Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 12: In the hook

"please wait!"

Just the next moment after Ye Qi was brought into the tree house by the glamorous woman, the woman with a frivolous smile immediately immediately greeted Ye Qiyi; then, went to the center of the house and removed the coffee table. After picking up the blanket and the wooden floor below; immediately, a hole for enough adults to appear in front of Ye Qi - looking at the wet wood of the 'hole', no doubt the tree under the tree house has It was completely hollowed out; but the people who hollowed out the trunk were very careful, only hollowed out the most central part, and kept the bark so that the big trees would not wither.

Of course, this is also related to the thickness of the big trees under the tree house. Otherwise, even with such a technique, after the lack of the support of the trunk, it will be overwhelmed and collapsed directly - watching Ye Qi look at the 'holes' The woman immediately whispered to Ye Qi: "This is what the boss sent people to do. These remaining trunk parts have been specially treated, not only more tough, but also the ability to bear weight is greatly improved. Even if you double the weight above, there is absolutely no problem."

"It turns out!"

Gently touched the slightly moist trunk with his fingers, feeling different from the hardness of the other trunks, Ye Qi could not help but nod; then, jumped straight from the tree hole - for the chameleon Ye Qi can still believe, but still has discernment; he believes that even if Chameleon wants to count him, he will not choose such a simple place without any magic traps; Ye Qi with blind sense, for any abnormalities around Fluctuations will leave a little care; of course. Even if there is no magic fluctuations, he is still cautious; after all, if a large amount of explosives is buried somewhere, it is no small trouble for him.

However, in addition to the blind bucket perception, Ye Qi's own perception is also quite level; reaching the perceived intensity of 18, although not as strong as strength, agility, and physique, he emphasizes the same attribute of offset, so that the same level of the strong Surprised; but the perceived intensity of 18 is already out of the normal human range - at the very least, some pungent odor. It is not awkward; therefore, it seems to be a reckless jump, but it is safe to confirm that it is correct.

However, these women are not clear, she was originally intended to lead the way, watching Ye Qi's move can not help; then, the heart immediately guessed the identity of the person in front of him - although as the main event of the Thousand Marsh area, but She still has no impression of her vast and mysterious boss. She doesn't even know if she is a man or a woman; her most intuitive thing is to know that her boss has countless identities and strong tremors; in such an intuitive situation. As the person in charge of the Qiangyu District, she is dedicated to serving her own boss; after all, it is not only her who does not know the true face of her boss, but the responsible persons in other areas also do not know the true face of the boss.

The connection between them is done by a specific gesture, just like the man who used the highest level of gestures outside the boss; it is because of this gesture that she is able to receive in the highest specification. The other party; otherwise, this place that only she and the stall owner knows will not open to outsiders - after all, when the crisis occurs. Such a place can save lives; naturally, the fewer people know the better; however, they will never slow down their boss's highest specification.

The person in charge of the Thousand Marsh area is very clear about how much their boss is superb, as if everything is not the same as him; at first, no one did not want to leave the current organization, but none of them succeeded. It is considered that the armed forces are strong and the number of rebels in the cleaning of the boss is not even as good as the ants; and the end is absolutely miserable; The person in charge of the Thousand Marsh area was very grateful, because she also had such a mind at that time; after all, the boss showed the wealth. Instead, the heart will be there as long as it is normal; however, after that time, she simply chose to give up; more honestly serve her boss than ever before.

More than 300 mercenaries, all of them have the latest weapon configuration, but they died silently overnight; and the rebel was cut off with a knife. The whole body of meat; if not the head can be identified, the heads of these other districts can't even believe that the person would be their former colleague - and even more so that they feel the chill is that one of them is proficient in torture. The leader of the confession, very surely said that before the last piece of meat was removed, their former colleague was awake and alive.

That is to say, under the guidance of the boss, the rebel is watching his own death – or, he can’t die if he wants to die; this idea appears in the hearts of all the onlookers present, and in this way Under the thought, the heads of all the places, including the leader who is proficient in confessions, have all fought a cold war. Then, everyone has no more thoughts and stays, and they return to their respective regions. The role you should do.

Wealth, force, arrogance, and the fearful prophetic foresight, all the leaders at the time chose the most correct path - the leader of the marsh area is no exception; after all, compared to The ruthless rebel, with less than fifty usable hands, is a far cry; not to mention, she absolutely does not want such things to happen to her.

Thousands of screams...

