Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 28: Under reaction

The brilliance of white rises from the mountains, and the cathedral that leads directly to the top of the mountain, even in this sunny time, still can't stop the shining of the holy light - the singer of "God said", sings toward the top of the mountain in an orderly manner. Step by step, devotional; after having the 'facts' of the 'pilgrims to heaven', these believers who have lived in the Holy Forest since childhood have erupted an unimaginable fanaticism; basically they are sleepless. Conducting a 'pilgrimage'.

Under such circumstances, the youngest and most fanatical believers have poured into the 'God's Kingdom of Heaven'; and each time such a situation occurs, there will be a whisper of a moment, and the eyes that have been envied. ——The transparent soul flies to the top of the mountain, which is shrouded in the light of the Holy Light. It reveals the “Heavenly Kingdom” of the Loutai ring. The idea of ​​being indoctrinated from an early age has made them see the final believers who have longed for death. They just want to go back to the place where there is no dispute, pain, and eternal life - 'Heaven's!'

The highest place in the Holy Forest, on the bell tower in front of the cathedral.

Ieta, standing in an ordinary black robes, stood here. His hand was placed on the railing in front of him, and he looked down at everything in front of him with a slight head down. There was no kindness or coldness in his eyes, and even more without success. The pride is only a faint calmness - the director of the Inquisition does not have any boastful meaning for his masterpiece. In his view, everything in front of him is just that he is making a normal thing for the God he believes in. The extreme thing; such a thing is done by every believer, and what can be boasted?

Step on...

Clear footsteps and armor rubbing, tall and strong, all white body armor, even the cloak is white head of the Holy Knights, straight on the bell tower - compared to the calm of Iyeta, Tozan The face of the respected head of the Holy Knights was full of anger.

"What did you do with these innocent believers?"

Tozan stretched his finger to the crowd on the ladder of white light, and asked the people in front of him loudly.

"God's people!"

Very simple answer from the voice of Iyeta's mouth; and in the face of the anger of the head of the Holy Knights, questioning, the expression of the director of the Inquisition still has no change - looking at the calm as the lake The general expression, Tozan's double fist clenched the sound of '嘎, 嘎'.

"God will not commit murder to his people!"

The repressed shouting sounded straight from the chest of the head of the Holy Knights, and at the same time, the head of the Holy Knights waved his fists.


A repressed whistling sound. The fist with the armor rested on the side of Ieta's cheek. Less than a centimeter from the real touch - Iyeta's white hair, the clothes on the body are pressed to one side in this boxing style, especially the black robes are hunting in the boxing style. Not stopping.

"Are you the following gram?"

Facing the punch of oppression, Ieta finally turned his body. He looked at the huge fist in front of the armor and frowned slightly—the hand on the railing was lifted up, put it on the fist in front of him, and pushed it gently; it was like After drinking the black tea, put the tea cup in your hand on the dish. Easy and comfortable.

"The principle of the knight is to protect the lord of allegiance! Tozan, have you forgotten your original vows?"

"My vows are not you! But Peter Paul! If you don't stop doing this, even if you violate Paul's orders, I will definitely cut your head!" From Iyerta The vows that were made made the anger of the head of the Holy Knights more and more vigorous; lifted the hand that had just been pushed open, pointed his finger at the other side, and the head of the Holy Knights issued his own warning - and For such a warning, Ieta could not help but frown and whispered.

"Sure enough, it's the following!"

The soft words have just fallen. Ieta’s figure disappeared in front of the head of the Holy Knights. When this figure reappeared, it was already on the stairs leading down to the clock tower – as if it were the head of the Holy Knights. There is no generality, and he left without even returning.


In the unique crispness of the metal, the armor of the head of the Holy Knights begins with the chest. Like a spider web, it began to spread. When the spider-like crack reached the hardness that the metal armor could withstand, the entire armor broke open instantly; and with it broken, there was Tozan’s body—a road, a The blood marks of the article appeared on the top of the strongest body of the Knights of the Holy Knights of the Holy See. The blood was accompanied by the sound of broken bones, and the rest of the knees fell to the ground.


A painful snoring sounded from Tozan's nose - the knees were broken. The head of the Holy Knights, who knew his body very well, knew his change for the first time; and the change became more and more fierce. He knew very well that in this way, his body’s bones would be no more than a minute. He has crushed the knee bones!

Damn it!

