Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 24: Hey - justified reason


In the continuous sound, a 'Sacred Light Fortress', which was the same as before, immediately enveloped Ye Qi – the Archbishop of Red, who had white light in his hands, immediately shouted: “The previous knife is your avatar! Split, right?!"

As a person who has been badly beaten by Ye Qi, the character of the Archbishop of Red has undoubtedly made a detailed study on Ye Qi; unlike the research in the traditional sense, it is any small and subtle thing. The study that has not been let out - it can be said that even the little things that Ye Qi himself has forgotten, the red archbishop is still fresh in memory, not to mention something very important about his own abilities and strength; The benefits of the research are perfectly reflected at this moment.

Almost subconscious, for Ye Qi to appear here, the Archbishop of Red has an accurate guess; after all, even in the other's multiple abilities, the ability to split is extremely peculiar – for the **** age After that, the special ability that appeared again, especially in the body of a strong day, even if the other party is not Ye Qi, as Terry who likes to move, he will be a detailed study.

And this kind of research will not be in vain; at the very least, according to Ye Qi’s performance and data records, he has found some ways to deal with this ability – avatar, although the shape and ability are similar to the body, but the strength It is less than one tenth of the body; and as the number of avatars and the distance between the deity and the avatar increase, this strength will also decline; therefore, the best way to distinguish between the avatar and the deity is to pull the distance as long as the distance Once opened, it is natural to see at a glance; however, such an approach has considerable limitations and can be used by a avatars. In general, such mistakes are not made at all; therefore, the best way is to set a ' The strength detector', as soon as the other party takes a shot, it will be clear immediately.

And his ‘Sacred Light Fortress’ is undoubtedly such a 'power detector' – however. This does not help the Red Archbishop at the moment, even if you find the other person's avatar? In the face of the power of the deity, any design is meaningless and crushed; in fact, the original design of the Red Archbishop is to use the number of people and the battlefield to match the magical array to suppress each other, and then. He uses his abilities to get rid of this irritating ability; not one-on-one like it is now.

"Do you think of something like this. Can you block me?"

Facing the other party's shouting, Ye Qi did not directly answer, but looked at the white light bastion in front of the white light bastion - for this ability, he only saw it from books. And the similar 'enchantment' ability was only met once in the original apostle's congress; according to the strange wolf's contractual companion, if this ability can be promoted, it will develop into a very strong The existence; even the gods can not ignore it at will.

Of course, the other party does not have such ability now; even his ability to meet the enchantment at the Apostolic Conference is not as good as it is - no change, just a defense. For Ye Qi, who is good at attacking, it is undoubtedly futile; even if the defense of the opponent is several times stronger at the moment, it is the same for Ye Qi; after all, the sharpest spear hits the strongest shield, which is itself for itself. 'Material' exam.

The situation at the moment is the contrast between the two sides - the strength of the Archbishop of Red has reached the high end of the day, and the strength shown by Ye Qiping is comparable; but in the face of the pursuit of a fatal blow 'The strength of the same level of Ye Qi has already entered a position of eternal death; unless it is above the level of the Sun Yat-Sen, or even the existence of the peak of the Japanese glory. In the face of Ye Qi's knife, there is only a share of drinking and hating.

Therefore, Ye Qi, who only perceives the defensive intensity of the ‘Sacred Light Fortress’, with a slight touch, is very confident.

"Of course it is impossible! How can this defense be done in the face of the scorpion of the Shack Dragon!"

The Archbishop of Red shook his head and then the white light in his hand. More and more powerful, almost reached the point where it must be obscured; it is like throwing a one-watt bulb in the darkness -

Holy Light Fortress. Ten Defense!

With such shouts, on the basis of the semi-circle of the original 'Shengguang Fortress', more white and translucent is like a rippled layer of ripples in the lake; on this layer The layer 'covers'. The original figure of Ye Qi was also blurred, and it looked like this. The Archbishop of Red continued to breathe.

"At the very least, you have to have ten layers of defense!"

With such words, the red archbishop turned and walked toward the previous goal - not that he didn't want to run quickly, but at the moment the red archbishop was in shape, needless to say; even if he left It has become very laborious; it can be seen that the moves he has used before have already cost him a lot of physical strength, and even the basic running can not be maintained; in fact, the red archbishop consumes It’s much more serious than Ye Qi’s imagination; it can be said that the red archbishop at this moment is completely a person with no hands and no force. Needless to say, an adult, a half-large child can also kill him. herein.