As long as you think about it, the face of the leader of the Thousand Marsh area will become pale, making the original good face become eclipsed. However, I really understand what is most important to do now. The head of the Thousand Marsh area did not care about the nightmare of the past, and immediately jumped into the 'hole'.

As for how the outside world is restored?

Her assistant will do everything - the former boss's guest had already notified her when she was dealing with her assistant; it was because of such a companion. She will appear very well under the tree house; as the boss in the head of the Qiangqu District, no matter what her previous occupation is, what is the current occupation, those are all cover up; at least in the entire Qiangqu area No one dared to come to her for the night.

And those who dare to come, all disappeared without a trace - the swamp outside the market is definitely a good place to deal with the body.

"Hello, do you have any needs?"

At the bottom of the hole, this is the slowness of the head of the Qiangqu area by the rope in the hand, and then the whole person leaned forward two steps, unloading the power of the fall; such a neat hand. Even if it was compared to those mercenaries, it was not ruined; but after just falling to the ground, the head of the Thousand Marsh area immediately and respectfully asked the man who was surrounded by a large number of people in front of him - this kind of hot for outsiders, It is a disaster of extinction, but for the boss's VIP, it is like a spring breeze, flowing water; if there is a person who knows that the woman's fine details see her at the moment, then she will be shocked and then think that she is watching. It’s an illusion.

"I originally intended to use it here! But now it seems. But it is not alright!"

Ye Qi, who took back his eyes, reluctantly sighed - the original Ye Qi's plan was to find a suitable place to ‘fishing’; and what is more reassuring than a chapel of the chameleon? Therefore, Ye Qi will finally come here; however. Ye Qi did not think that this stronghold would be created so well; not to mention that the trunk was opened before, and the bark was not damaged, and the tree was not dead; only the medicinal juice to strengthen the trunk was surprised by Ye Qi.

As a friend of Ava, who is a master of pharmacy, Ye Qi is very clear about the price of these special effects pharmacy; just the same is that the 'pharmacist' Ava from the Druid camp has also configured such a Pharmacy; that kind of cost is enough to make Ye Qi feel that 'every pharmacist's lab is burning money'.

However, these are still within the tolerance of Ye Qi; therefore, he will choose to jump down and look at the secret room below - in the cognition of Ye Qi, the following secret chamber will not be too big and too big. The tree house on the top of the tree is almost the same; but as the height of the fall exceeds his calculations, Ye Qi finds that his ideas are taken for granted.

Since there is such a delicate entrance. So how can the underground be simple?

With such an idea, after Ye Qi was down to earth, even if he was psychologically prepared, he was still taken aback. At about 30 feet underground, a wide secret room appeared in front of Ye Qi; if not Because of the simplicity of the surrounding decoration, Ye Qi wants to call it the underground palace; it has a height of twelve feet and a width of more than fifty yards. The length is more unpredictable because of some occlusion, but with the flow of underground air, this length is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

If you don't know that his allies are absolutely not involved in politics, Ye Qi has already doubted the other party's true intentions; after all. This level of secret room is almost the same as that of the Tibetan soldiers; think about the contact points of the various areas that the other party told him at the beginning; if there is such a 'Tibetan Cave' in every place, just pick a suitable opportunity. His ally will rise up and he will be able to set off a chaos; and with the ever-changing ability of the other side, he will eventually win.

My ally is really a bad thing!

Ye Qi’s chameleon, named after Bernard. Taylor, could only make a wry smile in his heart; he also rejected his original plan – although it’s not clear how much Kimpton and effort he would have to build a secret room of this size. Just such a degree of exposure to the secret room will have an impact, so Ye Qi chose to give up his plan.

The help between allies is okay, but if the level of such help exceeds a certain bottom line, then it will be the beginning of the dispute between the two sides. In this regard, Ye Qi can only make a sigh; fortunately, at this moment He still has enough time to pick his own 'foothold'; if there is no more suitable place in the end, Ye Qi does not mind returning to the small bar; even if there are many people, it is better than 'involved innocent'.

"First, sir, what are you dissatisfied with? Please tell me in detail!"

In the face of Ye Qi’s kindness, the leader of the Qiangqu District has changed his face; if it was only slightly whitish before, this time is already a pale one--the head of the Qianguma District does not know her. Where did she offend the boss's guests; but she was very clear. If the guest is dissatisfied and known by her boss, then her end will definitely be miserable.

As for concealing it?

