Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 33: Settle down

At the entrance of the market, the place where the local guards of the Qianguma District stood. At this moment, there was a table made up of several logs. The toka, the person in charge of the market, was sweating. The new compatriots are registered with pens and kraft paper, and an original guard next to them will issue a number plate after registering each person - this number plate is the identification of these new market members. Of course, this is only temporary. When the market is rebuilt, it will be re-registered and a more formal identification will be made, but at this time, it can only be done first; however, even if it is, it will Several people in the market responsible for registration felt dizzy.

In fact, after nine o'clock in the morning, Toka led several literary hyphens in the market. The learned people formed a five-person registration group. Then they didn’t even eat for lunch. Climbing on the table at the entrance of the market and starting work - although Toka has tried his best to register everyone's name, he knows very well that he is too slow and sweeps. At first glance, the four surrounding "swarmers" who are also sweating, and then seeing that there are almost more than two-thirds of the registered personnel, Toka has already prepared for overtime overnight.

After all, it’s already around three in the afternoon, and nearly two-thirds of the people have not been registered after six hours; that is, at least they still need twelve hours to complete the remaining registrations; And this is still the time to complete in the most ideal state, according to normal statistics. It is almost the fastest time to complete all the registration work before noon tomorrow - after all, it has been six hours of continuous work. Even he felt the impact of hunger and exertion on him, not to mention that the four physical qualities around him were not as good as his 'registrar'; if the rest were completed, I am afraid that all five people including him would be tired. I have to vomit blood to the ground.

Everyone is strong!

After glanced at the four registrars, who were obviously awkward, Toka immediately called the two guards who maintained order.

"Go to the cellar and move the fruits out and send them to these compatriots; let everyone rest for an hour; after that, let's continue!"

"Know, Uncle Toka!"

I heard the instructions of the person in charge of the market. Two young guards immediately flew back to the market with a team of people.

"It’s really bothering you, Lord Toka! And everyone, thank you very much!"

The middle-aged priest, who was busy maintaining order, apparently heard the words of the head of the market, and immediately came over and succumbed to a few sweaty registrars in front of him - as the leader of the remaining people in the canyon, Risd, who has a high reputation, is undoubtedly sincere and considers the rest of the people in the Grand Canyon; therefore. When he moved, he always had a jealous heart; after all, about 3,000 people were not a small number; in other places in Lorante, it was enough to top the last prosperous town; especially It is the follow-up cost of the three thousand people, whether it is the residence or the food, it is an amazing number; the Lisd knows these. It is not because of the nod of Stoic and the grown-up, it is considered to be all right.

Everything must be seen as a reality - this is the product of the middle-aged priest's cautious habits in the canyon, and it is because of such caution that he can live and gain the present reputation; if. At that time, he had any slight flaws, so he had already been executed ‘God Punishment’; therefore. Even if he is faced with help, even if he knows it will be puzzling, he still insists on his own prudence.

After all, at this moment, he is not only representing himself, but also the remaining people in the canyon who believes in him. And this kind of caution, after seeing the preparations for the market, immediately like the snow under the sun, quickly melted Because he saw a group of people as simple as the people behind him; almost all mobilized to help them make food, arrange accommodation, register the list; there was no complaint during the period; instead, as long as they made the request, these simple People will do their best to help.

The moved middle-aged priest looked at his own thanks and once again responded to the market leader in response to a simple smile. He immediately took a deep breath and shouted at several former allies behind him.

"Are these guys still ready to stand there and watch?" The cry of the middle-aged priest made a glimpse of several allies who stood by him in the canyon; then, they smiled and stood. Get up - the young man, who is also a priest, walked straight out.

"Of course not, we have already negotiated; just wait for your order!" The young priest had already taken off the priest's robes that made him feel uncomfortable. He is now dressed in a leather safari, like a marsh area. Young people generally refer to a few partners behind the body: "Please tell me!"

"Pick out some literary hyphens that can serve as a record of the instrument! It takes about twenty people!" After the middle-aged priest heard the words of the younger generation, he immediately nodded with appreciation and immediately began to command: "Then you will be a few Responsible; and, in a few of you, divide half of the people to lead those who have already registered! Men to help our compatriots build campsites, women to help cook!"

"Know, Uncle Reed!"

