Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 6: Identity conversion


In the traditional habit of the demon hunter, while looking at his 'trophy', Ye Qi found a piece made of parchment from the top of one of the leading **** knights. Maps - detailed enough to compare the family maps of the prestige Shenglong 'tour guides' of the natives of the Chima area, especially the surprise of Ye Qi is that this map in his hand has a considerable part of the map outside the C3 area. Depict; no doubt, this is the exploration of the Holy See in the Thousand Marsh area.

Of course, Ye Qi will never think that the map of such a guardian knight is the credit of the entire Holy See; even if the other is an elite guardian knight, even this elite leader is not enough; Falling down is a red cardinal, Ye Qi may still believe - although not a complete map explored by the Holy See, but for Ye Qi, it is also a considerable surprise; after all, has this The map then applies for a map of the unknown area explored by the demon hunter from the Hunter's Headquarters. Then, with the C3 area as the boundary, about 200 to 300 kilometers of maps propelled to the unknown area, he has all got it. !

This is hard to estimate for the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area that he is likely to have next.


Looking down at the body of the wound caused by the knives, Ye Qi used his toes to point the other's abdomen, and then the legs were forced; immediately with the sound of the four smashing mud, including the decapitated church camouflage All the bodies damaged by the knives of the knives fell into the swamps outside the ruins - although the battles in the wilderness of the Thousand Marsh area are very common. But this time it is related to the Holy See, Ye Qi has to be careful; after all, no one knows how many opponents there are, and see if there are any additional backhands in the underground heads of the two marsh areas.

And once there is a backhand, it is no doubt that the Holy See’s pretenders did not return within the stipulated time, and those after-hands will be activated. These bodies and scars are enough to be the evidence of 'talking' in the eyes of some special talents. And with some associations, it is not difficult to find him!

However, these are regular developments, but they are not the most important reason for Ye Qi's destruction of the dead. He did this because Ye Qi needs an effect!

In the case where the opponent's back hand is likely to appear. Undoubtedly, there will be more opportunities for him to know what the Holy See is going to enter the Thousand Marsh area again. Of course, the more important thing is the identity of the back hand, although there is a certain chance that this is the Holy See action. One of the high-level, but it may also be a pawn, purely a pathfinder.

According to his current arrangement, if it is the latter, the back hand will definitely return like a bird-like escape, and this is exactly what he wants; the other's temporary stronghold or contact person. It’s all that Ye Qi wants to know at the moment – ​​so destroying the corpse is basically a must; fortunately. In the Thousand Marsh area, there is nothing more simple than destroying the dead; the patches, swarms of swamps, create enough conditions for all.

As for the former?

Then everything will be much simpler.

After doing all this, Ye Qi took a serious look at his own layout and once again hid in the shadows - but Ye Qi, who stood in the shadow, was full of doubts; after all, according to the last sweep of the Holy See The style of the work is obviously to take away all the valuable things that can be taken away in the Qiangqu area; then. The entire millennium area will be abandoned.

In fact, the Holy See did the same; otherwise, the head of the Holy Knights who had reached the level of the Japanese glory, or even higher, would not simply choose to retire with him; even if at that time The number of demon hunters is large, and there are some backhands in the dark, but with the strength of each other. It is not too difficult to cause some trouble for the demon hunter - although the character of the other party will not do that, but since the director of the court of the Holy See has sent people, he will not consider himself. The character of the main force; and the discretion of the head of the Inquisition. Nor will such a 'small thing' be missed; therefore, the Holy See is undoubtedly giving up the Qiangqu District.

As for the head of the Holy Knights?

It’s nothing more than showing your strength.

From any previous process of all things, as well as the development of the aftermath, the Holy See has undoubtedly indicated that it has given up the Qianmuma District; but now the Holy See has shown that it is necessary to make a comeback, to use the high-level style of the Holy See, so that if there is no such thing as a rebellious move, Cat tired, Ye Qi said nothing to believe!

With the market in the area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area, the Holy See is obviously not visible...

In the mind, the information about the temple in the canyon suddenly flashed. However, the next moment was left out by Ye Qi. Even if the Holy See had already withdrawn from the Qiangqu area, the news was blocked and it would not be blocked until the entire canyon. It was not known to the headquarters of the Hunter; therefore, it is obviously not for this matter.

So what are you doing?

With such an idea, Ye Qi stood in the shadow and waited silently.


When the moon climbs again and even begins to tilt, a black shadow appears around the remains.

