Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 32: Virtual table

Hey! Hey! Hey!

A 'magma ball' that is directly five feet away is like a meteorite that falls from a high altitude. It is like a doomsday scene, and it is mentioned in general. These 'magma balls' emit with unique light and heat. The whistling sound enough to make ordinary people collapse, changing their trajectories in the air, and finally all flocked to their own goals: Ye Qi - the number of 'magma balls' in front of the eyes is also countless, almost at the moment of falling, It is like forming another 'river river'; however, compared to the river of magma flowing under the foot of Ye Qi, the top of the head is undoubtedly more violent and killing.

boom! boom! boom!

The 'magma ball' that came to Ye Qi had not yet reached the front of Ye Qi, and was swept by a slash of knives; the 'appearance' that seemed to be more sturdy was swept away. At that time, they burst into ruptures and turned into the original form. They fell back into the river of magma below, and they made a slight turn, and they merged with the original magma.

It’s really awkward!

Looking at the 'magma ball' that is only less than half of the surrounding, Ye Qi squinted and chuckled - the overwhelming 'magma ball' was really a shock to Ye Qi; even if it was a strong day The body of the person is strong again. If it falls into the magma, it is still the result of the death of the dead; and the diameter of the flying front has a five-foot 'magma ball', which is undoubtedly more than passive into the magma. It is even more threatening; after all, there are two different concepts: 'human' manipulation and passive hooliganism.

However, the next moment Ye Qi discovered that the number of 'magma balls' is too much, almost cover the sky; even if this red space is not a real material world, it is still a small At the very least, in Ye Qi’s eyes, it is also boundless; and in this boundless space, it is instantly covered by the flying 'magma ball', which is a force that has only one faith. The demon turned out to be too powerful.

Needless to say, this has returned to chaos, and now it is still a form or a demon that has long been swallowed up. Just because of the ability of the other party during the heyday, Ye Qi has a skeptical attitude - if there is such a strength, the other party should at least be the lord, even the demons above the monarch level; however, according to Ye Qi A well-known monarch-level demon. No one is in the form of the other party.

although. In the rumors, there are countless lords and monarch-level demons and devils in the abyss. Ye Qi, who is a hunter, cannot be fully identified; but those who are well known are definitely doing something in the material world; It is like the size of the remains of this temple now, if it is really a monarch-level demon. Then the other party will definitely leave its own traces in history, and the reputation will be far-reaching; however, Ye Qi has no information on the other side, and then thinks of the inferiority of the devils and their neighbors, which seems to be in the same line. There have been some positive guesses.

therefore. In the face of the overwhelming 'magma ball', Ye Qi, who is suspicious, did not choose to be ready to dodge in the first moment, but slashed straight – and it turned out that he was correct in doing so; those who saw it It seems to be completely manipulated, and the morphologically 'sturdy' 'magma ball' is actually drawn by a spirit; it is as if the apostle of the mind can be used to wrap the water directly with the mind; The slight change in the nature of the water has made them more lethal; the devil in front of them is using this method, even more simply than it. After all, for the control of the flame, the devil has a talent that is unimaginable.

Without paying attention to the remaining 'magma ball', Ye Qi, a straight jump, rushed to the biggest goal in front of him: that is a huge demon - through the understanding of many times after entering the illusion of faith, Ye Qi has a lot Grasping, as long as he killed the huge demon in front of him. Then this belief illusion is over.

Undoubtedly, this way, compared to the kind of non-stop reading, in Ye Qi's view is very suitable for him now; this is not Ye Qi hate reading. On the contrary, Ye Qi has a considerable interest in reading; it is only what he is pursuing now. And let Ye Qi be biased - although it is impossible to determine what the belief illusion is based on to improve his skill level or expertise, but Ye Qi knows very well that at least he can pull out the knife, he has been looking forward to The "cold weapon master" is likely to appear to be promoted; and once a row of books appears, then some knowledge about books will become the goal of improvement.

The huge body has a striking power, but it will certainly lose some other existence; for example: dexterity - almost no effort, Ye Qi appears on the other's head; the other party does not react again At that time, the straight one cut to the two fronts extending from the front of the forehead, straight up, with a unique spiral-shaped devil's corner.

The devil's weakness is only known to the demon hunters -

First, their real names;

Second, their forefront angles;

Perhaps the devil has other weaknesses, but like the first one, it is something that many dark wizards like to study; for the demon hunter, they only need to know the second one.

