is really top secret, not just the beard in front of him frowned. Even his allies have cast doubts on him.

In the gaze of the two different eyes, the leader said triumphantly: "There was a idiot called Wall who contacted us with these special guys, wanted us to help him complete a big sale; and paid all the participation. The people have a considerable deposit, and those who have been blinded by the deposit have now settled into the swamp outside the market with their considerable deposits!"

"Although the rich people are extraordinary, but the influence is extraordinary, especially the bodyguards around them are even more powerful; nearly 100 good hands disappeared in the Qianmuma District!" When the leader said this, he was obviously worried. "Especially another guy who thinks he is smart, thinks that there is no problem with the guy named Stofei who is away from the mountain; he also said that he has a strong power. It can be avoided!"

"The result? I sent someone to find out that the guy was killed in the wilderness, and all his men were dead; he was pierced with a spear! Although the guy is annoying, but that guy is very annoying, but The strength and strength of that guy is good among us! Therefore, if you want us to give you the so-called 'pathway stone', then what do you think you will have? ”

The leader looked at the outsiders in front of him, and the Allianceer beside him looked down for a moment. It is also the beard of Mr. Beard who is staring at the eyes. Shen Sheng said: "Mr. Beard, is this ally of mine really true? You are here to let us explore the group of people in the Qianguma area. Market?"

With this question, the leader of the killer finally revealed his own fangs. There is a horrible presence on the ordinary face - murderous, which ends the existence of dozens of life after condensation.


The actions of the two leaders were like a fuse, which caused the surrounding men to lift the weapons in their hands and point the gun at the outsider.

"Oh! It turned out to be the case!" Mr. Beard, who was dominated by the tiger, did not panic. He just sighed slightly and then said with amazement: "The message in your mouth is that I will contact you." One of the purposes; I didn’t expect it to be so easy; of course, your stupid person would never understand the value of your message!"

"But I don't mind if you understand the value, and even let you know more!"

This Mr. Beard, a high-profile gesture, looks down on the two 'sinners' who have lost half of their value in front of them - although they received an order that the grown-up can’t resist, let him do the task, but this is not On behalf of him, he will be sincere and true as the person he plays to accept these sinful sinners; in his view these existences, the only value is to awaken the world; of course, if they are willing to contribute to their 'God', He also doesn't mind accepting each other; at the very least, he needs some people at the moment to destroy what the demon hunter wants to accomplish.

Compared with these worm-like existences, those infidels are the real goals of his mission, and they really need to be valued.

At the thought of the time prescribed by the adult, the black deacon was promoted to a chapel pretender with a knife priest, and faced the two ignorant ignorant ultimatum leaders, and issued the last night.

"Now give you three seconds to consider the time! Is it to surrender to me, or to choose to die!"

PS work hard before twelve o'clock, and then a chapter! ! !

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