Obviously, this shadow is very cautious, and has quite the skills of stealth, every step is silent, every move is hidden in the shadows, and his actions are not fast covered by shadows. Especially before and after the relics of the corpse, the speed of the stalker is getting slower and slower--if it is still a turtle crawling, it is almost a snail crawling at this moment; however, this slow speed It must have its own advantages; at the very least, he is very concealed and very observing.

From Ye Qi’s point of view, he can clearly see that the other party is not only staying by his own person, even if they are by the wanted, the stalker has not let go – but it is because of this careful Seriously, he made Ye Qi sigh; the other party is not the leader of the Holy See’s most anticipated action; after all, he will be careful and serious as a senior. But there is absolutely no such cautiousness; no doubt, those who have such actions are all that need to be reported to the upper level.

Although there was some disappointment, but there was already psychological preparation, Ye Qi just sighed in the bottom of his heart, and quickly adjusted his mentality - it was very difficult at some times, but in most cases, It is the harvest with the highest probability; even, there will be quite unexpected surprises.

For. Surprise this kind of luck, Ye Qi will not look forward to it, but for the gains he deserves, he will never let go - for half an hour, the stalker is consumed in front of the ruins. On the battlefield, he decided to embark on the 'floating bridge' until he confirmed that there was no new harvest; his body was slightly lower than the average person, and he was a little thin, especially if he had almost no meat on his face. It's exactly skinny, but the stalker's eyes are bright and bright. Called in the dark like two small light bulbs.

Not a member of the Holy See!

Not only does the blind bucket feel that there is no fluctuation in the light of the light, the other party does not care about the whereabouts of the peers, but just puts everything in the search for clues and records, and immediately let Ye Qi conclude that the other party is not the origin of the Holy See. In the next moment, Ye Qi, who had slightly guessed the origin of the other party, could not help but sneer.

Sure enough, be careful!

I even thought of using mercenaries as a backhand!

There is no doubt that there is nothing more suitable than a mercenary as a post-inspector's backhand – as long as the price is right, these mercenaries are absolutely willing to go deep into any dangerous place and explore everything you want to know; not to mention that it is obviously not here. The place of the Longtan Tiger Cave can make a fortune in such a safe place; it is quite pleasant for any mercenary.

And the client only needs to specify a place to complete the commission. Even the agent who is fully entrusted to the mercenary can easily ensure that his identity is not leaked and get everything he wants. Of course, the premise of doing this is that the client must be sure that he is coming out. The man who is doing the work is already dead; otherwise, he is caught and alive, and any follow-up is useless!

And from now on. The client is undoubtedly aware of the character of the former pretender of the Holy See, and guessed that the reaction of the Holy See pretender in the face of absolute danger!

Good way!

For the other party's approach, Ye Qi gave a loyal evaluation. Closed the eyes of the sneak who had been exploring this new arrival - now, it is obviously useless to stare at the other party; only when the other party returns, he is likely to know something he wants; and this premise is that The client did not play tricks again; however, it is clear that from the current arrangement of the other party, the probability is very low.

Then let's see who is patient!

When strength and opportunity are equal, there is no obvious difference between hunters and prey, except patience; who is more patient, who is the last winner - the famous saying between the demon hunters, Ye Qi is very positive; Moreover, at this moment, he has an advantage in both strength and opportunity; as for patience? Ye Qi believes that he will not lose to anyone.

Compared to the search before the relics, the speed of the thin mercenary who stepped on the pontoon was undoubtedly faster; after all, he did not have three pontoons with hooks, claws and planks in front of him. What can be seen, he has been mixed in the Qiangqu area for three years, except for the first time to see such a means is still amazed, the rest is left to be used; and as a fairly good commission Soldiers, this kind of practice is undoubtedly a terrible vice.

It will be lazy, greedy, and even the dangers that mercenaries will face at all times, all of which will generate fears. This is the thin mercenary. At the beginning of the Thousand Marsh area, there is still ambition. I think that I can get great success in life; in fact, he is really successful in some kind of above, but more is a failure; although at the beginning, he has completed tasks that he would not dare to think in the past. But after several consecutive failures, the thin mercenary fell into an endless loss.

It is not only a well-equipped team of firepower, snipers, etc., but once again, the beasts that have been met are beaten and divided; more importantly, the whole team only survives one person at the end - except for the sneak stalks. His shooting method is generally small, the thin body is undoubtedly not proficient in fighting, and those who have heavy firepower. It is enough to make his bones fall apart; therefore, in order to survive in the Thousand Marsh area and realize his dreams, he must join other teams.

As for those dead partners?