There is no sound, only one knife passes through, the two thick feet have three adults, and the height is more than the corner of a small building. It falls from the front of the other side and falls into the river of magma below. - 噗, 噗, two huge like the sound of falling water, the splash of magma is more than a dozen feet.


Another squeaking sound that echoed the entire red space; however, compared to the fearful and surrender of the previous screams, the snoring at the moment contained pain - whether at any time, the corners of the devil It is its weakness; although those corners have the hardness of granite, the sword is sharp, and even some devils are used as weapons, but in the face of a more powerful presence, such a strong point is undoubtedly the biggest weakness.

On the body of this huge demon, Ye Qi, who fell on a rock in the river of magma, waited for the disappearance of the illusion of faith, and defeated the remains of the belief illusion several times before - but this time Oddly, some estimates were wrong; half a glimpse of the huge demon on the river of magma, screaming loudly, and then a sulphurous flame filled with water, straight up from the river of magma. Gushing at the corner of the forehead that was cut by the great devil.

It was only a moment of work, the broken double horns, once again appearing in front of the forehead of this great demon - and such a scene made Ye Qi unconsciously frown.


Restoring the huge demons of the beginning, once again issued their own violent, killing buzz. The 'magma ball' in the air once again fell; at the same time. The claw tip has adult-sized claws, and it is also caught by Ye Qi - with a few knives, Ye Qi easily sneak past those imaginary 'magma balls'; at the same time, there is a guess in the heart of Ye Qi . A knife crosses and jumps over the claws of the great demon.

A clearly visible crack appeared in the devil's wrist, and then as the blood spewed, the huge claw fell straight down to the river of magma—but. Soon, on the river of magma, there was a thick flame full of sulphur, and the wrist that was broken around the other side could not stop tumbling; then, it was the remake of the reincarnation of the other corner. The claws that fell off appeared again on the other's wrist.

The devil is nothing, the magma is the body!

Sure enough, is that...

At the first time before the huge devil's double-horned rebirth, Ye Qi had already had some guesses; and then the broken wrist was the result of Ye Qi confirming this speculation - but this confirmation did not make any Ye Qi was happy; he glanced at the river of magma that looked like a boundless ocean in the sea. Even with Ye Qi’s calm, he couldn’t help but twitch.

Do you want me to blow this huge demon in front of me and directly drain the river of magma in front of me?

Ye Qi, who is twitching at the corner of his mouth, looks at the huge demon that rushed toward himself again. It is just a knife. Unlike the previous two knives, this time Ye Qi jumped into the air and divided the other side into two halves from top to bottom. One knife; since it has been confirmed that the devil is just a virtual representation. The river of magma is the speculation of the ontology, so the judgment about all the weaknesses of the devil is naturally not established. Only the increase of the consumption of the 'others' is the best choice.

Huge body, with the flash of the knives. Divided into two, half sank into the river of magma. The other half started the 'recovery' again - and this time Ye Qi did not stand in the same place to wait for the recovery of the other side, two knives flashed, the other's arms and legs also separated from the huge body, more A lot of sulphur fire was added to the recovery supplement; and Ye Qi was so devastated with the other.


"Lunch, lunch! Delicious lunch!"

Holding two hares in one hand and a pocket full of wild vegetables and mushrooms in one hand, of course, the most attractive thing is on her body, which is about ten feet in size. Like a hill-high wild boar - the female hunting demon who bears these is like a weightless general, jumping forward toward the agreed place.

"Ye Qi, Ye Qi, can you see me?"

Far from seeing the knees sitting in the same place, and raising the bonfire figure, the female hunting demon is like a treasured one-handedly raised the hill-like wild boar over the head, while the other hand Shaking other prey in front of Ye Qi.

Your appearance is definitely not a powerful category!

Looking at the appearance of the female hunting demon in front of him, knowing that such a scene falls in the eyes of ordinary people, how will he feel Ye Qi, can not help but smile, but praised in his mouth: "Inid is certainly amazing! Grab the food quickly, and in the afternoon we will begin to explore the remains of the Holy See!"

"No problem! Look at Enid's powerful!" The Hunting Devil volunteered to pull out the knife for handling food. However, when the wild boar was taken to the side, he turned his head and stared at Ye Qi. "Ye Qi, are you tired? Why is your face pale?"

"Nothing, just in the temporary strongholds of the Holy See!"

"This way! Nothing, we will be able to find it!"

