Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 37: In the prelude of departure

Even though the lord of the sacred tower said the instructions for immediate departure, before the completion of some things, Ye Qi could not immediately leave the market - standing in front of the trade street, at the end of the tree house, Ye Qi looked When I arrived at the big tree, the grocers who were sorting out their belongings and the thin mercenaries who were helping them.

The items that were sorted out were some leather and pharmacy, apparently moved from the previous store. Under the arrangement of Ye Qi, the grocer became the 'person' on the side of the demon hunter. The shop arranged by the Holy See; not only inappropriate, but also insecure; the Holy See with revenge is absolutely not to be underestimated; therefore, after the corresponding news, the grocer has been arranged back. Shaker, who is directly under the jurisdiction of the Demon Hunter, has a suitable store waiting for him to operate there; of course, those who choose to cooperate with the "Earth" also have corresponding arrangements.

"Ye Qi adults!"

The small-scale mercenary who perceives it well, immediately discovered the undisguised Ye Qi, and immediately greeted him with respectful respects. Although it was only a few days after the meeting with Ye Qi, the time to stay together was even more Only a few hours, but as a mercenary who knows how to think and has his own bottom line, Edward knows very well that he is still standing here and helping his friends pack their bags, all because they have seen it. For the help of a young, but powerful person; for a person who has helped himself and has his own friends, Edward will remember this kindness and keep it in mind. Looking for opportunities to return.

Of course, this looks like other more traditional mercenaries. It’s a bit ridiculous, but the thin mercenaries think so, they are stubborn, but they are worthy of appreciation.

"I have seen the Shack Dragon!"

Compared with the respect of the thin mercenary, the grocer's etiquette is more complete, courteous, and even a little bit humble - as the Holy See's ‘the dark man’, although he does not know some secret things. But in the dark world, some people know things well, but he is familiar; it includes everything in front of the young man who smiles.

Whether it is the beginning of the contradiction with the Holy See, or the killing of five Japanese sorcerer monks, and the red archbishops of the past few days, Rude is shocked – whether it is those of the glory of the sun The Archbishop of Clothing, in the eyes of the original **** of Rudd, is simply unimaginable; after all. For a **** who has only seen the regional main sacrifice at the highest level, the first two are too far away from him; however, this does not prevent him from understanding the meaning of these existences; it is precisely because of this meaning that He knows what the young people in front are looking forward to.

This is the legendary natural person!

With such a sigh, the grocers buried their heads lower - smiling and stepping forward. Ye Qi patted the shoulders of the two men and asked straight: "What kind of help do you need for Edward and Rudd? In Shaq, I have many acquaintances!"

"The Lord Ted has arranged everything to perfection, it is really hard to worry about you!" The grocers answered with a bit of a flattering enthusiasm - accustomed to the way of talking between the Holy See and the subordinates, the way of talking about the demon. The former 'dark' of the Holy See was undoubtedly a little unaccustomed; he twitched his fat body uncomfortably, and hesitated when his friends repeatedly urged him: "Adult. Edward wants to be with me." Peer..."

"Of course there is no problem!" In the face of this long-awaited problem, Ye Qi very happy to promise: "It is very simple to add a person to the left team! But, Edward, have you considered it? Your What about a mercenary career?"

Said, Ye Qi's eyes looked at the thin mercenary.

"My mercenary career is not over; just change a place to start!" Faced with Ye Qi's gaze, the thin mercenary answered the unusual calmness: "And from Rude's place, I can be more at ease." At the very least, even without the right tasks, don't worry about being hungry!"

“Shack’s food is very abundant, and the food is very good! If I suggest, Rude’s grocery store can bring some convenient food, of course, this is just a personal suggestion!” Re-standing in front of the two Ye Qi smiled and said: "So, two, all the way! We will see you in Shake!"

"Take your words!"

"Shack goodbye!"

The grocer and the small mercenary said at the same time; Ye Qi waved his hand and walked forward, and soon the whole person disappeared into the distant side by side tree - always watching the disappearance of Ye Qi, The grocers and the thin mercenaries once again bowed their heads and quickly picked them up; they were two points faster than before; apart from solving the only concern in the heart, they needed more time.

To know that tomorrow morning, when they are bright, they will send out - this is the time when the "dark" retreats arranged by the demon hunters. The grocers and the thin mercenaries may not want to delay because of the two. The entire team's journey; after all, both of them know the secret level of this safe evacuation, the two do not want any instability because of their own reasons; this is for themselves and for others.

