Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 42: Remains. In the wizard's lab

Compared to the 'magic lights' made with magical crystals, the complete magical crystals combined with the magical traps of superb alchemy have gone through thousands of years of immortality; of course, compared with the original power, It is already incomprehensible; but even so, it still makes Tate open his eyes and see a variety of magic traps that are just heard or recorded on books.

Of course, compared with these magic traps themselves, Ye Qi, who can see through these magic traps one by one, is truly amazing!

Does the world really exist, the kind of genius that only looks at it at a glance?

Behind Ye Qi, Tate’s eyes are full of doubts about the strength of Ye Qi in the dark world. After the North’s estate event, no one will question the age of Ye Qi. Strength; After all, the five knives of the knives are the best evidence, which no one can refute; however, there is another saying: blood theory!

It is like the so-called aristocrats that emerged in the middle of the chaos; they are self-proclaimed as gods, descendants of heroes, born with noble blood, and the children born are naturally the same noble. The blood of the dragons in Ye Qi is clear and clear, and it is known to the individual; therefore, such **** theory is directly placed on Ye Qi’s head; and similar to 'Ye Qi is because of the dragon’s blood and powerful and powerful’ After all, the legend now has the existence of the same kind of dragon, the blood of the Lorraine Juggernaut; therefore, for a time, the bloodline theory has considerable persuasion at the bottom of the dark world. force. It is recognized by many people.

However. The real strong in the dark world knows that the twists and turns of the blood are not omnipotent. Only a true strong person can exert the power that the bleeding pulse should have; such words are undoubtedly not understood by ordinary people; and they are disdainful for those who are really strong.

Therefore, many people who are in the same period as Ye Qi always hold 'If I have the blood of a dragon, how will it be?' etc. Unrealistic thoughts Although Tate will not be so shallow, but There is a slight similar tendency in the depths of my heart.

But when he saw Ye Qi at the moment. The tendency of the bottom of the heart is unconsciously disappearing. After all, the ability of the blood is stronger, and it is impossible to completely replace the talent; a existence that can reach the level of strength in the other, and in other respects also reach the same height, itself It has already explained some problems.

Perhaps it is found that there is nothing in the eyes of ordinary people to remove the magic trap, but in the view of Tate, who is good at finding traces, it is more difficult to find things than to cultivate his own strength, and it involves a considerable part of the trap. The production, arrangement and how to find and release the content; and a person who did not specifically exercise these aspects, it is impossible to understand the difficulties; at the very least, Tate knows that his pursuit can have the current level. . It is simply impossible to leave the exercise he has been holding for nearly a decade.

It is precisely because of this ten years of constant exercise that he understands. Even after ten years, even if he specializes in traps, he can't reach the level of Ye Qi in front of him; after all, Ye Qi’s performance at the moment does not need to be investigated at all, but it can be left without any naked eye. The magic trap is really too god-like; it is as if the traps were originally arranged by him.

Looking at Ye Qi is much smaller than himself, Tate can't think of any adjectives other than the word 'genius'.

"and many more!"

With Ye Qi’s voice, Tate immediately stopped his footsteps. He had more than ten identical experiences before, and he would not have any luck. He thought that it was no big deal; no one would joke with his life, especially The demon hunters who walk on the edge, they cherish life more; whether it is others or their own.

“Do you need ‘road path stone?’”

Then, Tate found out that an ordinary bullet was handed to Ye Qi’s hand.

"You saved me at least ten Kimpton!"

Ye Qi smiled and took over the bullets in the other hand. There are some magic traps that must be triggered with a certain force. The first such trap that Ye Qi hits, without too much consideration, straightens out a piece. Kimpton threw the past; after all, except for Kimpton, there was no other suitable thing on his body as a 'pathway stone'.

As for the bullet of the blue rose?

Those special burst bullets, Ye Qi can reluctantly, basically five are using one less one, although the mechanical transformation has entered the level of proficiency, but for the burst bullet, the mastery of the mechanical transformation is undoubtedly impossible to make; even I don’t know how to start with it; instead, it’s a blue rose. After reaching the proficient level, Ye Qi has a new idea, especially after alchemy has reached the level of proficiency, if not the right material, he Just a little change.

Obviously, when Colt was transforming his firearms for him, his original M500 didn't work hard, even just a random transformation, and the bursting bullets that were given with the guns were the focus, Ye Qi prepared. When you go to Shaq again, you will add more; of course, if you have time, he will definitely ask Colt again about the mechanical transformation.