The green aura, the breath of the wind, appeared around the head of the Holy Knights, but it didn’t have any effect—no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop the change from appearing worse; it’s like being windy. The breath was spurred in half, and the change that made the head of the Holy Knights helplessly spread like a snake to his heart; the speed was very fast, even reaching the name of the strongest in the Japanese The existence of the situation, can not respond to the situation, helpless.


Just as the head of the Holy Knights closed his eyes and died, a sigh appeared in his ear; then the soft white light wrapped the entire body of the head of the Holy Knights, and all the scars disappeared. The broken knee bones also became intact in the next moment.

His Majesty!

After perceiving the changes in the body, the head of the Holy Knights immediately shouted again on one knee and shouted in the bottom of his heart.

come back!

Ieta, not you can stop it!

In the face of the sound of the heart, the head of the Holy Knights hesitated for a moment, pressed down the question of the bottom of my heart, and finally nodded.

Yes, your majesty!


Oh, that's a lot of things!

The head of the Inquisition, who had walked down the clock tower, looked back if he felt it; but the next moment he snorted. Going forward - compared to the cathedral where the radiance is fascinating, in the depths of the underground, it is a terrifying place; even the dazzling light can not be removed The darkness here, and the strong wind, can't blow away the blood here.

The only thing that can be driven is the slaps of the slaps, and the knives that have long been dark red.

On the black seat, Iyeta slightly closed his eyes. The finger rhythmically tapped the armrest of the seat; in front of him. The priest with the knife who had just informed the news was afraid of uneasiness, and the atmosphere did not dare to stand there. He was naturally unable to read the letter directly from the presiding judge to the adult in front of him. But from the expression of the adult in front of him, he already knows that this letter is definitely not good news.

In the extremely rhythmic beat of ‘嗒嗒嗒’, time passed by, and the priest with a knife and a knife kept the position after entering here, even if the neck was sore. I dare not have a slight change; and in such a change, the adults in front of me finally say -

"Tell Chester, the Thousand Marsh area does not need him to manage; take the rest of the people back to the Holy Forest!"

"Yes, adults!"

The priest with the knife who responded in the whole body did not immediately retire. He stood still in front of the adult in a respectful manner. As a messenger, he knew the habit of the adult in front of him. He knew that the adult’s words were not finished. Sure enough, after a pause, the voice came again.

"Go to the sacred prison. Bring me the prison director there!"

"Yes, adults!"

Respectfully standing in the same place with the knife priest, after hearing the words "Hermit", immediately the body can not be suppressed; even, even the answer also brought a tremolo - but. Immediately found that the wrong knife priest immediately buried his head deeper, the rudeness in front of the adult is disrespectful; he did not dare to ask for forgiveness.

"After bringing people, take the penalty yourself!"

"Thank you for forgiveness!"

The priest with a knife. After two steps back, it completely disappeared into the darkness; only Ieta was sitting alone in the chair. Whispered quietly -

"Ye Qi, the dragon of Shaker... John, Ward, is this your sustenance? It is really unexpectedly simple, we must know that the battle between us has just begun!"

The light and low sounds are clear to obscure, until they disappear.


After the desk of the Moon Night Tower, Hesel, who manages the entire Hunting Maniac Association temporarily, is holding an urgent letter that has just been sent; looking at the letter signed by his old friend, this moonlit night The tower's tower owner, could not help but look at his forehead, and made a long snoring.

"I know that Ye Qi’s kid is just as troublesome as his teacher! This is really a headache!"

After listening to Heather’s shackles, Hawke, wearing a moonlight-class apostle’s trench coat, couldn’t help but push the eyes on the bridge of the nose and bring a reflection. “There is nothing wrong with Ye Qi’s doing it; One person will make the same choice; ask the adults to seriously start and how to deal with the revenge that may occur in the Holy See, and trace the return of the Holy See to the Thousand Marsh area!"

"Know it, I know, Hawk!"

Looking at the meticulous presence in front of him, Hether couldn't help but smile - after Ted followed his old friend to go to the Thousand Marsh area, he had to reassign several hunting devils who could match his daily work; In the case that most people are vague and skeptical, the number of candidates that can be assigned is very limited; in fact, except for Hawke in front of him and another gentleman of Teddy, all the assigned people There are various reasons for resignation; especially the case of sick leave, and even the kindness of Hesel is so frustrated.

Are the apostles of the Moonlight class, may they be knocked down by a cold?

However, even if Hessel was furious, the gang was still the same as the original, the lazy nest did not appear in his own residence; or simply disappeared in the name of 'visiting friends'; and finally, can give Hesel’s help is only Hawke and Teddy; among them, although the latter’s gentleness does not reject people, it is really difficult to compliment in dealing with official duties. Basically, this issue has been managed. The new trainee is outside the apostle. It is very difficult to send a heavy responsibility.