The Holy See faced the contempt of the traitor, but the grocers witnessed it, and heard the good news of the friend’s story about the thin mercenary, but the idea of ​​suicide if he was caught first – of course, it still looks like Nothing is bad to that point, and if possible, the two absolutely don't want to get themselves into this position.


Compared with the rush of grocers and small mercenaries, as a submerged chameleon, the female head of the Chima area with the name of 'Poison Widow' sat quietly at the place agreed with Ye Qi, waiting quietly for the boss. Your guest's appointment - this morning, when the customer just stepped into the market gate, she had already sent someone to contact the customer, and the time and place were agreed by the guest; although the guest Speaking of what she had arranged for her, but the female leader of the Thousand Marsh area would not really make such a claim.

The female leader who works under her own boss understands what is polite. What is the rule - if the rules are broken because of politeness, her boss will not be the object of punishment. It may only be her own person who doesn't know the rules!

The relationship between this guest and the boss...

Looking at the two secret letters on the small coffee table at hand, the female leader couldn't help but guess - the first is the reply she sent to her boss, and the second is in the day. The secret letter sent by the former boss took the initiative; this situation is enough to make the female leader feel curious; after all, according to her understanding of her boss, the ability to send out the first reply has already indicated that the distinguished guests are valued. And the second one is still the secret letter given to the guest, which makes her feel a little 'intimate'.

Of course. This is just the feeling that the female head is unique to the woman, and it is all speculation - even if the heart is confused and curious, the female leader of the Qiangqu District does not dare to directly open the personal letter of his boss; Unless she is really alive and impatient; and still can't think of the kind of death; she can be sure that if she really dares to touch the two secret letters, she will definitely get the kind of end.

Therefore, the female leader in the Qiangqu District seems to hide the baby, and the two secret letters are stored close to each other. Waiting for the return of the guest, handing the letter to the other party - compared to his own peek, if the letter is removed from the person other than the guest, then her end will definitely be worse than her own peek Times; after all, the former can only be said to be curiosity, while the latter is already a problem of unfavorable work.

For those who do things badly. She has always been light, and this is the boss who is learning her.

"Head, the adult has already reached the street!"

As a former mercenary of Ye Qi’s substitute, because the last mission was completed, it has become the personal guard of the female leader – a neat cloak. Although it is old, it is very fit. The shaved face, with the smile that young people should have, is completely devoid of the confused feeling before; no doubt, the young man has found what he wants to do.

"Go to meet adults!"

The female leader stood up without hesitation; however, before she left the door, Ye Qi had already appeared in front of her; first, she nodded at the smile of the young man who used to be her substitute, and then I only looked at the lady who wanted to plead guilty because of the incompetence, saying: "The current market is not before. If you don't want to be exposed and your doctor punishes it, everything must be careful! I think Your boss knows the current situation and will understand your difficulties!"

"Thank you, the kindness of adults!"

The female leader bowed down with respect and respect - Ye Qi sighed in the bottom of his heart. His previous words were to avoid the excessive courtesy and unnecessary apology in front of the chameleon; but the front I have escaped, but now it is still the same.

Bernard. Taylor, you are taming slaves!

With such a sigh, Ye Qi sat in the center of the room against the wall according to the guidance of the female leader. This is the most important person in the whole room, and the place where the general master can sit; but in order to stop The female leader in front of him was sincere and fearful, and Ye Qi went straight to ignore this and sat down.

The former avatar of Ye Qi, walking away from the room when his head and the adult turned around - as a personal bodyguard, some things did not need the command of others, they had to be completed; for example, at the moment If you wait until the female head of the Thousand Marsh area to speak, he will undoubtedly be a disqualified person; or a close-fitting bodyguard without a look; such a personal bodyguard will undoubtedly not have a favorite.

What they need is a capable and eye-catching bodyguard – and the young man in front of him is trying to learn in this direction; it’s not just for himself to be better, but more For the purpose of his heart.

"Good young man!"

Sitting down after Ye Qi, looking at the departing 'replacement', said slowly - before the other party completed his assigned 'replacement' task well, although there are some small twists and turns, but in general it is Quite good, especially the final result is even better; therefore, Ye Qi does not mind arranging a good 'foreign' for this young person; for one sentence of his own, one can help a person who has helped himself get a good one. The 'life', Ye Qi will not be embarrassed.