The mercenary who died in the mission battle is the best destination.

With such an idea, the skinny mercenary joined the other mercenary team calmly - but soon he missed the companions who had entered the best destination; endless deception, in order to All kinds of interests are in opposition, and even a generation of Kimpton can sell everything including himself; the new mercenary team filled with these makes him feel at a loss.

finally. After another 'group', he chose to go it alone—and obviously, this kind of single-handedness, after lacking the support of his teammates, the tasks he was able to receive were narrower and narrower; basically, the need to use force The tasks that can be accomplished simply rule out his list of tasks; and as is well known, the mercenaries themselves are worthy of fighting for their value, even having 'the mercenary is eating vultures on the body of flesh and blood" or "smelling Kimpton" The breath of the ghoul's such a famous saying; therefore, once left the fight. Mercenaries are basically nothing; therefore, even if there is a task that does not require combat. It’s not that the bounty is too low, no one cares, that is, where you go, there is an environment that is more terrifying than fighting.

However, under such circumstances, the skinny mercenary persisted hard and did a good job; of course, this was related to his task of not picking up dangerous places at all; otherwise, even if there were Ten lives, he can't die anymore; and the natural name about his 'timid', 'coward', 'the scavenger' is also gone - for mercenaries, dare not fight, Nature is a 'timid person' 'coward'. The ‘scavenger’ is undoubtedly saying that every time he goes out of his mission, he is looking for something in the wilderness.

In this regard, this thin mercenary does not care - because he is using his own strengths to keep himself alive; and, hard work is better!

It was a fierce battle!

Entering the ruins before the ruins, the skinny mercenary immediately saw the bodies that were blown apart. And a variety of blood stained with stones; and with the depth of the skinny mercenary, when he saw the two leaders who became the past-type underground world of the marsh area, they could not help but **** the cold. Qi - as a mercenary, it is half-white and half-black, and often walks on the edge of the profession. Of course, it is impossible not to deal with the characteristics of these marsh areas; even, most of the tasks of inquiring about the news come from the characteristics of these marsh areas.

Coincidentally, this skinny mercenary is well aware of the heads of the two underground worlds of the deadly marsh area at the moment - one is known for his brute force, and he remembers it because of 'credits'; the other It’s calm and flying knives, so many people are chilling; but now, the one who is famous for his brute force is broken off his neck, although this makes the skinny mercenary feel happy, after all, The second 'credit' process was not friendly, and he was very certain that if he didn't see the plane, his neck would have been twisted by the other side.

But being able to twist the neck is enough to prove the power of the 'murderer', especially the leader who is famous for the underground world of the Thousand Marsh area, who also died under his own flying knife. This has to let this The thin mercenary had some guesses; especially when he saw the dagger, he was very clear that the leader had already done the trick and took out his own cards; but even then, he was still dead.

This is troublesome!

Cold sweat ran down his cheeks and dropped into his neck along the forehead of the skinny mercenary. After a while, the skinny back of the skinny mercenary was soaked. In the night wind of the Chima area, he was straight. After a cold war - the next moment, the instinctive little mercenary turned and was ready to leave; he was able to live in the mercenary career in the Thousand Marsh area, and he did not participate in things that should not be involved. He has always been his The Code of Conduct and now it is clear that he is involved in things he should not participate in, which is obviously a disaster for him.

It’s nothing to kill two people in the Thousand Marsh area, especially when this person is still a mercenary!

However, the skinny mercenary turned and ran two steps, but he bent back in the next moment, quickly groping in the heads of the two dead underground worlds - no doubt, what did this matter eventually develop into? The thin mercenary couldn't guess, but he knew that if he wanted to escape the incident, he had to leave the Qiangqu area, and he had to hide his name for quite a long time!

And this all needs Kimpton!

After his savings and food and necessities, he was not enough to consume!

The process of exploration was quick, and the result was disappointing to this skinny mercenary. Apart from the value of the big-caliber revolver, he did not find anything in the heads of the two dead underground worlds. The value of the thing; and this large-caliber revolver, as a sign of someone, can not be shot; simply said, this thin mercenary is nothing to gain - whispered a curse, his own bad luck; When the skinny mercenary was ready to answer the previous corpse to see if he could find more valuable things, he had a low but powerful voice behind him.

"Do you need Kimpton?"

PS actually rained! ! Cool ~~~ At night, you can sleep comfortably~~~

I would like to thank the prodigal son of the four seas for the reward of 200 coins, the reward of sn100 coins, and the reward of the 100% of the quiet forest.~~~Deprecated here, thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~

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