The other party has lost such a large physical strength, the spiritual construction of the "Light Fortress. Ten Defense" also reflects its own value - almost at the moment of formation, in the perception of Ye Qi, the original 'light The defensive intensity of the fortress is a straight line of improvement; the ten-fold bastion of the Holy Light is definitely not a single turn ten times, so simple; just like the situation where 1+1 is greater than 2; at the moment, the Holy Light Fortress. Ten Defense 'Absolutely turned 20 times or even 30 times on the original basis...

And this level of defense has almost touched the threshold above the Sun Yat-sen!

"How? The Shack's Dragon, such a defense, you have not broken in a short time?" Therefore, the Archbishop of Red thought about the goal, and tried to say to Ye Qi, looking at it. With a hint of unspeakable sacredness: "Your blood, let you have the explosive power of your teacher! But the explosive power is explosive after all, it is impossible to last! And once dispersed, then it does not reach the corresponding The effect! Therefore, you and your teacher are in a dilemma!"

"Do you know? At the moment I became a priest, I used your teacher as an imaginary enemy! However, he seems to be stunned, and our traitor disappeared in the whole of Lorante. No trace! The Archbishop of Red, who turned the corner, continued: "Of course, I have to thank your teacher for this practice; because of the gap in strength. If I met your teacher at that time. Our Juggernaut Adult, I will die very badly! Not to mention, there is such a traitor beside him!"

"However, my time has not been in vain; I have spent a lot of young impulses. I have enough experience to make me look more long-term. When I face things, I see it more clearly; therefore, I have not given up on me. The priest is a dream; I just buried it in my heart and worked hard for it!” The Archbishop of Red said the whole person. Even the pace of progress has also stopped: "And today, it is when I harvest! Our famous Shakes of Dragons have the blood of his teacher, and they are trapped like a prisoner." In place! If it wasn't for my St. Light Fortress, which has both internal and external defenses, it can only be trapped in the original Shak Dragon, but it is just an ordinary sandbag, the most, but it is just a little resistance!"

"Do not worry! I will definitely find a way to change the fortress of the Light, so that it can be freely defended inside and outside! At that time. I have a perfect fortress of the Light, I will come again with people. You - the dragon of Shaker! Everything in the Northstead family estate will be staged again; but the result will be different! Because..."

"The winner will be me!"

The last sentence, like a roar, shouted out from the mouth of the red archbishop; after that, it was a fierce gasping - no doubt. After using the sacred bastion of the Light Fortress, the Red Archbishop has become vulnerable to being vulnerable.

"You are so much! It's like a defeated dog who is roaring at the train!"

In the respite of the other party, Ye Qi disdainfully licked his mouth and said slowly - even if the figure was a little fuzzy. But Ye Qi’s disdainful appearance, the archbishop of Red, who was still turned, saw it clearly; immediately. The red archbishop once again struggled to move his body, and kept answering his mouth.

"The defeated dog? My image at the moment is very consistent! But in fact? The real failure is you! The dragon of Shake!" The voice of the Archbishop of Red could not help but exacerbate: "Inherited the blood of your teacher, but has Such a failure, even if the Juggernaut knows, will you be disappointed with you? However, perhaps because of the blood, he will cover up very well; in order not to hit your self-confidence?"

"From the very beginning, you kept mentioning my teacher. Are you trying to irritate me?" Ye Qi asked in a plain voice; the archbishop of Red, who faced this problem, was reluctantly laughing. Laughter, said: "Of course not, what good is it for angering you?"

"Of course you have the benefit! At the very least, your chances of escape will increase by a few percentage points in your calculations!" Ye Qi: "As you said, you are for my teacher, and for me." I made a study; of course, when you became a priest, you have this goal, purely a shit! With your character, when you become a priest, I am afraid to taste the rightful taste and decide to let Let's take your power to the next level?"

"And the reason you say this is just to pave the way for your next words, right?"

"In order for me to think that you have found my weakness, it is impossible to break the 'Light of the Fortress' in front of you!" Word by word, Ye Qi's voice is low and powerful, through the translucent of the "Light Fortress" The shield came to the ear of the Archbishop of Red: "Of course, you are still not at ease, worrying that I will try my best to break the "Light Fortress" in front of you; therefore, you will always mention me. Teacher, want to make me fall into anger!"

With a slight sigh, Ye Qi continued: "Because, anger can make people lose their senses; and I waste too much energy and time because of anger in breaking the 'Light Fortress', but because I am really I thought it was a good time for you to find a weakness and was wasting time, which is very beneficial to you!"