Therefore, to help Hesel, in the entire Central Castle, only Hawke is alone - but fortunately, it is different from the former. Hawk is not only capable of outstanding ability. And the mind is meticulous, dealing with everything is meticulous, it is completely reassuring; but such a Hawk is not without shortcomings.

Hawk, who is as sophisticated as a machine, is the same for others; and whoever he is. He is a public service, without any compromise; just like now -

"If the adults have any dissatisfaction with me, please tell me truthfully, I will make corrections!" Looking at Heather's wry smile, Hawke said bluntly. "But before that, please take it seriously. Things in front of you!"

"Okay, Hawk!"

Faced with such admonition, Hether had to converge on the smile on his face, looking at the letters from his old friends in a very positive way - of course, at this moment, his heart was very missed with Ted. The ability to do things is equally good, and I know very well the younger generations who respect the old and the young.

"Hock, what do you think about this thing?"

Once again, after reading the letters sent by the old friend in a hurry, Hesel handed it straight to the ‘young man’ in front of him. Asking the other person's opinion - different from Ted's exercise, facing Hawke in front of him, Hesser, the oldest person in the head of the demon hunter, is sincerely asking the other person's opinion; after all, in In just a few days of performance. Aside from the uncomfortable and serious character of the other side, the rest of Hesel is very satisfied; especially the opinions and thoughts about some things make him nod.

In Hessel’s own words, it’s ‘the young man’s mind is always better than the old man’ – as Hessl’s intention was to rest for a while. Or take a break and only he knows it.

"Re-search for everything left in the Holy See's legacy! And. Add another person to the Thousand Marsh area!" Habitually nudged his glasses, Hawke said with great certainty: "If the Holy See wants to go What does the Thousand Marsh area do, it is impossible for a failure to make him give up; the other party will soon send the next wave of people! And, the method of the knife priest who happened to meet with Ye Qi, the other party did not want to start at first. The storm, but wants to take advantage of it! But after this time, with that character, you will definitely send a more powerful man to deal with the Lord Ye Qi who is in the Thousand Marsh area!"

"If you calculate the name of Ye Qi, Blank and Zaka, the strength of the man who sent the next time can be imagined; so please, speed up and send the corresponding reinforcements!"

"Well, I will let those guys who are 'deprived' out of the game in a while; I think these guys will be very happy for this task!" Faced with Hawk's analysis, Hether nodded and then said: " Pedernange has not left home until now, and Pedernange’s tower of guarding the thorns cannot go anywhere; then there is only Jerome this guy! If he leads, those guys can definitely be in the thousand The marsh area completed the support mission."

"If it’s the adult of Jerome, then this support mission will be completed smoothly! With your guards and tower guards, unless the one will personally shoot, otherwise there will be no The problem!" Heather's proposal made Hawk very much agree. His voice calmly analyzed: "But we must guard against the voice of the East. After all, from the description of Ye Qi, the other party is the beginning. Playing such an abacus; although a group of people have changed, if the time is right, then the person will not mind creating more trouble for us!"

"Where is his goal?"

In the voice of doubt, Hether stood up and walked to the side of the bookshelf, took a long cylindrical box from the top of the bookshelf; twisted the lid straight and pulled a clear mark from it. Map of the Thousand Marsh Area - This map that has experienced countless people's efforts is undoubtedly the most detailed description of the Thousand Marsh area in the hands of the demon hunters; its fineness, even if it is the outstanding of the locals in the Qianguma area The guide's 'little book' is also incomparable.

Hether took the whole map on the desk, staring at the map in front of him, frowning and thinking; while Hawke standing on the side just glanced at him and looked away from the map; such a move naturally caused Hesel's attention, he curiously asked: "Hock, have you found the other's goal?"

"No! Without any clues, such a searchless way, it is impossible to find! So, you should not focus on such a search that will be unproductive!" Hawke said truthfully; and already guessed the other side Heather, who wanted to say something, couldn’t help but frown, and looked at Hawke’s question: “Then you mean...”

"Well, please ask the adults to ask Pedernange!"

PS caught a cold... I took medicine to sleep... I hope that tomorrow will be cured...

I would like to thank the King of Engineers for the reward of 582 coins, the fortune of the prodigal son of the four seas, the reward of the 200 yuan, the reward of the sn100 coin, and the reward of the 100% of the quiet forest.~~~ Decadence, thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~~~

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