At the very least, the practice of bursting bullets is very natural, and this one has also been added to his next agenda; therefore, in one respect, Ye Qi’s trip to Shak has become more and more urgent; This must be waited until the retreat of the Holy See is repeated; after all, the latter is an imminent thing.

"Tate, now back ten yards!"

When Ye Qi, who holds the bullet of yellow orange and orange in his hand, finished aiming at the most violent place in the center of the ground, he threw it in the past; at the same time, the whole person quickly retreated, although he did not understand the magic in front of him. Which kind of trap is it, but its violent fluctuations are the most intense when he enters the corridor. Obviously not irritating; competing with magic traps. Such an idea does not exist in Ye Qi's mind. Retreating is a wise choice.


At the moment when the bullet landed on the floor, a sound like a worm sounded in the entire corridor. As the blue light flashed, only the point where the bullet touched the floor began, the cold appeared out of thin air, and the raging tumbling around. Hey, the frost and the ice layer appeared in the corridor with the chilling tumbling, and they spread to the two sides respectively; the momentum did not slow down until Ye Qi and Tate stood before. And until they reached their feet, the cold gradually dissipated.


The involuntary Tate knocked on the frozen ground in front of him and immediately made a dull noise.

"It’s frozen here, at least after ten centimeters, if it’s the middle...”

Speaking of this, Tate, in the face of the chill of the face, involuntarily hit a chill before the trap triggered, the sudden appearance of the cold, and the speed of the tumbling after he, but he looked in the eyes; Tate does not think He can match that speed. In particular, this trap covers almost the corridor of nearly fifty yards in front, even if it is faster than him. It will still be frozen and chilled.

"In the middle of the day, even steel, it has to be frozen into ice in a flash!"

When I got to the point where the bullets were before, the magic trap broke out in the middle, looked up at the ceiling that was within reach, and looked down at the bullets that were already blurred in the ice. Ye Qi estimated that the power of this trap was only Some moisture, in an instant, formed a five-foot ice, and this is still a thousand years of consumption, if it is just completed this magic trap, it is absolutely possible to completely freeze this corridor!

It seems that this trap should have the meaning of hindering the enemy to continue deepening!

Taking back the gaze of the ice, Ye Qi’s eyes looked forward in his blind sense, here is the last place in his perception that there is a magical wave that can form a threat; although there are still some places in the front Magic fluctuations, but basically the fluctuations that are like the magic crystal is about to be completely exhausted, can be neglected; obviously, the magic trap that I just experienced is the one that the dark wizard left after leaving his lab. The last trap in the perimeter corridor!

Then the next step should be the apprentice's lab!

I once asked the young witch of Merlin about Ye Qi, who is in the dark wizard's laboratory. It is clear that a normal dark wizard's laboratory, in addition to the outer building and the core's own laboratory, also There are apprentices' living rooms, laboratories, magic material storage centers, and breeding rooms for special animals and plants.

Of course, this is only what an ordinary wizard requires, and if it is a higher level wizard, they will choose the wizard tower.

Compared to the ordinary wizard laboratory, the wizard tower is expanded several times in the size of the general laboratory. Not only will there be an energy room that maintains the wizard tower, but also the star-gauge platform that may appear on the top layer. There should be a giant magical array that can be a floating and moving wizard tower. The laboratory in front of the lab is not the structure of the wizard tower, but its area is enough to tell Ye Qi that the identity of the wizard is not normal; the witch tower has Everything, there must be here, even the Wushu Tower does not have it here; after all, compared to the limited area of ​​the Witch Tower, the vast underground space is enough for the wizard to store something.

Otherwise, he does not have to choose to create such a huge space underneath, even Ye Qi's blind bucket perception can not be covered; to know that the scope of blind bucket perception is limited, but in the market of the Qianguma District, it is enough to cover Almost one-fifth of the area, even if the market in the Chinum area is not crowded, or the traditional market, but the area is not small, one-fifth of the area is enough to have a small parking lot. .

Maybe this time there will be an unexpected gain!

With this in mind, Ye Qi and Tate walked to the end of the corridor, then walked along the wall and turned to the side; a downward **** of about thirty degrees appeared again in front of the two people from entering At the beginning of this rock wall corridor, the two have been turned three times in a row, and each time is in one direction; it is clear that the dark wizard's rock wall corridor is a continuous downward 'mouth' shape.

"We are at least thirty feet from the ground!" After walking down a slope, Tate estimated it and said to Ye Qi: "And. We have to go deeper into the situation!"

"Do not worry. It should not be too far!" After another **** of Ye Qi. Finally, I felt the familiar and steady fluctuations at the end of the distance. I couldn’t help but smile. However, the feeling of the two sides at different heights made Ye Qi frown. “Tat, have you discovered that this corridor is very similar? Is it a special staircase?"