"You are very short of time now! After using such a move, your physical strength and spirit have been worn out to a very serious degree!" said, Ye Qi suddenly suddenly, then immediately shook his head, said: " No, no, no, it’s more serious than I guessed; otherwise, with your usual style of work, how can you use such poor prophetic skills; it should be more perfect, it can’t be debunked! ”

“It’s like when you designed Dizzi and Gail North to meet!”

With this sentence, the pupil of the Red Archbishop’s eyes immediately shrank, and he said involuntarily: “How do you know? Impossible, the two guys will never know such a thing!”

"Dizio and Gail Northd certainly won't know; but how did you succeed in the Northder family's plan?" Ye Qi's mouth evoked an ironic smile: "But. A listener; I want to find out what is not difficult! Whether it is, the encounter between Dizzi and Gail Northd, or the two people’s ambitions and ideals, are too similar; similar When I arrived, the listener had to wonder how there were two people in the world who were similar in this way; in particular, they were still in a place that could not have been encountered. I met!"

"And once there is such suspicion, everything will be a matter of course; especially if you play in the Northstead family estate, it is a guiding light for me; you say, right? My red Archbishop, Lord Terry!"

"Even if you guessed it? But the winner here is still me!" The red archbishop, who was said to have considered the most secret incident in his life, immediately changed his face, but it was harder immediately. Say: "Can you break it in front of my 'prison prison'? Although you have seen my practice, even if it takes your strength, it will take a long time! And during this time, I have long been Leave here!"

“Do you think that you can rush to the mountain to find me like your teacher? Or, do you need me to create a chance for you?” With a smile in the win. The red archbishop said so.

"My teacher rushed to the mountain, because there are his friends waiting for him! And if you dare to do something like this to my friends... Don't worry, I will let Shenshan even bring you all the Holy See. Become the dust of history!"

Ye Qi’s eyes were slightly stunned, and a flash of murder in the eyes of the Archbishop of Red was flashed in his eyes. His left hand rested on the handle of the knives - the bell immediately gave a crisp, nice voice: "And you think I am here, trapped in what you call the 'fortress', right for you Is there any way?"

Gravity sanctions. Fifty percent!

As Ye Qi’s voice fell, the archbishop of Red, who had been crumbling, immediately fell to the ground. Do not move.

"Do you think that I am standing here and listening to you for a whole lot of embarrassment for what reason? I am just making sure that you are really as weak as you are!" Ye Qi’s words at the moment are like knives. Generally, I have penetrated into the heart of the archbishop of Red, who has always thought of being smart: "Although, after seeing you in the first place, I basically confirmed it; but because the original Gael was very cautious. I explain your embarrassment and despicableness, so I have delayed these time to spend a little time with you here!"

"However, from the current situation, I am still careful; or is it... overestimated you?"

The Archbishop of Red, who was attacked by Ye Qi in words, was not able to move at all. His face was like a dyeing house. However, the next moment he seemed to have discovered something, he immediately exclaimed: "This is gravity control. You can control gravity... you are a god!"

Gravity sanctions. 100%!

After hearing the other party's words, Ye Qi's brows picked up and immediately increased the intensity of gravity sanctions; suddenly, the red archbishop lying on the ground left a gasp - if in the heyday of the other party, such gravity is against each other In fact, it is nothing at all; even gravity sanctions are not too big a problem for the other party; but at the moment, the other party’s weakness is no different from ordinary people; ordinary people suddenly resist something like their own weight. Naturally, the end will not be good.

"You, you can't kill me! This, this will provoke the war between the demon hunter and the Holy See!"

After a series of breathless breaths, the red archbishop said incomparably—and his hand was touched by his body under the cover of his body; there was his presence as a card.

However, Ye Qi is faster than him!

Gravity sanctions. Five hundred percent!


A blood spurted out of the red archbishop's mouth, immediately reddening the front grass, and the whole person was twitching for a while, there was no sound.

[b-level tasks, follow-up of additional challenges (completed); gain experience of 20000.]

At the moment when Terry had no sound, the system sounded in Ye Qi’s ear; he looked at the other’s body, and the cold cold said: “A person who is invading and ready to make a series of damages will still The war threatens the other party? This is really ridiculous!"

PS second more ~~~ In order to catch up before twelve o'clock, the hand of this code is decadent...

I would like to thank the King of Engineers for the reward of 582 coins, the reward for x400 coins, the reward for the 200 yuan for the prodigal sons floating around the sea, the reward for the June Snow IV200, the reward for the sn100, the reward for the 100% for the silence. Rain stunned 100 yuan rewards ~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~

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