The Hunting Devil did not doubt Ye Qi’s statement. With a powerful fist, he began to deal with the food for the next few days. While watching the back of the Hunting Devil, Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders. If you can, he really wants to lie on a soft and comfortable big bed, and sleep for a few days without moving; although the belief in the territory does not consume physical strength, but the consumption of the spirit is real; the previous few beliefs Because it is a 'quick fix', Ye Qi did not realize the consumption, but this time's 'long-lasting' battle is to make Ye Qi deeply understand.

Before in the territory of faith. He didn't know how many times he slashed, until the magma river in the red space was completely exhausted by him, he broke through the illusion and re-entered the material world – and there After that, the fatigue from the bottom of my heart made Ye Qi almost fall to the ground.

really. The belief in the territory is also consumed!

Feel like the general 'spirit' that has been evacuated. Ye Qi thought so.

"This kind of consumption, compared with your harvest, is obviously worth it!" The strange wolf that broke the seal land appeared in the heart of Ye Qi. He sighed with a sigh: "Your blood is really pure, and it is extremely powerful. Even the products of the River of Sulphur can be eaten! If you can, I really want to see your ancestors. See what kind of existence is there!"

"River River?"

Straight ignoring the ridicule in the discourse of the wolf. Ye Qi completely focused on the new term.

"The river of sulphur is the river of magma that you see! It is only the river of sulphur that we say. The things that are born from chaos are the constant growth and killing of this 'mother river'. Destroyed!" After explaining the strange wolf for Ye Qi, he suddenly made a strange smile: "So, if you want to 'eat' the things there, you will definitely be indigested! So, do you want me to help? I know that for these things, I am... oh. How come!"

Only half of the wolves were interrupted by their own surprises - in its perception, the remnants of the sulphur river of its contractual companion 'in the body' quickly transformed in ways that it did not understand; Completely became the emergence of other forces that are beneficial to its contractual companion, and integrated into the other's body.

[Cold weapon master +2]

[Physique +1]

Just when the wolf was surprised. The late warning system appeared in Ye Qi and when he was in the ear, looking at the information displayed on the light blue screen, Ye Qi couldn’t help but glimpse him - he was always the most important target of this time. At this moment, the "cold weapon master" is no longer able to attract his attention; he is completely attracted by the hints of another system below.

It turned out to be a physique!

Your own attributes can also be increased through the belief illusion!

This sudden change. Ye Qi couldn't help but widen his eyes until he confirmed the original body. After becoming the 23rd at the moment, he confirmed that it was not an illusion; then the ecstasy of the heart could not be suppressed. - For the importance of attribute points, no one is more clear than the beneficiary of Ye Qi; every point The attribute points all represent an increase of one-third of the original amount; this setting makes Ye Qi simply not willing to waste the attribute points; it is like the remaining three unallocated attribute points at the moment, if all If you add strength to it, then his power will directly double, and even if you face some of the strengths of the Sun Yat-Sen, you will get the upper hand.

Attribute points and skill points are very important for Ye Qi, especially the former, which is like the backbone of a big tree. Only the backbone is strong, and the latter as a branch can have a better Development - and those specialties and spells are like flowers and green leaves that grow on these branches, giving each branch a different touch.

To a certain extent, the physical point is the basis of everything after the body is formed; whether it is the use of skills, the blessing of expertise, the release of spells need the most basic - and A mastery of all kinds of skills, with expertise and blessings, and the existence of countless kinds of spells, but there is no extraordinary body, then everything is like a castle in the air, a gust of wind blowing, the building will be tilted, turned upside down.

“How can I identify the benefits that the power of faith can bring to me?”

Looking at the added physique, even if Ye Qiming knew that he would be slaughtered by his contract companion, he couldn't help but ask - any transaction is the exchange of chips between the two sides; there is no transaction, only the value Unworthy trading; at this moment, if the attribute points can be increased in the illusion of faith, then for Ye Qi, even if he makes a deal with the other party, he will not lose money; after all, he believes in the cleverness of his own companion, Although the Lions will open their mouths, they will never exceed his bottom line; as long as they do not exceed his bottom line, they will get information about the illusion of faith, and Ye Qi, who has become a physique: 23, thinks it is worthwhile.

"How is it possible?" I ignored the transaction in front of me. The wolf was uncharacteristically shouting: "Do you still have a deep abyss?"

PS first more ~~

After the trial of the law, I found a good barbecue stall~ Well, quite good~~

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