"Special stairs?"

"Well! You didn't find us going down the corridor, but the distance you didn't go through a **** would be less; it's like starting from the rounded area of ​​a cone that has been plunged from a pointed tip. The circle is down and finally reaches the bottom!" After thinking about it, Ye Qi concluded.

"It seems like this!" Recalling the scene when passing by, Tate did not nod his head, and then wondered: "How can there be such a building?"

"Don't know? If we move on, maybe we will know the answer!"

"Compared to the answer, I would like to see Jacob and Ferribe a few of them!"

Shrugging, Tate did not care that it was obvious that the style of the building, the demon hunter did not care, he was more worried about his companions.

"From the current situation. They are fine! Let's go, let's go!"

Through the blind bucket, the smooth fluctuations transmitted from the inside are perceived. Ye Qi, who already knows that a few people are fine, said very confidently.

"I hope so!"

Tate looked at Ye Qi's confident back and whispered a word and immediately stepped up to catch up.


"Ferry Bay, what is going on here?"

A cage with a round dome that can only be held by an adult bent over is like a magnified bird cage; especially when these cages are all suspended from the ceiling, it is the first sight. I thought of a bird cage; even Jacob, who is in a cage, is no exception. Jacob, who had just woke up, looked at the cage in his body, and looked at Ferribe, who was still in the cage and was squinting at him, and thought of the sudden emergence of the army. At the time of the battle, Jacob immediately greeted Faribey with a ugly face.

"I do not know either!"

Feeling very innocently looking at Jacob, his face looked aggrieved: "I just want to take Tate to see the sudden emergence of the lake! Who knows where to go, the lake did not see, actually encountered two Hey, Tat was stunned as soon as he appeared; I could only walk and walk the two cockroaches, but in the end I was stunned and brought here; then you were stunned by a group of people. Here it is!"

"Freiber, you guy! Waiting for me to go out, I will definitely shut you down in this cage for a month!"

After a hunter from Jacob in the coma, after hearing the answer from Freibe, he immediately said that he did not breathe. Obviously, no hunter liked to be locked in a cage, especially The cage resembling a bird cage, hanging high on the ceiling, is like being appreciated; this makes all the hunters in the room feel humiliated, the waking, tempered hunter, rushing to the palm of his hand After spitting in the mouth, it was already on the edge of the cage. The two hands held the cage. Only the irons of the adult index finger began to forcefully pull up on both sides.

Obviously, this hunter does not think that such a cage can handle him.

"Oh, yeah..."

The sound squeezed out of his throat and his face turned red. Undoubtedly, the demon hunter had already exerted his strength, but the irons of the cage did not move at all; he released his hands, the demon hunter. The eyes are incredulously looking at the irons that can be bent in his cognition.

"Brace, don't waste your efforts. Do you think I haven't tried it? Although your strength is bigger than me, it's impossible to bend these irons!" Ferribe sat in the cage and directed at the hunter. The devil put his hand in his hand: "And, those keyholes can't be touched, there will be current, enough to make us paralyzed and faint again!"

"It's not just If I look at it right, the moment when these irons are bent, the current will erupt all in an instant, enough to turn me into a 'roasted bird'!" Jacob Retracted the gaze placed on the lock hole of the cage, and said slowly with a characteristic hoarse voice.

"What do we do? Just wait here?" Bres, who was impatient, pointed to the table with their weapons and equipment under the cage, and shouted out: "Look at the dust there, except for our traces. The rest of the place is already a thick layer; it has not been known for many years that no one has been here! We are waiting here, there is no food, no water, and only one body will be left in a month!"

"Can't use it, one month! Up to a day or two, someone will come to us!" Ferribe smiled and turned to look at his friend: "Yes, Jacob?"


Jacob nodded slowly.

"You mean the headquarters is coming?"

Brees also reacted a little at this time, and could not help but be surprised.

"Do not worry, this time is the son-in-law of Jacob! Although the guy hates a little, but the ability is absolutely no problem!" Feribey said that someone could not help but think of the gamble at the time, immediately subconsciously stunned Grinning corners.

"Shack's Dragon?!"

Compared to Ferribe, Brace is exclaimed loudly.

PS second more~

I would like to thank the prodigal son of the four seas for the reward of 200 coins, the breakthrough of the 200 yuan for the reward, the reward for the sn100 coin, the reward for the quiet 100 yuan, and the reward for the 100 yuan of the dream の~~~ All brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~

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