The young priest turned and ran into the crowd, and began to speak clearly, and all the people stood there and erected their ears and listened carefully; the person who was named immediately stood up to the young priest. Behind him, a team of about 30 people was taken out of the crowd in a short time—these were all civilians in the original temple, although they were not systematically educated, if they asked some literary literacy or historical questions. They may not pass, but they are quite good at both literacy and arithmetic.

Among the people who were pointed out, three or four people were strong and strong. The people who were originally guards of the shrines immediately took the materials on the spot. It was almost the time to make tea. The front door of the market was two more in front of Toka and others. The same table—the people of the original temples who were fluent in literacy and arithmetic—walked straight behind these tables; took out the pen and paper that they carried with them.

"Then I and other people will help build the camp!"

The young priest greeted the middle-aged priest and the head of the market. Take the rest of the people to the other side of the open space - unlike the guards and instruments that have the craft, these are the first allies developed by the middle-aged priest. Not only do they once have the status of priests or captains in the temple, but they also have a high reputation among the ordinary temple people; it can be said that letting each of them act as a leader will immediately make the ordinary people of the temple Play the role it deserves.

"In this way, we have enough to complete everything in the plan before dinner!" The person in charge of the market looked at the registration team of nearly 20 people, and the camp construction personnel of several hundred people, immediately said with amazement: " Lord Reed, thanks to you!"

"Lord Toka. Please don't say this! This will make me feel uncomfortable! After all, it is us who get help!" The middle-aged priest smiled and waved his hand.

"Helping you are also helping us. We are compatriots who grew up in the area of ​​the Thousand Marsh!" The head of the market issued a hearty laugh and welcomed the middle-aged priest in front of the people of the Chima area. - Vigorously patted the shoulders of the middle-aged priest, and the head of the market called his name: "Riesde, if you don't mind, go to my place for a drink this evening! I have a freshly brewed fruit wine!"

"Of course, no problem. Toka!" Also saved the other middle-aged priest from the other side, pulled a chair, sat next to the head of the market, and pointed to the crowd in front of him: "But we For your fruit wine, you have to speed up!"

"Yes, that's right!"

The head of the market looked at the movement of the middle-aged priest next to him. Not to nod and nod, and immediately started a new job - as for the rest that I said before? Looking at the newly joined personnel, the original ‘registrar’ had long since forgotten, but instead they became more and more motivated; and the original shrines who were waiting in line for registration were more and more coordinated.

Originally loosely arranged. In the subconscious, it became a neat and sophisticated square; every man who was registered. Immediately, they ran towards the camps that were still under construction. The women took the dry food and fruits they carried with them and joined the team that made the dinner – facing the newly joined compatriots, the market. The people of the Qianguma District immediately welcomed with a smile. In the face of a welcome smile, the people who had just joined the original shrine also showed a simple smile.

Happiness is contagious, and the smile is involuntarily transmitted in the crowd, and the only trace of the membrane disappears in this smile; even the complaints of the merchants who have been forced into it cannot be heard. A lot less – this made it difficult for Limoa, Kosor and Little Doug, who had been worried about the darkness after the dark, could not help but grow a sigh of relief.

“Before sunset, it’s okay to build a camp!”

Kosor said very positively.


Lemoya also nodded in agreement.

"So, the welcome party will be held as usual?! This is great!"

Xiao Daoge obviously thought of something else, and immediately gave a cheer; let the people who work around glimpse, and then just like the brow - any news of joy can not be hidden under such circumstances; almost After ten minutes, the welcome party was spread throughout the camp, and it was spread to the rest of the market at a faster rate; even the open space where the demon people lived temporarily The corresponding message.

"It seems that everyone gets along very well. I was worried about it before!"

After hearing the news of the welcome party, Ted, who had been uneasy, immediately laughed.

"The simplicity of the people in the Chimae area does not need to be worried; and most of the people in those temples are like this! The two groups are just for the sake of a good life, and those who are kind, have something to worry about!" and know the market people The essence of Stofei did not worry about it from beginning to end; his eyes were always on the small tent in the distance: "On the contrary, I would like to know what Mr. Blanc and Zaka, Ye Qi discuss again!"

"It must have been that the disgusting guys of the Holy See have come up with something tricky!" Ted’s tone is very positive: "From the secret temporary positions, I know that the guys have long been ill. !" Suddenly. Ted continued: "Before, what did you say that Ye Qi did not forget?"