Starting from her becoming a boss, the leader of the Qiangyu District has not seen anyone who can hide the boss's knowledge.

Therefore, the poisonous widow in the eyes of everyone in the Thousand Marsh area immediately looked at Ye Qi with tears and tears; if it wasn't for Ye Qi, the other party would definitely fall to the ground.

Strict rules!

The bottom of my heart sighs the dignity of the chameleon before his own genus, but Ye Qi does not say anything else more - after all, this is the 'family affairs' of the other party, even if his ally is not qualified to ask questions; Will not ask the people around him the same; the bottom line between each other. Not being broken, is the prerequisite for a happy relationship between the two sides.

"You misunderstood! I am very satisfied with everything! But because I am too satisfied..." said Ye Qi, pointing to the underground secret room where they were at the moment, shrugged helplessly: "My bait has been released. Then there will be a big fish to bite the bait; therefore, this is not the best place!"

"You are worried about being discovered? Everything here is only known to me and my assistants; now even if you have you, you are the boss's guest, it will not be bad for us!" Hearing Ye Qi's reason, this thousand The head of the marsh area could not help but grow a sigh of relief - as long as it was not for her sake. It’s good to be dissatisfied with the boss’s guests; in the next moment, the leader of the Qianguma District is very confident: “So, please rest assured those outsiders. You will never find it here!”

"You don't know the people I have to deal with! For them, as long as they are suspicious, then everything will be a bubble of water, a puncture will be broken, nothing to be seen! And once such a place is exposed, your The boss must be in trouble!" Compared with the chameleon, the subordinate of the Qiangqu area, he knows that the church is powerful, but he does not dare to take such a risk. As far as he knows, there is no shortage of search in the magic. The existence of secret rooms, hidden doors, and the like; and as long as there is such a magical shroud in the tree house above. Everything in the ground will be exposed. If the Holy See uses this as a topic to help, his ally, even the demon hunter itself, will inevitably be greatly affected.

To smear each other is definitely not a means of use by traitors. The use of the Holy See is also a must, and many sects of the year. There is only one side of the Holy See left today; this smeared behavior is indispensable!

"In this case……"

In the face of the boss's guests, the leader of the Qianguma District did not insist on it; after all, the phrase 'your boss will have trouble' has already made the head of the Qianguma District dare not have any risky behavior - the boss Have trouble. If she brings trouble to her boss, there will be something good to end.

"Can you find another place for me to settle down? It is best to be able to open up all your relationships with you! After all, what I want to do next is not for you to participate in!" said Ye Qidun. Suddenly, then suddenly said: "If you can find someone who is similar to my body, then it would be better!"

Although I can't be his Diaoyutai here, but looking at everything here, Ye Qi has already had a certain understanding of the chameleon in front of him; if he can build such a place, then there must be a considerable foundation in the Qiangqu area; And such a foundation is what he must have at the moment.

Sure enough, after hearing Ye Qi’s request, the leader of the Qiangqu District immediately nodded.

"no problem!"

A foothold that can open up their relationship with them, at least in the preparation of the leader to prevent the injustice; and people of similar shape, among her men, can pick out five or six. .

"Do you have any need for you?"

"Do you have someone who is good at makeup here?"

In the face of the chameleon's re-inquiry, Ye Qi thought about the future - although it is not difficult for Ye Qi to dress up, but until now, he has only tried it on his own; It is the first time that others are easy to dress up; no doubt, in the face of the Holy See who may appear for a while, in order to reduce the accident to the lowest, such things are still reduced to the lowest.

"Of course, in fact I am very good at it!"

After hearing the words of Ye Qi, the head of the Qiangyu District replied with a smile.


About an hour later, Ye Qi shouted the slogan 'How could it be so expensive' and stepped out of the tree house; the shirtless upper body jumped out of the tree house with clothes, and the chameleon behind him, Cooperating with the words 'Bastard, I want to see the white X'; the immediate spring looks like a straight-eyed person; but, in the coldness of the chameleon, they have recovered Looking at the eyes; at the same time quietly looked at the figure that was running away in the distance.

This guy is finished, dare to provoke a poisonous widow!

Many people think of this, and one or two mercenaries passing by, looking at the familiar back, immediately gloated.

PS second more~

Thanks for the 200 yuan of the prodigal son wandering around the sea, the reward of the June Snow IV200 coin, the reward of the x100 coin, the reward of the sn100 coin, the reward of the 100% of the quiet forest~~~ decadent thanks to all the support Decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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