"Yes. Desh is a very good young man. Now he is already my personal bodyguard. Just need to exercise. You can become the leader of the independent side!" The female leader of the Thousand Marsh area fell in Ye Qi’s voice. In an instant, I knew what Ye Qi wanted to express, and immediately answered with a smile - she would never object to the order of the boss's guests; not to mention Desh, even if she was any of her subordinates, she I won't object to it; not to mention that because of the good completion of this Dash mission, she has such an idea, but now it is just a boat. Take the time slightly ahead of time.

"This is the letter the boss gave you!"

Ending the problem of the young man 'reward', the female leader put the two letters of the boss very seriously in front of Ye Qi, and then turned back when Ye Qi broke the letter - for this kind of caution The practice of words and deeds, already knowing how the chameleon will cultivate his subordinates, can only shrug his shoulders; for this, he does not have any position to express his views, but it is certain. He can never do this.

Sure enough, I am only suitable as an ordinary hunter, but the leader of an organization!

With such an idea, Ye Qi put his gaze on two letters, in the order of the last standard time in the letter, he picked up the first one - this letter is nothing too worthy of making people The place to pay attention. It is like a mutual greeting between friends, and deliberately knows that Ye Qi can use her power in the Qiangqu area at will; at the end of the whole letter, the chameleon mentions the business woman Julia.

The other party really did not end up like this. When he returned to the Thousand Marsh area, he began to send people to look for his 'ex-wife' and arranged an encounter. And meeting - fortunately, because. Ye Qi used the identity of ‘Finger’, and the chameleon deliberately arranged everything about ‘Finger’ again, especially the ‘ex-wife’; otherwise, in the “oppression” of the businesswoman, it will definitely be exposed.

It’s really a headache!

Ye Qi sighs the behavior of the businesswoman, and then subconsciously licks some of the swelled temples - as an ally of the chameleon, although it is still impossible to fully understand what the other party is, but one thing is very Understand that the chameleon is definitely not suffering after the loss, like this kind of 'provocation' behavior, if the chameleon does nothing, nothing to do, then disregard, then the chameleon is not a chameleon.

Ye Qi can imagine what it would be like when two "strong" women came together!

In the second letter, the chameleon gave him a very accurate answer -

Relying on her own ability, she appeared in the meeting place of the day as 'Fenger's ex-wife', and very 'comfortable' with the business woman to discuss the weather of the day, as well as the clothing and perfumes that the ladies are paying attention to. Wait a minute, and finally a more friendly exchange on the topic of 'Finger'.

The chameleon was written in the heart, but the keen Ye Qi felt the anger of the chameleon from the line of the word; obviously, even if the chameleon was in the meeting, it still fell into the wind. It is not a problem of chameleon ability, but a limitation of identity and environment!

According to the information in the data, ‘Fenger’s ex-wife’ is now only an employee of a general enterprise, and a businesswoman?

As a successful Chamber of Commerce boss, there are more than ten large companies, and the industry category is all-encompassing; in particular, she also controls the entire high-end ladies' supplies in Xia Lin District, even if the chameleon is stronger in other aspects, facing Such a businesswoman, throwing away the force, just by 'self, the strength of the ex-wife of Finge' is absolutely not enough to see.

However, the chameleon is definitely not a person who easily admit defeat. At the end of the second letter, she promised Ye Qi that she will win the war in a 'women's way'. This sentence immediately makes Ye Qi think of it subconsciously. 'Two people pull each other's hair, it's like a cat who tends to scratch each other'; as a hunter who only accepts basic education and does not have any aristocratic courses, in the face of such things, it is only instinctive to think of such things; Does not contain any ambiguity; at the very least, Ye Qi also thought about the other 'correct' places after he stumbled.

I hope that guy is not too big!

I know that the chameleon Shentong's vast Ye immediately shook his head with a smile; put the letter in his hand in a straight smash, and then placed it in the brazier that was already prepared by the female head of the Qianguma area. After Ye Qi looked at the letter and burned it completely, this continued to the female leader: "If you can, please converge your hand recently and be ready to fight at any time! Of course, this is just a suggestion!"

"As a guest of the boss, your suggestion is an order, I will definitely arrange it!"

The female leader’s respectful answer made Ye Qi smile a little and then walked straight out – he had already finished the matter in the market, and the rest was the remains of Jacob’s where he left.

Holy See, Holy See...

Ye Qi, who meditated on this name, walked on the street leading to the gate in the market. Then, he suddenly felt a familiar wave of appearance, and now he looked up in surprise and looked at the shadow not far away.

"Kuch Aunt!"

Ps first ~ ~ is still a regular update ~~

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