"Of course not forgetting!"

The face is sinking Stowe. The raised eyes are killing. For Stoic, who is already half a man of the Marsh, the plan of the Holy See’s attack on the market was unforgivable. He understands very well that if the Holy See’s plan is implemented smoothly In other words, it is not necessary to rebuild the market now, even if it is in the market, the people in the Qianguma area will be killed and injured; as the half-hostile camp of the Holy See, it is very clear that the religious madmen of the Holy See are facing the enemy. Spicy; especially some people in the Inquisition. Even if they are facing some babies, they will not be merciless.

Coupled with the comparison between the Holy See and the strength of the people in the market, the Stoic can fully imagine what kind of situation they will face when they return. It is definitely a family.

"Is there any news for the guys searching for secret temporary positions?"

With a low voice, Stowe asked, turning to the secret temporary position at the moment, in the heart of Stoic, it was like a time bomb. When he didn’t find it all day, he couldn’t sleep well. As a temporary base for secrets, although there is a general description before Ye Qi, the vast area of ​​the Qiangyu area in front of it, even with such a description, is like a needle in a haystack.

Fendi, whose former friend had the name of "black bat," was after receiving his news. I have already started with two teams of local demon hunters in the Qiangqu area; however, until now, the news he received was still nothing; therefore, Stofei will lead the headquarters to the demon. Ted asked; as far as he knows. The hunter-gathers at the headquarters, in addition to leaving the necessary help to the people in the canyon to enter the market, basically joined the search team.

"Like you. There is no gain so far!"

Ted certainly knows what Stowe is worried about, and this is also what he is extremely worried about - although it is not a person in the Kamuma area, but the innocent person is unacceptable because he bleeds; but before thinking about it The news received, Ted, who is known as the behemoth, also shook his head in desperation: "The Thousand Marsh area is too big, even if it is a known area, it is not a short time. Can do it!"

"Unfortunately, the darkness of the Holy See does not know much about this; otherwise, it will help a lot!"

Stofei heard the friend's answer and immediately sighed slightly - when he learned from Ye Qi that the grocer's identity was a dark child, he was excited for a long time; but afterwards But the heart that excites him is like being poured a cold water; the grocer removes the necessary contact person, and an emergency contact person, he does not know anything; for this, Stodo can only be a smile Correct.

Of course, he understands that the other party has not concealed it, but knows so much that a person who reveals his own identity will not hide anything else, especially when seeking protection, he will know all the words. In particular, the emergency contact that they arrested, everything that was known from the other party confirmed the grocer’s words.

"It’s already a lucky luck to get the emergency contact out of it!" Ted immediately smiled at the shoulders of Stoic: "At the very least, we’ve been in the mouth of the emergency contact. I took out a string of Confucius's dark sons; even I didn't even think that the Holy See had so many 'fighting soldiers'!"

"However, the emergency contact they picked was not very good! Under Ye Qi's hands, it was only a moment to confide the truth!" Stoic did not laugh at the timid appearance of the emergency contact. When I got up, I immediately asked: "How about the interrogation of those 'Voltswagen'?"

"Being able to become the emergency contact of the Holy See in the Thousand Marsh area is enough to explain some problems!" Ted corrected the wrong place in his friend's speech - he slowly shook his head and said with a smile: "So, not that. The emergency contact is not very good, but the ability of Ye Qi is too strong! Even if I face Long Wei, it is definitely just a little longer!"

"As for those ambushes, basically the same as the grocer named Rudd, they are only the outside, they don't know much!"

"There are these guys in the Holy It’s really a headache!"

"Yeah, they definitely look at us like this!"

With this in mind, the two smiled and then stood quietly outside the tent—one as a guardian, and one as the branch of the demon hunter branch; they naturally understood that they received the emergency letter. After the account of the two towering powers of the party, they will find them to discuss; this is not a gap between status, but a respect for the level of the day; It is like the other forces in the face of the Japanese glory.

And as the two guessed, a few minutes later, the voice of the sacred tower tower was heard inside the tent.

"Stofei, Ted, come in!"

"Yes, adults!"

The two replied in unison, and then walked together into the tent.

PS first more ~~~

Friends looking for a decadent meal~~~ The second is estimated to be late, but it is definitely before twelve o'clock~~~

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